MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 562 Focusing rainbow

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So Xiwei and Victor Hugo went directly to the endless river through the pool of the Styx River. Before leaving, they told Reinhart: "Pay attention to self-protection, once the space is lifted, the speed flies through the endless river!"

Reinha has nodded. At this moment, he has been completely infused by the source of most of the death of the Styx Pool. It is completely a form of eating, but if it can be digested and absorbed, it will be greatly benefited.

Therefore, despite knowing that the undead king Bades could return at any time, Reinhart continued to greedily absorb the power of death in the pool of the Styx, and he was surrounded by a huge sense of pleasure. Sri Lanka, you have it today! Hahaha!

Through the endless river, Xiwei and Victor Hugo came to the main battlefield in an instant, and Victor Hugo re-formed the ancient dragon. Under one claw, a Styx dragon injured by Lannister was directly Swept down the earth and smashed countless scorpions and ghouls.

"Victor Hugo!" A full of angry snoring resounded throughout the battlefield. Bardes's angry eyes looked straight at the ancient red dragon in the sky. Obviously only this **** "fifth law" can sneak into the river. The pool, let all your plans fall through!

No, not, although the negative energy infusion of the Styx Pool has been interrupted, but there is still the source of death in the body, if you do it all, the eye of the Death Eye has at least 70% power, and the light of the Arcane in the previous period. Equally enough to destroy the Maginot line!

"This failure is a rare lesson, but not the next time, your resistance is meaningless, and will eventually become my eternal slave!" Bades, although locked in the starry sky, does not affect him at all. Casting, the spell that has already begun to interrupt continues to sing, with full of anger, Bades's spell speed is greatly increased, and the energy of horror is seen in the tower, and the eyes of the ten-ring sacred magic will be guided!

At this moment, the energy system constructed by the Ten Rings of St. Yao's spells is formed in advance, and is condensed in Bades. At this moment, he is a real god, the Lord of the Morning, Ulysses, and the Lord of Change, Victor Hugo. Aolong's majesty has changed, despite the success of the plan, but it still allows Bardes to complete the ten-ring spell!

"Retreat!" At this point, you must evacuate. Otherwise, the Ten Rings sacred spells will be played and the Maginot line will be destroyed. As long as Bades leads a little, it will cause heavy weight to these most elite soldiers in France. Unrecoverable damage.

The French people who had been rushing in and out suddenly retreated in the opposite direction. Instead of returning directly to the Maginot line, they chose to go south and return to France through another road.

Death lord von Neumann took a deep breath, and the pressure from the enemy's storm-like attack was too great, especially the white horse knight Visby and the Ashbringer Charlotte, just like a meat grinder. In general, there is no indestructible, and the undead army has collapsed everywhere.

At this time, von Neumann mobilized the army, chasing and killing enemies along the road, and it is necessary to leave as many enemy as possible and weaken the resistance of the French.

This attack is undoubtedly the final swan song of the French people. After this campaign, the advancement of the undead army will be unstoppable, and the entire French kingdom will undoubtedly become the kingdom of the deceased. This battle will win!

So in an instant, the battlefield situation was completely reversed, and all the light powers were dissipated like tides. The dark forces immediately countered and occupied the absolute upper hand.

"Oh, a few plans, all have done nothing, this battle, France defeated!" Sacred Norman Empire Marshal Kafka sighed: "The undead king Bades may soon be the leader of Pai Li, Is it only that my Holy Norman Empire has independently set off the banner against the Dark Council?"

The mighty energy torrent condenses in the hands of the undead king Baddes. At this moment, the eyes of the ten-ring sacred magical **** of death have been completed, leaving only the final guiding launch.

Bardez was satisfied, watching the enemy on the battlefield, and an invincible loneliness came to life. He glanced at the **** red lizard and headed east to the hinterland of the dark sky. Knowing that this eye of death is impossible in any case, it is impossible to include the Lord of Change and the Maginot Line at the same time.

