MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 600 Plane migration

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The biggest gain of this battle is naturally the source of the intercepted water, and the second biggest trophy is undoubtedly the water element plane that has become the land of nowhere, and there is a large amount of water that is the source of the loose water. It has become It is the treasure of the most suitable water system in the whole world of Orient, and it is also of great value to the elemental school of magicians.

The great master Liu Yunyun participated in this war mainly to change the world pattern. There is not much luxury on the spoils, so the water element plane naturally falls into the control of Xiwei. The Violet has begun to return, except for the other people of Naga who have left this fierce battlefield.

Xiwei did not have time to rebuild the water elemental plane, so he decided to go straight to the ready-made.

The sea plane where the Naga people are located is only a medium-sized plane. The potential for population and plane development can be very limited, and the upper limit of the power level is naturally controlled. Therefore, the Naga people want to continue to develop. New territories and resources must be obtained.

Nowadays, Freya has coincided with the fact that she has incorporated a large amount of water that is enough to send her into the semi-god level in her **** golden scale. She has already qualified to join the competition, and Xiwei will not go. The road to God is sealed, but it will never be underestimated by the power of the gods, so he has decided to help Frya to build the Poseidon Church and help Frya to achieve the Ocean Goddess!

The Naga people are naturally the most loyal and core of Freya's subordinates. They originally stood in Sagarnar, but the former sea **** temple is dedicated to the false sea god. Now, just declare that Freya is the goddess of the sea. Then, all the Naga people of nature will deliver their faith to the mighty goddess, so that the Naga Kingdom will become the ocean kingdom, and the prospects for future development are naturally bright.

Xi Wei’s plan was to help the Naga people move home and move the entire Naga kingdom to the water element plane.

The Naga kingdom is a medium-sized plane, not a semi-planet and a small plane, so the difficulty of the migration of the plane is definitely beyond the limits of the legendary space mage.

However, Xiwei is now a great strategist in the Jiu University School. He has learned the ancient and modern times and created the "Arcane" concept. He has already prepared for the migration of the Naga Kingdom. Now he is not in a hurry and begins to be in the water. A giant plane transmission array is set up.

With the help of zero, Xiwei took control of the source of the massive water, and naturally became the new owner of the water element plane. Therefore, when the plane was transmitted, the volume and time were reduced too much, only three days later. A transmission array full of the size of the entire Naga kingdom has been engraved on the base of the water element plane.

The Grand Duke Farina has already returned to Saganaar using the transmission spell, summoning all the Naga people to gather in the kingdom and the other four metropolises to prevent any accidents during the transmission.

The foundation of Xiwei's construction of Xinhu Lake is the four-series elemental lake. Now that he has mastered the source of massive water, he can say that the magic is endless. Even if he uses the ten-ring sacred magic spell continuously, he will not be exhausted, even if it has various conveniences. This consumption of the entire Naga kingdom is more than the consumption of five ten-ring sacred spells.

In the eyes of the Naga people, the giant transmission array inscribed by Xiwei has gone far beyond their imagination, and the shock brought to them is no less than the scene of the fall of the deep sea queen, Kanano. The confidence of the Violet also climbed to the extreme, with the leadership and shelter of the president of Xiwei, and the future of Violet is destined to shine.

In the end, Xiwei activated the transmission of the array, his true magic eyes penetrated the barrier of the plane, and once again, he saw the tree of the world again!

Driven by the vast magic of the ocean, a tree branch in the middle of the world tree reached the top of a small branch at the end, and the plane of the Naga kingdom began to loosen slowly, as mature to the beginning of the fruit of the tree. Gradually disconnected from the body of the world tree.

The giant transmission array, engraved on the base of the water element, shines brightly. The blue radiance shines on the sky and the ocean. Countless illusory images are projected over the transmission array, which is the shadow of the Naga kingdom!

"I saw the broken sea cliff!"

"There is a chaotic sea, how beautiful!"

"Saganar, our eternal paradise!"

The Nagas fell to the ground and began to pray for Poseidon under the leadership of Felicel.

