MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 78 massive blood loss

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But I also know that the other party understands, who made his eyes so warm.

Lin Chuan knew that her daughter-in-law was protecting her face, and she was quite satisfied. He couldn't help holding his daughter-in-law's hand, squeezed gently and said, "It's all up to you."

"It hurts..."

"I'll give you a blow."

Blowing and blowing, the two kissed together, and then the meal was cold, and the two picked up the table when they were not full and didn't want to eat anything.

But Susu is still very serious, she went out to look for Lin Donghe after eating.

No, she found Lin Hai and asked him to find Lin Donghe, and the two stood on the edge of the village talking.

There is no one around, and even in the first month of winter, there are not many people wandering outside.

"Comrade Su, what's the matter with calling me out?" Lin Donghe was very surprised that Su Su would suddenly find him.

Su Su sighed and said: "I know you and Qin Zhiqing have each other in heart, and then I saw her go to the county town on the sixteenth day. When I came back, my face was pale and I was nauseous. Although she wanted to hide it, I still saw that she seemed to have it. If it spreads out, it will not be good for her, nor for you, so I will tell you after thinking about it. "I didn't mention it at all. Lin Chuan only said that it was his own guess, and it would be best to see what they say when the time comes.


"I'm a woman, and I'm still very sensitive to this kind of thing. Well, I can only say this, how to do it depends on your own thoughts." She frowned. Talked too much, then turned around and ran away.

As he walked and thought, according to Lin Donghe's thoughts in the book, he still wanted that child very much, but at that time the heroine married Lin Chuan, and he could only swallow it for the sake of their reputation. Watching her knock out her own child.

Now the heroine and Lin Chuan are not married, if he knows how to deal with it.

Anyway, it's none of their business.

After she went back, she was carried directly onto the kang by Lin Chuan, the door was closed and the curtains were drawn...

It's not dark yet.

"No, gosh..."




Lin Chuan overwhelmed people like that, regardless of Susu's refusal.

But they didn't know it was really coming, and they all walked under their window. It's a pity that Lin Chuan didn't hear footsteps just when he was excited, and he couldn't see the outside even after blocking the curtain.

Qin Yueyue felt very uncomfortable after seeing Lin Chuan running away. After thinking about it, he might think that this matter was behind Su Su's back for fear that she would make trouble in the future. In this case, I can directly ask Susu, and let their husband and wife help me in an upright manner, and even if there are any rumors, I can help myself to solve it.

The most important thing is that Susu's voice is still good, it really is a thousand and one turns, and she is not a man, and her heart is beating like a drum.

She is not inexperienced, but that day she only felt pain and discomfort, and because of environmental problems, she did not dare to make a sound from beginning to end. In this comparison, she felt that she was a little worthless for the first time, and now that she has a child, it makes people panic.

As the heroine, it is impossible to listen under the window of others all the time, so she ran away. Confused and not knowing where to go, who knows that he unexpectedly met his man Lin Donghe.

For a moment she wanted to cry, but she didn't say anything because she was afraid that Lin Donghe would see something.

Lin Donghe ran over and took her hand, and took her to the grass chop on the side of the threshing floor. He dug a hole in the middle of it, which he made himself before, in order to have the opportunity to stay here with his woman for a while.

"Are you pregnant? Why didn't you tell me, let's find a way together."

"How do you know? Did Lin Chuan tell you?"

"Linchuan? How did he know."

Lin Donghe was startled and looked at her incomprehensibly. Why didn't she know she was pregnant, but Lin Chuan knew?

"Didn't he say that?"

"It's Comrade Su Su..."

"It turned out to be her." I didn't expect that Lin Chuan was also a big mouth, so he even mentioned this to that woman. And that woman went directly to Lin Donghe, they are really a couple with a good relationship.

But Lin Donghe saw her sneer and knew that it might be a misunderstanding, so he said: "I think you have a misunderstanding, Comrade Su watched you go to the county seat, and then guessed that you were not comfortable. Possibly pregnant."

"Guess?" How could she guess, unless she knew that the two of them were in a relationship before.

It might be that Lin Donghe showed something when he went to take care of Lin Chuan, or she was thinking, or Lin Chuan told her. Whatever it is, she is now admitting nor denying it.

"Don't talk about others, I plan to do our wedding, and then borrow money to go to your house for the bride price. You can still go to school after the year, how about I send you there ?"

