MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 79 good match oh good match

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Lu Tong said, "Qin Shu, his name."

Shaoya said with emotion: "As expected of your son, he is really handsome." After she finished speaking, she quickly said to the camera: "This part is not allowed to be filmed!"

Qin Shiwu said: "Why are you not allowed to take pictures?"

Shaoya looked at Qin Shiwu and greeted him: "Hello, I am Shaoya who is in charge of filming you this time. How about calling me sister Shaoya?"

Qin Shiwu smiled, showing two canine teeth: "Sister Shaoya."

Shaoya covered her forehead with her right hand and closed her eyes: "It's so cute..."

The little assistant reminded: "Remember not to forget the business."

Shaoya said OK to the camera.

When they arrived in the living room, Shaoya and the program team had to sigh with emotion how rich the rich really are, which was beyond the imagination of ordinary people like myself.

While Lu Tong was going to the kitchen, Shaoya secretly sat beside Qin Shiwu.

Qin Shiwu was eating an apple, his cheeks were bulging, and he looked very cute.

Inexplicably, a monstrous maternal love surged in Shaoya's heart, and she wished she could rub his head in her arms twice, but thinking that this was the first time meeting Qin Shiwu, she couldn't be too presumptuous, and had to establish a good relationship.

"Baby, come here."

Qin Shiwu: ...Who is the baby!

He's fifteen years old, okay?

Who the **** would call him a handsome fifteen-year-old baby!

Shaoya took the envelope out of her arms: "Do you know what this is?"

Qin Shiwu shook his head: "You can just call me Qin Shu."

Shaoya follows the good example: "Xiao Shu, this is the task you must complete now. But there is a prerequisite, that is, it must be completed without Lu Tong's knowledge."

Qin Shiwu opened the envelope: "What task?"

The task assigned by the program team would not be too tricky. When he opened the envelope, two cameras walked around the room and took pictures of some places that were not very private.

Another camera has been following Qin Shiwu to shoot, taking a 360-degree view of his face without any dead ends.

The task Qin Shiwu got was to ask Lu Tong to say "I love you" to himself inadvertently.

Shaoya smiled and said, "It's not difficult."

Qin Shiwu: ...Fuck! It's hard, okay?

As soon as he saw this task, he felt that he could not complete it.

Lu Tong is so thin-skinned as to die. And he often uses actions instead of words. He has never heard Lu Tong say nasty things since he grew up.

Not to mention the words "I love you".

Qin Shiwu looked at the envelope with a tangled face, and Shaoya asked, "What's wrong?"

According to common sense, it is not difficult to say "I love you" to one's own child, but Qin Shiwu's behavior seems a little strange.

Shaoya didn't understand the complicated situation of their family, and thought that Qin Shiwu was a little nervous facing the camera, so he quickly released the water and secretly revealed the secret of the program group to him: "Don't worry, Lu Tong also has a mission. You must guard against him for a while Oh, whoever of you wins will have a higher score than everyone else."

This is the game mode of the "Our Life" program group.

Those with the highest scores can get the best and largest rooms and playgrounds when they sleep together or travel abroad.

Qin Shiwu has seen "Our Life" and knows this rule.

Lu Tong brought out some fruits, and Shaoya said, "Wow! Did you cut it yourself?"

When she came, she saw many nannies in the villa.

Lu Tong: "Yes."

Shaoya got excited: "Hurry up, hurry up, take a picture of this fruit, Lu Tong cut it himself." Her eyes lit up: "Can I take it away if I can't finish it?"

Lu Tong nodded: "It's up to you."

Seeing Lu Tong's reaction, Qin Shiwu thought to himself: No wonder my mother seldom goes to variety shows.

His sense of variety... is simply 0!

There are usually two kinds of variety shows for ordinary people.

One is those who are born to be funny and have a sense of variety. They have a lot of memes and jokes, and they behave very naturally in front of the camera.

One is that after going on a variety show, they use too much force. Although they don’t have a sense of variety show, they perform as hard as they can, trying to shoot variety shows as TV dramas, but the effect is usually very poor, and it will embarrass the audience.

