MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 91

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Chapter 110 That mutant knows what people want!

There are many people who have the same question as Rodriguez.

"Three days later, Second World will officially hold the "Oasis" global press conference!"

In the aircraft carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D., all members of the Avengers gathered in the conference room. Nick Fury listened to the news from the TV, and his eyes fell on each superhero.

During the Chitauri invasion incident, all members of S.H.I.E.L.D. fell, and he was the only one who managed to escape.

Although he hid his hand and found the Fantastic Four at a critical moment, he did not turn the tide.

At best it was a favor.

It can be said that as an international organization protecting the earth, S.H.I.E.L.D. should be the protagonist in that battle, but was robbed of all the light and glory by the X-Men.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow.

But Nick Fury deserves to be the best agent king of S.H.I.E.L.D. After adjustments during this period, he didn't get depressed, but quickly recovered his mentality.

From the outside, he looks calmer and deeper.

"According to our information, the New X Academy... or Lynn... attaches great importance to "Oasis", even more than the X Academy!"

Nick Fury opened his mouth slowly, and said: "The Second World was established a few months ago, but "Oasis" has not been officially launched. Although only one million people participated in the Pioneer Experience Program, it is also popular among players around the world. It caused a huge commotion…”

"According to the world of "Oasis" described by some experiencers, this game is an epoch-making invention. As long as it is released, Second World will immediately become the world's top chaebol from a small, unknown company..."

"For any game company, this is enough to launch a product..."

"But they didn't!"

His voice was filled with deep doubts: "Someone even coveted the market potential of "Oasis" and wanted to get a foot in through Jin Bing, and then that night, Jin Bing's underworld empire was wiped out! "

"The illegal exchanges between those behind-the-scenes participants and Jin Bing also appeared in the NYPD's office the next day!"

"Shouhehui seems to have participated in this matter, and it became history on the same day!"

"These circumstances show that "Oasis" has great significance for mutants!"

"But why?!"

His voice was full of doubts, and it was obvious that he was puzzled by this question: "No matter how epoch-making a game is, it is just a game after all. What is worth so much attention?!"

There was silence in the meeting room.

In fact, this question has been echoed countless times in everyone's minds.

But until now, there is no answer.

Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow... all the superheroes looked at each other, with a hint of irrepressible despair in their eyes. Obviously, the defeat in the Battle of New York dealt them a big blow.

Thor has only come to Earth for the second time, and he has little understanding of mutants, and he doesn't know what to say if he wants to talk.

On the contrary, the newly joined Fantastic Four and Ant-Man expressed their own opinions.

"Obviously, the mutants didn't invent "Oasis" to make money, or not just to make money!"

Ant-Man Scott cleared his throat: "And they are obviously preparing to release it globally simultaneously. Judging from the current situation where the whole world is extremely curious about the black bracelet, we can almost be sure that as soon as this game is released... Can get hundreds of millions of player groups!"

"You mean, they are for players?"

Susan the Invisible Girl raised her eyebrows, and uttered a sentence from her **** lips: "But even if six billion people in the world play this game, is there any benefit for mutants?"


Thunderbolt crossed his legs, and his sitting posture was out of shape: "If there are so many people playing "Oasis", those players will not be so hostile to mutants?"

"The reputation of mutants has long been different from before!"

The stone man glanced at Thunderbolt speechlessly, and said in a muffled voice: "If you really want to change people's attitudes towards mutants through a game, shouldn't it be released earlier? Why wait until now?"

"Ben is right, the X-Men are now a group of superheroes sought after by countless people!"

Mister Fantastic Reed Richards nodded.

He changed the TV channel casually, and there was a news screen of the Storm team fighting the Chitauri: "Look, recently, if you open any channel at random, it's all them..."

"Seven X-Men squads, with distinctive uniforms, different fighting styles, and a unique combination of members..."

"All this makes them look like an idol group in the entertainment industry instead of saving the world..."

"But it is also because of this that almost every team has extremely high popularity and has a huge fan base all over the world. Countless people regard them as idols..."

This situation, everyone has obviously discovered.

Almost every member of the seven X-Men squads has the same fighting style as the captain.

For example, in the Wolverine team, everyone's fighting style is open and close, fierce and domineering, and they almost always kill the enemy head-on, using extremely strong strength to overwhelm the opponent.

The team members are all men, a typical tough guy style.

In contrast, the Phoenix Girls Squad has a lot of tricks, no rigidity, and all women. As soon as it appeared on the news screen, it attracted the attention of countless women.

In addition, the Storm team is almost all long-range strikes, manipulating the energy of lightning, flames, earth and rocks...

The Cyclops team pays attention to teamwork...

This may be a coincidence!

But it is more likely to be intentional!

In the recent period of time, among the heated public opinion on the Internet, many people are discussing which team is stronger and more popular, and there are even some big quarrels because of this!

Ordinary people may not feel this.

But Nick Fury, as the king of secret agents, subconsciously felt that Lynn clearly regarded the X-Men as an idol group and was creating it!

if this is true...

"He knows exactly what people want!"

