MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 64

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"Chief Ferry was joking."

Lynn looked at him calmly: "X College has no intention of being an enemy of anyone, we just want to do what we should do, nothing more."

"hope so!"

After Nick Fury finished speaking, he jumped into the vortex without hesitation.

Coulson looked bewildered, but followed closely.

The light and shadow changed, and the two reappeared on the edge of the giant pit.

At this time, the night is dark, and everything is silent,

The dozens of mutants dismissed by Lynn have disappeared, only the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are still waiting for their boss to return.

"Boss, are we leaving like this?"

Coulson was puzzled, holding a hamburger in his hand: "It took us a long time to enter the New X Academy, isn't it just to talk to Professor Charles..."

"It's not necessary, Coulson!"

Nick Fury's footsteps stopped, and his voice trembled slightly in the darkness.

Coulson was keenly aware of the strangeness of his boss: "Boss, do you know what these mutants are up to?"

Nick Fury was silent for a moment.

Suddenly it exploded.

"Colson, do you know why the authorities have always been afraid of mutants and their ability to secretly study mutants, but until now, even a small "Mutant Registration Act" has not been officially implemented?!"

He yelled, and without waiting for Coulson to respond, he continued: "Because in the eyes of the higher-ups, mutants can't be popular at all! Because the **** Magneto and the **** Professor X are not the same way! Because the **** The mutant community is a mess!"

"But now, look at Academy X, no, look at what that Lynn has done?!"

"He integrated the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants, so that the old enemies of Magneto and Professor X can work together!"

"what does this mean?"

"It means that he wants to integrate all mutants step by step through the way X Academy recruits students!"

"He also found a bunch of allies for the mutants, and Tony Stark stood with him!"

"And the princess of Wakanda, do you know how difficult it is for us to buy a little vibranium from Wakanda? He even asked the princess of Wakanda to come to the academy as a professor!"

"Professor shit!"

"Look at his school motto again!"

"Mutants have always been in a state of disunity, because the only thing this group has in common is that they possess superpowers, and there is no other connection other than that..."

"But if all mutants have the same goal, then this group will no longer be scattered and isolated, and they will have a unified thought!"

"Besides that, he even found a lot of scientists to teach mutants knowledge other than superpowers!"

"what is this?!"

"He also has superpowers, talents in various fields, unified ideological support, and has been trying to control public opinion..."

"This is using the method of building a political party to transform the group of mutants!"

"What is he going to do, and what the **** is he thinking about?!"

"We still need to ask Professor Charles?!"

Nick Fury was obviously greatly stimulated, a series of "Fuck" came out of his mouth, and Coulson was dumbfounded when he heard it.

Immediately afterwards, he took a deep breath.

"Boss, you mean..."

Coulson's face changed several times within a few seconds, no matter how he thought about it, he felt incredible: "If that's the case, why did he take the initiative to let us participate in this opening ceremony..."

"This is deterrence!"

Nick Fury took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down: "He's not afraid of us knowing this at all. He just uses this opening ceremony to let us know... the mutants now are different from before!"

"They don't need to hide anymore, and they don't need to look at the faces of officials, the military, or even S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

"He just showed his muscles openly and warned us not to have any bad thoughts!"

Coulson fell into a long silence.

He already understood why Nick Freedo didn't want to stay at Academy X for a second, and why he gave up the meeting with Professor Charles directly.

Indeed, it is no longer necessary.

"Mutants... want to turn the sky upside down..."

The night wind was cold, and Coulson shivered before waking up from the horror: "Then... what should we do? Do nothing?"

Nick Fury didn't speak.

The two looked at each other silently.

For a moment, there was a sense of bewilderment with nowhere to start.

To say something that strengthens the ambitions of others and destroys one's prestige, with the current strength of the X Academy, and the powerful power that Lynn displayed tonight... he really has the qualifications not to take S.H.I.E.L.D.

That's not the point.......

The point is, Lynn has made it clear that the X Academy has no intention of being an enemy of anyone.

The implication is obviously that as long as S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't mess with it, Academy X won't bother to talk to it.

In this case, is it necessary to take the initiative to provoke?

In case of angering them, Professor X and Magneto jointly dispatched, whether S.H.I.E.L.D. can stop it is really a question!

Do you want to ask Captain Marvel for help!

But if they are left alone, if this group of people is allowed to develop like this, it will not be long before the mutant group is baptized, and it is bound to become a big phenomenon!

I don't know how long it has been.

The two opened their mouths at the same time, but at the same time they hesitated to speak.

Then, both sighed.

"We... don't even know where they are..."

I went to X Academy once, but I didn't seem to go.

This feeling made Nick Fury, who has always been resourceful and frequent, couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

But he is worthy of being the boss of S.H.I.E.L.D., and he was not really hit.

After frowning and thinking for a long time.

He ordered in an orderly manner: "Colson, contact Stark tomorrow. I want to know what's going on with him. Do you still want the Stark Group's business?"

