MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 619 Magic goddess

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At this time of crisis, all people of insight know that a leader is needed, and from the moment when the four legendary mages are taking off their hats, Xiwei has undoubtedly become the leader of the entire Orient magic circle.

"For me, this is a memorable moment in my life." Xiwei began his speech: "Today, the entire Orient magician is united, for a common purpose, that is magic and Oren. a special future."

"In the past three years, the darkness has invaded and the world has been turbulent. The vast majority of human beings have become alien slaves. They live a miserable life without dark hopes. This is reality, and it is also the fate of us who cannot escape. I believe in you. Most people can't stand to continue to hide in the towers to study spells, sit on the days of compatriots dying."

"Since the publication of the original issue of "Arcane", the development of the magic world has been a thousand miles. We believe that if the world is peaceful, it only takes twenty years, ten years or even five years. Magic will change the world. This is productivity. Progress, this is an epoch-making innovation, magic will become the manifestation of Orient, flying into thousands of households, most of you will lead the trend of the world."

"But now the dark invasion, they want to completely destroy the human civilization, lose the soil, the magic world can not exist alone, our magician is not only a scholar, is a civilized researcher, but also a powerful warrior, our heart lake Among the rivers and lakes, we have the power to change the world, create the future, and destroy the darkness!"

"Look, my compatriots, the darkest moment before dawn has passed, the first dawn is here, rising in the violet!"

"The dark frenzy has invaded the whole world, but they have also exhausted the last potential. Now they are clawing, but it is also the last madness! We have the power, we guard the civilization, we must not allow the devil and other darkness. The race continues to ravage the Orient, this is the mission that the times have given us, and this is the historical responsibility we must bear!"

"Use your heart to answer me, whether you are willing to fight for the future, for the future of magic, to declare the war to the dark!"

The voice of Xi Wei is very impassioned. This is the call of battle and the horn of the charge.

"We have the power, we guard the civilization, we create the future, we are willing to fight the dark, until the last moment!" Under the guidance of the four legendary magicians, everyone solemnly swears, their blood is lingering, and they become a piece ocean.

"Magic civilization, passing fire, magical radiance, always shine. As long as I am there, there are you, the future of magic will be more brilliant, evil will not win, the darkness will fail." Xi Wei made an invitation to move sideways : "Here, I want to introduce you to a new friend."

The whole scene was quiet, and among the 100,000 people, a black-haired girl in a white dress walked up the stage and came to Xiwei.

No one spoke, even though they all wanted to know what the sacred girl was introduced to by the Grand Arcane Master at the crucial moment.

"The immortal true God has always been the most peak of Orient. There are only two true gods who have left traces in the history of Orient. That is the silver moon and the glory of the Lord. The dark turmoil after the catastrophe of the catastrophe, the facts It was also a brutal and fierce competition." Xi Wei gently applauded: "This is my friend, zero, she is also a member of the gods competition, and her priesthood is magic!"

In the face of this explosive news, the audience was at a loss.

To know that the mystery of demigods, gods, and beliefs has been clearer through the "Going with God" paper published in the journal "Arcane". Do you want the magicians to deliver faith and shape the magicians? A **** who belongs to the magician to fight against the darkness?

Magic is one of the most powerful of Orient's extraordinary powers. The magical sacred position must be one of the most powerful priests of the whole of Orient. If there is a **** of magic, then even the Dark Council has the evil spirits and the immortal, magic. The world can also be invincible.

Therefore, for the planning of Xiwei, almost everyone expressed their approval, but they looked at the weak **** the stage with hesitant eyes. Does she really have the level of power of the demigod?

Xiwei's hands and palms were slightly pressed, and the audience calmed down again.

"Today, not only is my ritual of the great arcane master, but also the ritual of the goddess of zero achievement magic goddess!" Xiwei left the side with zero, and then left the stage with the four legendary magicians.

The words of Xiwei detonated the audience. It is necessary to know that the ritual of the gods is the last step of the road to the gods. It is the half-god that has reached all the conditions needed to seal the gods. The last step to be recognized by the world is to know that there is almost no magic. The teacher delivered the faith, how did the mysterious magic goddess come to this step?

Only four legendary magicians, and a few Xiwei’s cronies know the identity of this black-haired girl. Many people have finally found a miracle for Xiwei’s three years from a magician apprentice to a great arcian. A reliable reason.