It's a pity that Lu Tong is neither.

His sense of variety is neither good nor willing to perform, so he looks very cold.

You say he plays big cards in dealing with people, but he didn't.

But it is easy to talk to death.

His fans know these things, and so does his manager.

Therefore, when Lu Tong was asked to appear on variety shows in the early years, he was basically regarded as a border. As soon as he came into the camera, he found a quiet corner and stood there to play tricks. He didn't talk to anyone or answer, just applauded, and then waited until the variety show was over.

Of course, this was also the reason why fans were not very enthusiastic after Lu Tong joined the variety show again.

And Chen Xiaojian, who unilaterally wants to be Lu Tong's deadly enemy, is a variety show star.

He himself was born in a talent show, and he showed an amazing camera sense in the show during the talent show. Whatever you do will bring memes and new buzzwords on the Internet, and it has been out of the circle several times, especially fans.

He participated in "Our Life", and he crushed Lu Tong to death in terms of variety show sense.

Sister Pei also considered this at the beginning, but she thought that Lu Tong didn't need variety shows to attract fans, so she weighed it up and let Lu Tong participate.

Qin Shiwu felt that the eloquent Shaoya was eating the fruit in silence.

...Are you thinking about the next line?

After eating the fruit, Shaoya said, "Then let's do the initial interview first?"

Qin Shiwu obediently sat aside.

Lu Tong: "Just on the sofa?"

Shaoya nodded.

The interviews are separate, one for Lu Tong and one for Qin Shiwu.

After the camera was ready, Shaoya took out the interview content that had been prepared in advance.

She paused for a moment, then asked, "Who is more useful at home? Ask another way, who is in charge of the family?"

Lu Tong: "Qin Chu."

Shaoya: "Wow, it's kind of expected. Is Qin always the one and the same person?"

Lu Tong remembered Qin Chu's childish appearance, and nodded without hesitation: "Yes."

Shaoya: "How did you meet Mr. Qin?"

This question is currently the most concerned issue on the Internet.

Lu Tong: "In high school, we are classmates."

Shaoya was surprised and said, "In the same class?"

Lu Tong: "Two grades, he is in the first year of high school, and I am in the second year of high school."

Shaoya looked at the next question: "Who is chasing whom?"

Lu Tong recalled that year, it seemed that he first asked Qin Chu to mark him, he hesitated: "I chased him."

Qin Shiwu:? ? ?

What the **** is going on? ?

Just a few answers...why are they all inconsistent with reality? ?

Isn't it clear at a glance who is in charge at home, how much water has been put into his mother's mind to think that it is Qin Chu who has the final say? ?

Besides, back then... Qin Chu was the one who chased him, okay?

Qin Shiwu was a little confused, and thought seriously: Is this a protective measure of my mother, that is, when facing the camera, she is determined not to tell the truth?

Shaoya: "What about getting married? It feels like you guys got married very early."

Lu Tong: "I got married after graduating from college."

Shaoya: "Wow." She paused: "Now I'm going to ask some questions about children."

Lu Tong nodded.

Qin Shiwu pulled the sofa: "Damn it!"

He exclaimed.

The program team didn't agree to ask this beforehand!

Lu Tong didn't go home to visit him twice a year before, and asked himself his questions, he definitely couldn't answer anything.

Even if Qin Shiwu doesn't mix in the entertainment industry, he still knows that the program group is playing tricks.

Just like many children can't remember their parents' birthdays, parents can't remember all their children's interests and hobbies. It's no big deal to put them in ordinary people's homes.

However, public figures will naturally magnify these small problems. In addition, Lu Tong's job is quite special, he doesn't spend much time with his children, and he doesn't know his children's preferences, which seems to be reasonable.

It gave fans a chance to wash the ground, and gave black fans a chance to counterattack.

The heat that the program group wants is already there.

Shaoya blinked her eyes: "I want to ask how Qin Shu got his name?"

