MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 65

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Originally, he just wanted to do it first, and if he had other plans in the future, he would talk about it.

But after the extraordinary opening ceremony just now, he was suddenly full of expectations for the future of the new X Academy.

The whole person has also become full of enthusiasm.

"For example, Principal Charles' brain wave enhancer can amplify his own superpowers, and Principal Magneto's anti-psychic helmet can resist other people's psychic attacks..."

Lynn explained patiently, snapped his fingers again and said, "Another example is this..."

A long broom appeared out of nowhere on the conference table.

Under everyone's puzzled eyes, Lynn flicked his fingers, and a page of paper on the table suddenly folded by itself, first turning into a paper figure, and then rapidly growing in size.

With a flash of light around him, the paper figurine turned into a person exactly like Wolverine!

"WTF! Lynn, this joke isn't funny at all..."

Logan immediately protested, but to no avail.

He could only watch "myself" jump up and sit on the broom. At that moment, he felt a kind of ballsy sadness for no reason.

But then, his eyes straightened.

I saw a person sitting on the broom, and it flew out with a "swoosh"!

"Great gift crab special—"

Not just Wolverine, the faces of many people present changed slightly: "This broom can carry people to fly? Can it do without the superpower of flying?!"

Because of the Untraceable Stretching Curse, the space in the conference room is quite large and high, so the "Wolverine" controls the broomstick up and down, fast and slow, and it even suddenly lowered its height, sticking to Luo Roots of hair whizzing by!

This time, everyone understood.

This... is the combination of super power and professionalism!

Although this broomstick obviously has the magic cast by Lynn, and among the mutants, there are very few such comprehensive abilities as him, but those with a single ability can definitely work hard in this direction!

They don't have magic, but they can learn technology!

Isn't Charles's brain wave enhancer made in this way? !

"It's no wonder Lynn puts so much emphasis on teaching technology..."

Professor X and Magneto glanced at each other quietly, and they both saw the strangeness in each other's eyes. Even in their city, they couldn't help but feel sincere admiration for Lynn's foresight.

On the other side, Tony was equally amazed: "No wonder Lynn said that mutants will change the world..."

At this moment, he no longer had any doubts about Lynn's theory of genetic evolution.

The emergence of mutants is indeed the direction of human evolution, but in the past, the development of mutants was disorderly and chaotic, until now, under Lynn's guidance, they are developing in the right direction!

If things go on like this, human civilization will progress by leaps and bounds!

Myself, come on!

"Lynn, is this thing for sale? Wakanda can buy it!"

Princess Su Rui spoke suddenly, showing great interest in this broomstick, paused, and added: "Uh... use vibrating gold!"

The word "Zhenjin" was spread, and everyone's heart trembled when they heard it.

All eyes gathered together.

It's just...complicated.

"Of course, you can ask your brother to talk to Teacher Orolo."

Lin En nodded, he would not tell Princess Su Rui that this broomstick was just made by him to satisfy his own bad taste when he was extremely bored.

If you really want to make flying magic props, how can you choose a broom?

Don't you sit down?


Professor X smiled happily, and suddenly said: "Students can only graduate after passing the fourth level. Isn't the requirement too high?"

He raised the information in his hand, his face was a little shocked: "According to the series of assessment standards you listed, I'm afraid our professor can only be regarded as level five..."

Apparently, he thought Lynn's standards were too strict.

According to this information, he and Magneto can be rated as level 6, and the X-Men are basically level 5. Under this rating system, students need to reach level 4 to graduate?

How stressed are the students? !

"Principal, this is not just a common assessment mechanism in the academy!"

Lin En raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked around everyone seriously: "I hope that all mutants in the world will come to participate in the assessment. As long as they pass, the academy will issue corresponding certification badges, from level one to level four...even five class!"

"Mutants with a badge will have the opportunity to work in a mutant company and will be recognized by the academy. No matter what happens in the future, they can go to the mutant personnel 543 bureau for help!"

As soon as these words came out, all the mutants including X trembled.

The non-mutant professor also reacted instantly: "Identity verification?!"

There are smart people here.

Where do you not understand the purpose of this move?

Lynn, this is the official organization that wants to make the academy into a mutant group!

College Open Enrollment…

Establish Mutant Affairs Bureau...

Introducing a new hierarchy among mutants...

this step by step...

It is clearly interlocking, and it has been premeditated!

"In the name of the academy, doing official things..."

Professor X and Magneto looked at each other again. This time, they really felt that they were old. Compared with Lynn's plan, their previous affairs can only be said to be trivial.

Forget it, stop fussing.

