MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 61 small farewell

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"It doesn't make sense!"

Qin Shiwu smashed his hands on the table, and the black fountain pen rolled to the ground with a gurgle.

Lin Xiaomian helped him pick it up, and reminded: "In the next physics class, if you don't have time to do your homework, you should hurry up and do it, or you won't have time for your evening self-study."

The teacher will assign the homework directly after the class, because most of the students live in the school, so the homework cannot be called homework, it should be called evening self-study homework.

Usually, students who want to study will seize the time to finish writing after class, so that they can spare time to review or preview tomorrow's class in the evening self-study.

But a poor student like Qin Shiwu had to go to the basketball court to play against the clock every ten minutes after class, so he was not expected to use the time after class to do his homework.

However, in addition to get out of class time, some classes can also be written. For example, an English teacher who seems easy to bully can write other homework in his class. If he is caught, he will only be punished. It is not a big problem.

There are also those who decide to study liberal arts. After passing the exam, all physics, chemistry and biology courses will be used for politics, history and geography.

The same is true for students who choose science.

Wang Tianhai, the teacher of the next physics class, is a middle-aged man with a rather old-fashioned personality and loves corporal punishment.

In his class, no one dares to engage in petty tricks.

Ji Rang was shaken by Qin Shiwu's movement on the table: "Can you be gentle on the movement, don't study by yourself, don't delay my entrance into Tsinghua University."

Lin Xiaomian moved the stool forward.

Ji Rang quickly said, "I didn't talk about you, but about Qin Shiwu. You've been yelling for days, and it doesn't make sense?"

Qin Shiwu's eyes fell on Qin Chu's position, empty.

Qin Chu must have been coaxed by Hu Si's group to play basketball on the playground again. His father's circle of friends is very wide, there are not many in his own class, and there are many in other classes and other schools.

Gu Chi opened the window, turned his head and said, "Qin Shiwu, look outside."

He Yuanyuan: "Just look for it, I'll leave after delivering the milk tea."

There was a strange roar of booing in the classroom, and the group of demons danced wildly and winked.

He Yuanyuan's face was a little red from being coaxed, and she left without stopping.

Gu Chi handed the milk tea in his hand to Qin Shiwu: "Take it, your goddess gave it to you."

It turned out that Qin Shiwu had a crush on He Yuanyuan, and almost everyone in the class knew about it.

Qu Muyao crossed Erlang's legs, opened one eye, and said cheerfully, "Puppy love?"

Qin Shiwu: "Who fell in love early?"

He complained: I didn't have a puppy love, okay? The one who fell in love was Qin Chu!

Thinking of this incident, Qin Shiwu looked up to the sky and sighed, "It doesn't make sense..."

This is the sentence he said the most during this time.

It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense.

How did his parents get together? There is no sign at all?

On the night of Qin Chu's New Year's Eve, a blockbuster bomb hit Qin Shiwu's soul, and he still hasn't reacted to it yet.

Moreover, they started school not long after they came back from Beijing.

The bench of Lutong School was not seated firmly, and the higher-ups notified the shortlist of the provincial physics competition. His name was at the top of the list, and he is now representing the provincial team to participate in the international competition.

I haven't been in school this week.

Just getting married and saying goodbye, Qin Chu was depressed to death, and he was not in a bright mood for several days.

Speaking of which, Qin Shiwu took the time to recall that when he first crossed over, Lu Tong was also participating in the competition.

—Why does he have so many games to participate in all day long?

Qin Shiwu lay on the table and began to count the days with his fingers.

He heard from his little aunt that Lu Tong was still in college when he had him, but he has forgotten the exact time. In this way, according to the plan in Qin Shiwu's mind, Qin Chu had at least been with Lu Tong after graduating from high school, and now it was two years earlier, which made his hair stand on end.

The words "butterfly effect" jumped into my brain instantly.