Zero has no opening, she just began to fuse the four elements of the body, this is the last step of the gods, the elemental source evolved into magical power.

The vast elements of the vast sacred to the extreme have become the ocean of horror. If it was not for West Wei to make arrangements in advance, the manifestation of this element will cause irreversible trauma to the 100,000 people present.

Even so, everyone is shocked, their heart lake is calling, close contact with this element, their affinity for the four basic elements is rising rapidly, and the magic is growing rapidly, which is undoubtedly attended. The welfare of the ceremonial ceremony is also the reason why Xiwei convened them.

Most people in this ceremony can at least be promoted to a level of magician, and some lucky people can even promote a big level directly.

At this moment, the white and slender fingers crossed the mysterious trajectory in the air, and a complex and full of inscriptions appeared in front of everyone.

“The ultimate inscription of elements!” Almost all elemental school magicians shouted in unison, and in the latest issue of Arcane, Xiwei publicly published the far-reaching picture of the ultimate inscription of the elemental school’s ultimate element of esotericism, which is also his satisfaction. The important reason for the Great Arcanist Million Arcane Points.

Although all elemental wizards are fascinated by this, at least to the level of the elemental masters can understand the ultimate inscription of the element, the legendary casters of the elemental school can get their own insights from the ultimate inscription of the element, Analyze your own nine-ring legendary spells.

However, this is not the end, and the second ultimate inscription has been condensed in front of zero.

"The ultimate inscription on protection!" Bo scholar Anthony looked at the scene in front of him, knowing that his understanding of protective spells is second only to the first Fatulla Fad, but there is still a manifestation of the ultimate mystery of this protective school. Most of them can't understand, this black-haired girl is far above him in protecting her magic.

Then, the ultimate inscription of the void, the ultimate inscription of the dead, the ultimate inscription of summoning, the ultimate inscription of change, the ultimate inscription of the force field, the ultimate inscription of the composition, the inscription of the end of the soul, the strongest final mystery of the magic nine school, a lot of Her fingertips flow.

Even Cromi, Victor and Didulla, the founders of the school, have to admit that the goddess of magic is more advanced than the school!

Smiling and watching the scene, Xiwei is very happy, and finally came to today, he is proud of zero.

The ultimate inscriptions of these nine university schools were completed by Xiwei and Zero. From now on, they are distinct from each other.

I took out the apricot yellow book that Ms. Yin Yue gave, and Xi Wei wrote it in the first column of the book with the word :: the magic goddess zero.

The next moment, the entire world of the Orient World retreats, the moon is empty, the stars companion, time seems to stop at this moment.

"The first winner of the Fengshen competition finally appeared?" Yu Lixia in the Notre Dame of Pai Li sighed with a sigh of relief, looking at the far south: "Zero, that has been standing in Xiwei The mystery behind it?"

And the seven abyss demon monarchs who saw this scene, the **** Lord Nicholas, the Lord of the Sun, Infiniti, the guardian of George, one by one with an unbelievable look, how could someone succeed in this time?

At this moment, zero has been the clock of the whole world, and the nine ultimate inscriptions of magic are fully integrated into her The four elements of the source are also integrated into one, becoming the magic power of zero. Her body, like a blue smoke, goes straight into the sky.

The fire of God is ignited on her soul. This is the fire of purification, the fire of sublimation, the fire of immortality, and all that belong to the common custom will be purified in this fire, leaving only the last part of God.

Zero's body suddenly expanded dozens of times. She smiled at the direction of Xiwei, but she was amazed by the whole of Orient who looked up at the starry sky at this moment.

The next moment, her body straight into the starry sky, this is the first thing to do after becoming a true God, to establish their own Kingdom of God.

"To pay tribute to the magic goddess!" Under the guidance of Xiwei, everyone sang again, and now they were excited and excited to the extreme, as if they would jump out of their throat at any time, knowing that this is the whole of Orient. For the first time in the history of the world, the gods have witnessed the ritual!

And the magic goddess is also the first time in history to ignite the fire of God and the success of the immortal existence!

When she is immortal, the darkness over the world of the Orient world is broken, and the light of hope shines in the hearts of countless people!

Read The Duke's Passion