Qin Shiwu was stunned for a moment: Does his name still have a history?

He always thought that his dad was trying to save trouble, he was doing the first grade of junior high school and I was doing the fifteenth grade, so that's how he came here.

Lu Tong folded his hands on his lap: "It's a secret."

Shaoya: "Wow... I can't say it."

Qin Shiwu's curiosity was aroused: Why didn't he say half of what he said!

Shaoya: "Okay, let's change the question. Does Qin Shu have any nickname?"

Lu Tong: "Qin Shiwu."

"Hey, so cute, what's the history?"

Lu Tong: "Qin Chu took it, there is no origin."

Shaoya: "Then what does Xiao Shiwu like to eat, play, or have any hobbies?"

Lu Tong didn't even think about it, and said directly: "I like sweets, but I don't like to admit it. I like to play with everything, and I like motorcycles the most. Unfortunately, he is not yet young, and his father rarely lets him play. His hobbies... should be baseball and skateboarding." Bar."

Qin Shiwu froze for a moment on the sofa.

It was all right.

Damn... Shouldn't you not know?

Lu Tong's interview was still going on, but Qin Shiwu was in no mood to listen.

What are you doing, don't you know it very clearly?

Did you ask someone before? But who can ask this kind of thing, only when you pay attention will you know.

Qin Shiwu's heart blossomed and he felt happy, so he rolled around on the sofa twice.

After Shaoya interviewed Lu Tong, she adjusted the camera again to interview Qin Shiwu.

The interview planned for him didn't dig so many holes, Shaoya smiled and said, "Are you ready?"

Qin Shiwu sat on the sofa, his face was exposed in the camera, and Shaoya said with emotion: "After this program is broadcast, I don't know how many girls will be harvested by you."

"Tell my sister, are you in love?"

Qin Shiwu shook his head.

Shaoya chuckled: "Then is there anyone you like?"

Qin Shiwu continued to shake his head.

Shaoya: "Is there really no one? You should be very popular in school, right? Are you a school girl or something?"

Qin Shiwu thought to himself, it also depends on what school it is!

Although they are all in No. 1 Middle School, he was not a school girl in No. 1 Middle School sixteen years ago. The most prominent person in school is his father. Even if his father is not counted, there is still his mother on top of him. "Qin Shiwu" has an ordinary face, what kind of school girl!

But in No. 1 Middle School sixteen years later, he is a well-deserved school grass.

There are not many interviews with Qin Shiwu, and they may not be cut out in the later stage. The program team has instructed Shaoya to make Lu Tong's son the finale, and the early previews are not allowed to show Qin Shishi's face.

After interviewing Qin Shiwu, Qin Chu rushed back from the company.

When Shaoya saw Qin Chu, she felt completely different from Lu Tong.

Although Lu Tong was indifferent, he was an Omega, and Shaoya herself was an Alpha, so she had a natural liking for Omega, so she didn't feel any pressure in getting along with her all the way.

But when Qin Chu came in, Shaoya obviously felt her aura was suppressed.

She wiped off her sweat: she was a little nervous...

Qin Shiwu jumped off the sofa: "Father."

Shaoya also stood up: "Hello, Mr. Qin, I am the host of the "Our Life" program group."

Her palms were also a little sweaty, and she was a little cautious when talking to Qin Chu.

After all, who hasn't heard of the name of Supcon Group? This is the chairman of Supcon Group, who is born with a high-ranking Wia, which makes Shaoya, a commoner, almost slip on his knees.

Can it really be recorded?

It feels like the atmosphere has become tense!

Qin Chu said, "Have you finished recording today?"

Shaoya nodded: "The recording is over, and we will continue to record tomorrow. By the way, tomorrow we will go to the farmhouse in the western suburbs together, and the other four families will also be there, Mr. Qin..."

Qin Chu nodded: "I will go."

Shaoya: "That's good! Thank you very much, you have worked hard."

Qin Chu looked at Lu Tong: "Have you eaten yet?"

Lu Tong said: "Not yet." He said, looking at Shaoya: "Let's stay and have a meal together. The kitchen is already cooking."