Ji Rang sighed and said: "It's really you, Qin Shiwu, how did you manage to make He Yuanyuan change her mind? Preach and teach to clear up your doubts. If you have a trick to pick up girls, don't keep it private, share it."

Qin Shiwu was too busy counting his own birthday, and didn't bother to talk to him: "Let's go, I don't have time to chat."

Qu Muyao threw the copying homework to Gu Chi, and went to gossip by herself: "Tell me, He Yuanyuan or Lin Xiaomian, which one do you like?"

Qin Shiwu pushed them away impatiently: "It's not over, don't you see that I'm annoyed now?"

He took out Lin Xiaomian, who was about to bury his head in the hole in the table, and said, "You don't need to breathe? With your head buried so low, are you breathing through photosynthesis now?"

Lin Xiaomian said softly, "I'm looking for a pen..."

Qin Shiwu threw his pen to her.

Qu Muyao asked: "Where is Qin Churen? Wang Tianhai dares to skip class, isn't he afraid of running around?"

"He can't wait to run around. If he goes to the playground, he can find an excuse to climb over the wall." Ji Rang patted her on the shoulder: "Rang Rang, Wang Tianhai is here."

The preparatory bell rang once on the radio, and the students sat back in their seats.

As soon as Wang Tianhai arrived in the classroom, he called the roll first.

Looking down, he frowned: "Where did Qin Chu go? Didn't come back after class?"

They are all busy looking for physics books and test papers, and no one in the class cares.

Ji Rang accepted his fate and said, "Maybe I went to the bathroom, and I'll be back in a while."

"I go to the bathroom all day long. Do I believe you?" Wang Tianhai took out the test paper from the Carrefour shopping bag, "The class representative came up and handed out the test paper."

Qin Chu pushed open the back door, the basketball hit the ground with a "boom", jumped twice, and rolled to the side of the cabinet.

He stepped in two or three steps, Wang Tianhai turned around: "Don't you know to report when you enter the door?"

Qin Chu sat in his seat and lazily added: "Report."

His voice was cold, and he had a venomous tongue. The two words "reported" a sense of sarcasm.

Wang Tianhai: "Squad leader, write down his name and give it to you Lao Zhao at night. Qin Chu, stand outside the door for me. Since you want to play outside so much, you can go and play enough."

Qin Chu just sat down, and when he heard Wang Tianhai's words, he stood up very cooperatively.

Standing as a punishment, he is the best.

Qin Chu pretended to take the physics book and stood at the door.

Old Zhao went to the bathroom at the back of the corridor, saw Qin Chu outside, and slowed down his pace: "What are you doing again? Glory, come out to stand guard?"

Qin Chu: "Old Wang asked me to stand outside for class."

Old Zhao snorted: "Go back!"

Qin Chu returned to the classroom with a smile on his face. Seeing his obedient appearance, Zhao Yan murmured, "I'm proud of the spring breeze, what's the matter?"

At the end of the physics class, Qin Shiwu grabbed Qin Chu's sleeve ahead of time: "Wait, where are you going?"

Qin Chu: "Go to Lao Zhao's office."

Qin Shiwu rolled his eyes: "Take me with you!"

Qin Chu: "What are you going to do?"

Qin Shiwu suddenly had a tacit understanding with him: "I will do whatever you want."

Like playing charades, the two looked at each other inscrutablely for a while, and then went to Lao Zhao's office together.

Zhao Yan's office is in the laboratory building. However, she has a free position and usually has no classes and likes to go to her best friend's office. She sits for a long time. If the students in the class can't find Lao Zhao in the laboratory building, they can stop her on the fourth floor. Moreover, the office on the fourth floor is close to Qin Chu's class. Lao Zhao, like all class teachers in the country, has a habit of standing at the back door of the classroom to catch people. Staying in the office on the fourth floor makes it easier for her to manage these brats.

Qin Shiwu followed behind Qin Chu, chasing anxiously: "When will Lu Tong come back? Did he tell you?"

