MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 610 illusory

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"The future of mankind is in the stars!"

Lin Xi looked up. This is the school motto of the Fifth Aerospace Academy of the Federation. In the ten years of college life, he persisted in the increasingly strict assessment again and again, and finally got the ability to board. The presence of a large starship as a commander, as a high-ranking student of the federation, stepped up step by step. After about 20 years, he will successfully become the captain of a large commercial ship and develop the commander of the ship. This is the brightest future. s future.

Lin Xi always has a dream of exploring the mysterious and vast sea of ​​the universe, but it is a loneliness, confusion, and almost no hope of any career, only a very small number of people can persist.

Lin Xi is not afraid of this kind of loneliness, but he can't go on this road because he has his own fiancee, a beautiful girl named Natalya, not only the first of the Federal Fifth Space Academy. The school flower is the first heir to the famous Bonaparte consortium in the entire Federation.

Lin Xi was far from the performance of other elites in the university, so when he got the favor of Miss Natalya, almost everyone was stunned. Lin Xi looked at the distant eyes and lost focus, just a silly smile, happiness. Overflowing on the face.

"What is smirking? It’s a graduation ceremony right now!" Someone took a shot on his shoulder. Lin Xi finally came back. It was his fiancée Natalya in front of him, wearing a silver-blue-blue-striped star commander. She looks so handsome in uniform. In fact, Natalya's lethality is not divided between men and women. Lin Xi even heard a lot of peach-colored scandals that she and many other super-beautiful people have, such as Sufei, the super newcomer who won the championship in the Stars and Skyslide contest last year. The most famous blood-stained rose Charlotte in the Restricted Fighting Contest...

In the eyes of outsiders, the gap between Lin Xi and Natalya is far more distant than that between the white swan and the white swan, but Lin Xi can feel Natalya's sincere emotion to him, that is true love.

In fact, Lin Xi, who was dull in immersion in his studies, received the hints of Natalia after several times, and realized that he had fallen out of the sky. He naturally could not resist the charm of Natalia and soon fell down. Under the pomegranate skirt.

Natalya took Lin Xi’s enthusiasm and took a group photo with her classmates. After graduation, the students will be scattered in all corners of the whole federation. Most people will find it hard to meet again in their lifetime, so a faint parting linger always lingers. In the middle of the campus.

Lin Xi is a handsome man, and standing next to Natalia is not too shameful. He maintains a normal heart and faces the curiosity, contempt, jealousy and hatred of others, but his left hand is always with Na. Talia is holding tight, this is her own happiness, and she will never give up easily.

The headmaster appeared in the auditorium and began to award each graduate. Natalya was undoubtedly the representative of the best graduates. She made a wonderful speech on the podium, and all the students in the auditorium applauded her seriously.

When Lin Xi took the diploma from the principal, the old principal also sympathetically said: "Young people, you are the luckiest person I have ever seen. It is so easy to pick the most shining of our college in the past 100 years. Pearl."

"I will cherish this feeling, Mr. President!" Lin Xi responded with a smile.

"Let's explore the RTS3 starfield, a habitable galaxy discovered by the great explorer Grodick seven years ago. My father just acquired a 100-year development right at the auction three years ago. And get all the development benefits during the period.” After leaving her alma mater, Natalya said to Lin Xi, “This will be our home of the future, and belongs to you and my kingdom. My father will also name the galaxy. Leave it to me, Lin Xi, can you help me think of a nice name?"

"Violet, how?" Lin Xi indulged for a moment, a name instantly emerged from the depths of his mind.

"Violet? Very nice!" Natalya is obviously very satisfied: "From today, there is no RTS3 star field, it is your own violet!"

So Lin Xi and Natalya, who had just stepped out of the university, led the pioneering fleet of the Bonaparte family and began the pioneering work of the violet galaxies.

Lin Xi used his solid fleet command ability and super-strong contingency and coordination ability to help the development fleet to overcome several difficulties, solve a lot of problems, and soon got any respect and respect from the entire development fleet, no one said. He is eating soft rice.

Twenty years later, the Violet Star Field has become a popular tourist destination in the entire Federation. The strange and beautiful natural scenery attracts countless ordinary tourists, film crews, Stars Singer Sophie, and Fighting Queen Charlotte. Here I bought a villa estate and chose to become a Violet.

The Violet Star Field is not only a tourist attraction, but also produces a variety of plants with unique functions, which greatly promotes the function of the human body. This is the most successful new star field in the past century, and the name of Lin Xi and Natalya. It also began to be famous throughout the Federation. The film titled "Violet" is about to start, and the director is Victor Hugo, who has great prestige throughout the Union.

