MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 90

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"So, to say a thousand words and ten thousand, the six nuclear bombs launched by the official are simply uneasy and kind, thinking to take this opportunity to wipe out Superman and the X-Men!"

"It's the dumbest thing in the world!"

Vigorous public opinion spread as expected.

This time, the official operation was a little too urgent, but anyone with a bit of intelligence can see their real purpose.

If this wave of operations is successful, then this wave of public opinion will naturally not cause any disturbances.


It failed!

The X-Men survived unscathed and managed to wipe out the Chitauri horde!

As a result, while the survivors in the five cities were rejoicing and fearing, they inevitably burned with anger, and people in other cities did not consciously think that if a similar alien invasion happened again... the official is Wouldn't he not hesitate to drop a nuclear bomb on his own city? !

The answer to this question does not even need to consume brain cells to think about it!

Countless people shuddered!

As a result, resentment broke out, newspapers, news, and the Internet were full of angry questioning and accusations, and the public's confidence in the government has never been lowered.

"Aliens have invaded, and the earth is now in an unprecedented crisis!"

"At times like this, what we need are heroes, not politicians!"

Radical slogans came and went.

There were even large-scale riots in many places, and the official prestige plummeted.

The first to bear the brunt are the five countries where the five major battles are located.

In Twisting City alone, the government had to mobilize troops to maintain stability. However, this time, the soldiers were quite upset... You must know that in New York City at that time, there were also many troops resisting Chitauri. human!

This is obviously not just a commotion in public opinion.

Factions within the government, factions within the military, plutocrats who want to get their hands on the political power... One by one careerists took this opportunity to jump out, stirring up emotions, openly or secretly, and some even publicly accused the White House!

Among them, there is no lack of all kinds of looting, robbery, murder and other crimes are increasing crazily.

The whole society seems to be in chaos!

Under such a situation, the White House and the military leaders had to hold a meeting overnight, and after countless interest competitions, exchanges and compromises, they finally reached an agreement.

"When the aliens invaded, the president was also attacked by unknown armed forces, so that he lost contact temporarily."

"So at the time, the order to launch the bomb came from Congress, and it was initiated by Vice President Rodriguez."

"In view of the adverse impact of this incident, His Excellency Rodriguez will make an official announcement at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning..."


This is obviously a very poor reason.

Because even if Congress passes it, only the president has the authority to order it, and the military can only launch nuclear bombs after checking the order.

Therefore, the White House's move made it clear that the Vice President was to take the blame.

Of course, the people will not be happy, so the incident is likely to intensify.

Faced with this situation, the White House had to join forces with four other countries to announce the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D.... The small nuclear bomb carried by the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier can be launched directly by the order of the World Security Council!

And a member of the council!

Maybe he wasn't before!

But now, he is!

Only then did the public know about the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D., and reluctantly accepted this explanation. After all, if the president took the blame and resigned, the blow to the official prestige would be too great, and the White House would not make concessions!

Thus, a world where everyone is barely satisfied and only Vice President Rodriguez is injured has been achieved!

Of course, the ones who were injured with him were four blamers from four other countries!

"Obviously, Mr. Rodriguez, you have been abandoned by the forces behind you."

In Rodriguez's home, the White Queen's voice sounded slowly.

She was leaning on the luxurious and expensive sofa, with her legs crossed, holding a glass of uninvited red wine in her hand, shaking the glass, smiling sweetly and charmingly.

It's just that there was undisguised contempt and ridicule in her eyes.

What Magneto said was really good.

Politics is the dirtiest thing in the world.

"How will you be here?!"

Rodriguez, who had just returned home, had a gloomy expression on his face.

Maybe he just lost a political battle, which caused him to be in an extremely bad mood, or maybe he was stimulated by the mocking eyes of the White Queen.

He, who has always been in the city, couldn't hold back and roared: "I have today's fate, is it because of you mutants? Are you showing up at my house now, are you making a special trip to see my joke?!"

"Don't get excited, I'm not that boring."

The White Queen said lightly: "There are enough things in the Mutant Affairs Bureau. Those mutants who stood up during the Chitauri invasion have to come to the Bureau for assessment recently. I am so busy that I hardly touch the ground and have no time Come see your joke."

"Then what are you doing here?!"

Rodriguez sneered.

Of course he knew about this matter. In the five cities, there were nearly 2,000 mutants who stood up to resist the Chitauri army. Affected by this incident, more and more hidden mutants around the world, Started getting in touch with the Bureau of Mutant Affairs.

He can even imagine how strong the Mutant Affairs Bureau will increase in the future!

By contrast...

The White House and the military have lost a lot!

As for myself, I even lost my underwear!

"Of course I'm here to help you."

Since joining Lynn, the White Queen has also developed a habit of acting vigorously and decisively, and her words are not sloppy: "Although I can be sure that you will get a lot of compensation in other ways, but... the inexplicable resignation will completely ruin your political future. Said, but also become the laughing stock of the whole world, are you really willing?"

