MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 620 Sealing age

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The Violet event at the end of the 1789 sacred calendar undoubtedly changed the pattern of the entire Orient world. A great arcane master, a magical goddess, and the darkness of the sea, never seeing hope, finally came to an end. Moment. . Fastest update

For a time, even in the area ruled by the Dark Parliament, a large number of uprisings occurred. People’s beliefs about tyranny and fear are on the verge of breaking.

The times have changed.

On the 20th of May 1790, Xiwei and a lady in a gold-colored white robe squatted in St. Peter's Cathedral. The cathedral of the once glorious Lord and the Lord of the Sun has now become a morning light. The land of the Lord.

Ulyssia took the Holy Cross on her chest and was reading the Revelation of Glory.

"Ulysia, everything is ready, I think I can start." Siwei nodded. Outside St. Peter's Cathedral, 100,000 most devout morning believers were praying to add the most devout faith to the ritual the fire.

"I didn't expect you to become the agent of Ms. Yin Yue, but I didn't even think that Silver Moon was actually the Orient World itself." Ulysses said with emotion: "So, I can also call it Elona. Daughter."

"I finally got to this step, I think you should be very happy." Xiwei is sincerely happy for Ulysia. If it wasn’t for her care, Natalya and Charlotte might have been deviled. Defeated.

"Xiwei, I am thinking, if, if only, if I can meet you when you first came to the world, is it..." Yulicha looked at Xiwei with emotion, and the eyes were complicated. Feelings are revealed.

Xiwei’s mouth stopped the words that Ulysia might say: “It’s not too late, right? We are an unbreakable alliance, the most intimate friend.”

"Your friend? Yeah!" Yu Lixia smiled.

Ulysses opened the ceremonial ritual in St. Peter's Cathedral. In the prayers of the 100,000 morning devotees, she successfully ignited the fire and achieved immortality and became the morning goddess of the Orient world.

On September 18, 1790, the French army and the devils fought in Orleans. The temple of this tyrannical church is also the home base of the demon army.

The tyrannical Lord Razgarta has recovered his victory, but his opponent is also more powerful. Although the morning goddess Ulysia did not participate in the war personally, when she was promoted to the true God, the power of the gods was powerful, and the morning devotees The combat power has risen sharply.

After more than a year of fighting, Natalia has grown to a terrible degree. She has already become a symbol of France. The goddess of Valkyrie in the hearts of the French people, her war power is growing stronger, in the Hall of the Spirit. Yingling has broken through 3,000 people.

And almost all French people, especially those who don't believe in other deities and gods, have already delivered their faith to her, helping the most beautiful and most powerful and powerful king of France's history to be immortal!

"Come out, demon, today is the final decisive battle. I want to be Wang Long, my father Carlo, for my mother Olivia, for the eight million French hatred that has been sacrificed since the devil's invasion!" Natalya, who is the latest vow of victory, has issued a war declaration with a sword of victory in the hands of the Golden War.

The vows have been improved many times, each time in order to keep up with Natalya's rapid improvement. The latest vows have just been completed, many of which are from the goddess of the goddess of magic, a A super artifact that brings her power to its peak.

Now Natalya's real combat power can be said to be the most peak of the gods, and several times with the demon monarchs in the battle to get the upper hand, even if the other party restores its full strength, it can not be turned over.

The tyrannical Lord Razgarta finally appeared. His demon body had a flaw of more than ten meters deep and unpredictable. It was the commemoration left by Natalya in the last battle.

"Natalia, your arrogance and arrogance will make you suffer. We have already laid the final trap here, waiting for you to fall in!" The tyrannical Lord Razgata waved his hand around the entire battlefield. The space has changed instantly.

The endless abyss has come, and the land around the battlefield has been linked to the entire endless abyss. All the non-devil's combat power will drop sharply, and the demons will get faster recovery and longer endurance.

However, Natalya, who saw this scene, was not afraid or retreating. The war in her eyes was even more hot: "Go to hell, demon scum, I have already vowed to conquer the whole endless abyss. I didn't expect this day to come early." My loyal warriors, charge!"

Three thousand heroic knights followed their king, and their goddess, with the burning to the peak of the war, resolutely rushed into the deep red earth.

After four magic hours, at dusk, the sun is like blood.

Natalya’s vow of victory in the hand of the sword, the head of the tyrannical Lord Razgarta, although the armor broken, although exhausted, but this battle, finally won.

Natalia suddenly looked back, and the French army lost more than half, but the devil has disappeared.

"My compatriots, we ushered in the final victory! Every inch of France's land has been restored, the first king's revenge, the love of the loved ones, the hatred of the people, has been shame!" With the snoring of Natalia passion, there are two thousand The soul of the famous war dead is summoned.

At this moment, Xiwei in the sky is written in the third column of the Apricot Book: Nadia, the goddess of war.

On February 14, 1791, the sacred Naga army, as well as the Marine Church believers and the Arcane Corps, launched the general attack on the **** Lord Nicholas.

The **** family retreats like a tide, and the blood-stained scales of Freya hold the blue sea and the city bow stands proudly in the middle of the battlefield. Nicholas eventually dies under her This is her war, this belongs to her Rongguang.

The fourth column of the "Feng Shen Bang" is also filled, the sea goddess Freya.

The sacred calendar August 12, 1791, Berlin, once the capital of the Rhine Union, once the Prince of the Rhine Union Reinhardt returned.

The undead dragon on the sky, the undead army on the ground, squatted collectively, and turned to the death ruler. Reinhart looked down at the vast land, and his heart was ups and downs.

The fifth column of "Feng Shen Bang" has its own master: Reinhardt, the **** of death.

On the 18th of May, 1792, the latest mid-summer night music festival, the dark frenzy that swept the entire Orient world has become a thing of the past. The orcs have once again been driven back to the Hulan Prairie, the goddess of war Natalya. The endless abyss is being raided, and peace has become the mainstream of the world.

After the robbery, countless people are so passionate about peace. They sing and dance, remember with music, and vent to celebrate.

Sophie, the master of music, succeeded in getting enough faith to ignite the fire and fulfill the goddess of music.

Read The Duke's Passion