Qin Chu: "Come back today."

Qin Shiwu: "Afternoon or evening?"

"Evening." Qin Chu glanced at him: "What are you doing?"

Qin Shiwu: "I'm playing with him, I haven't seen him for so long."

He struggled for a moment, then said again: "You didn't do anything excessive, did you?"

Qin Chu: "What is excessive?"

Qin Shiwu's words stuck in his throat.

Excessive things...

He euphemistically reminded: "When you do this thing, its state is in a state of making ends meet."

Qin Chu: "If you shut up now, you can avoid an innocent disaster."

Qin Shiwu is a gentleman who knows current affairs, so he shut up immediately.

Zhao Yan saw Qin Chu open the door and came in, poured water and sat down on his seat: "A rare visitor."

Qin Chu said, "Gu Chi asked me to get the English test paper, and Ami said it was printed in your office."

Except for Lao Zhao's office in the laboratory building, all the printers in the other offices were scrapped, and they hadn't had time to repair them.

Zhao Yan poured the traditional Chinese medicine into another cup: "It's next to the machine, please be careful, there is a sophomore in high school next door, don't take it by mistake."

Qin Chu said "Oh", he didn't mean to drink, and asked, seemingly unintentionally: "Where is the old Zhou?"

Zhou Hai, the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 2, is also Lu Tong's current physics teacher.

This time Lu Tong went out to participate in the competition, all led by Zhou Hai.

Zhao Yan: "Are you still there just now? I guess something happened."

Qin Chu got the point: "Was there just now? He's back?"

Zhao Yan: "He came back from the big break, and the students he led are over after the competition, so they must be back."

Qin Chu remained calm: "Lu Tong is back too?"

Zhao Yan: "Why do you care about Lu Tong? Is his score half as high as his?"

Qin Shiwu lay on the transparent glass next to her desk: "Old Zhao, what kind of Chinese medicine are you drinking?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Zhao Yan took out two small biscuits from the drawer: "Do you want to eat?"

Qin Shiwu has a pleasant personality and has a subtle influence on people, so that people who see him can't help but pet his dog's head.

Very well behaved.

Zhou Hai came in with his tea caddy: "Let me tell you, it's safe this time."

The ears of Qin Chu and Qin Shiwu pricked up together.

Zhou Hai expressed his complacency on the surface: "If Lu Tong doesn't win the championship this time, I will resign and go to teach in No. 4 Middle School."

Zhao Yan was amused by him: "So sure?"

Zhou Hai: "The only way I can be confident is if this kid is up to the challenge."

Zhao Yan turned around and asked, "What do you think? The gold content of this competition is quite high. If he is the champion, he can be sent to Peking University directly. His grades are also good. Are you going to let him take the college entrance examination?"

Zhou Hai: "Look at him. I've discussed it with his father. According to our opinion, it's safe to recommend him. But children have their own arrogance. If you are escorted, people won't be happy?"

After hearing a few words, Qin Shiwu sighed in his heart.

He only knew that Lu Tong's grades were good, but after listening to Zhou Hai's few words, it seemed that he had already surpassed a good level.

Qin Shiwu seems to have heard Qu Muyao mention that Lu Tong was the champion of science back then, so it seems that he didn't get recommended, didn't he go to the college entrance examination?

Speaking of the student Lu Tong, many teachers in the office participated in it.

As a teacher, the top students who have good grades and are reassuring, and bring out the school to win glory for the school, naturally they like it in their hands.

Every time Zhou Hai mentioned Lu Tong, he couldn't help showing off triumphantly.

Several of his teachers are also full of praise, and the relationship with Lu Tong is not bad. Sometimes when they communicate, they are more like friends.

Qin Chu said, "I'm leaving."

Zhao Yan saw that this kid came to the office and wandered around, but he didn't take the English test paper away at all.

"Where's your test paper? Take it away!"

