MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 563 King of the King

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The two almost opposite sources of force violently collided, almost instantly, and the land that had not recovered from the two ten-ring sacred spells relapsed again, this time, causing Saarbrücken and the surrounding land. Destructive damage that cannot be recovered.

The magnificent golden light and the gray death wave are still contending with each other. However, the earth sinks and the fissures rush out. Soon there is groundwater pouring out of the ground and irrigating an endless lake.

This horrific geological change has caused almost everyone to lose the ability to fight. They can only stare at the collision of the two world's roots in the center of the field. At this moment, whether it is the Lord of the Morning, Oricia, or the undead king. Bardes has gone all out to enter the most crucial life and death fight!

However, Bardes fell into the calculations before, consuming most of the body's power of death, and was directly hit by two ten-ring sacred spells. In this conflict between the gods, it gradually fell to the disadvantages. The light gradually suppressed the wave of death, and Bardes was in the most dangerous situation.

At this moment, the changing Lord Victor also returned to the battlefield. He rushed into the death source of Bardes and played the most powerful and effective nine-ring legendary change spell "Vicko malicious deformation. ""

This is a chaotic and disorderly spell, originally from Victor's failed experiment, but he found that this spell is extremely powerful when used on enemies. After dozens of improvements and explorations, this spell It has become a trick for him to press the bottom of the box.

Although the undead king Bades is already the body of the demigod, but after losing the power of death, he can't resist in the face of the legendary change spells of the nine rings. The bones, tissues and blood of the whole body are completely uncontrollable for a moment. The chaotic deformation moves, and there is no law at all.

His body turned into a mess of flesh and blood in a moment, which made Bardes fall into a bigger predicament, and Ulysia, turned into a golden sword, took a brilliant knife and broke it directly. Bardes's head, his brain was completely washed and shattered, and the undead king Bades died!

At the last moment, however, Bardes's soul was sucked away by a strange but extremely powerful siphon, disappearing from the continent of Orient.

"The soul protects you!" Victor confirmed the results and nodded with satisfaction. This is the key to the three deaths of the undead king Bades and the three resurrections. Unless he can destroy his life, no one can. Kill him completely.

However, this victory has far exceeded the original expectations, not only hit the undead king Baddes, but also killed him and entered the soul of life!

Even if Bardes can be revived again, it will take a long time, and for the competition, the original leading Bardes has undoubtedly started to fall behind! Wherever they went, there was only the undead army of death and destruction, and they had to stop their continued conquest, which is undoubtedly a very important victory for the bright camp.

"Retreat! We quickly returned to the new Fort Wagga, waiting for your Majesty to return again!" The legendary Lich Zamanstein and Suez directly ordered the undead army to retreat quickly, but the unruly army that had been overwhelming was mostly destroyed in this terrible world. There are only a few hundred masters above the master level and a few high-ranking elites fleeing.

"French victory! Yurihya, the Lord of the Morning, Victor Hugo, the Lord of the Lions, and the mysterious elemental superhero, a total of four sacred or even upper ranks. The strong, look at the entire world of Orient, and only the Holy Norman Empire and the Tower of the Thousand Laws join hands to come up with such a brilliant lineup!" Hemer said with emotion.

And the mysterious element magician who never showed up, in his heart, has undoubtedly painted the same number with Sylvester Frost.

The French people gathered the army, and the losses in this war were not great, but they did not continue to pursue the undead army.

With Saarbrücken as the center, dozens of kilometers have become a vast area, which is called the sea of ​​death. Don’t say ordinary people, that is, high-level professionals can’t survive here, even if they stay for a short time. Great health risks.

Standing on the city gate of the Maginot line, looking at the dark sea of ​​silence in front of him, Olong put his long sword on the ground and looked into the distance: "The war is over! France won!"

"Long live France! Long live the Lord of the Dragon! Long live the King!" All the French people cheered enthusiastically. Although the war lasted for a very short time, the intensity of the war was unprecedented. The high-level professionals in the past wars were all high-level professionals. The backbone, even the masters of the master class can play a role in determining the outcome of the war, but now, even the legendary professional can only play soy sauce in this war, leading the two sides to the duel is actually two of the two worlds of the Orient Powerful demigod!

The war between the Kingdom of France and the bones of the sacred calendar in April 1788, the history of the Second Undead Scourge, finally won in France, the bones of the land defeated, the undead King Bades was once again The end of the soul protection.

The president of the Dark Council died in battle, which is unparalleled in the vibration of the entire Orient world. Therefore, in this battle, whether it is the Lord of the Morning, Ulysia, the Lord of Change, Victor Hugo, the King of the Lionheart Oolong, or the heroes of White Horse Knight Visby, Ashbringer Charlotte, Blue Shadows Lannister, etc., have been widely circulated in the war, and the bards began to turn their stories into epic chorus, loading history.

Xiwei, who played a key role in reversing the battle, chose to reject the good intentions of King Olong and hide his role in this battle.

However, Olong will never forget this young but powerful arcane master. Soon, Siwei was sealed from the Violet Count to become the Marquis of Violet.

The expansion of the faith of the Lord of the Morning, Ulysia, accelerated again, not only the faith in the Kingdom of France, but also the desperate people in the mainland of the Orient. Many people in desperate choices to deliver the faith to defeat the undead king. Dess's light demigod, the time of the morning sun, the name of Ulysia overwhelmed the Lord of the Sun, Infiniti, and became the savior of countless people in the whole of the Orient world.

The ancient Red Dragon, the changing Lord Victor Hugo, also sang for countless bards. The power of this legendary magician has also begun to be known to countless people, along with the style of other legendary magicians. It has improved a lot, even faintly higher than the ordinary sanctuary.