At the top of the Violet Fort, Lin Xi and Nataliya couples are blowing the evening breeze. Lin Xi’s palm is gently licking on his wife’s belly. It’s already high, and a new life is coming soon. To be bred.

"This is our first child. What should I call her?" Natalia is full of words: "My mother means Meryl, the name that was originally reserved for my sister, but she did not pregnancy."

Lin Xi looked far and wide, and said quietly: "Zero...?"

zero? Why did you suddenly jump out of such a strange name?

Lin Xi’s brain is running at high speed and seems to be hidden in the bottom of my heart. A mysterious ocean is making waves.

"What's the dear? You look a little uncomfortable?" The wife gently wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked with concern.

"Zero, Explorer, Xiwei, Orient..." Lin Xi, no, Xiwei started to sing a word and a word, his pupils are as deep as the sea, and numerous golden sands are moving in the high speed. With.

"What are you talking about? I can't understand it at all? Are you tired? Let's go to rest!" Natalia was in a hurry.

Xi Wei gently took over his wife. Although this is only an illusion of time and space, he is deeply impressed on Natalya's lips: "Natalia, my lover, we are all in illusion. Happiness, this is my honor. But Orient needs me, you need me, zero needs me, I have to go back!"

The next moment, the former wife, the entire Violet Fort, the Violet Galaxy, and the Federation, all turned into the sand of time, and all illusions were attributed to reality.

Xiwei opened his eyes again, and the sight of the catastrophe was the large golden color left on the large terrace through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Meryl, who was accompanying him. He took a deep breath and finally got confused from time. Returned from the stream.

The turbulent flow of time experienced seems so warm, but it implies a deadly terrorist murder. If he can't always see it, he will completely lose it and never return, until the day of dying.

This illusory time and space turbulence is completely in accordance with his memory. There is no flaw in one point, but it completely changes his life trajectory. He has lived in this illusory time and space for nearly 30 years, and there is no such thing. aware.

Until the name of the daughter, a "zero" word that suddenly jumped out of his mind was the first flaw in the vain chapter. Since then, for the future arcanists, there is no longer Any hesitation.

After this battle, Xiwei also had a lot of gains, and the understanding and control of time and space have greatly increased. It can be said that from today on, he is not only the leader of the elemental school, but also has other schools. Killer.

"How long have I slept?" Xiwei asked Meryl, who had just seen him wake up and surprise.

"Not less than a day!" Meryl stunned and plunged, and she couldn't help but cry, knowing that she was less than eighteen years old.

Xi Wei took the girl and patted her back gently, and this is what happened after Natalya came back, like a dream.

"Xiwei, are you awake?" Natalya asked with some hesitation, for fear that this was just an illusion that she saw after her mental disorder.

"Exactly, Natalya!" Xiwei did not hesitate to go forward and hold the lover who looked so embarrassed in his arms.

If in reality, he and Natalia get together for less than three years, the two sides are only the relationship of unmarried couples. However, in the turbulence of time and space, they have been together for more than 20 years.

The warm and powerful embrace of Xiwei gave Natalie the comfort and support of Asia-Pacific, just like the birds flying alone finally had a branch that could shelter the wind and rain.

"My father is dead, my mother is dead, and I am dead in the hands of the devil. Except you and Meryl, I have no relatives!" Natalya's tears wet Xiwei's clothes.

Even Princess Olivia is dead?

Xiwei can only hold the last two members of the Bonaparte family to give them enough warmth.

But Xiwei’s thoughts had to start thinking about why this time it would fall into an ambush. I know that all the intelligence shows that the battle of the Xinghai Fortress is still going on. Why are the four demon monarchs appearing in France at the same time, and their power is so strong? , almost no suppression by the seal of Elena?

What happened?

Xiwei instantly realized that this is a real strategic deception. The demon should have already captured the Xinghai Fortress, but blocked the spread of the news and set a trap for himself!

If it weren't for the fourth law, Cromomi would accompany him, I am afraid that this time I really can't come back.

No, if it's your own, you will never aim at the violets, the Holy Norman Empire has already been defeated, and then the only enemy of the whole of Orient is only France, and then the South Road Army, who knows nothing about it. And Oulon personally commanded the North Road Army, Xiwei knows that he must start immediately, even if it is likely to have missed the best time!

Read The Duke's Passion