Qin Shiwu cleaned up the mess for his father, holding the stack of English test papers: "I'll help him get it, Lao Zhao, I'm leaving!"

Qin Chu texted Lu Tong: Why didn't you tell me when you came back?

Lu Tong put it succinctly: class.

Those two words blocked Qin Chu's subsequent text messages.

In class, he muttered to himself, remembering what Ji Rang often said: forget it if you don’t study, don’t delay other people’s entrance exams to Tsinghua University.

It has nothing to do with him which university Lu Tong went to before.

And he used to be willing to make trouble for Lu Tong, and the other party's life was not going well, the more fun he had.

The relationship is different now, from an ordinary relationship to a couple relationship, and the revolutionary friendship has been sublimated to a higher degree in an instant. What university the other party takes is directly related to the future of the two of them.

Lu Tong put his mobile phone on the desk, and Lao He happened to walk over.

He Nian was covered in white hair in shock: "I was lucky, you were almost caught by Lao He just now."

"No." Lu Tong pulled out his glasses and put them on: "I'm not like you."

He is a little short-sighted, and he wears glasses in class. The silver-white frame around his face makes him look less aloof and more docile.

He Nian: "Didn't Lao Zhou give you permission to take a break? Why are you still working so hard, and you have to go to class as soon as you come back."

Lu Tong: "What's so fun about sleeping in the dormitory."

After the beginning of spring, the outside is still not warm, and the chill is steep. He Nian tightened up his winter school uniform: "It's me, I'll go back to the dormitory. Even if it's just lying on the bed."

Lu Tong didn't answer him.

After the evening self-study get out of class, he took an umbrella out of the drawer and walked slowly towards the International Building.

When I reached the corner of the corridor, I was stopped by someone.

Lu Tong slowed down, Qin Chu opened the umbrella in his hand: "Let's go."

The spring rain is continuous, and it falls like long needles. If there is no umbrella, it will be pierced in the face densely, and it will still hurt a little.

When Lu Tong saw Qin Chu, he felt a little restrained. This feeling was very novel. He hadn't experienced it in more than ten years, and he couldn't control his hands and feet.

Since the New Year's confession, the two haven't had much time alone.

Early the next morning, Qin Chu was called back to the Qin family. Afterwards, they would each visit their relatives during the New Year, and it would be difficult to find time to chat online, let alone meet each other.

When I returned to school, I didn't see him. Lu Tong went directly to the next city to participate in the competition, and didn't have a chance to get along with him.

So tonight, it was the first time to be alone after being officially together.

Lu Tong was still a little confused on the way back to the dormitory from the teaching building, so he asked himself: Am I really with Qin Chu?

A year ago, if someone told him that he had a puppy love, or even that the object of his puppy love was Qin Chu, Lu Tong would have thought him talking nonsense.

Things are unpredictable, he really challenged the school discipline and rules with Qin Chu here.

Thinking deeply, Qin Chu suddenly grabbed his hand: "What are you thinking about?"

There was heat in Lu Tong's palm, he flinched slightly, and subconsciously wanted to break free: "Old He would squat at the corner to catch his puppy love."

Qin Chule said: "You are quite skilled."

Lu Tong: "Prevent problems before they happen."

He felt that the hand held by Qin Chu was getting hotter and hotter, and Lu Tong was a little nervous, and he hadn't recovered yet in the dormitory.

I asked myself again: Am I really in love with Qin Chu?

Qin Chu was not as calm as he seemed on the surface. After returning to the dormitory, he went to wash up first. When he came out, he took a book of wrong questions and stared at it. The questions were not corrected twice, but his eyes glanced at Lu Tong countless times.

After Lu Tong finished taking a shower, Qin Chu had nothing to talk to: "Qin Shiwu said he wanted to see you."

Lu Tong said "Oh" and thought for a while: "Tomorrow. It's too late today."

It's ten o'clock after the evening self-study get out of class, and after a lot of tossing, it's almost eleven o'clock.

