MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 89

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In a space that does not exist in the real world, Lin En held the Rubik's Cube and the spiritual scepter in his hands, and laughed happily.

"The Supreme Master Huyou came to the academy to give a lecture..."

"This feeling, a word..."


Chapter 108 Infinite Staff! A real oasis world!

The white space barrier is like the sky, covering it down, forming a closed space about the size of the X Academy's location.

The east side of the space is filled with densely packed various ores.

At every moment, dozens or hundreds of ores fly out by themselves and are thrown into the furnaces in the south of the space. After complex and repeated tempering, they turn into pieces of alloy pieces the size of mobile phone cards.

These ores are very common, and the alloys produced by smelting are not unusual.

But they have one more special function...


As if being manipulated by invisible hands, one by one alloy cards flew to the west of the space by themselves, and plunged into a colorful lake.

These are not real lakes, but magical tides intertwined with countless magical energies.

Because the energy is too rich, it looks like a substance.

When the alloy card entered, ripples as thin as silk hair appeared in the lake water, pouring into the card in an orderly manner like thousands of rivers returning to the sea, forming mysterious and complicated inscriptions on the card body.

When the cards left the "lake" and piled up on the north side of the space, these inscriptions had disappeared, and they seemed to have returned to their ordinary appearance.

If the professors or students of Academy X were here, they would definitely cry out in surprise.

Because these cards…

It is the core chip of the "Oasis" login device!

Before that, Phoenix Girl, who had spent a lot of time at the Second World Headquarters, had asked Lynn more than once that the "Oasis" bracelet, helmet, and game cabin were all produced by the factory. Where is the core chip manufactured? ?

The answer, obviously, is here!

This is the deepest secret under the X Academy!

A special magical space opened up by Lynn!

"Ten years of accumulation, today I finally gained something..."

At this moment, he was standing on a high platform in the center of the space.

In front of him, stood a strange object made of gray mist, shaped like a torch, but the handle was at least 1.6 meters high, and the top was like a lotus flower blooming. A touch of "flame".

On the six lotus leaves, there is a whirlpool faintly.

Obviously, this thing has no entity, more like a shape.

Lynn held the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the Mind Scepter in both hands, and the powerful power endowed by the Man of Steel was activated at the same time. He heard two "pops" and "pops", and the Rubik's Cube and the crystal of the scepter were crushed into pieces at the same time!

At the same time, an infinite gemstone appeared in the palms of his hands!

Blue and yellow rays of light interweave into a strange halo around him from left to right!

"Come on!"

Without any hesitation, Lin En stretched out both hands, and placed the Space Gem and the Mind Gem in the vortex of the two lotus leaves respectively!


A ripple of yellow and blue intertwined suddenly stirred up, and the whole space trembled violently, and all kinds of magic contained in it were almost washed away on the spot!

Lin En turned a blind eye, and grabbed the handle formed by the condensed gray mist with his hand, and the majestic magic power poured into it like water from a gate.

next moment…

Yellow and blue flames suddenly appeared in his pupils!

It seems to exist from ancient times, and it will last forever!

"Infinite Staff..."

"Help me open up a real oasis world!"

With a soft moan, Lynn revealed the biggest secret in this space.

The countless magic arrays hidden underground gather on the high platform here like a spider web, forming an infinitely intertwined node, not only the magic core of this space...

It is also the main server of "Oasis"!

And this is not a torch, but a staff!

Before this, this staff was completely invisible and intangible, but after inlaid with the two infinite gems of space and mind, it realized a part of it! !

boom! !

As if the big bang at the beginning of the universe appeared, the flames at the top of the staff suddenly gathered into one point, and then exploded with a loud bang!

A real world has appeared!

First of all, on a blue planet, life is born one by one, and tall buildings rise from the ground... It is exactly the same as the scene in the world of "Oasis"!

Then, the perspective is widened, and more planets appear, stars, galaxies, galaxies, universes...

Lynn didn't pay attention to the scene in the depths of the universe. His attention was always focused on the earth.

On the faces of all NPCs, vivid expressions appeared...

This is no longer the AI ​​intelligence endowed by Alice, but the power of the Mind Stone, which makes these "creatures" have a certain degree of consciousness!

Of course they don't have souls yet, but they are no longer cold data!

"This is the real second world."

Lynn was content.

The Chitauri invasion event was chosen as the time point for the full release of "Oasis" because of these two gems.

The Space Stone creates a real world…

The Mind Stone grants a certain level of intelligence...

Combining the two, "Oasis" has undergone an earth-shaking transformation, and it is no longer a virtual world!

At this very moment, it becomes real!