If Lu Tong and Qin Shiwu were together, Shaoya would still dare to stay for dinner. She was originally an extrovert, and she believed that she would be able to get along with Qin Shiwu in a short time.

But after Qin Chu came back, Shaoya didn't dare to stay in the villa for a long time, she always felt creepy and the atmosphere was too tense!

After pushing the meal, Shaoya said: "The program team will cut the trailer when we go back tonight, so we won't keep it."

After finishing speaking, several people walked out of the villa while bowing and talking about hard work.

Qin Chu was inexplicable, and suddenly grabbed one of the videographers by the back collar of the videographer: "Gah!"

Qin Chu asked him: "Why did you leave as soon as I came back? Aren't you going to shoot that?"

Shaoya turned her head slowly: "That... President Qin, what are you filming?"

Qin Chu: "That's it, show your love."

He suddenly put Lu Tong in his arms.

Lu Tong: ...

Qin Chu was very serious: "Don't you all know how to shoot? I have watched several episodes of variety shows. After shooting, the audience will say, 'It's a good match, it's a good match'."

Shaoya: ... What is Mr. Qin talking about?

Lu Tong covered his face: "Can you stop being so direct, this is the unintentional love of a couple being captured, okay! How could you deliberately show your affection like this?"

Qin Chu: "Then I can't help it. I love you a lot. I can't be caught unintentionally. I can be caught anytime and anywhere. It's because they love you too little."

Lu Tong: "Stop spreading hatred." He stared at the cameraman with a stern look, "Cut this part off."

Qin Chu was unhappy: "Why, I rushed back to take pictures."

Lu Tong was speechless: "Are you in a hurry? You came here to take pictures of this kind of thing."

Qin Chu: "Of course. I've seen others have them."

Qin Shiwu interrupted: "I want daddy to want me too!"

Qin Chu: "Adults show affection and love children, why join in the fun." He ordered Qin Shiwu: "Disappear."

Qin Shiwu grabbed Lu Tong's other hand: "Then I will shoot that kind! Mom is very kind to children, and then ignores Dad's plot."

Lu Tong looked at the camera expressionlessly: "Cut this part out for me too."

Qin Shiwu said: "How do you look at it, you are more redundant. This show is for me and my mother, you can go to work."

Qin Chu: "Gifts are not qualified to speak."

Shaoya: "What is a gift?"

Qin Shiwu was furious: "Expose him and expose him to me! My dad said I was a gift from him for buying a formal suit!"

Qin Chu lifted his collar: "Isn't it?"

In the chaos, Lu Tong supported the camera.

Cameraman: ...

"You don't need to say it, I understand!" He nodded firmly: "Cut this part out!"

Lu Tong: ...

Shaoya suddenly laughed out loud.

The little assistant asked, "What's wrong? What's so funny?"

Shaoya: "It's nothing, I always feel that Mr. Qin is a little different from what I imagined."

Assistant: "What do you imagine?"

Shaoya rubbed her chin: "Probably... Gu Beicheng, are you so ruthless?"

Assistant: ...

"Didn't the director tell you not to watch too many Weibo posts?"

Shaoya finally stayed to eat.

After sending them away, Qin Chu felt a little pity: "Are you really not going to shoot?"

Lu Tong: "...Don't think too much about it. Even if it is filmed, it may not be broadcast. Let's see how the program team edits it."

Qin Chu put forward a very feasible suggestion: "How about I buy the program group with money?"

The corner of Lu Tong's mouth twitched: "You have too much money and nowhere to put it, so you can transfer it to my card."

He pointed to the camera on the wall: "I advise you to be cautious in your words and deeds where there are cameras, this paragraph will also be cut in."

In order to capture a more real family life, after Shaoya and the others left, they put several cameras at home.

Lu Tong cooperated with the shooting and allowed two to be placed in the living room and the garden.

"Qin Shiwu!" Qin Chu turned his head and called his son: "Where are you? You only eat half a bowl for dinner, looking for death? Little girls eat more than you. If you don't eat two bowls tomorrow, I will confiscate your skateboard." gone."

