MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 609 Yingling

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Outside the port of the Violet Islands, there is a merchant ship with different flags in and out. It is a busy and fulfilling day. Only a handful of people know that the owner of Violet, the Master Xiwei, is now in a coma.

When Natalya returned to the gates of the main bedroom in Violetburg, she saw the Xiwei lying in bed and sleeping, and the sister Meryl, who was accompanying her.

Meryl’s spirit is not so good, and her father’s death has brought her great trauma, although her contact with her parents is not that much. The coma of Xiwei made her feel overwhelmed. She didn't fall asleep all night, until the sun rose and couldn't stand the fatigue and fell on the bed.

Natalia stepped forward and grabbed Xiwei’s hand and took her sister in one hand. If she left Yunxiaozong, she was still on the verge of emotional excitement. Now she is like a calm mountain. Suppress all the emotions in my heart.

Her body was full of strength, her face was determined, and she brought great comfort and dependence to Meryl. Meryl was dependent on her sister, and her tears slowly fell.

"No one knows how long before Xiwei can wake up?" Natalya quietly looked at the sleeping lover, until this moment, she knew how heavy the responsibility on his shoulders had always been.

"I am sorry, but this is the case. Xiwei entered a separate time series. He must be awake and break the battle to get rid of the difficulties. Now no one can help him, only by himself." Relying on the window sill Cromi whispered.

"You are the fourth Fakromy? I am very glad to meet you. I have heard Xiwei tell me about his experience in the dark area, you gave him a lot of help." Natalia stood up , extended his right hand to Cromi.

Cromi shoved slightly and the two shook hands.

Natalya did not greet anything, but directly made her own request: "Can I go to the battlefield of the Nissan Pass again? I want to see the place where my father died in battle!"

"Yes!" Natalya stopped Meryl and Christine, who wanted to keep up, and disappeared into the white light with Cromi.

The entire Nissan Pass has changed completely. The green hills that were originally covered by green plants have been re-wrapped with a layer of bronze color, just like the old time stagnant in the photo, completely condensed at that moment.

There are still many humans or demons in the battlefield that still maintain the appearance of life. Like gold-plated sculptures, they are lifelike and perfectly preserve the last moments before death.

Cromi brought Natalia to the center of the battlefield, where the Xiwei supernova erupted and her time spurt, which has become a huge deep pit, and all other traces have been annihilated.

Natalya stepped into it. She sensed the fierce and desperate battle. The four demon monarchs’ battles were enough to crush any powerful force in the world, even Xiwei. It is impossible to save her father.

Her spirit began to diverge, her soul naturally merged with the whole world, and the blood in her body began to burn. The blood of the Bona family belonging to the Bonaparte family sensed the existence of the blood of another wind elf. The golden lion's blood that belongs to the French royal family is operating in a way that no one can speak.

Cromi quietly looked at this scene, but did not stop it. This girl who has two kinds of top blood, but walked on the path of monks under the guidance of the great masters, is taking a new and new Inexplicable change, that should be the evolution of the Tao pursued by the monk, the direction to be pursued throughout life.

Gradually, Natalya finally sensed her father's breath. She slowly fell to the ground with her knees, covering her chest with one hand. The air-powered traction and soul sentiment that she once learned at Yunxiaozong finally came to this moment. Breaking through the bottleneck, under the combined effect of two distinct blood forces, she seems to be with her father and experienced the last time before her father died.

Chat, game, attack, organization, resistance, despair, hope, despair, and finally, calm and indifferent to meet death.

The loyalty and friendship he was obsessed with had dissipated at the last moment, and only his love and blessings for his wife and daughter were in his mind.

Cromi saw a magical scene. Around Natalia, the dead souls were gathering and manifesting. In fact, they suffered such a violent impact. These souls have already been completely broken and cracked, and there is no hope of any resurrection. At this moment, however, they are constantly reorganizing one by one, and all the cracked pieces are reconnecting in an indescribable way.

This is not a Necromancer spell, because the Necromancer spell only uses the soul as a method of casting, and all the souls gathered in front of it are full of extreme emotions, that is, they are the hottest and fierce at the moment of death. Gorgeous emotions.