Although there are some regrets, but this is a close matchup, I finally laughed at the end. With a triumphant smile, Bardes began to direct the eyes of death to the Maginot line in the distance.

"See the power of the Ten Rings of the Holy Lights! From now on, the battle of Orient will enter a new era, with the light of the Arcane, and the Ten Rings of the Dead spell, who has mastered the Ten Rings Whoever has an absolute advantage in the war!” White Ravens, Schiller, said that although he has already parted ways with Xiwei, he still has some regrets. If Xiwei is really his disciple, Dawei, then there should be How good.

At this moment, a small black point fell above the high sky. It looked very small, but it had a very fast speed. It almost instantly fell to the top of the undead king Baddes.

At this moment, the effect of the starry sky lock has only the last remnant. After the moment, Bardes can completely get rid of this space, but at this moment, Bades instantly burst into a shock, with a small ring on his head, colorful. With the horror of horror, the energy that will erupt at any time!

In the twinkling of an eye, this little ring exploded, and a white brilliance blew through the sky, traversing things, and was tens of kilometers long. The entire sky began to be disordered, with ripples flowing, and the space barriers of the Astral and the Orient continent were torn apart, forming a horrible space forbidden areas, even if the legendary caster could be confused.

The earthquake is trembled, and the white light shines. Even humans who are hundreds of kilometers away can clearly see the change!

The next moment, white light is divided into colorful, red orange yellow green blue blue purple, like a rainbow across the sky, has not dissipated for a long time!

"Is this the deed of the Ten Commandments led by Bades? No, no, this is the power of the Ten Rings, but it is a pure element. This is not a Necromancer!" Anthony changed his mind. For a moment, he thought of a familiar person. I am afraid that only the Arcanist Xiwei, the accomplishments of the elemental school can reach this level!

In the next moment, the negative energy in the hands of Bades, who was directly hit by the ring, also broke out. The horrible eye of death lacked the final guiding link and blasted directly from the tower of the Necromancer where Bardes was located. The gray death ripples rushed out one by one, and all the vitality was cut off, the soul was annihilated, and even buildings, metals, earth, mountains, rivers and rivers were destroyed under this will to death. A lifeless country of the dead!

"This, this is Bard's ten-ring necromantic spell, then what is the previous one?! Who is the ten-ring elemental spell, and there is no warning?" Bo scholar Anthony gently shakes white The long beard is completely occupied by a strong desire for knowledge.

"This!!!" All the spectators were stunned. The original Ten Rings of the Dead spells not only did not show great power, but the undead King Bades himself was hit by a ten-ring element spell at the last moment, directly causing the loss. In the guiding link, two ten-ring sacred spells ravage the whole world, bringing endless destruction!

The French people had already fled, and the spells that were attacked at this moment were not strong. Under the protection of Yulichia, Victor Hugo and Olong, everyone escaped safely from the scope of the spell explosion. At the moment they all stopped and turned around to watch the horrible world.

"It's Xiwei!" Yulichia reacted abruptly, and only Xiwei was able to display the 10-ring elemental spell at the most critical moment, destroying Bardes, who was ready to make a final blow!

Under the lock of the stars, Bades could not escape. He was in the center of the explosion of two ten-ring spells, and he must have been hit hard!

Yu Lixia suddenly turned into a golden light and rushed directly to the center of the explosion. In the far east, the ancient red dragon of Victor Hugo incarnation also began to return!

"You don't want to go!" Olong stopped the white horse knight Visby and the ashes messenger Charlotte: "The explosion of the two ten-ring sacred spells has made Saarbrücken a Jedi, any life. No one can survive there, just watch it here!"

That's right, as Yulichia and Anthony guessed, the ring that descended from the sky was the killer of Xiwei, the ultimate weapon of what he called the "focus of the rainbow."

In the once world, nuclear fission nuclear fusion, which can lead to the horror of energy stored in matter, erupted in an instant.