Qin Shiwu's voice came from upstairs: "I can't eat it!"

Qin Chu said to the nanny: "Put away all Qin Shiwu's snacks for me, and don't give them to him before meal time."

Qin Shiwu ran down from upstairs: "I didn't eat any snacks!"

He ran to the sofa and was caught by Qin Chu.

Qin Shiwu fell on the sofa.

"If you don't eat, you won't grow taller. When I was your age, I was already half a head taller than you." Qin Chu sneered.

Qin Shiwu ignored his father's ridicule, climbed onto the sofa, and turned on the laptop on the coffee table.

This is his father's computer for work, and it hasn't been taken up and put into the study.

There were very few things on the homepage. Entering from the webpage, Qin Shiwu found the official Weibo of "Our Life" on Weibo.

Click in, today's trailer clip has come out.

Qin Chu also became interested and sat beside him to watch it with him.

There are bullet screens in the video on Weibo, and the screen is completely covered by the dense bullet screen.

Qin Shiwu lowered the transparency of the barrage, and after a burst of cheerful music, the preview officially began.

The first one to go was Chen Xiaojian's house. After seeing Ren Yuanye, Qin Chu's face darkened a lot.

Qin Shiwu fast forwarded a little, not interested in this.

The clips of the two families in the middle were also skipped, and we went directly to the last one, which is the finale, Lu Tong.

At this point, the barrage has obviously increased a lot.

The first ones to appear were a few "Ka Ka Ka" flash-flash freeze-frame shots of the sea in Repulse Bay, the mountains in Repulse Bay, and the luxurious villas in Repulse Bay.

"Damn, when I come to Lu Tong, I always feel that even the bgm is full of rich messages."

"I knew their family was rich, but I didn't expect their family to be so rich. Isn't this villa worth 400-500 million?"

"The land in front of Repulse Bay is all real estate owned by Zhongkong... Rich people have money, you can't imagine it!"

"Oh oh oh oh! Lu Tong is out!"

"Don't cover your face! I feel like I haven't seen him in ten thousand years, prprprprpr" The camera zoomed in and gave Lu Tong a close-up.

"Ah, my sister is really a fairy who came down to earth to teach me how to be a human being."

"I'm so good! Baby's face hasn't changed at all!"

"When I think of my daughter marrying into a wealthy family like this, I still feel a little bit sad."

"It's not easy to marry a wealthy family. Some rich people are not as glamorous as you think. I don't know how dirty they are inside."

There were good and bad bullet screens, but most of them were discussing how much Lu Tong's family was worth.

The further inside, the more luxurious.

When Qin Shiwu came out, all the bullet screens turned into groundhogs.

As a result, the program team put question marks on all the shots with his face, and added the word "mysterious".

"Damn it! The program team is not human!"

"I'm staying so late just to see what my daughter's son looks like!"

"The program group nmsl is addictive, I hate you,," "Is there any master who can p out the word mysterious."

"Just looking at my little husband's figure, I feel that I can do it. I can wait for him to grow up!"

Qin Shiwu was surprised: "They covered my face."

Lu Tong: "As expected, the program team also needs gimmicks. And this is just a preview. If the editing is fast, you will be able to see your face within a week after filming. Don't worry."

The progress bar slowly reached the interview, and the wind direction of the barrage changed.

Especially in the interview, when Lu Tong said that when Qin Chu was in charge at home, the bullet screens were almost all ellipses that couldn't be explained in a word.

"...You're right, a rich family is not so easy to marry."

"If you want to reach the sky in one step, you have to pay a little price..."

"You guys are stupid, it's none of your business who the husband and wife decides. Didn't Lu Tong decide to stamp him for licking the dog?"

"It was originally, he said it himself, he has no right to speak at home, isn't this a nobleman's vase..."

"I still believed the online hype about their relationship from school uniforms to wedding dresses."

"It turned out that Lu Tong was the one who chased him, and it turned out to be an upside-down."