Lu Tong's bed was next to the window, he drew the curtains to block the cold outside the window, sat at the desk, took out a manuscript and read it twice.

What is the estimated speech.

Lu Tong entered the arena to speak on behalf of all kinds of students under the national flag, and memorizing manuscripts was also common.

However, both of them were absent-minded.

I didn't read a single question in the wrong question book, and those who memorized the manuscript couldn't memorize a single word.

Barely making it to eleven o'clock, Lu Tong seemed to have completed some great project, he breathed a sigh of relief calmly, and blurted out the lines he had practiced a hundred times in his heart just now: "It's getting late, go to sleep .”

After he finished speaking, afraid that Qin Chu would think of something, he turned off the light with a click.

Lu Tong's movements were smooth and smooth, and he didn't even keep a night light for himself.

It's not like his usual style.

Turning off the lights made the dormitory even quieter.

Lu Tong closed his eyes and turned sideways, with his back to Qin Chu. He was thinking wildly and wildly in his mind, and he couldn't fall asleep for a while.

The phone on the bedside vibrated, Lu Tong paused for three seconds, and glanced back like a thief. Qin Chu seemed to be asleep too, and there was no movement, so he took out his phone and hid it under the quilt, creating an illusion that he was already asleep.

In the end, the text message was sent by Qin Chu.

- are you really asleep

Of course it's fake.

Even though they were so close, he still sent text messages.

The ambiguity that spread silently almost wrapped Lu Tong densely, and there was nowhere to escape.

He read this message several times, but he didn't dare to type in the input box. As soon as he typed, WeChat jumped to "typing..."

After jumping for a long time and there is no news, Qin Chu must have noticed his own thoughts.

But he is careful, but the other party is not so careful.

Lu Tong saw the "typing in progress" on the dialog box kept flashing, and it took as long as a century to type, and Qin Chu's news came, and he repeated it again.

- really asleep?

Deleted, deleted, deleted, I don't know how many ways he changed his mouth.

He wasn't the only one who was nervous. After learning the news, Lu Tong breathed a sigh of relief and replied to him.


Qin Chu replied in seconds.

- can't sleep?

Lu Tong hesitated for a moment.

- It's okay, I'll sleep right away.

After posting, Lu Tong suddenly came back to his senses, and complained in his heart: Am I an idiot?

In the same dormitory, there are only two beds, so close to each other, why can't I just sit up and say something, and have to beat around the bush and send messages?

The more he thought about it, the more embarrassing he felt about it, the embarrassment was fine, the key was that he couldn't find any suitable way to break this jerky feeling, which almost made Lu Tong a little anxious.

Is this all about love?

Qin Chu's news came again.

-I want to sleep with you.

This sentence, for no reason, has a little more coquettish meaning.

Alarm bells rang in Lu Tong's heart, and before he could reply, there was movement on Qin Chu's bed.

The sound of the quilt rubbing against the clothes was very obvious in the darkness, Lu Tong heard the sound of him getting out of bed, and then his own bed sank slightly.

With a movement of his body, he was suddenly approached by a heat source.

The co-author sent the message not to ask for his opinion, but to issue a notice.

Qin Chu was already very skilled at climbing his bed. Without Lu Tong's instructions, he found Lu Tong's waist with ease, stretched out his hands, and scooped it back, and Lu Tong fell into his arms.

"Wait..." Lu Tong grabbed his arm.

Qin Chu murmured: "I'll just hug her for a while and don't move around."

Lu Tong froze in his arms.

He probably hasn't learned how to fall in love. After more than ten years of monotonous life, a boyfriend suddenly came in, which made him at a loss.

Qin Chu hugged him for a while, but really didn't do anything else.

Lu Tong hadn't seen him for more than two weeks and missed him a little, so he let him hold him and fell asleep in a daze.

While half asleep and half awake, he suddenly heard Qin Chu say, "Can I kiss you?"

