MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 79 marriage is difficult

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"You not only understand but also have consciousness, do you know who you are from the patient?" asked the little nurse.

"From the same village."

She doesn't want to be anyone else.

"You say, why does she want to have children so much? You must know, it was her first child. Now that her body is damaged, it will be difficult to conceive in the future."

"Really, that's a pity." It also wrote that the female protagonist was difficult to get pregnant, and was once rejected by the male protagonist's family, but finally tried her best to take the medicine of an old Chinese medicine Just got pregnant. However, at that time, he was engaged in family planning, so he only had one son with the male lead.

"Isn't it true?" The little nurse was quite able to say it. Finally, Su Su knew her name was Bai Lingling. The home is not in this city, but the assignment work is assigned here.

Only then did Lin Chuan have the opportunity to see his daughter-in-law, and found that her face was pale and did not know what to do, so he said, "How about I'll get you some boiled eggs eat."

Su Su rolled her eyes at the sky, and came again, why is he always thinking about how to plate the eggs.

Bai Lingling on the side said: "Otherwise, this soldier comrade, go get some chicken soup, which is more useful than eggs."

"Hey." It would be good if someone pointed the way, Lin Chuan immediately went out to the state-run restaurant to order a large bowl of chicken soup, and then brought two steamed buns to his wife.

Su Su is not hungry at all, but she drank some chicken soup to avoid dizziness earlier.

Of course, she couldn't drink it by herself and borrowed a lunch box for Bai Lingling to pour some. The two drank the chicken soup together but did not eat the steamed buns.

"Otherwise you can send this steamed bun to Lin Donghe, he hasn't eaten it yet." Su Su felt that the male protagonist was quite miserable, in fact, he didn't need to worry about his current status at all. Low self-esteem, he will be much taller than the heroine in the future.

But I didn't think that Lin Chuan looked at her, and then she saw grievance in his eyes.

? ? ?

Black question mark face!

Then, she watched Lin Chuan pick up a large steamed bun and directly dipped it in the chicken soup, then wiped one out in a blink of an eye.

This is…

Half a drawer of dumplings?

"Are you not full just now?"

"I was full, so I ran for a while." It means, I ran for a while so I was hungry.

Su Su frowned. Could it be that when he was at home, he always had a belly full, afraid that she would be hungry, so he didn't dare to eat more?

"Have you not eaten enough at home?"


"I suspect you are not full."

"Really full."

The young couple said something childish, Bai Lingling on one side blushed with laughter, and then said, "You guys are so funny." Su Dao: "That family member of yours woke up."

Su Su sat up from the bed, Lin Chuan helped her out, afraid that she would faint if she walked too fast.

But he wasn't too unscrupulous, he gave the rest of the steamed bun to Lin Donghe, but he could only choke without any soup.

He was hungry after a busy day, so he ate a few bites.

Then looking at Qin Yueyue who was lying on the bed, she said, "Yueyue, thanks to eldest brother and Comrade Su this time, she lost blood for you."

"Thank you, but there are arrangements in the hospital. In fact, you don't need to embarrass yourself so much." Qin Yueyue was not happy. She really didn't want Lin Chuan and the two to get involved. Maybe everyone would know when they went back. .

But Su Su rolled her eyes and sneered: "Co-author, I should believe that the hospital won't give you this blood, right?"

"I didn't mean that, you misunderstood. I just woke up, and my words were a little trembling. " Qin Yueyue said this, but the expression on her face was indifferent. .

Just as Bai Lingling came in, she also wanted to see how the patient she lost was recovering. Just listening to their conversation, I couldn't help but get angry: "Comrade Su gave you blood transfusion is the arrangement of the hospital, and she herself agreed to donate blood. Our hospital has just been built, and there is not much blood in the blood bank. If it weren't for her today, I would give it to you. Your blood transfusion is also someone else. Of course, there are only two of us who are suitable for your blood type. No one threatens us, and no one gives us a reward. We are idle and have nothing to save people." "Susu, I think you should go back to rest. You must be dizzy after so much blood for no reason."

Bai Lingling's mouth is quite poisonous, biting a few keywords to death.

Qin Yueyue's face was blue and white, and she said, "I'm sorry..."

"I use it, and I also look at Lin Donghe's face, after all, he is Lin Chuan's cousin." Su Su maintained a perfect smile, causing Lin Donghe's face on one side to have a burst of fever .

He is also a reasonable person, otherwise he would not be the captain. At this time, he also felt that Qin Yueyue was a little ignorant, so he said embarrassedly: "you two, go back, I can do it here. Also, thank you for today's affairs."

