MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 53 It was JQ

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& nbsp; Where is it, serious or not."

"It is said that it is very serious and can't get out of bed, so I let my family take care of it."

Lin Donghe finished Lin Haidao: "I'll go tell my parents right away."

"It's too late, the people from the commune said that Linchuan's troops had a car just in time to pick up his family to go to the troops, so I said I passed." Lin Donghe said Susu and felt This plot is a bit familiar, but she said without thinking: "I'll go too." She is his daughter-in-law, so if she wants to take care of her, she will take care of her.

After he finished speaking, he instructed Lin Hai to let him take care of the house, and then hurried to the back room to get his backpack and left. It has everything in it, no preparation required at all.

Climb out like.

Two soldiers walked down from it, and when they saw Lin Donghe, they shook hands first, then looked at Su Su invariably and said, "Comrade Su Su?"

"Well, I am, can I go now?" She was anxious to see Lin Chuan, so Su Su's eyes were red and she looked very pitiful.

The two looked at each other and felt that Lin Chuan's eyesight was so good that he was able to pick up such a beautiful and caring daughter-in-law.

"But battalion commander Lin doesn't want Comrade Su Su to go there. After all, the journey is long and hard." He just woke up, and when he heard the arrangement of the army, he killed his family to prevent his family from coming. He wanted to come over. Also let his second brother come over. In particular, he did not agree with his daughter-in-law to go, probably because he was afraid of scaring her.

And Lin Donghe said: "I am his cousin, should we go together?"

"Okay." Those two hoped that Susu would go, and can watch the joke of the battalion commander, because where he was injured...


Susu didn't know what they were thinking, so she just drove to the back.

The driver immediately said: "Sister-in-law, sit in the front." This way you can sleep on the side for a while, if you sit in the back, you won't be lying on top of other men.

"Uh, good." Susu sat directly in front.

When the three of them got into the car and were about to leave the village, they saw a figure running over.

She beckoned desperately, so Lin Donghe said, "Quick, stop the car." He didn't know what Qin Yueyue was doing here, could it be to see him off?

The car stopped, Qin Yueyue ran to the front of the car and said, "Comrade PLA, I want to go to the county seat, can you take me there. If you can, I also want to see Comrade Linchuan."

"Who are you?" They heard that Lin Chuan was still a little girl, so of course they had to ask.

On the side, Su Su's mind flashed and finally knew why she felt familiar with the plot, because there seemed to be such a paragraph in the original and the most important one.

Because the male partner was injured, the female lead took care of him in the name of his wife, and then Lin Jianghe accompanied him. The distance was a little far, and they took the soldiers' car to the county town and were thrown away because these people received other tasks.

Then, the two of them warmed up quickly during this period of time, and finally they had a relationship on the road. Then, the heroine returned and became pregnant. Then, the male partner wanted to be a father, and he was laid off after only about two or three weeks.

So, this is the moment when JQ happens?

How could she remember such an important plot?

He pressed his head, probably because he was frightened when he heard that Lin Chuan was injured.

Thinking of this, she breathed a sigh of relief, not feeling angry because of the female lead's request. Since she wanted to go with the car, let's go together, anyway, they parted ways when they got to the county seat.

Lin Donghe was quite afraid of Susu picking on her, because she used to be quite hostile to them. But I didn't expect that Susu didn't say anything today, maybe because she was worried about her husband, she kept sitting in front with pursed lips, holding her big backpack tightly without making a sound.

So he immediately explained: "This Qin Zhiqing's family is a family friend with the Lin family, so can you bring her?" .

The soldier thought about it and agreed, but he could only let Qin Yueyue sit in the back.

Qin Yueyue thanked her, got in the car and sat on the edge of the Lindong River, he helped her take the salute, and then said, "Comrade Su will take care of Brother Chuanzi this time, you There's no need to go over there." This is for Su Su, and I hope Qin Yueyue will stop moving forward.

"I see." After all, she is a smart person, so Qin Yueyue immediately nodded in agreement.

Susu did not speak to them either, sitting in front alone and looking at the road.

The road in this era is very difficult to walk, plus the snowy road is slippery, so it is bumpy and dazzling. Then, Susu got motion sickness inexplicably. She clutched her chest and retched twice, looking very uncomfortable.

But the brother soldier next to him is a married person with a daughter-in-law, and he is very clear about her behavior. I remember that when my daughter-in-law gave birth to their eldest son, it was like this when I went to the army to visit relatives. Vomiting all the way, vomiting all the way, quite uncomfortable.

Counting the days, Lin Chuan has returned to the team for more than two months, is it...

His eyes lit up immediately, and he asked cautiously, "Sister-in-law, are you uncomfortable?"

Su Su waved her hand and said, "It may be motion sickness, it's okay, I have motion sickness medicine." She has never had motion sickness, and this medicine was brought to her classmates. There are only two pieces left, in the side pocket of the large backpack. She stretched out her hand and took one to put in her mouth.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, this... It's just that sometimes taking medicine is not good, why don't you bear it?"

"This is pure traditional Chinese medicine and has no side effects. In fact, it's similar to sugar." But Susu, a girl, failed to understand the other party's kindness, and explained that he didn't say anything. Living.

And the soldier brother silently prayed that the medicine really had no side effects.