Lu Tong lost all sleepiness and woke up instantly: Why are you here again?

He complained in his heart.

Qin Chu said seriously: "I thought about it, last time I only kissed your right side of the cheek, not the left side. As the saying goes, good things come in pairs, why don't you add another one to make them symmetrical, what do you think?"

Lu Tong thought for a while: "I don't think so."

Qin Chu graciously changed an excuse: "Doctor He said that you need my pheromone, so you can take it as medicine."

This is determined to kiss.

After he finished speaking, he observed Lu Tong for a while.

The other party is soft but not hard, and besides that, he has a thin skin. After he said such a nonsense, Lu Tong really didn't move.

Qin Chu propped himself up from the bed, creating a gap between him and him.

The cold wind poured into the quilt from the outside, Qin Chu pressed his shoulders, and kissed Lu Tong's face.

Floating, indistinct.

He kissed all the way, and finally with Lu Tong's tacit consent, he kissed his lips. First, he pressed against him, then lightly rubbed him twice, then, Qin Chu licked the seam of his lips again, Lu Tong hesitated for a moment, and opened his mouth.

This kiss evolved until it got out of hand.

Qin Chu pressed him, Lu Tong couldn't breathe, the pheromones got entangled in the air, the quilt slipped to the ground, and the cold air at night made both of them wake up a lot.

Lu Tong pushed him away: "Stop making trouble. We have class tomorrow."

Qin Chu rubbed his shoulders, crumpled him into a ball and hugged him. With Lu Tong's back facing him, the gland just fell into Qin Chu's eyes, trusting and generous.

"I don't want to go to class."

Lu Tong: "There are so many things you can't think of in this world."

Qin Chu: "Why not? If I want to go, I will go. If I don't, I won't go."

Lu Tong yawned, "That's you."

He repeated in his mind: that's you.

To Qin Chu, this world is like a piece of white paper that can be painted on at will, and the brush is in his own hand. Innate conditions caused him to have such a casual personality, regardless of whether he only lived for himself.

To be honest, Lu Tong was quite envious.

Because of envy, you will be attracted irresistibly. The more you know, the more you yearn for it.

Look for the shadow of my fantasy from him, and finally put myself on it.

Lu Tong thought: I am really sick.

He hugged Qin Chu back and huddled in his arms. He had something on his mind and didn't fall asleep for a long time.

Qin Chu: "Are you still asleep?"

Lu Tong: "Qin Chu." He sat up, thought deeply, "I have a question for you."

Qin Chu stared at him.

Lu Tong thought his question was stupid, but he still asked, "Do you think there is such a thing as time travel in the world?"

Qin Chu paused: "What did Qin Shiwu tell you?"

Lu Tong was stunned: "I didn't ask Qin Shiwu?"

Qin Chu was surprised: "It's not him?"

Lu Tong: "Why him?"

Qin Chu leaned on the pillow: "I thought he also read it to you. Doesn't this kid often talk about the fact that he came from time travel?"

Lu Tong curled up his fingers on the quilt, thinking to himself: He never told me this.

The author has something to say: Lu Tong: I seem to have missed important information Qin Chu: Do you believe this nonsense?

... Believe it!

·I feel that I am not far away from the horse!

as well as! Please leave a message!

·Thanks to the little angels who voted for me to be the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution~Thanks to the little angels who voted for [Grenade]: 1 piece; Thanks to the little angels who voted for [Mine]: Hansu, Yin Nuo 2 pieces; Airrs , Tyrannosaurus rex number one in the world! , Qing Lai, Tan Hen, Cheng Mei, Wu Yi Kou Chai Fei 1; thanks to the little angel for irrigation [Nutrition Solution]: 57 bottles of Bright Frost; 30 bottles of dhbcx, water is water; 15 bottles of dark; a small swaying flower, qjjy117, 10 bottles of light rain; 8 bottles of Xiaoyi, Yan? 1 bottle; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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