However, there is only one left of the legendary magician who is still active in the mainland of Oulent, and that is the "seventh law", which is the emperor Di Dula.

The first Fatih Fatat has not appeared in the public for hundreds of years, the second Fagrodick has already traveled to the universe outside of Orient, the third Fabades has made the demigod, and the fourth Fabrymi It has been retired, and the sixth Favor East has fallen.

However, many people have begun to regard the pioneer of the Arcane Frost as the next legendary magician, the "eighth law", he developed the oldest element school to the extreme, almost The first element of the elementary school recognized throughout the Orient continent.

Therefore, after this war, countless people rushed to learn magic, hoping to be able to enter the title of a legendary magician, whether it is the tower of the Thousand Laws or the threshold of the Royal French Academy of Magic is too high, only Xiwei· The Violet Academy, where Frost is located, publicly accepts magicians and magic apprentices, and does not have any black-box operation, becoming the magical place that countless people are most eager to go.

Therefore, in the Violet enrollment test of the Holy Calendar in June 1788, there were a total of 8,000 candidates who had a record-breaking record. The worst one was the magic apprentice and the young and promising magician who could master the zero-ring spell in one month. !

In the end, Violet expanded its enrollment again, and selected 2,400 students to join the college. Most of the other losers did not give up. They chose to settle in the Violet Six Islands or Sicily to prepare for the next year's Violet enrollment exam.

After the Second Undead Scourge, the pattern of the entire Orient world fell into a brief calm. Except for a few chaotic areas without rulers, the war gradually subsided and the order began to recover slowly, whether it was light or dark.

The death of the undead King Bades is undoubtedly an absolute good news for the "Death Will" Reinhart. He directly played his own banner, began to recruit confidants, expand the forces, and counterattacked the Rhine Union, which was occupied by part of the bones. The homeland has become the number one enemy of the non-death spirit in the stage of strategic contraction.

This short-lived peace is undoubtedly what Siwei hopes to see. Whether he or the whole violet is growing rapidly, the most needed time is time.

Sophie, the master of music, also seized this short peace. On July 1, 1788, she appeared in Palermo, Sicily, from all parts of the mainland of Orient, where countless people gathered for music. In the newly completed Peace Square and the Palermo Opera House, where the music master Sophie's Bard Association and Musicians Association was transformed into a music church, Sophie began to collect the power of faith in the cheers of countless people. , formally joined the Fengshen competition.

However, the priesthood that Sophie is aiming for is music. This is a weak and not very powerful priesthood. She does not have any competitors who seal the road of God, nor does it attract too many hostile enemies.

As the de facto master of Sicily, Savi and Natalya also participated in this musical event. During this time, Sophie often lived in Violetburg, and the relationship with the hostess has become a close friend.

After the music event, Sophie hosted a cocktail party at the new Rose Castle on the outskirts of Palermo, banqueting musicians and bards from all over the world. These are the basic plates she has operated for ten years. However, a large part of it has fallen into the turmoil after the catastrophe.

However, the musicians from the Holy Norman Empire and the French Kingdom have basically arrived. As the two remaining powers in the entire bright camp of the Orient World, their lives and pre-war did not change much. It’s so much luck to survive in the war and in the hardships of people who have survived or simply died.

The new Rose Castle is a super castle designed by Sophie for the design of Xiwei and contracted by the newly established “Violet Construction Company”. It is completely integrated with artistic beauty and practicality. It is even enough to be comparable to the Violet Castle. Invited guests are full of praise.

At the moment, in the side hall of the new Rose Castle, there is a very high-quality, very gorgeous keyboard, the surface of the body reflects a touch of dark red light, such as roses, such as wine, against the background The rose petals carved on it, with a mysterious beauty, this is the key piano of Sophie, the music master.

At this moment, there is a middle-aged piano player playing, he is wearing a black and white costume, long hair fluttering, chic, his music is light and smooth, like a bridge, like a butterfly Flying, attracted more than a dozen male and female guests to listen to the crowd nodded from time to time.

"This is the piano player from the Bordeaux region, Mr. Pellman! His playing often leads to the real butterfly flying, docked on the harpsichord, so it is called a butterfly close friend!" Recognized this The identity of the piano player, introduced to the people around.

Many people like this kind of music, so there are more and more people around to listen, and almost all the guests on the first floor lobby are gathered here.

In this case, a young man who is gorging in front of a long table is particularly prominent. Like an ordinary person who does not fully appreciate the charm of music, he has a piece of fluffy bread in his left hand, a glass of champagne in his right hand, and a drink. A bite, not too happy.

The plate in front of him has already put a lot of shrimp skin, and it is clear that the whole plate of prawns has been eliminated. This kind of cloud-winding remnant of the wind clearly makes countless guests point and sneer.

To know that musicians are self-proclaimed and elegant, most of them are also aristocratic children, and the bard also pays attention to elegance and demeanor. It is by no means the kind of starving man who can do without any etiquette.

But the entire New Rose Castle is a guest invited by the Lord of Music, so no one has come to disturb his meal.

Pierman finished the song, politely stood up and thanked, the surrounding guests gave a warm applause.

Just quiet down, what Pillman had just said, a loud sizzle suddenly rang through the hall, and everyone's eyes focused on the stumbled young man.

"Do you continue?" The young man swallowed another loaf of bread, a casual look, and it looked so relaxed.

"How do you call it? Are you invited guests, or are you coming in and eating?" Finally, one of the guests could not stand it and shouted. (To be continued.)