Nick Fury sighed secretly in his heart, he had worked so hard for so long to get together a motley Avengers team, the mutants have already started to build a superhero idol group!


This kind of popularity is by no means meaningless!

To some extent, it means appeal!

Just look at Captain America and Iron Man. As long as the former appears, the people of Eagle Sauce Country will subconsciously believe him, while the latter, no matter what absurd things he does, will be infinitely forgiven by the people!

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Nick Fury looked at Mister Fantastic: "Reed, what do you want to say?"

"What I'm trying to say is that rather than guessing what the mutants are trying to achieve with Oasis..."

Mister Fantastic pondered: "We might as well think about it, why did they hold a press conference at this time? Why did it happen after the Chitauri invasion?"

He is indeed one of the smartest people on earth, and everyone's eyes light up when he opens his mouth.

"That's right, it's because of those black bracelets on the battlefield that eerily summoned an army of magic that "Oasis" is truly known to the whole world!"

"If you want to publicize, you can use other methods. Why do you choose the battlefield?"


"So, what did the mutants gain from this Chitauri invasion that made them feel like Oasis was ripe for release?"

Everyone's thoughts turned, and their thoughts seemed to be opened.

Black Widow has the most contact with mutants, and at this moment her eyes brightened: "Have you noticed that the strength of Wolverine, Phoenix Girl and others is much stronger than before, and their fighting style has also undergone a huge change. This is obviously not the case. Short-term special training can do it, so...does this also have something to do with "Oasis"?"

For this question, the US team obviously knows the answer.

Because he is one of the experiencers of the "Oasis" Pioneer Project, and the copies he brushed, although not as strong as the X-Men, have greatly increased his combat skills and experience.


He coughed lightly and was about to speak.

Hill, who had been silent all this time, suddenly interrupted: "Boss, are we...too wary of mutants?"

This sentence is like a basin of cold water poured on Nick Fury's head.

All eyes are gathered here.

"Boss, I don't want to question your decision, but regarding the mutant thing, I think you've lost your cool..."

Hill took a deep breath, and said slowly: "In fact, since the appearance of Lynn, the mutants have not only stopped making troubles, but have been protecting the people, and they have not shown any hostility to ordinary people, right? ?"

"In this case, why must we be so vigilant?"

"Aliens have begun to invade the earth. Our strength is very weak. Why can't we cooperate with mutants?"

"and also…"

After a pause, she pointed to the screen on the TV: "What's the problem with "Oasis", we will find out when the press conference is held three days later, won't we?"

As soon as this remark came out, the meeting room fell silent.

A group of superheroes don't feel anything yet.

Nick Fury's heart skipped a beat, and his scalp felt a little numb.

My heart is broken...

The team is not easy to lead! six.

Chapter 111 The mighty situation, how can mutants dominate?

Similar secret meetings are not only held by S.H.I.E.L.D.


Bruce Wayne's estate.

"Lex Luthor has escaped from prison!"

Batman's face was gloomy like a real bat, and he was filled with uncontrollable anger: "Three days! Seventy-two hours! We just sent him to prison for seventy-two hours, and he died from Disappeared in prison!"

Wonder Woman Diana sat across from him, and was slightly taken aback when she heard this.

But not surprised.

"The environment in Gotham is not very good!"

A strange look appeared in the black eyes: "Although I have never lived in Gotham, I have always heard that those criminals who were caught by you often escaped and committed crimes again?"

This is quite polite.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would directly say that the major official organizations in the city of Gotham, from top to bottom, are simply a sieve that leaks everywhere.

The folk customs are simple and honest in Gotham City, and Arkham is full of talents.

A felon who just created Doomsday and almost destroyed the entire world of "607" escaped from prison?

Simply not too normal!

"Actually, I have an idea recently..."

Batman is obviously exhausted physically and mentally about this, so that his whole body is full of disappointment: "The major cities are uniting with the X-Men to carry out the anti-crime and evil plan. Gotham...maybe we can ask them for help?"


Diana was a little surprised.

Batman nodded, took out a black bracelet, and put it on the table: "This is Clark's relic. I have investigated it. It is an "Oasis" developed by Second World Company, and behind Second World It's New X Academy!"

"Clark... playing games?"

Diana froze for a moment, then picked up the bracelet in disbelief and checked it.

"It's not an easy game."

With Batman's intelligence ability, he obviously knows a lot of things. He gave a general introduction, and then said: "Clark doesn't seem to reject mutants. Since this is the case, can we invite mutants to the team we want to form?" join in?"

When Diana heard this, she immediately understood.

He wanted to get in touch with the other side by joining forces with the X-Men to carry out an anti-crime campaign in Gotham.

"This idea is probably unrealistic."

Diana thought for a while, then shook her head: "Judging from the recent events, the mutants obviously have their own plans, and since they are preparing to hold the "Oasis" press conference, there is a high probability that they will not be interested in our affairs. "

"Even if the earth is already in danger?!"

Batman's tone became more and more low: "I went to the prison where Luthor was held. There were weird demon symbols all over the walls. I had a hunch that a darker force was approaching the earth..."

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