MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 54 The plot can't be changed

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And the soldier behind said: "Platoon leader, why are you driving so slowly, don't we have other tasks when we arrive at the county seat?"

"You know what, this road is not easy to walk, there are two lesbians in the car, so be careful to drive." After the platoon leader in front, he still drove very steadily, it was almost afternoon Time to go to the county seat.

Originally, they had to arrange for the male and female protagonists to live there and then go to perform the task. Originally, Susu was still depressed. This is the place where the male and female protagonists love each other. If I were here, wouldn't I be blocking their way of having sex? Or, just buy a ticket and leave?

Hold on, we only got one ticket tonight. There's one for tomorrow, can you get on the train again tomorrow?"

"Okay." Lin Donghe readily agreed.

Then Su Su was arranged to get on the bus without saying a word to Lin Donghe. When she got on the bus, she realized that she had bought a sleeper ticket for herself, and she did not tell Lin Donghe about this. These soldiers are not all honest ones. This platoon leader is extremely smart. He really takes good care of his sister-in-law without offending others.

Because she had seen the ticket he gave to Lin Donghe before, it was a proper hard seat ticket.

The person was sitting in the seat and realized that he hadn't thanked them yet. Forget it, just tell Lin Chuan at that time. It is more appropriate for the relationship between men to be left to him.

However, the sleeper at this time is not very good, and it is not as comfortable as the motor car in the future. But it is possible to lie down without having to squeeze around with others. After all, the traffic is not too developed, so the trains are very crowded. If it was a hard seat, she would be squeezing with others now.

Looking at the ticket, the train arrives at 3:50 in the morning, which means she can sleep well and arrive at the station. Putting her backpack aside, she took out the water glass to get the hot water and then lay down in the car to sleep.

I can't blame her for being too hearty, but when she came, she was shaken by the car.

However, the car was a bit noisy, and she finally fell asleep. As for her situation after arriving at the station, the platoon leader has already called to inform her that someone will come to pick her up.

Official affairs are always reassuring, Susu was worried about Lin Chuan, and when she fell asleep, she dreamed that he walked towards her with a broken arm and a missing leg.

She was so startled that she broke into a cold sweat, then she looked at her watch and found that it was past two in the morning, and she was really sleepy. I was busy in the bathroom, washed my face and cleaned my teeth. When I put the towel on, I found that the red scarf given to Widow Qiao did not appear again. That is, won't things revert back if they're not in the backpack?

Thinking of this, I took out the motion sickness pills I had taken before, and found that the package inside was still in good condition.

After knowing this rule, I decided not to give things to others easily, because they may never be found again. However, the used money and tickets have come back, giving her a little more confidence in living in this era.

Packed up and ate some cakes. It was three o'clock. She put the hot water and cakes on her back and put on a big backpack to get off the bus. A very well-dressed and beautiful little girl was particularly attractive, and even when she was queuing to get off, someone gave her way.

So, she got out of the car without being too crowded, and then followed the main force.

When she finally arrived at the pick-up place, she looked around under the dim streetlights.

"Comrade, is your surname Su?" A deep voice sounded behind her, causing Su Su to get goosebumps all over her body.

The voice is really nice, different from Lin Chuan's clear and thick voice, but the same... serious.

She hurriedly turned back and saw a tall man holding a small photo looking at her, and then she seemed to confirm after turning her head around, and she seemed to have confirmed herself by putting away the photo Find the right person.

Su Su was startled by the deep scar on his face, but in the end she held back her thoughts and said happily: "Yes, my surname is Su, my My lover is Lin Chuan."

"Hello, I'm Lin Chuan's deputy battalion commander, Chang Yuejin. I'm in charge of picking you up to the army hospital." The other party held out his hand.

Susu immediately stretched out her hand to hold him and said, "I'm sorry to bother you."

little girl.

And what Su Su thought was that although this man was scary, he was still worse than Halloween P, and after all, he was wearing a military uniform, so he felt safe looking at him. This is the person who came to pick you up, there is nothing wrong, you can follow.

So, Su Su got into the car with the deputy battalion commander Chang. He was the only one who came to pick him up, but the car was driving very slowly, and it was obvious that there would be no one around at this time.

"That deputy battalion commander, there is no one on the road, can we be a little faster?" She was in a hurry to take care of Lin Chuan, and she didn't know where he was injured.

"No hurry, Lin Chuan may be sleeping now." He was still slow, because when he received the call, his platoon commander had instructed him not to drive as before, because the battalion commander My daughter-in-law may be pregnant, and she was still vomiting when she came.

So, be careful when driving. And he still doesn't have a daughter-in-law and doesn't know how to take care of pregnant women, so he must drive slowly.

When she heard that Lin Chuan was still sleeping, Su Su stopped chasing her, but when she saw a bicycle passing by her, her mind was a little broken.

Looking back at Chang Yuejin, Gang's expression remained the same.

Another bicycle passed by, she felt a tic tac toe hanging down on her forehead, and Chang Yuejin still had a poker face.

She suddenly wanted to open the door and go out, but unfortunately she didn't know which hospital Lin Chuan was in.

Just as he was about to stop making a sound, he finally stopped the car in front of a small second floor, and then walked down to lead the way safely. Su Su deeply felt that this person was slow and walked slowly. But what can she do, follow.

There were not many people in the hospital at this time, and soon they entered a ward on the first floor. After opening the door, it was quite quiet inside, and then suddenly a somewhat anxious voice came out: "Old Chang, have you received anyone?"

"Well, then." After Chang Yuejin finished speaking, he walked in with Susu and said, "I'll fetch you water." After speaking, he didn't know how he saw the thermos. mention it and leave.