In sight, players went online and offline one by one, but what was completely different from before was that their bodies did not disappear after they went offline.

Starting today, when players log in to "Oasis", they will enter the virtual world from consciousness...and transform their souls into another real world!

Lynn calls it...the other world!

In the other world, players do not have a real body for the time being, and NPCs do not have a complete soul, but with the Reality Gem and Soul Gem embedded in the Infinity Staff, all this is no longer a problem.

If the time gem is also added to it, the real time flow will appear in the inner world.

It will be fully formed and become an extraordinary world that is indistinguishable from the real world.

Or... Dimensions!

And at that time, Lin En, holding the infinite staff... is the master of dimensions!

In the square, Gu Yi's open class has come to an end.

Whether it's a professor or a student, whether it's a mutant or an ordinary person, they all listened fascinated.


Gu Yi cleared his throat and was about to announce the dismissal of get out of class when his expression suddenly changed.

Professor X, Magneto and the others keenly caught the pause in her voice, and while they looked at each other, the ground under their feet suddenly trembled without warning.

Every face became strange.

They had already experienced the same thing once. That time, Lynn used a magic circle to raise the entire X Academy to the sky.

But this time, it was obviously completely different from the last time.

Apart from the shaking of the earth, they didn't feel any other visions. Instead, Clarice of the space system frowned, and then exclaimed.

"Great Gift Crab Special... The space we are in is expanding rapidly!!"

Most people don't understand the meaning of this sentence.

Magneto, Storm, Phoenix, Polaris, Angel and other people who can fly immediately jumped into the sky and watched the changes in the entire space condescendingly.

Then, they saw that the place that was originally only three kilometers in radius suddenly became four kilometers, five kilometers...

The surrounding land spread wildly, as if endlessly (Wang's Zhao)!

After just a few minutes, with their eyesight, they couldn't see the end of the horizon. What's even more outrageous is that the ground that seemed to be added out of thin air covered forests, rivers, waterfalls, deserts, mountains, hills...

There is even an ocean!

"Mr. Lanshere..."

Polaris Lorna Dane was stunned, subconsciously looked at the inexplicably close Magneto, and muttered to himself, "Am I dazzled? Is there a beach over there?!"

Magneto didn't speak.

Because in the square below, the Kraken has opened its mouth, sending out invisible infrasound waves.


The sound wave disappeared quickly, and his expression became extremely strange: "X College's current footprint is larger than the entire contract... and the expansion has not stopped!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned.

Only Gu's face was calm, and his eyes seemed to see an indescribable place through the endless void: "What did this guy do with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube? Why do I feel here..."

"It doesn't belong to the earth anymore??" No.

Chapter 109 We look up at the starry sky, and we don't want ants rolling and squawking under our feet!

In the next period of time, the whole world entered a strange atmosphere.

The Chitauri invasion, the death of Superman...

The impact of these two things cannot even be described in words.

The streets and alleys are filled with voices of discussion, and the Internet is even more heated. The firewalls that have been isolating various countries seem to have disappeared suddenly. In other words, even if it still exists, it cannot stop people’s determination to know the truth.

As a result, news about these two things spread around the world like a virus.

Accompanied by news pictures one after another, people saw the wailing misery of the five major cities including Twilight and Wudu, as well as the endless ruins caused by the war in Gotham City.

At last…

More and more people's eyes are focused on those six nuclear bombs!

"Why, launch a nuclear bomb?!"

Such doubts only existed in the hearts of a small number of people at the beginning. As the incident fermented, it gradually spread from all over the world and gathered into a voice that swept the world.

For such a big event as the alien invasion, the official immediately held a press conference in order to appease the public.

But about these six nuclear bombs, not a single word was mentioned!

And it happened to be these six nuclear bombs, one of which provided huge energy to Doomsday, and eventually forced Superman to die with him, and the other five, if it weren't for the X-Men and Iron Man, would almost certainly destroy the five major cities !

"There must be a conspiracy in this matter!"

"At that time, Superman was fighting Doomsday in the sky, why did the authorities determine that Superman was not an opponent, and launched the nuclear bomb?!"

"Did that nuclear bomb really just want to kill Doomsday?!"

"Or, the official wants to take this opportunity to kill even Superman in one fell swoop?!"

"There are five more. The X-Men clearly controlled the situation at that time. The magic army that appeared in the five cities even suppressed the Chitauri. Why is there any need to launch nuclear bombs?!"

"That's alien technology, can nuclear bombs definitely destroy the space channel?!"

"In the end, the space channel was destroyed, didn't it still rely on the X-Men?!"