Finally, the first complete human form came together. Even though the whole body was golden, the Cromi still recognized his identity. It was Natalya’s father, Carlo Bonaparte. count.

At the count's side, one of the warriors in the war dead reappeared. They wore heavy armor and rode horses. They took the brave and fearless warfare of life, one ride, two rides, until three hundred. knight.

The South Road Army, which has a full 80,000 people, has only condensed 300 knights. On the one hand, Natalya’s ability is still very young, and on the other hand, only the real warriors can respond to Natalya’s call.

Cromi can easily tell that these people are not born again, not even the real soul remodeling. I am afraid that only real gods can do it. This is only Natalya intercepted these in a special way. The most glory and glory of the warriors in the dead are the spirits of the moment.

Natalya finally opened her eyes and stood up. She smiled at the golden shadow of her father in front of her face: "Father, from today on, we will fight side by side, never separate!"

Three hundred golden knights lined up in a neat and uniform queue, headed by Carlo Bonaparte, and a solemn military ceremony against Natalia, and then turned into a golden sand, integrated into Natalia The body.

Cromi took a deep breath and she finally realized what had just happened. The young lady of Xiwei’s fiancée actually got the ability to resemble the most primitive demigod, and these warrior souls are undoubtedly the prototype of her prayers!

"Natalya, are they...?" Cromi asked with some hesitation.

Natalya smiled at the sun and said: "I have found my own way, that is war! This may be something that Master never thought of? Xiwei once told me a lot of stories, I like it the most. One, just call them English spirit!"

At this moment, Cromi no longer regards Natalya as an ordinary mortal. On her, Cromi saw a prototype of a god, the initial starting point.

"Next, go back to Ajaccio, no longer take your mother!" Natalia made a decision.

The white light flashed through the two, and the two came to the sky above Ajaccio, but it was a scourge, and the fire of countless magical powers raged on the earth, and half of Ajaccio had sunk into the sea, but Blue Castle It turned into a ruin. Obviously the devil ravaged the place and then left, leaving only a piece of scorched earth.

Natalya's eyes turned into a blood-red color. She dive directly into the Blue Fort like a cannonball. She searched with a trace of luck, but quickly found her mother's body in the master bedroom.

She still kept her appearance in life, wearing a lake blue dress and lying quietly on the lounge chair, as if she had just slept, only a trace of black blood flowing from the corner of her mouth proved that she died of poison.

Princess Olivia died of suicide. At the last moment she knew she was never fortunate, she did not want to fall into the hands of the devil and become a tool for the enemy to force her husband, brother or daughter.

Natalya burst into tears and fell on her mother's body. Her hands had already trembled violently because of excessive exertion. She was just 20 years old and ushered in the loss of her parents' death in one day. This is unbearably heavy. Strike.

Cromi stood quietly in the distance, even though she was already used to the joys and sorrows, but this scene still made her heartache. She only hoped that the little girl could hold strong and not be defeated by fate.

After a long time, Natalia struggled to stand up and said in the softest voice: "Mom, I brought my father back, our family of three, to be together forever, okay?"

Her blood force is running wild again, and she does not care about the huge damage that this overload will bring to her. She finally gathered her mother's spirit, it is like a small flower A gentle woman, unlike other golden spirits, she is a unique white.

"This time we will be together forever, no one will leave!" Natalia cried and laughed again, **** tears slipping over her cheeks.

"Natalya, you..." Cromi asked worriedly.

"I am very good. For the future, I have never been as clear as this moment." Natalia stood up and said: "From this moment, I have only one pursuit in my life, that is, sweeping the endless abyss and smashing the devil!"

At this time, Natalya, like a real Valkyrie, her will is as strong as steel, and only the flaming warfare on her body is going forward.

Cromi whispered: "Natalia, you still have Xiwei. Believe me, he won't be disappointing, and he will soon come out of time."

Natalya’s face finally had a bit of tenderness: “Yeah, there’s Sivi, and Meryl, I’m not alone. Rest assured, Cromi, as the patriarch of the Bonaparte family, I will never fall down easily until I reach my lifelong wish!"