"What's the matter? It takes three years to study at university, child..." After she said that, she regretted it, because she was in a hurry to tell the matter of having a child and forgot to cover it up.

Lin Donghe knew right away that she really had a child. He couldn't help but happily walked over to hold her hand and said, "Don't be afraid, I will be a good father and take good care of him in the future, don't worry."

I knew it would be like this, Qin Yueyue knew that the man in front of her really loved her, but he could still take care of her when she was in the village, but what can he do in the city?

This child is not at the right time.

She shook her head and said, "We really can't have this child, don't say that your future and my future are unfinished, even if you are born, it will delay my studies."

"My mother can help, and I will try my best to save money to support him..." Lin Donghe is also guilty, he admits that he can't keep up with Qin Yueyue's footsteps, but he doesn't want to admit defeat.

None of them could convince them that they broke up like this. Lin Donghe used to think that falling in love might be the most beautiful thing when he was young, but now he doesn't think so. It is better to marry blindly and dumbly. Everyone gets together to live a good life, no one has an outsider, can have children, and live a lifetime like their parents.

The entanglement between him and Qin Yueyue is really tiring, but he is greedy, greedy for Qin Yueyue's body, and likes the way she struggles. And his own appearance is actually dragging her down, he knows it, but he just can't accept it. In the end, he made a great determination and finally made a decision, that is, to get married, but this child cannot be wanted.

When she was in college, her children really delayed her future, but marriage was his last concession.

Of course these Susu and Linchuan don't know about it, it's almost over after sixteen years of the first month. Moreover, Lin Chuan's injury is almost healed. He called the army in the morning to eliminate the holiday, and I believe there will be news in the next two days.

Su Su was very reluctant to let him go, but she also knew that this man had a special job and had to leave. Being able to accompany her for a while has been a godsend, but she has not given up being a normal husband and wife with him, so she really wants to move to the small town where his troops are located.

I also learned about him when I took care of him before, and it feels very good. Although it is much more dirty and messy than I imagined, it is still a city. But in this era, it is a bit difficult for you to be an individual, and you need to wait another two years.

After all, Lin Chuan is a soldier. If he is a farmer, she will immediately choose to become a self-employed person to get rich.

However, it is best to find a normal job first, then you have to rely on Lin Chuan's superiors to help. It is said that if the military sister-in-law goes with the army, she will usually arrange work, but it also depends on whether there is a dignitary in a factory or something.

The other thing is that it is already compiled, and it will be easier to arrange it at that time.

Su Su feels that her status is a bit high in this era, so it should be easy to arrange work, right?

I just need to rent a house first, or see if Lin Chuan and his troops are safe.

As for Lin Chuan, it's not much better. I probably know that I'm leaving, so these two days are really a tossing Susu. What an honest man, what a sullen show, is already a big bright show plus a bit perverted.

Good physical strength or something, it is really quite uncomfortable.

Su Su's physique is very good, but he can't stand it. She only felt that her body was weak, and even when she took a few steps outside, she felt a sore waist and panicked all over her body.


Thinking about the push-ups he did in the bridal chamber, why couldn't he wake up, he must not be full. Just pity him because he's about to leave, and then...

Then she put herself in.

"What's the matter with you, daughter-in-law?"


"Relax, I will definitely apply to join the army early, and then I will come out to see you once or twice a week."

"I don't think so."


"I'm afraid that one day my waist will break if I can't bear it. It's better to stay away." Su Su Bai gave him a look and said, "If you dare to touch me tonight, I will put you Kicked out."

"..." Lin Chuan suddenly turned his eyes to the side and said, "By the way, I'm going to the county town to buy a train ticket, are you going?"

"Didn't you decide which day to go, why did you go to buy a ticket?" Su Su was successfully led astray, she was still angry, but her attitude changed immediately when she heard that he was going to leave The hero is short-lived, and the children's love is long.

The girl's family is probably soft-hearted, Lin Chuan thought while rubbing her head. Then he said: "Actually, the above should issue the order to return to the team tomorrow and the day after. After all, recruiting new recruits is very busy in the spring. Therefore, I plan to buy tickets in advance and take you to the county town by the way."

"What's better." Susu no longer has any feelings for the city of this era, and always feels that it is not much different from the modern town. And the environment is not very good, burning coal stove all day and even passing ducks are black.

