MTL - Arcane Age-~ Say a few words

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I apologize to everyone. The update in recent months has been intermittent and I am very dissatisfied. This is my sin.

I once said that the biggest reason for writing this book is the venting of the emotions that I have accumulated over ten years of games and reading, but as time goes by, I feel the fascination of my creative enthusiasm, plus some problems in reality. , causing a sharp decay in the amount of updates.

I won't be unruly, not even eunuchs, because this is irresponsible to the readers, but I will also speed up the development of the story, and show the best and last of the book's high 1 tide festival to everyone.

Starting today, I will work hard to update until the end of the book, hoping to give everyone a good end at the end.

thank you all.

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