"I came back from the back, laughing to see you passers-by with keyboards being slapped in the face."

"The one who came back later +1, suspected that Lu Tong had some wrong perception of his family status."

"Fuck! It's so funny to look at this from the back! Make the point: Qin Chu said one thing at home."

"Today's kumquat: Qin Chu said one thing at home."

When Qin Chu saw this, he said, "Did I say what I said?"

Lu Tong asked him back: "Isn't there?"

Qin Chu: "Forget this, what about that? When did you chase me, why didn't I notice it at all?"

Lu Tong: "The first time, I asked you to mark it on the rooftop. Didn't I chase you?"

Qin Chu: "Is this counted as chasing?"

Lu Tong was surprised and said, "Isn't that counted?"

At this time, Qin Chu's voice came from the computer.

"Aren't you going to shoot that?"

"That's it, show your love."

"Don't you all know how to shoot? I have watched several episodes of variety shows. After filming, the audience will say, 'It's a good match, it's a good match'."

Lu Tong: ...

"Didn't I let them cut it off?"

At this point, the barrage was laughing like crazy.

"Fuck! Did you see that! The videographer let out a 'crack' when he caught him! You are too fierce, Mr. Qin!"

"I guessed it would be very funny, but I didn't expect it to be so funny, Mr. Qin, you are poisonous! Come back from a long way to show your affection!"

"Am I the only one who thinks Qin Chu's few words are very suave? I love you a lot, and I say it confidently. I feel a little cute and a little touched 55555555. My daughter is married well! I agree to this marriage!"

"I also... thought that Lu Tong would be more humble, but I didn't expect that Qin Chu's personality is completely different from what I thought... What's the matter with being a bit poisonous?"

"I think he is quite gentle... especially when there is a camera talking to his son, he just squatted down and said it. He is as tall as Xiao Shiwu. Few people can do such a good job in small details. ..."

"I see, he talks to Lu Tong too, it feels childish in a second."

The "hahahahaha" that filled the screen had already blocked the faces of Qin Chu and Lu Tong.

After swiping "hahahahaha", immediately after, the barrage began to frantically swipe "good match, good match", which fulfilled Qin Chu's wish.

The program group didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and finally made a ghost video for Lu Tong, repeating the few words he said "cut this part" back and forth, coupled with Qin Chu's expression of course, "Our "Life" made four hot searches that night.

They are: #好装oh好配oh#

#this cut off#

#Qin Shu Qin Fifteen#

#Qin Chu That Doesn’t Shoot#

The author has something to say: "My dad can't participate in variety shows." Qin Shiwu said: "His shocking speeches are too many, and he will definitely be turned into a meme."

Baby, it has been p out!

And please leave a message! !

·And, the modern danmei "The Office of the Underworld" is being updated at the same time next door, and it is not a very scary sand sculpture supernatural~ If you are interested, you can bookmark it, update a chapter every day, and the update time has not been fixed yet!

·Thank you for the little angel who voted for the overlord or irrigation nutrient solution during 2019-11-16 12:10:19~2019-11-17 12:00:26~Thank you for the little angel who voted for the rocket launcher: July 2 ; FENG Wangbu Kakali 1; Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: A Mai Mai 4; thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: A Mai Mai 7; Hansu 3; Jiu Mi 2; Sleeping Island , 1 set you; thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 45 bottles of Lengchangwang; 39 bottles of Youvasha; 20 bottles of Zechun; 18 bottles of Chen Duxiu, the president of the Lion Heart Society; . . , Fat times are mine, Pingshangxi, Chengmei, FENG Wangbukakali, xxxholic, Rao, Xinghe, July 10 bottles; Chongya 6 bottles; Baala, 39790294, carp, orange cat, Qiao Sheng, 5 bottles of jin, black and white Jingbian, Bi Caiaixi, Xiaomantou, modal particles; 3 bottles of Forbidden Talking Fengyue; I want to go to heaven! 2 bottles; Thank you for your support, I will continue to work hard!