MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 47

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T'Challa's magic resistance is not low, but in an instant, he feels his feet sinking, his head is dazed, his body seems to be a little disobedient, and he will soon recover.

But this moment was enough for a tornado to smear his face.

There was a loud "bang"!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, his attack failed at the very beginning, and he flew out in the air!

The Wakanda executives who came with him were all shocked: "Shoot! Shoot!"

The muzzle of the aircraft suspended in the air instantly emitted a dazzling light.

Seeing this, Lynn suddenly had a smile on his face.

"I heard that the vibrating gold in Wakanda comes from meteorites that fell from the sky many years ago..."

In his pupils, two flames burned silently: " you want to see and see?".

Chapter 64 Megatron Wakanda! Vibration gold deal!

As Lynn's voice spread, everyone, including T'Challa, felt something strange.

The surrounding temperature suddenly soared.

You know, Wakanda is located in Africa, and it is extremely hot. T'Challa and others have long been used to the high temperature, but at this moment, they all feel a burning sensation that stings their skin.

This burning sensation not only comes from the outside world, but also partly comes from the heart!

It was as if their souls had been ignited!

Everyone raised their heads subconsciously—

In the high sky, a huge meteorite roared and fell with majestic flames. From far to near, it became bigger and bigger. Wherever it passed, the sky twisted strangely!

A sense of terror and oppression that destroys the world crushes in the air!

Everyone's faces turned extremely pale in an instant, and the black panther was like a feline blowing fur, its tailbone trembling violently!

"Open the defensive cover! The energy is activated 100%!"

He roared immediately, his voice full of panic.

In order to save energy, the energy shield on the outer layer of Wakanda usually only has a small part of defense power, and the most important functions are concealment and detection.

Theoretically speaking, once the defensive cover is 100% opened, no weapon on earth can break through.

It seems easy to block a meteorite.

But that's in theory after all...

Since Wakanda developed the energy shield technology, when did you experience the scene of meteorites falling from the sky? It won't be all right to pull a meteorite down, test it, right?

Especially the meteorite that appeared in the sky was obviously different from normal meteorites!

During the high-speed fall, it rubbed against the atmosphere violently, but it didn't become smaller. Instead, as the distance approached, it became larger visible to the naked eye!

The color of the flames burning outside is also changing crazily!

Red, Crimson, Maroon, Purple, Black…

The flame carried by the meteorite turned black!

Although I don't understand what this scene means, such a strange flame immediately made T'Challa and everyone else shudder, as if seeing endless collapse and destruction!

And the most important thing is!

When the black meteorite was only 100 meters away from the defensive cover, the second, third, and even endless small flaming meteorites appeared in the rear, densely packed and almost covering the entire sky!

This magic is not a single body!

Six Rings Meteor Storm!

Six Rings: Fire God Extinguishing Magic!

This is Lynn's confidence to break into Wakanda alone!

During this period of time, his magical power has grown by leaps and bounds, and the daily magic created by (bgag) has reached the level of the sixth ring!

Six-ring magic is called a forbidden curse!

The power is completely different from the five-ring magic!

"Great Gift Crab (Wakanda)!!"

T'Challa and everyone else stopped breathing. The situation was too frightening. They suddenly lost confidence in Kandako's powerful skills...

There is actually someone in this world who has mastered such a powerful force? !

Could it be that he is a legendary god? !

At the critical moment, King T'Chaka of Wakanda, who had never shown up, finally couldn't sit still.

"Mr. Lynn, Wakanda and mutants have no grievances, this is a misunderstanding..."

A significantly more luxurious and advanced aircraft whizzed over from the palace building, and an apologetic voice came from it: "Please take back your superpowers, Wakanda will receive the King of Mutants with the most solemn etiquette !"

Lynn raised his eyebrows slightly.

"How good is it this early?"

The corner of his mouth curved into a half-smile.

Under the almost dull eyes of Techara and others, his right hand crossed the top of his head, pointed to the sky, and stretched out a finger to hook lightly.

The next moment, the black flames of the densely packed small meteorites in the sky suddenly disappeared and turned into bare meteorite fragments, crashing into the defensive cover.

As for the largest one, the black flame rose even higher, but it suddenly drew a beautiful arc, brushing against the defensive cover and darting towards the far west.

Over there is a virgin forest.


A terrifying explosion sounded suddenly, and the soaring black flames pierced the sky, and half of the sky entered the night in an instant, as if everything in it had been swallowed clean.

Even though they were far away, everyone still felt the strong heat wave and strong wind, and the earth trembled continuously for a long time.