"Let Barton (Eagle Eye) go to Wakanda, I want to know what agreement they reached with the mutants, and even sent out the princess!"

"Tell Natasha to find Matt Murdoch. Isn't he fighting crime in Hell's Kitchen all day long? How can he still have time to be a teacher?"

"Also, increase the monitoring. The teachers and students in Academy X will always be on vacation. As long as they find the target and contact them immediately, I don't believe it... Is there really no clue about the location of the academy?"

After issuing a series of orders, he paused, and then added in a low voice: "In addition, inform Base 0.6 Zero that the research on the Rubik's Cube must be accelerated!"

[At this time, S.H.I.E.L.D. probably doesn't know the name of the Rubik's Cube, so I used it in advance for the convenience of everyone's memory]


Coulson wrote down one by one, and asked curiously: "Boss, then you..."

"I'm going to find new members of the Avengers!"

Nick Fury didn't know what he was thinking, and muttered to himself: "No matter when it comes, power... is the root of everything!"

Coulson was silent.

He turned his head and glanced at the huge pit behind him: "Do you want to block this place?"

"Not for now, just keep monitoring!"

Nick Fury shook his head. If this place is blocked, it will undoubtedly be a provocation to X Academy. The current situation is obviously not the time.

Coulson nodded.

The two started walking again and walked towards the Quin-type fighter.

The night wind continued to blow.

Faintly, it seemed that there was a whisper.

"Boss, I always feel that Lynn took the initiative to invite us to watch the ceremony, it's not just as simple as shocking..."

Chapter 82 In the name of the academy, do official things!

X Academy ushered in unprecedented excitement.

Although the appearance of Magneto greatly exceeded the expectations of Professor X and others, the whole thing was undoubtedly developing in a direction beneficial to the mutants, so they did not explode on the spot.

Next, it depends on the later running-in.

For these, Lynn does not intend to intervene.

It was his original idea to form three schools headed by Professor X, Magneto, and Dr. Banner in the academy.

Professor X cultivates abilities, Magneto tempers his will, and Dr. Banner imparts knowledge...

Three-pronged approach, students can get all-round improvement!

Therefore, the new X Academy will be a typical example of easy admission and difficult graduation. Every student must excel in at least one field in order to graduate smoothly.

This is also what Lynn is planning to implement... The New Mutants Hierarchy System!

"The college does not divide grades by age, but by ability and knowledge."

"The start-of-term assessment will be held three days later. All students...including the original ones...must participate. Based on the assessment results, the grade they are in will be determined."

"The elementary school conducts basic knowledge education, allowing students to initially master their own superpowers."

"From the middle school, majors are divided, professional courses are compulsory, and non-professional courses are optional."

"Students with non-combat ability can choose law, physics, medicine and other majors according to their own interests."

"When you arrive at the university department, you will start regular assessment."

"Those who pass one round of assessment are level-one mutants, those who pass the second round are level-two mutants, and those who pass three rounds are level-three mutants. If they can be assessed as level-four mutants, they can graduate smoothly."

The principal's office of Professor X16 has been enlarged more than ten times by Lynn using the traceless stretching spell.

The core professors of the college gathered around a giant conference table, listening to Lynn speak.

This kind of teaching change is obviously nothing to Magneto, Dr. Banner, Tony and others, but to Professor X and others, it is completely different from before.

Phoenix Girl and Storm Girl looked at each other, and the former said: "How to conduct this kind of assessment? How to balance the control of superpowers and the control of professional knowledge?"

"According to different majors, the emphasis is different."

Lynn snapped his fingers, and stacks of information suddenly appeared on the table in front of everyone: "Seventy percent of the assessment for the students of the super energy department is the mastery of their own abilities, and 70 percent is the mastery of a certain professional knowledge." Thirty, students of other majors are just the opposite..."

"In short, what the academy wants to cultivate is elite talents with both muscles and brains!"

"Even, this is only one aspect of the assessment."

He paused for a while, leaving time for everyone to read the information, and then continued: "On the other hand, it is a thesis, whether it is the research, discovery, or conjecture of his own superpowers, or the summary and research of this professional knowledge, You can submit articles to the school journal, and every time you publish a paper, you will get corresponding bonus points."

"If you can combine superpowers and professionalism to produce some kind of exquisite chemical reaction, your score will be doubled!"

If everyone realizes something.

This undoubtedly echoed Lynn's speech at the opening ceremony.

Treat superpowers as a profession and encourage students to research and develop them.

"I seem to have returned to my college days..."

Dr. Banner smiled, he was very familiar with these, and felt very kind.

Beast frowned slightly and said, "Lynn, the combination of superpowers and professions... What exactly do you mean?"

He agreed to come back to serve as a professor entirely because of Professor X's invitation. Therefore, he didn't know much about the outstanding graduates of Lynn's college.

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