Rodriguez's heart beat hard.

Of course he is not reconciled.

But in this capitalistic country, even if he has reached the level of vice president, he is just the spokesperson of those chaebols and interest groups.

Once abandoned, all power and glory will be lost overnight.

And he didn't even have the strength to resist!

Because the interest groups behind him, President Matthew Ellis and the interest groups behind him, and even the upcoming vice president and the interest groups behind him... have completed the exchange of interests!

In this case, no matter how unwilling he is, he has only one choice!

At least, a trace of decency can be retained!

Thinking of this, Rodriguez didn't show it, and still stared at the White Queen coldly: "What? Mutants are now in full swing, and they are no longer the same as when everyone shouted and beat them. They actually want to lose power like me!" cooperation?"

"It's not cooperation, it's helping you!"

The White Queen emphasized: "There is an old saying in the Dragon Kingdom, adding icing on the cake is easy, but giving charcoal in the snow is difficult. We helped you when you were most frustrated. I think you will do your best in the future to maintain our friendship, right?"

Shit friendship!

They just want me to be a mutant puppet!

Rodriguez, who has been immersed in politics for decades, did not understand what the White Queen meant. He sneered and said, "Do you believe this? Or have you forgotten that I am not the one who sympathizes with mutants!"

"If it was in the past, we really felt that the authorities suppressed and even wanted to eliminate all mutants because of rejection and fear of mutants."

The White Queen said neither angry nor annoyed: "But now, we have understood that all of this is nothing more than profit."

Speaking of this, she suddenly sneered: "As the vice president, you are afraid of the rise of mutants and eroding the power of those with vested interests, so naturally you want to suppress or even eliminate us, but still hold this attitude, What's in it for you?"

Rodriguez choked.

There was a strong look of fear in his eyes.

If he didn't know the identity of the White Queen, he wouldn't even realize that he was talking to a mutant, and it was more like talking to a mature politician.

No wonder the mutants would push this woman out to serve as the director of the mutant affairs bureau!

"You're right. I'm no longer qualified to be hostile to mutants. You just need to raise your hand to kill me!"

When he said this, even if it was just to show weakness on purpose, Rodriguez couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Because it is true.


The White Queen shook the red wine glass and said, "For you politicians, being hostile to mutants is a necessity, so now, being close to mutants... can also be a necessity, isn't it?"

"As long as the goal can be achieved, what kind of attitude does it matter?"

Rodriguez was silent.

At this point, he has already confirmed that the White Queen is not here to amuse him.

But really want to help him to the top.

As soon as he thought of this, his heart full of unwillingness throbbed instantly.


He smiled inexplicably, and then quickly held back: "Looking at history, you have seen a vice president like me who stepped down and became the laughing stock of the whole world. Can I come back to power?"

"You said it all, that's history!"

The White Queen's eyes were bright, and she said word by word: "Now, the times are different. Even aliens have begun to invade the earth on a large scale. Don't you still think... the power structure on the earth will remain the same as before?"

Rodriguez's heart skipped a few beats again.

After the Chitauri invasion, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the world pattern will usher in earth-shaking changes.

And in this change, the power of mutants is no longer weak!

Even, with their superpowers, they will become the mainstay of human beings in the face of aliens!

If they really had their backs all the way...

Thinking of this, Rodriguez seemed to hear that his voice was a little dry: "In this case, why don't you mutants run for the election yourself, but choose me as an ordinary person?"

"You still don't understand, or not just you, those in the government and the military don't understand, mutants have no interest in fighting for power with you!"

The White Queen stood up slowly, and looked at him with pity: "The ants only stare at the place under their feet. The power of mutants should be exerted in a more meaningful place!"

"We look up at the starry sky, and we don't want ants rolling and squawking under our feet!"

"That's all!"

This is not polite.

But it is also the true style of the White Queen.

Her height is obviously not as high as Rodriguez's, but at this moment, her eyes are condescendingly examining the other party: "This is the opportunity we gave you, whether you want to seize it or not is up to you!"

After saying this, she drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, passed Rodriguez and was about to leave.

The huge villa suddenly fell into silence.

There was a "snap".

The White Queen opened the door and stepped out of the villa with one foot. Rodriguez, who was standing still, finally trembled and turned around suddenly: "Wait!"

The White Queen turned her head.

I saw the former vice president, in this short period of time, a thin layer of sweat had already appeared on his forehead, his face became a little distorted, but there was a hint of determination in his eyes.

"You always have to tell me what the mutants want to do?"

His voice became more and more dry, and he seemed to have exhausted all his strength before he asked: "That "Oasis"...has attracted the attention of the whole world, is it really just a game?"

Of course, the White Queen understood the subtext of these words.

So there was a satisfied smile on her face.

"Soon, you'll find out!".

Read The Duke's Passion