Eventually, the light dissipated, the illusion became real, and the small fruit that had left the tree of the world was fixed on a new branch. Xiwei completed the great migration of the medium-sized plane in the Naga kingdom!

"Freia is your sea god, and the ocean goddess of the entire Orient world in the future. When she wakes up, the whole sea will tremble!" Xiwei confronted the Grand Duke who had just stepped out from Sagarnar. Farina said: "From today on, you are the chief archbishop of the Poseidon Church, Felicel, you are the first knight of the ocean goddess! You must quickly establish the Poseidon Church and grow stronger!"

Farina and Feilizel were greeted with glory and fell in front of Freya's sleeping body. All the rituals and prayers of the sacrifices were printed in their minds. Xiwei of the Meng Temple can be said to be a light road, as long as you make small changes in different places.

The Naga people have new homes, they will become the new inhabitants of the water element, and here is the best place for them to grow up. In fact, many Naga, including Feilizel and others, are passive. Accepting the baptism of the source of water, their potential has also risen sharply. As long as they are polished for a period of time, they can complete the advancement of strength.

After completing all this, Xiwei did not stay for a long time. He went directly to the wind element plane and reported the situation to the king of the wind, Olaksa.

"I sensed the fall of my old friend! He died in the horrible rage of the sea of ​​anger. The former sea witch has really grown to a terrible point." On the throne of the **** of the wind, Oraksa said with some sadness.

"The festival is sorrowful, my majesty. The sea witch is also dead. The stone of the gods carefully prepared by the Chaoshan King has brought her a heavy blow, and I have completed the final patch." Xiwei calmly responded.

"So who is the new owner of the water element plane? When Nederland fell, whoever mastered the most source of water, will become the new plane of the plane." Olaksa asked.

"Naga Queen Frya, Naga is a marine creature with the same ancestors as the elves. I invited Naga to participate in this war. Their queen finally got the recognition of water and mastered the most water. The source.” Xiwei chose to conceal the truth. In fact, the real source of the most control is zero. He has already injected the source of the water he has intercepted into the body of zero.

"Naga Queen Frya? Yeah, it is not the worst result!" Olaksa shook his head gently: "I sensed the anger and incitement of the land of fire, and Diolos will soon break through the ancient The seal of the elements. The new elemental battle is coming, it will be the ultimate war that determines the ultimate fate of the elements! Frya becomes the new water elemental plane master, then she can not escape this fate."

"I believe that Frya will stand on your side." Xiwei made a promise.

"Good, go on." The King of the Wind waved his hand and ended his conversation with Xiwei.

Xiwei once again passed through the top of the sky, looking back and quietly watching the wind element behind him, standing for a long time.

From the beginning, he and the king of the wind, Olaxa, are the mutual use of each other, no loyalty or betrayal. However, in order to achieve the idea in his heart, the origin of the four elements is the inevitable thing that cannot be avoided at all. Xiwei has received a lot of returns from Oraksa, so it is not a last resort, he will not be black to Oraksa, then, the turmoil of the land of fire, the king of the evil devil, Diolos, I look forward to your wonderful Performance!


The Fortress of Xinghai, the super fortress of the Holy Norman Empire built on the astral, was expanded from the plane transmission center established by the original "Second Law" Grodick, and became the forward base for the conquest of the multi-dimensional plane of the Holy Norman Empire. Linking to the center of the entire multi-faceted territory, there is no strategic place to lose, and its importance is second only to the imperial capital of Vienna.

The sacred Norman empire Marshal Heinrich was stationed here, and ten of the twelve Norman Empire's 12 magical armored ships were also assembled here, while the remaining two were not performing other missions, but were already sunk in In the endless star of the sea.

At this time, the Xinghai Fortress is no longer the former rear, but has become the first line of blood and fire. The army assembled by the Dark Council is fully besieging this super fortress. This war will determine the whole of Orient. Future destiny.

After a year of high-intensity war, the red-haired queen Catherine grew up at a non-human speed. Her Santa Estanbo magical armored ship was a fruitful battle, and the battle was ranked before all the generals. Three.