If the arcane energy is the exploration of the use of energy by Xiwei, then the "focus rainbow" is undoubtedly the extreme product of unstable explosion.

After the catastrophe of the catastrophe, the whole world of the Orient world changed greatly, and the elements became turbulent from the original calm. In this turmoil, Xiwei relied on the mystery of the ether to find the elemental transformation that could release the horror in a moment. The cycle and method of energy, this is the earliest production idea of ​​"the rainbow of focus".

But the process of practice is not as smooth as imagined. The elements and energy needed to make a "focus rainbow" far exceed the expectations of Xiwei, and he must use too much mystery to compress these elements and energy and compress it. The ultimate, and the separation of the different elements by the etheric essence, eventually took three months to create this "focus rainbow."

The power of "the rainbow of focus", even Xiwei can not predict, he just found the moment when Bades cast a spell, the French people have already overlooked this fleeting record, flying to the height of several kilometers, this will A small focused rainbow was delivered.

If you calculate it by energy intensity alone, the energy of the Arcane Light is 650 Heta, and the energy of the Focused Rainbow is 120 Heta. You can't enter the ranks of the Ten Rings, but because of it. Stability and super destructive, the damage and effect is achieved by the effect of the Ten Rings.

Focusing on the rainbow, the four elements condense in this small ring, collide, transform, if not the etheric essence as isolation, it is impossible to stabilize.

The colorful Changhong that traversed the sky after the final explosion is the fulfillment of the elemental will and the origin of Xiwei's name.

Even if he could not survive the horrible element, he had to open a sufficient distance. At this moment, flying in the sky, overlooking the colorful rainbow on the sky and the ripples of death on the earth, Xiwei also had to feel the change of the world. Subtle, Bades really is very sad, this is going to be miserable.

In the whole battle, Xiwei has always concealed his existence and did not let Bades be alert. This is the key moment to reverse the situation and lay the victory.

Although the eye of the goddess of death guided by Bardes did not jump to the highest level, but its energy intensity is also more than 600 Heta, but also beyond the Arcane light guided by the West, in this super ten ring sacred magic Under the washing of the ground, the army of the deceased suffered heavy losses, and it was simply one.

However, since most of the death knights, legendary lichs, and the Styx dragons have strong origins from the death of the undead king, they are not annihilated under the death ripples of the Eye of Death, but they It was also in a panic, because the imperial will of His Majesty Bardes, the undead king, disappeared!

The eyes of the death lord von Neumann suddenly lit up in the blue light. He looked down at his hands and looked at the chaotic battlefield around him. Then the light dimmed and returned to calm.

The next moment, the unsuccessful king Bardes's will to return to the soul of a group of undead creatures means that Bardes did not fall.

After all, Bardez is the demigod of the Orient world. Although the focus of the rainbow has directly hit him, but it is only the energy of one hundred and twenty heta, it can not cause fatal damage to him, but the eye of death is more powerful. Huge, but for Bards, who has mastered the power of death, the effect is greatly reduced. At this moment, the Necromancer Tower at his feet is completely disintegrated, and the consciousness is blurred for a moment. This has just regained consciousness.

"Damn, it falls into the enemy's trap!" Bades reacted. If it is not the enemy who sneak into the pool of the Styx, then the energy supply of the Eye of Death will not be short; the energy supply of the Eye of Death is not short, and you will It will not use the source of death in the body to cast spells; if you do not use the death of the body to cast spells, you will not be able to control the eyes of the **** of death when attacked by enemy elemental spells, and will not cause the consequences of this defeat. !

Before Bards summed up the lessons of failure, the young man of the morning, Ulysses, had already leapt like a golden sun, and the mighty golden light came out and wrapped Budds directly.

"He is ill, he wants his life!" Bades almost exhausted the power of death in order to complete the eye of death. At this moment, he is the weakest moment, and it is also the best to reinvent and even destroy Bardes. opportunity! (To be continued.)

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