Su Su nodded, just about to say something, she was violently pulled away by Lin Chuan.

When he got outside, he first returned the lunch box from the restaurant, then went to buy some dishes with his wife and drove back to the commune.

On the way, Su Su was very uncomfortable because of dizziness, so Lin Chuan hugged her without saying anything, and let people rest on the kang when she got home. He is not a talkative person, but he still told his mother about today's affairs, and then said, "Mother, she donated blood to that woman in her heart. We don't ask her to be grateful, the past can be just as well. That's fine, but it's really chilling."

"In the future, even if she marries into your uncle's house, she will not be in contact without contact. We will not be able to keep such a person in the Lin family sooner or later. Your daughter-in-law is a good one. The people of Xiaojiazi are different. You go to the village and buy an old hen and I can make soup for her for a few days to make up for her body."

"Well." Lin Chuan said it happily, but in fact, the real purpose was to let his family understand that Su Su's atmosphere is different from someone else's. Embarrassed his daughter-in-law.

After I bought an old hen, I simmered half of it, and then boiled the rest of the soup.

In the evening, Susu drank a large bowl of soup and then ate a meal, and she was in good spirits, because she was not sleepy after sleeping all day, so she asked Lin Chuan: "You said, Lin Donghe is a big man Can you take good care of a woman in the hospital?" They changed clothes, wiped their bodies, washed their hair and feet, even though they were in a relationship and yet to get married, if the relationship didn't heat up after this set, it would decline.

After all, men are careless, and they can't always do their best to serve girls.

Of course, there is evidence. That is, Lin Donghe waited for two days when the female protagonist gave birth to a confinement child, and as a result, the two quarreled and almost left.

Maybe it's because of postpartum depression, maybe because the male lead's later home put too much pressure, maybe because the two of them want to quarrel.

However, in her opinion, the heroine offended the heroine because of the unexpected little things when he was serving the confinement. She felt that the male protagonist didn't love her anymore and didn't take her seriously, especially since she had a scar on her stomach after the caesarean section, he no longer looked down on her and so on.

Anyway, I just think too much.

And the male protagonist is the kind of person who treats everyone well, especially lesbians, so he is very popular with the little nurses in the hospital.

This also became an error.

Su Su felt that this time they previewed in advance, and they were afraid that there would be conflicts.

Of course, maybe it's just her own heart. After all, it is the male lead and the female lead, and they will always be together later.

I don't know when Lin Chuan approached her, and a pair of big hands hugged her from behind and said, "Daughter-in-law, go to sleep."

Here again.

Su Su rolled her eyes at the sky, she was prepared anyway, and she was used to it every night, so let him be.

In the end, I didn't expect that Lin Chuan really wanted to sleep. After putting her down, he kissed her neck, then hugged her—sleep with sincerity.

This is a bit incomprehensible, Susu was still waiting for the invasion while pulling the quilt, but the aggressor closed his eyes.

She waited and waited, but she couldn't fall asleep, so she turned to Lin Chuan and said, "What's wrong with you?" Those who didn't know thought it was him who got blood drawn today, so embarrassed Bar.

Lin Chuan opened his eyes and gently scratched the tip of Su Su's nose: "You are not feeling well today, rest early."

"Oh, it's because of this." She was indeed unwell, but now she is better. However, seeing how honest he looked, I wanted to tease him, so I slowly approached and nipped his lips.

The other party seemed to be very new, and then responded with a touch of water.

Susu bit his lip, and she didn't know which nerve she touched. The other party even forgot what she said before to let her rest.

There is a feeling of shooting yourself in the foot, but there is no way, the thing has happened, you can only let it continue to happen...

Lin Chuan was really distressed, and finally said directly: "You are worried about yourself and see."

Susu poked him lightly, doesn't that reveal the secret? You must know that after they came back after research, they said that Qin Yueyue had an appendicitis operation. If it was said that it was an abortion, the two old people would collapse.

Don't think that Lin Donghe is not their biological son, but they all regard him as their biological son. After being recognized back, the family looked down on the Lin family and prevented them from communicating, but Lin Donghe would come back every year.

I didn't expect that they said a lot of things, my aunt was worried, but Lin Chuan made her look at it instead of asking any more questions, saying: "It's fine if you're okay."

"I'll be back in a few days." After Su Su said something, the aunt said she was going home to cook.

Su Su lay down for a second, she felt that a crow had been circling and calling on her head, so disgusting.