Lin Chuan also saw that his daughter-in-law was different from other girls, and she did not go to the city a bit. However, he still insisted: "I think..."

"What do you want to do?" Why is she still stammering, it's not like him.

"I don't think we took a group photo yet when we got married. I want to take a bigger photo with you, a double photo."

"..." She really didn't think of this, and she was just focusing on stickiness.

However, is this kind of thing usually done by women? Why is he so active as a man?

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to see you."

"..." Why did he explain that Su Su thought he meant something else?

"You, a dormitory of your own?"

"No, it's not." Lin Chuan felt that his daughter-in-law was too keen, and he even guessed that he wanted a photo because he wanted to slap his daughter-in-law in the middle of the night when he had nothing to do.

Unfortunately, he would never have guessed that Su Su was really thinking of masturbating, but she didn't go to the superficial thought that Lin Chuan wanted to masturbate, and thought he wanted to **** elsewhere.

Anyway, the young couple had different ideas, but they decided to go to the county together.

Mother Lin did not stop them. After all, the son was leaving and the daughter-in-law should be with her.

It just didn't occur to them that they met the male protagonist Lin Donghe and the female protagonist Qin Yueyue on the car going to the county town. Because there was no one they knew in the car, they all sat together like a real young couple.

Lin Donghe also saw them, came over to say hello immediately, and gave them a handful of candy with a smile: "I and Yueyue are getting married, this time I will go to the county to buy something. This is a candy , eat a few pieces."

"Yeah." Lin Chuan agreed indifferently and took it without saying anything.

But Su Su was surprised. She thought that the heroine would persuade the hero to abort the child. No, the female protagonist just made the child with the male protagonist.

I didn't expect that this child could be saved through their tossing, not bad.

In fact, that little life is quite innocent. After surviving, he may become a rich second generation in the future, he is amazing.

"Congratulations." This congratulations is heartfelt.

Lin Donghe nodded to Susu, then returned to his seat and gave Qin Yueyue a candy.

The four of them didn't have much communication after that, and sat in their respective seats. However, the atmosphere was better for the two of them, Susu. After all, the loving couple had no grudges in their hearts, and they started fighting for a while when they were in love. However, Lin Chuan's image was too positive, and Su Su could only make small moves, leaving him with a tall image of a soldier.

The car took a long time to get to the county seat. After getting off the car, the two young couples separated. Susu and the others had to take pictures first, and they said they were going shopping, so of course they couldn't be together.

Susu knew that she was here for a photo shoot today, so she dressed up beautifully, and even came with a small package of lipstick. When I got to the photo studio, I put on my lipstick in the small mirror, then smiled and said to Lin Chuan, "Does it look good?"

"It looks good." But it's a bit difficult to see the red lips in black and white photos.

However, he did not remind. Seeing her happy is also very happy, so let her be.

The photographer who took the photo didn't remind them, so he happily took pictures of the two of them and told them to pick them up in two days.

Su Su felt a little slow, but after Lin Chuan explained it, she realized that it was fast. Usually it takes four or five days. According to the master of this state-run photo studio, they just sent all the negatives to wash this afternoon before it will be advanced.

Then I went to the train station to buy a ticket.

It seems that Lin Chuan really wants to take the photos away.

It doesn't matter, just take it with you.

After buying the ticket, Lin Chuan took her to the restaurant and asked her what she wanted to eat.

Su Su thinks that the two of them are dating a little bit, but her own procedures are a bit confusing.

When she was happy, she wanted to order something good, and then found that the restaurants of this era didn't even have a menu, and the waiter wiped his hands with an apron and asked what to eat.

Su Su looked at Lin Chuan, it was a bit difficult to order food out of thin air.

Lin Chuan saw that his daughter-in-law was not familiar with using it in the restaurant, so he ordered two steamed dumplings, and two dishes and one soup. Because he found out at home that his daughter-in-law was probably not a pure Northeasterner, and she liked soup a bit.

Indeed, Su Su's home is indeed in the northeast, but she has been working outside for college and postgraduate entrance examinations. The girls in the dormitory are all from the south, and they have a good relationship. They often go out to eat and drink together, and then they have the habit of drinking soup.

People of this era are sincere, and the dumplings are too big.