The sound of gasping for air came and went.

Although I didn't witness the power of the meteorite with my own eyes, the terrible darkness almost swallowed even Wakanda, obviously it was definitely not an ordinary flame.

If it really hits the defensive cover...

The consequences could be disastrous!

Fortunately, although the power of those small meteorite fragments is also very strong, they are firmly blocked by the defensive cover.

T'Challa took a deep breath and looked at the speeding king's car: "Father..."

The current king of Wakanda, also wearing a black panther suit, jumped out of the aircraft.

Several ups and downs appeared in front of Lynn.

King to King!

"Mr. Lynn's super power is amazing..."

T'Chaka is worthy of being the king of a country, with extraordinary knowledge and bearing. Seeing that Lynn accepted the magic without hesitation, he knew that Lynn was not malicious.

Therefore, when he spoke, it was as if what happened just now had never happened at all.

The attitude is extremely friendly.

The strong are always respected.

Especially in Wakanda, a wild place with advanced technology but advocating personal force.

"I, T'Chaka, the current king of Wakanda, welcome the distinguished king of mutants!"

T'Chaka put away his mask and looked at Lynn with a smile on his face: "I don't know if Mr. Lynn is here this time, what advice do you have?"

"Meet King T'Chaka!"

Lin En's attitude was also very friendly, as if the scene just now had nothing to do with him.

And he spoke as simple and direct as ever: "I heard that although Wakanda lives in seclusion, it has the most advanced technological level on earth. I am here on behalf of the mutants. Naturally, I want to establish diplomatic relations and strengthen each other's technology. comminicate."

This was too official, T'Chaka didn't react for a while.

The Black Panther and the others behind were even more bewildered.

"with all due respect…"

T'Chaka hesitated, but said, "The mutants don't seem to have established a country, so how can we talk about diplomacy?"

He called Lin En the king of mutants just now, it was really just to save face.

Wakanda has a powerful intelligence system, and it knows many things about the outside world. Naturally, it also knows that mutants are a group excluded from mainstream society.

Such a group, come to seek diplomatic relations?

No matter how you think about it, it's a bit magical.

"Not now, doesn't mean there won't be in the future."

Lynn smiled, confident and calm.

T'Chaka was slightly shocked when he thought of the strength he had shown just now.

Although the mutants do not have the technology of Wakanda, they have powerful superpowers. If they can unite and form a seems not unimaginable?

As soon as he thought of this, he stopped entanglement, but there was still doubt in his eyes: "I don't know what Mr. Lin En said about technical exchanges...?"

Wakanda's technology stands at the top of the earth!

Technology Exchange?

What can mutants bring us?

This question is also what Black Panther and other Wakanda people want to know.

Lynn made no secret of this: "Of course it's Zhenjin!"

As soon as this remark came out, the pupils of all Wakanda shrank.

as expected!

All the people who come to Wakanda are here for Zhenjin! .

Chapter 65 talks about the rules, but not completely!

There is no doubt that Wakanda can have such a world-leading technology today, all relying on vibration gold and the technology derived from vibration gold.

Without Zhenjin, this is just a barbaric and primitive tribe.

Because of this, Wakanda values ​​shock above all else, or rather, possessively above all else.

King T'Chaka was polite to Lin En last second, but when he heard the word Zhenjin, his face changed instantly.

But he didn't directly refuse.

Facing such an unfathomable mutant like Lynn, no matter how angry he was, he still maintained his basic rationality.

"Mr. Lynn wants to buy Vibranium?"

He frowned and thought for a while, and then nodded: "Although Wakanda lives in seclusion, it also maintains some trade relations with the outside world. The price of Zhenjin in the market is 10,000 US dollars per gram. I can make the decision. Sell ​​you some!"

Apparently, he wanted to exchange some vibrating gold for Lin En~'s kindness.

It's just that he didn't expect it.

When Lynn heard this, he laughed unabashedly.

"Ten thousand dollars is the price on the black market, right? King T'Chaka is so dishonest?"

Ignoring T'Chaka's gaze, he said to himself: "As far as I know, Wakanda's main source of income is the sale of vibrating gold, but over the years, you have been strictly controlling the number of exports, making the vibrating gold outside extremely rare…"

"Things are rare and expensive, it's normal..."

"But the price of Zhenjin can be so high, is it really because of its own value?"

"It's nothing more than there is no outside, but you are hoarding it."

Lynn talked eloquently and hit the nail on the head.

As the only exotic metal in the world that can absorb kinetic energy, vibrating gold is indeed extremely valuable.

Read The Duke's Passion