Lin Chuan scratched his head and said solemnly, "Comrade Su Su."


"I don't have enough perseverance. You can punish me however you want."

"Pinch my feet and let me sleep, I'm too tired."

"..." Is it okay for a big man to pinch a woman's foot? Lin Chuan only hesitated for three seconds. When Su Su's weak eyes opened, he immediately walked to the kang and sat down. He picked up her little foot and pressed it up, not too strong.

"I can't feel it through the socks." Su Su stretched out her little feet and shook it, and then Lin Chuan took off her socks.

Then he was stunned, how could his daughter-in-law's feet be so small, how could her skin be so good, and how could her toes be so cute. In short, he was amazed in his heart and then stopped massaging, playing with each other. In the end, he played Susu and fell asleep.

However, the next day Lin Chuan began to prepare all kinds of things for his daughter-in-law to stay at home.

Thinking of leaving, both of them are in a bad mood. After all, they just became a real couple not long ago.

Lin Chuan also came up with an idea: "Otherwise, you can go directly to visit relatives."

As a result, she was beaten by Susu as soon as she finished speaking.

This person just went back to work and then followed him to visit relatives, which is too sticky. She doesn't have this habit. If she wants to stick, she has to think about it before sticking.

However, it's really reluctant.

Especially when there was no noise or noise on the last day, they hugged her and told her, and then the two fell asleep peacefully.

She felt quite satisfied, because Lin Chuan finally had something to do.


Su Su was speechless and helpless, and she was let go to sleep when it was dawn.

After Lin Chuan helped her take care of it, she went out with her backpack, went to the front yard, said a word to her parents and brothers and left. He did this because he didn't want his daughter-in-law to send him off, otherwise he would be reluctant to leave.

Susu almost made him cry when he woke up, and decided not to write to him for a month, suffocating him to death.

Qin Yueyue was discharged from the hospital within two days. She was arranged to rest at Uncle Lin's house, because after all, she had agreed to be their daughter-in-law. Then there was a saying in the village that Qin Yueyue had appendicitis and was rescued by Lin Donghe, and she paid the hospital bill, so she agreed to marry him out of gratitude.

Everyone is quite envious. I don't understand how the Lin family married a female college student. And they are all rushing to be grateful, they are really good at saving people.

Susu's forefoot is an example to marry. She has a good personality and gets along well with her family. In the blink of an eye, he almost became the richest family in the village.

This Qin Zhiqing grows up and looks good, and has a gentle and gentle personality.

But Su Su felt that Qin Yueyue was not very happy, and so was Lin Donghe, he was not even as good as when he was in the hospital. Even though the happy event was coming, he seemed depressed as if a relative had passed away.

It's not what you think it is, is it?

Su Su didn't ask, after all, it was someone else's business.

But that night, the aunt came over to discuss things with Lin's mother a little depressed, and she knew that the heroine was quite able to find things.

"It's a bit irritating to say, but there's nothing I can do. That child of Yueyue wants a watch. It's nothing to marry someone who wants a watch, but their family actually asked us for 300 yuan bride price."

"What? This is selling a daughter? There is no such price around."

Mother Lin was stunned. She didn't expect that Qin Yueyue would ask their family for so much money. Not to mention the 300 yuan dowry in the village, it is a minority in the city.

Also, this girl's heart is too big.

" She said it was very pitiful, after all, the dowry was all for their family, and then she wanted a watch herself. However, our family really tried everything to collect money for her dowry I have even sold the food. Right now, I really can't afford to buy a watch. I think your family, Kawako, is just married. Can you borrow his wife's watch to bring it and return it later. When the time comes, we will take the gift money and buy her a new one." The aunt looked at Susu and smiled.

In fact, her practice is normal, and it is normal to use it back and forth when there is no money or property in the village. Susu didn't refuse, and said, "Okay." It's not bad to just borrow a watch strap.

But Mother Lin shook her head and said: "This is not good, although it is good to wear it to pretend to be a face, but our family Susu's watch can probably be seen by others, and your family has no place to buy it after the incident. Exactly the same."

"Huh?" What a good watch? The aunt glanced at Su Su, and she showed herself.

The watches of foreign brands are surrounded by small diamonds, and the dial in the middle is also quite bright, which looks very luxurious.

"This...isn't it too beautiful?" The aunt took a break and waved her hand: "Then I'll think of another way."

"Well, our family saved some money last time, why don't you take this watch and buy it?"

"How about that? Besides, there are no tickets right now."

"I have the ticket." After Su Su finished speaking, she immediately said, "The last time I was paid during the New Year, I had a watch ticket in it."

"This, how can I thank your family. The last time Yueyue's hospitalization was paid for by you, and it hasn't been paid back, this..." The aunt rubbed her hands, it seemed a little Very sorry.

In fact, Su Su likes these people in the Lin family, even Lin Donghe's younger brother is very good. Lin Donghe has too many thoughts, but his three views are basically upright.

She can help them like this, nothing more than hope that Lin's father and Lin's mother are happy, after all, we are all relatives.

The aunt went back with the money and tickets with great gratitude, Father Lin sat on the ground and said, "Susu, you did the right thing in this matter, we are all in this village. There are only two brothers here and there is no one to rely on."

"Well, I know." It is difficult for Su Su to pretend to be well-behaved in front of Lin's father and Lin's mother, after all, these are Lin Chuan's parents.

But Lin Hai quit, kicked Chai He into the stove fiercely and said: "Dad, their second brother has already hooked up with Qin Yueyue, what does their family do to our family? Taking into account the relationship between relatives... ah, father, what are you doing to beat me?"

"Little bastard, your eldest brother is in the hospital and your second brother didn't go? Our family has something to do, and your second brother won't help. Go away, don't be ignorant here." Lin father put his son After kicking him to the room, Lin Hai didn't get angry either, and didn't come out after a few words of grievance.

Susu immediately said: "I'm going back too." She didn't want to tell them whether it was worth it or not, anyway, she didn't plan to walk around with the heroine.

However, after all, she and her mother Lin still have to visit every day when the Lin family holds a wedding. After all, they don't know how to help. Lin's father also went with the three younger brothers of the Lin family, to see that there was nothing to do and then go back.

The date is set in ten days, because the village is about to organize spring ploughing activities, Lin Donghe is the captain and must be in the front.

Su Su and Lin Mu came over today to help cut the window grilles and stack the big red flowers, which she had never done when she was married. While stacking flowers, they discussed where Qin Yueyue would marry.

The aunt wanted her to marry at Lin's mother's house, but Lin's mother said: "I have nothing to do at my house, but there is no place to live. It is difficult to arrange when guests come."

"Otherwise, go to Susu's house to get married. Her house is a new house, and no one bothers..."

After the aunt said Susu, she was a little unhappy. Although she wanted to help, she hated others occupying her place, especially her and Lin Chuan's wedding room.

"How can this be, that house is still a new house. Or else, I will take my three children and his father to Susu's house to squeeze, and then Qin Zhiqing is in our main house. The house is married."

Mother Lin also knew that Su Su was not happy, so she immediately took the lead.

Su Su glanced at her mother-in-law gratefully, she was satisfied with this arrangement. You are not happy to see others go to live in her house, but it doesn't matter that Mother Lin and Father Lin are your own family.

The aunt also nodded and said, "I didn't expect it, just do as you said."

After the decision was made, Mother Lin took Susu back, but when she got home, she asked, "Will we go to your place to live with you?"

"It's okay, our family, didn't I live in the front yard hut before?" Susu glanced at Lin mother indifferently, and then said sweetly: "I like you to go to me Then live, I don't like other people being **** ho in our house."

Look, she didn't act so coquettish in front of her own son, and she's pretty good. As a result, when he came to him, he looked like a child.

I really like girls, so Mother Lin can only coax her.

The day before the uncle's family had something to do, they moved to Susu's side. Now the weather is not so cold, so Susu's literacy class has been moved to the village branch.

However, a group of men from the village went to work, so there were not many people in the literacy class. She insists on teaching every day, after all, she is paid.

When Mother Lin and the others came over, Su Su packed up the hut, and then had to take Mother Lin to live in her own house. After all, if she squeezed a small kang with these four men, she really couldn't hold it, so Mother Lin slept in the same room with her.

I didn't expect that just as they were about to lie down, Lin Xiumei brought her husband and children over. She has two children, one is five or six years old and the other is two or three years old. They are all naughty times. . Her husband, on the other hand, was born with sallow skin, was not tall, and did not look too strong.

After the family came over, Mother Lin had to prepare meals. Fortunately, they cooked some dumplings.

Su Su did not expect that these two children would eat like a battlefield, she was squeezed to the edge of the kang and dared not move.

"Okay, after dinner, Daqiang will go to your aunt's house to find a place to live. Xiumei and the child will stay here to sleep."

Mother Lin didn't expect them to come so early this time.

The author has something to say:The mask I bought yesterday was shipped today, it’s amazing

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