The soup was still delicious, so she sat there and sipped the soup, waiting for Lin Chuan to destroy all the dumplings and vegetables.

However, my men are handsome when they eat.

Eating fast and plentiful, but not sloppy at all.

Sit upright and look much better than others. Thinking of that beautiful muscle line again, she felt like she wanted to swallow.

"How about another one?" Lin Chuan felt that his daughter-in-law was craving something, so he handed over a dumpling.

"I don't want to eat it, you can eat it yourself." She was not craving dumplings, but his body. However, she was the one who suffered in the end, so she could only be greedy in her heart, and she mustn't say it.

If you really say it, will the other party dare to give her a letter?

Anyway, others may not believe it, but Su Su, who knows that Lin Chuan has one set behind his face and another set by his daughter-in-law, dare not try.

The two were eating and watching the other when they saw a figure swooping in, and then saw Susu and Linchuan, put their hands on their table and said with a pale face : "Big brother, do you have any money? I need to borrow money to save my life."

Lin Chuan put down his chopsticks and asked Lin Donghe: "What's wrong?"

"She, she lost a lot of blood, and now urgently needs fifty dollars to save her life."

"I have it, I carry it with me." Su Su knew what happened as soon as she heard the blood loss.

No matter how much the heroine felt sorry for the two of them before, how much she felt sorry for Lin Chuan, but this life still has to be saved.

Lin Chuan settled the bill without asking, and then the three rushed to the hospital together.

Su Su handed over the money first, then followed Lin Donghe to the outside of the operating room.

Lin Chuan didn't ask until now: "What's going on?"

Only then did Lin Donghe tell Qin Yueyue's situation. The two of them came to the hospital for an abortion. Little did she know that her little doctor would not recommend surgery, so she was given medicine for abortion.

However, let them finish eating in the hospital and go back after the child is beaten.

Then they listened to the doctor's advice and drank the medicine in the hospital, which went well at first, but Qin Yueyue lost a lot of blood after the toss.

Speaking of this, Lin Donghe was afraid for a while. If he didn't listen to the doctor and eat in the hospital, but went back to his hometown, now Qin Yueyue could not be saved if he was pulled to the county.

Although he is the male protagonist, he is young. At this time, his hands are shaking and he looks very regretful.

"Stupid, how could you let her have an abortion? Are you a man?" After that, he lifted Lin Donghe and dumped it twice.

Lin Donghe almost collapsed after being dumped by him, and said with red eyes: "Do you think I think so? She thinks that the child will hinder her future, so she..."

"You're a man, why would you let a naive woman lead her by the nose." After speaking, Lin Chuan felt that something was wrong, so he glanced at Su Su subconsciously and immediately changed his words: "If it is If you are right, listen, if you are wrong, you won't be able to listen if you kill yourself."

"I can't help it either. She promised to marry me if she beat the child. I know I'm not good enough for her, so... So I'm very happy to be able to marry her. I don't know what will happen. Such a thing?" Lin Donghe covered his eyes, and a big man started to cry.

Lin Chuan pushed him against the wall and said, "Trash, if you don't think you're worthy, hold her down. If you want her to run away, don't call a man."

His voice is loud, and many people are looking this way.

Su Su poked him gently and said, "Keep your voice down, don't disturb the doctor."

Lin Chuan snorted and sat next to Su Su, but was so angry that he took off his hat and fanned.

At this moment, the door of the operating room opened, and a nurse said, "who are Qin Yueyue's family members?"

"I am, she, how is she?"

"He lost too much blood and needed a transfusion. Does she have any real relatives here?"

"No, then what should I do." Lin Donghe almost fainted.

"Just the three of you? Let's make a match and see if you can give blood to the patient."

The nurse said: "If you are not suitable, we have to organize blood transfusions to save people in the hospital."

Su Su did not expect that people in this era were so enlightened. Just as he was about to go with the nurse, Lin Chuan said, "You stay here and draw blood from our men."

The result came out soon after, and only Susu's blood type is suitable among the three people, the all-purpose O blood type.

I knew this was the result, she felt that maybe she came to this world to save the heroine once.

But not only her, but also a nurse with a suitable blood type, so the two sat there chatting while their blood was drawn.


"In fact, donating blood regularly is good for the body, but everyone doesn't know it yet." Susu liked this kind of girl very much, so she chatted with her very speculatively.

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