Be a principal (vice principal) with peace of mind.

"So, what method should we use to get all the mutants to participate in the assessment?"

Phoenix Girl broke away from the shock, and said: "And the registration point of the academy has been exposed. If there are really too many mutants appearing, SHIELD will not sit idly by!"

Obviously, she didn't understand Lynn's invitation to Nick Fury to watch the ceremony.

Lynn didn't explain either.

He just looked at her teasingly, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ge Lei, have you core identity?"

Phoenix Girl was slightly taken aback.

Isn't Lin En's identity the honorary principal of the academy?


He seems to be... the chairman of the second world? !

I don't know why, obviously it hasn't been that long, but the memories of the second world in Phoenix Girl's mind seem to be a little far away.

It's just that too many things have happened during this period, and she still has an inexplicable sense of unreality until now.

Looking back at this moment, a thought suddenly appeared in my mind.

The "Oasis" project is about to officially set sail! .

Chapter 83 Warm up the second wave! "Oasis" Pioneer Experience Program!

A few days later.

White Queen Emma Frost officially takes over as Director of Mutant Affairs.

X Daily made a special report on this matter on the mutant channel.

Although this department is a complete empty shell, with important people, no one asking for money, no money, and not even a decent office, it is definitely the most friendly cooperation between mutants and officials in so many years!

A lot of people took this as a sign...

A signal that mutants have been officially recognized!

The resulting impact is that more and more people have changed their attitudes towards mutants. After all, mutants even have specialized law enforcement agencies. If they encounter mutant crimes in the future, they can report the crime directly. deal with.

to be honest.

Mutants have been integrated into the rules, and they seem to be less scary.

This change in thinking is subtle, and as time goes by, it will affect more and more people!

Some people even read the report, and a question naturally appeared in their minds: "If this continues, the number of X-Men will definitely increase. Will it become another independent police system one day?"

The answer to this question, of course, no one knows now.

But not many people really care.

Because, they quickly attracted attention to another video.

Today, the popularity of X Daily has been completely unstoppable, and more and more people have participated in it, posting videos to share their lives, and countless new accounts are opened every day.

This video comes from a channel called "Second World".

The Hulk Hulk appeared on the screen!


I saw the big green guy roaring wildly, chasing an ordinary young man, as if there was a deep hatred between the two, he pulled up a big tree on the side of the road and threw it over.

The young man dodged in embarrassment, and as soon as he hid next to a car, he heard the sound of "bang" and "bang" incessantly, and the cars were thrown into the air by Hulk, falling like raindrops.

"Big guy, it's almost done, don't bully people too much..."

The young man ran away in a panic, and the people watching were extremely excited.

He rushed all the way, and when he saw a person who had just stopped and opened the door, he pulled him out and sat in the cab instead.

Step on the accelerator directly to the bottom, and the sports car shoots out like an arrow from the string.

To the surprise of all the audience, Hulk turned a blind eye to the person whose car was robbed, and still ran after the young man, and he didn't even seem to see other people on the road.

After chasing and fleeing, countless exclamations and panic were set off.

A few seconds later, the sports car rushed onto the world-renowned Golden Gate Bridge, and Hulk jumped high, swinging between the bridge frames one after another. On the hood of the sports car!

The sports car was instantly overturned!

The young man was thrown out of the car window directly!

Countless vehicles on the bridge collided one after another!

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but feel worried. That day, the big battle between Hulk and Abomination also caused a huge disaster like this...

But at this moment, they saw the young man's face without the slightest fear!

Instead, there was a touch of anger!


With a loud shout, the young man was in the air, his clothes suddenly changed, and he turned into Gotham Knight Batman, and a claw gun appeared out of thin air in his hand.

With a sound of "`ˇbang", the claws shot out and nailed to the steel structure at the height of the bridge.

With the pulling force of the claws, the young man passed over Hulk's head unharmed, and stood on the high steel structure a few seconds later, looking down at Hulk.

Hulk naturally wouldn't let him go, he jumped up again with a violent roar.

"You forced me!"

The young man snarled, and changed his clothes again, and turned into the well-known Superman again. Those familiar battle suits and bright red capes will never be forgotten by anyone who has read the news!

How is this going?

The minds of the audience were full of questions, and before they could react, the Superman in the screen flew out with a "swoosh" and had a head-on collision with Hulk's fist!

In the sound of "bang", "bang" and "bang", Hulk was directly smashed to the ground, and the concrete bridge was almost smashed through!

But then he jumped out again, and his strength seemed to be stronger than before!

"It's not over, is it?"

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy