MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 60 first love

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After Lu Tong finished speaking, he leaned against the railing again.

Qin Chu suddenly recovered and grabbed his arm.

Lu Tong looked at him, and after a while he said: "What are you doing? Ask me if I want compensation for the mobile phone? Do you want money? I'll kill you."

Qin Chu pursed his lips and his throat moved: "What did you just say?"

Lu Tong's whole body was stiff, and belatedly began to feel embarrassed: "It's nothing. Just forget it if you didn't hear it."

"I heard it!" Qin Chu said quickly: "I heard it, you want to play tricks?"

"I heard you want to ask again?" Lu Tong looked away, not meeting him.

Suddenly, the atmosphere fell silent again.

Qin Chu waited for his brain to restart for a moment, let go of Lu Tong's hand, and stammered, "Then I..."

Lu Tong squeezed his palm.

Qin Chu: "Then are we in love now?"

Lu Tong coughed dryly: "What do you think?"

Qin Chu: "I always feel that the beginning is very hasty, and there is no sense of ceremony."

Lu Tong finally regained some of his rationality: "What sense of ceremony do you want? Please Dong Qing to report to us? In this happy family festival, notify the people of the whole country?"

Qin Chu was surprised: "Is it really possible?"

Lu Tong: ...

"Can I pry open your brain and see what's inside?"

Qin Chu pursed his lips and stood there for a moment.

Then he got up again and walked around the small balcony twice.

From the left to the right, and from the right to the left.

Lu Tong was dazzled by him: "What are you doing in circles?"

Qin Chu: "I'm a little nervous. I haven't been a boyfriend before."

Lu Tong: ...

I see it.

"I do not have either."

Qin Chu stood beside him.

Lu Tong felt uncomfortable all over, and there was a sense of excitement that he desperately wanted to hug Qin Chu—in order to show that this person has belonged to me. There is also a sense of shame that I want to run away immediately. Generally speaking, I want to have some physical contact with the other party, but also want to stay away from the other party and calm down, which is very contradictory.

He took a few deep breaths before deciding to speak to break the silence.

Qin Chu grabbed his shoulder from behind and pulled him over.

Lu Tong was imprisoned in front of his arms and raised his head.

Qin Chu stared at him for a long time before he said seriously, "Can I kiss you?"

Lu Tong: "Why?"

Qin Chu: "There is no reason. Asking why at this time is too disruptive to the atmosphere."

"Isn't it ruining the atmosphere to ask such a thing?"

"Then you mean I can kiss directly without asking?"

"...You pretend I didn't say it."

After a brief conversation, they fell into silence again.

This has simply become a vicious cycle.

Lu Tong couldn't bear this atmosphere, and felt that standing on the small balcony with Qin Chu was like two purebred living idiots, the longer they stood, the more embarrassing they became. He couldn't help feeling a bit puzzled, and sighed: Does the urban legend that falling in love lowers people's IQ really exist?

Just when he was about to push him away, Qin Chu said again: "Actually, I'm a little nervous."

Lu Tong: "I can see it, so I don't need to emphasize it a second time. Excuse me, can you be nervous in another place?"

Qin Chu suggested: "Why don't you let me kiss you, and use a more tense atmosphere to relieve the tension of the confession?"

Lu Tong: "Where is the confession? What are you talking about? You confessed? Why didn't I hear it?"

As soon as the words fell, Qin Chu took advantage of the chaos and kissed him on the face.

Lu Tong's right cheek was touched by warm lips, and he felt as if he was facing a big enemy. His head gave up the sovereignty over his body, and was reduced to the spine controlling his brain, and took a step back with difficulty.

Qin Chu kissed this, pulled Lu Tong forward, and pressed him into his arms.

He asked himself: Is it a loss on one side of the kiss, but not on the other side, which is a bit asymmetrical.

"I like you."

He read it again, as if he was speaking to Lu Tong, but also as if he was speaking to himself.

"I really like you, Lu Tong."

Qin Chu hugged him tighter, buried his face in his neck, and kept repeating this sentence.

Lu Tong's ears became hot from what he said, and the cells from Tianling to his toes began to listen to Qin Chu's command. He barely regained the initiative, pushed Qin Chu, and stammered: "Okay, there is no end."

"Enough." Qin Chu muffled: "I like you. Can you give it back to me?"

"What do I give you back?"

Qin Chu said: "I said I like you, but I hope you will return these four words to me."

Lu Tong tied his tongue, "I..."

Qin Chu stared at him.

"I'll give it back to you."


Lu Tong tore him away from him, keeping the two of them at a safe distance.

Qin Chu didn't get a response, so he thought about it for a while, feeling very uncomfortable.

Lu Tong rubbed his nose, feeling that he had caused a trouble, Qin Chu was very difficult to coax, and made up his mind to hear what he wanted.

But the mind, when the time comes, will speak out. What's more, this thing is all about comprehension, so what's the point of saying it?

Besides, the matter of confession depends on the atmosphere. Now that there is no atmosphere, Lu Tong is also very thin-skinned, so he dare not say these words on his lips.

Qin Chu relentlessly pestered him to respond, and his excitement was mixed with a trace of sadness: "Is it so difficult to say that you like me?"

He thinks he is like a concubine who gets no title after being slept by the shameless master.

Is there such a scumbag as Lu Tong?

The ambiguous and coy words made him feel very unconfident as a boyfriend.

Lu Tong pondered for a while, but before he could say anything, he was called over.

He pushed Qin Chu away, and the waiter who was looking for him was called by Lin Ci, who said that Lu Ling was drunk.

Lu Tong had no choice but to temporarily put aside his affairs with Qin Chu and find Lu Ling in the inner hall.

Lu Ling drank a lot and lay limp on the table.

Lin Ci stepped forward: "I helped him to the inner hall, there are many people outside, he is not safe as an Omega."

Moreover, Lu Ling is also a well-known actor, and he was photographed drunk at the dinner party, and tomorrow's entertainment news doesn't know how to arrange it.

Lin Ci said, "I ordered someone to take you home."

He looked up and saw Qin Chu, slightly surprised.

Lu Tong said something sorry, and bent down to help Lu Ling. Lu Ling's stomach was overwhelmed. As soon as Lu Tong helped him up, he suddenly pushed him away, turned sideways and retched for a while.

As an actor, he didn't eat anything to keep fit, and he couldn't vomit. After vomiting, he regained his composure, stretched out his hand, caught Lin Ci, raised his eyes, and immediately cursed: "Fuck you, Lin Shen!"

Lin Ci smiled and said, "I have admitted the wrong person."

"Did I recognize the wrong person? I know you fucking, you **** turned into ashes! Lin Shen, you bastard!"

Lin Shen, the name of the second child of the Lin family.

Lin Ci and Lin Shen are brothers, they look quite alike, but compared to Lin Shen's delicate and gentle appearance, Lin Ci is more handsome and more aggressive.

Lu Ling scolded for a long time, hanging on Lin Ci in a twisted manner, Lu Tong couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Lin Ci: "It seems that your love is not so strong."

" your return the coat I gave you..."

Lin Ci: ...

Lu Tong: "I'll take him back."

Lu Ling was dragged over by him, and he was still holding Lin Ci's clothes with his other hand, refusing to let go, as if he believed that the clothes were given by him.

He tore off a button of Lin Ci's tens of thousands of suits and had to take them off. Lu Ling hurriedly rubbed and hugged her, like a cat protecting food. After hugging for a while, I burst into tears.

Lu Tong: ...

Lu Ling cried very badly, and Qin Chu was annoyed when he saw him. The main reason was that Lu Ling disturbed his alone time with Lu Tong, and he wanted to tear him off Lu Tong.

"This is the suit I gave you..." Lu Ling burst into tears: "You are shameless, bastard! What's so good about this woman! I like you so much! I like you so much..."

While crying, he barked his teeth and claws and scolded Lin Shen to the point of blood.

Lu Tong couldn't catch him, so Lu Ling threw himself back into Lin Ci's arms.

It's a pity that it was Lin Ci who was forced to be scolded. Lu Ling's cursing mouth was very fierce. At the end of the scolding, he was dying, and kept saying that Lin Shen was not a good person.

Lu Tong's face was completely lost by his brother, he didn't have the same knowledge as a drunkard, so he tried his best to speak patiently: "I scolded the wrong person, this is the elder brother of the Lin family."

Lu Ling was a little afraid of Lin Ci.

Not only he was afraid, Lin Shen was also afraid.

When the two were together, they were only sophomores in high school. In the words of adults, that was puppy love. The Lin family's parents seldom asked Lin Shen. He was brought up by Lin Ci, so he had a natural sense of fear of Lin Ci.

Do some bad things like "puppy love", sneak around with Lu Ling, young and innocent, for fear of being discovered by his elder brother.

Under his subtle influence, Lu Ling was also full of awe towards Lin Ci. If he hadn't been drunk, it was absolutely impossible for him to be so arrogant and indulgent in front of Lin Ci.

His drunken and delirious brain thought of Lin Ci, and flinched reflexively. I also thought of Lin Ci's strict discipline to Lin Shen, and always caught Lin Shen who was skipping class by surprise, which confuses the good things of the two of them, and they are like a stick to beat a mandarin duck. If it weren't for Lin Ci, he and Lin Shen would be together now. The kids can run!

Is it the turn of the fiancée to take the lead?

The more he thought about it, the more he hated it, and the more he thought about it, the more unpleasant he became, and he cursed viciously: "Lin Ci is not a good thing either!"

Lu Tong blocked his mouth with his hands.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin."

Lin Ci still had that smiling face, like a fox, which was hard to see through.

"It's okay, Xiao Ling has this temper."

He glanced at his watch and sighed softly: "Let me take you back."

Qin Chu grabbed Lu Tong: "I'll go with you."

Lu Tong:?

Qin Chu: "You still owe me a word, don't think about it tonight."

Lu Tong: "Run to someone else's house during Chinese New Year?"

"How can you call someone else's house, we are now a legal couple."

Lu Tong pulled the suit out of Lu Ling's arms, hugged him quite hard, clicked his tongue, and said casually: "The law only protects couples, not lovers."

Qin Chu's brain circuit of flying across the Pacific reappeared, and he suddenly realized: "Are you implying marriage?"

Lu Tong stretched out his hand and pointed: "The door is on the left, get out immediately."

Lin Ci handled the business of the dinner, changed into a black suit, and opened the car door.

Lu Tong was suspicious, saw him driving, and asked, "Brother Lin, do you know how to get there?"

The expression on Lin Ci's face did not change, and he took advantage of the situation: "Of course I don't know, I was just about to ask you, where does Xiao Ling's family live?"

Lu Tong felt weird, but he didn't say it out loud.

Lin Ci glanced at the rearview mirror and said, "He's so drunk that he can't take care of himself at home alone. Do you live with him?"

Lu Tong: "Not together."

Lin Ci: "Could you please take care of him tonight?"

Lu Tong reported an address, it was Gu's family.

Lin Ci let out a "huh" and said with a smile, "Do you live at Uncle Gu's house?"

Several well-known group chairmen in the Beijing circle know each other, especially the aristocratic families like Lin and Gu.

The family property is inherited from the ancestors, and there will be marriages every few generations, and it will be more convenient to do business if the relatives are related.

Therefore, Lu Tong was not surprised that Lin Ci knew the Gu family.

Lin Ci glanced at Qin Chu, then turned his gaze back.

"What a surprise."

Qin Chu and him looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

After delivering it to the door of Gu's house, Lin Ci left.

Originally, he planned to take his suit away, but Lu Ling was too cruel, whoever would bite him. After Lin Ci was bitten three times on the back of his hand, he announced that he would give up the suit.

Qin Chu waited for Lin Ci to leave, but stood at the door and refused to go in: "I'll wait for you outside."

Lu Tong asked him, "Why don't you go in and sit?"

Qin Chu shook his head: "My grandfather and the Gu family have a little holiday, and their family doesn't want to see me."

Lu Tong complained, "Do you guys sell the secret histories of wealthy families in piles?"

It was still snowing outside, and Qin Chu was wearing a suit, not keeping warm at all.

Lu Tong himself was also wearing a suit, and there was nothing he could take off for him, "Then you wait for me at the back door, there is a garden room there, you go inside, don't stand outside to blow the wind."

Qin Chu's eyes lit up, and he asked him with a smile, "Do you care about me?"

Lu Tong frowned: "What? Is there an extra charge for caring about your business?"

Qin Chu: "No charge. Come out early, I won't leave until I see you."

Lu Tong murmured in his heart: You son of a bitch, you will threaten people again.

The warm yellow light in the living room was on, and as soon as Lu Tong entered, Lin Siyin put down the melon seeds.

"What's wrong with your brother?"

Lu Tong said concisely: "Drunk at the banquet. Where's Qin Shiwu?"

Lin Siyin: "Playing chess with your father. I'll bring Xiao Ling up."

Lu Tong nodded, and when he turned around, he saw Qin Shiwu and Lu Zhiyan sitting in front of the sofa with serious faces, and there was a chessboard between them.

He said why Qin Shiwu didn't run out to greet him wagging his tail like a puppy, he was either sick or playing chess.

Lu Tong laughed, walked over and stood behind Qin Shiwu: "Will you come down?"

Qin Shiwu's face of bitter hatred and deep hatred instantly blossomed: "Lu Tong!"

Lu Tong nodded: "Is it better?"

Qin Shiwu's puppy tail swayed as he wished: "It's much better, even going out to set off fireworks at night is no problem!"

Lu Tong: "You can go, wear more clothes."

Lu Zhiyan asked, "Why is there a smell of alcohol?"

Lu Tong: "I didn't drink, it's because Lu Ling drank too much." He paused: "Qin Shiwu can play Go?"

The formation of black and white pieces on the chessboard looks very brain-inducing.

Qin Shiwu frankly admitted: "No."

Lu Zhiyan dropped one sunspot, then took the other four sunspots and put them into the chess basket.

"Not really. It's backgammon."

Lu Tong: ...

After Qin Shiwu lost everything, he didn't feel too sad.

He quickly stood up, went up to the second floor with a "thud, thump, thump," and searched through the boxes for down jackets.

Lu Tong told him downstairs: "Take out two more."

Lu Zhiyan accepted the game: "Don't come back too late. After the new year, you will be in the second semester of high school. At this crucial moment, you can't relax just because of your good grades."

After Lu Tong arrived in Beijing, he didn't do much reading and doing questions. Lu Zhiyan must have noticed it, so he said this to him tonight.

In previous years, even if the whole family went out for a trip, Lu Tong would not be greedy for fun. He would either stay in a hotel and read a book, or sit at home doing quizzes, as if it had nothing to do with him this year.

Lu Zhiyan and Lin Siyin were also worried about Lu Tong's reticent character, and feared that he would not be happy if he went out to society in the future.

But when he saw that Lu Tongguang was playing and not studying, Lu Zhiyan was worried about what would happen if his grades dropped.

As everyone knows, even if Lu Tong drops by 50 points, he can still sit firmly at the top of the grade.

Before Qin Shiwu came down, Lu Zhiyan asked again, "How are you going to solve your physical problems?"

Lu Tong played with the white flag in his hand: "I didn't think about it."

Lu Zhiyan: "What about Qin Chu? What did he think?"

Lu Tong: "What can he think. What do you think? Let's get married."

Lu Zhiyan: "If, if you like each other, marriage is of course the best solution. But right now, you should focus on your studies and not fall in love."

Lu Tong: "Let's talk about it later."

Lu Zhiyan: "What do you mean, let's talk? Didn't you listen to the doctor that day?"

Lu Tong: "Isn't there another solution? What's the rush?"

When Lu Zhiyan talked to his son, he often couldn't talk calmly.

They each have their own opinions, and when they talk about it, no one can convince the other.

As soon as Lin Siyin came downstairs, he saw that the father and son were about to quarrel, so he quickly cast a universal spell: "It's Chinese New Year, do you still want to quarrel?"

The four-character mantra really worked, and when it came to "Chinese New Year's Eve", both of them felt bored.

Qin Shiwu got down with three pieces of clothes in his arms, and jumped three times, holding the bag of fireworks sticks in his hand.

Lu Tong stood up and took the clothes.

Lin Siyin dressed the two of them: "Come back early."

Lu Tong: "It's in the community, and I won't go far."

Lin Siyin nodded: "When watching the fireworks, don't get too close, it's very dangerous for sparks to fall."

After hearing her rambling for a while, Lu Tong and Qin Shiwu came out of the villa.

Qin Shiwu said excitedly: "I've decided on the route today! There is an artificial lake behind this community, let's go to the lake to set off fireworks."

The villa area where they are located is surrounded by artificial lakes on three sides. It is quite large at first glance, and there are many small bridges on the lake.

At night, the lights of the artificial lake will be lit, and several families who set off fireworks will come to the lake to set off. Moreover, looking out from here, you can also see the lights of thousands of houses, which is a good place with a wide view.

Qin Shiwu said as he walked, wrapped his down jacket tightly, and sighed: "It would be great if Qin Chu was here."

Lu Tong stopped in his tracks: "You want to see him?"

Qin Shiwu muttered: "I want to."

Lu Tong was very interested: "Why do you want to?"

Qin Shiwu didn't make up a good reason for a while, and hurriedly said indiscriminately: "I, I think for you!"

Lu Tong laughed, and took out a firework stick from his pocket, with the words "Fairy Stick" written on the outer package.

Qin Shiwu said with disgust: "What a dreamy name, it doesn't match my stalwart image!"

Lu Tong: "Have you heard the legend of the fairy wand?"

Qin Shiwu:?

Lu Tong saw him staring at him blankly, his face full of curiosity fell into his eyes, and he didn't suppress the bad taste in his heart at all.

Taking advantage of Qin Shiwu's unconditional trust in him, Lu Tong opened his mouth and made up: "If you light three fairy sticks and make a wish, there will be fairies to fulfill your wish."

He took out a lighter: "Do you want to try it?"

Qin Shiwu opened his mouth: "You lied to me!"

Lu Tong: "What am I lying to you for?"

He speaks clearly and logically, and he doesn't seem to be lying at all.

Although Qin Shiwu didn't believe it, he was still happy to play this little trick with Lu Tong.

After the fairy wand was lit, he pretended to close his eyes: "What wish should I make?"

Lu Tong crossed his arms: "Don't you want to see Qin Chu?"

Qin Shiwu: "The fairy still cares about this? The business is quite extensive."

Lu Tong: "Yes. You can ask him, whether you want to see him off or not."

Qin Shiwu laughed strangely "quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack"

Lu Tong laughed: "Fairy, what can I ask you, where is Dad?"

Qin Chu was speechless: "Is it fun?"

Qin Shiwu suddenly heard Qin Chu's voice, widened his eyes, and saw the great change in front of him, and looked at the fairy stick in surprise: "Damn, is it true or not?"

Lu Tong threw the down jacket in his arms to Qin Chu: "Put it on."

Qin Shiwu circled around Qin Chu twice excitedly: "Why are you here!"

Qin Chu: "Can't I come?"

He put on his down jacket, and the light from the street lamp made him look even more handsome.

Qin Shiwu said: "I just sent you a message to let you come, but you didn't reply to me."

After he arrived in Beijing, he reported to Qin Chu the scope of Lu Tong's activities every day, and the two chatted a lot in private.

Qin Chu usually responded to his messages very quickly, thinking of the reason why he didn't reply today, Lu Tong coughed.

His mobile phone has been broken into two pieces and fell into the trash can, including the SIM card.

"I changed my number, I will tell you tomorrow." Qin Chu didn't mention the mobile phone.

Qin Shiwu was skeptical. The matter of playing with fireworks sticks was more important than the matter of mobile phones. He headed to the lake, poured out the fireworks sticks in the bag without saying a word, and grabbed a handful in his hand.

Lu Tong split most of them out: "You are not allowed to play together."

Qin Shiwu pinched a small pinch, and after lighting it, the fairy stick went out not long after burning.

At the beginning, Qin Shiwu had a lot of fun playing, but later he got tired of playing, and he began to stare at the burnt fireworks in a daze.

Lu Tong and Qin Chu came here to play with each other, and they had their own ideas, so they didn't play fireworks much at all.

Seeing Qin Shiwu in a daze, Lu Tong first asked, "What's wrong?"

He keenly sensed that Qin Shiwu was not in a good mood.

The child's face is like the sky in June, it changes when it says it changes, and it becomes bad when it says it is bad. You just saw him get carried away playing, and now you're depressed again?

Qin Shiwu shook his head: "I'm fine."

Qin Chu pinched his face: "Why don't you just pouted, as if someone owed you eight million?"

Qin Shiwu looked at the fireworks in his hand and sighed: "I just think that beautiful things disappear very quickly. Just like fireworks, when they are beautiful, they amaze everyone, but after they disappear, they become so cold again. I was thinking, Is everything I experienced real, will it be the same as this firework?"

He said he was at a loss.

This vigorous journey beyond the modern scientific concept of development overturned Qin Shiwu's perception of the world.

Like Zhuang Zhou's dream butterfly, he got all the companionship and care he had lost.

The snow that he has never played before, the New Year that he has never spent together, and the past that he has never known, are like the heyday of fireworks, scrambling to explode before his eyes. After this period, sooner or later he will go back to face the cold room and his parents sixteen years later.

"Philosopher, you still think so much about setting off fireworks." Qin Chu said, "If it disappears, keep setting it off. There's nothing that can't be solved."

Lu Tong asked him, "What did you think of?"

Qin Shiwu's nose was sore: "I think it's fine now. The better it is now, the more I'm afraid it's just a dream."

The better, the more afraid to face reality.

"You are still so young, what can you experience. Go forward, maybe the future will be better than you think."

"Will not."

Lu Tong: "Why not."

Because I came from the future, Qin Shiwu looked at Lu Tong, thought over and over in his heart, but didn't say it out.

Lu Tong touched his head: "Because they disappear quickly, beautiful things are so precious."

Qin Shiwu: "But I want to keep them."

Lu Tong smiled and said, "I will keep it."

Qin Shiwu looked at him blankly.

The countdown to zero sounded behind Lu Tong.

When the count reached zero, all the fireworks by the lake splashed into the night sky together.

"Yes." Lu Tong reminded him: "Didn't you make a wish with a fairy stick?"

Qin Shiwu pursed his lips: "Such a small fairy stick, is it useful to make a wish?"

Lu Tong pointed to the large expanse of fireworks that almost illuminated the night into the day: "Now there is a super-enhanced version, you can try another one."

Qin Shiwu said: "Is wishing useful to fireworks?"

Lu Tong looked at Qin Chu: "Ask you, fairy."

The corner of Qin Chu's mouth twitched: "It depends on your wish, it will be more difficult to realize if it exceeds 20 million."

Qin Shiwu said: "I don't need 20 million at all."

Lu Tong complained: "Do you know how to speak based on the atmosphere?"

Qin Chu said venomously, "Am I not right?"

Qin Shiwu leaned back and laughed loudly. Before he finished laughing, Qin Chu suddenly called him, "Qin Shiwu."

Qin Shiwu wiped away tears from laughing, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Qin Chu pretended to be serious and unpredictable, and said, "There is one thing that I think you have the right to know."

Qin Shiwu looked at him vigilantly: "If it is the final exam result, then it will be waived!"

Qin Chu said, "I'm with Lu Tong."

Before Qin Shiwu could say the second half of the sentence, he shut down the phone on the spot.

He still maintains the last facial expression.

Qin Chu thought for a while, and added thoughtfully: "By the way, you only scored 195 points in the final exam."

It took about a century of prohibition before Qin Shiwu regained his thinking.

He couldn't understand what he was talking about: "...It's because I did badly in the exam, so you think of a way to divert my attention?"

Qin Chu said calmly: "No. It's better to have short-term pain than long-term pain. Instead of making you suffer twice, let me tell you together."

Qin Shiwu slowly turned his head and looked at Lu Tong.

The corner of Lu Tong's mouth twitched: "He's right."

Along with the fireworks, Qin Shiwu seemed to rise into the air and explode.

After Lu Tong finished speaking, he added: "As for the fact that you only scored 195 points in the exam, I will settle the score with you later."

Qin Chu glanced at the fireworks in the sky, felt that the atmosphere was good, and he was in a good mood, so he proposed to Qin Shiwu, who was out of his body, "Now you can turn your head."

Qin Shiwu spit out his white soul, and replied in a fluttering manner: "Why?"

Qin Chu calmly said, "Because I want to kiss him."

Lu Tong's pupils trembled: "What—" Qin Chu blocked the rest of the words.

Qin Shiwu's head was turned to the other side by Qin Chuxian.

The former looked at the fireworks in the distance without love, and suddenly came back to his senses: Fuck? ? Why is this scene so familiar? ?

The author has something to say: Baba: Now you can turn your head Baby: Why Baba: Because I want to kiss your mother Baby: =口=! !

· Yesterday I was really unwell and asked for leave! The update will resume next, thank you for your concern! I hope everyone is still on 555. I started rolling around again asking for comments and collections! There are only 700 collections left to reach 10,000! Readers, if you like it, you can Amway it to your friends. Quack quack quack quack ~~~~·

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me as the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution~ Thanks to the little angels who voted for [Grenade]: Chengmei 1; thanks to the little angels who voted for [Mine]: Tyrannosaurus rex is the best in the world! 4; 3 for Zhu Ma Pi Kan Zhao; 2 for Han Su and Yin Nuo; An Lan, Yan Lu, A Jin, Cheng Mei, W, Hua Qi, Qing Lai, Wu Yi Kou Chai Fei, Quiet Mimi, Jiu Mi, Xue Zhongsantan wine, 1 sandalwood trace; thanks to the little angel of irrigation [Nutrition Solution]: 1034 bottles of favorite matcha; 29 bottles of cute minibus; 11 bottles of Little One; 10 bottles of Liu Blank, Sakuya, Faint, Never Noticed, Little Fairy; 9 bottles of Narcissus; Can be expected in the future, Yangyao, Yaofu, Kesi, honey_hum 5 bottles; Quedao Tianliang 4 bottles; Teacher Ju's cute 3 bottles; Little Persimmon who loves to sleep late, Shuanglin, I want to go to heaven!, mention 2 bottles of string puppet; X, (:-), one can hit 20 Niu Jiayu, 1 bottle of Shenlin Yishujing; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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