The price she paid was five serious injuries, and two more terrible terrorist blows. The mistake was that the blood of the dead birds in her body had already died for the country.

Nowadays, she has not only grown to the extreme of legend, but has begun to move toward the sanctuary. She has eliminated more than fifteen legendary devils. She is full of horrible murderousness. No one has dare to swear. The 15-year-old female general, and her rank has also been promoted from the major general to the two-star general.

"Marshal Heinrich!" In the command of the Xinghai Fortress, Katrina had a slap in the face of her marshal, and the face of the marshal in front of him was filled with a warm smile, as if returning to the whole of Vienna. The youthful years of countless women dreaming of lovers. It is necessary to know that the burden on Heinrich’s shoulders has been heavier than that of Mount Abis in the past year. The Marshal’s Horn has already produced a lot of white hair.

"Sit quickly, Katrina!" Heinrich took out a bottle of rare treasures made by Herrmo Winery in 1588, which is his most proud collection. He opened the cork without hesitation and filled the bottle with Katrina.

“Is there any good news to celebrate?” Katrina asked inexplicably: “Is it that Marshal Kafka completely defeated the orc army?”

"No, more brilliant than this, the deep sea queen Kay Noah has fallen! The Taoist fisherman will never become a threat to the empire." Deep sea queen 寇Kanoya is the supreme demigod, Tao Tao The fisherman is also an evil race that is stronger than the orc. The real power and the dark elves in the dark areas are also similar, second only to the abyss and the undead.

"How is it possible? Who killed her?" Catherine couldn't believe it. To know that the Holocaust has been dead, there has never been a demigod, and the undead king, Bardes, can still lie in his life and may be resurrected at any time.

"A person you know." Heinrich raised his glass: "Your old friend."

"My old friend?" Katrina quickly recalled the people she knew, and ultimately she said incredibly: "Xavi Frost?"

"Yes, it is him! Three days ago, he and the great masters joined forces to kill the deep sea queen Kay Noah in the endless sea. This is a terrible defeat of the Dark Council!" Heinrich smiled Said: "Cheers, I have seen the dawn of victory. As long as we persist in this most difficult moment, the war will inevitably reverse. This is the last darkness before dawn."

Catalina was immersed in contemplation while drinking wine. Xiwei, who was just a small four-ring mage when she met, is now able to kill a Supreme Mind.

I thought that the speed of my growth has been rare in the world, but I did not expect that you will still leave me behind!

Outside the Xinghai Fortress, there are three huge fortresses of evil spirits. The dark parliamentary army from the endless abyss and multifaceted planes is stationed here, and the demon monarch is undoubtedly the commander of the darkest parliament.

At this time, the seven demon monarchs gathered together. This was their first full gathering after the catastrophe. It is necessary to know that each demon monarch has his own tasks and responsibilities, but now, it is time for them to meet again. It is.

"寇卡诺娅 has fallen! She died in the endless died in the hands of Master Siwei." Dreadlord Nazick looked stunned: "This stupid woman is in the water element plane When she first came, she went straight to the expedition. She did not put the arrangement and interests of the Dark Council in her eyes. She could not wait to get all the sources of water. The first one was successful."

"The tide king Nederland is also dead, and Siwei has become the biggest winner. Counting the undead king Bades, he has grown into a huge trouble." The tyrannical Lord Razgarta is facing another in the darkness. The figure asked: "Fulraz, you were the first to contact this human mage, what do you say we do now?"

"The wise man" Folraz looks around his six companions, and their eyes are on their own. Obviously, the next words will determine the future direction of the abyss demon: "Since the catastrophe, we have integrated the Dark Council. The development of the situation is in our expectation. No matter whether it is a hand or a hand, it has basically been reached. Whether it is the Holy Norman Empire or the French Kingdom, it will be conquered in the near future. However, one existence has never appeared. ”

"That is the only true God in the world of Orient, Ms. Silver Moon Elena!"

"I have already concluded that Xiwei is the hand of Elena!"

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