MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 80 Shura field

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On the first night when the trailer aired, there were four hot searches.

In particular, some of Qin Chu's emoticons were screenshotted, made into emoticons and forwarded by the marketing account.

There was his "good match, good match", his phrase "won't you shoot that", and Qin Chu's solemn expression pack pointing at Qin Shiwu and saying "disappear", which were immediately taken advantage of by the majority of netizens.

Qin Chu in the emoticon pack speaks seriously, but when the screenshots are accompanied by text, it is a bit serious and funny, and it is hard to put it down when fighting pictures.

After all, it was Qin Chu's first appearance on a variety show, and he must have received more attention than other stars.

In addition, his personality deviates from the domineering president that everyone imagined, allowing the audience to realize that the usually high-ranking rich man also has an approachable side, and the high degree of discussion seems to be expected.

In particular, his soulless "good match, good match" emoji instantly became a picture for every CP fan.

After watching this trailer, almost half of Lu Tong's fans turned to cp fans.

After all, it doesn't matter if you don't turn your back on, his son is so old, how dare he be a girlfriend fan?

Before going to bed, Lu Tong searched Weibo and saved a few emoticons, so that he could use them to hate Qin Chu in the future.

Qin Chu didn't check Weibo very much. He didn't like visiting forums and checking Weibo when he was a teenager, and he doesn't have much interest in it now. Seeing Lu Tong lying on the bed and swipe the screen with his fingertips bit by bit, he couldn't help but ask, "You've been watching it since just now, what is it that you're so fascinated by?"

Lu Tong replied directly: "Your expression pack."

"My emoji?" Qin Chu sat on the bed.

Lu Tong handed him the phone, and Qin Chu's expression was well managed. The screenshots showed nothing particularly broken, but instead revealed a hint of childishness and cuteness.

The biggest marketing account blogger occupied the first place in the hot search, and the comment area was very lively.

"It's so cute, I love it."

"Who will tell me, has he always talked like this? It's kind of cute." "Why is he so mean as a president hahahahahahaha, although I know he's not joking, but it's really funny!"

"I've watched the trailer a hundred times, may I ask when will the feature film be released?"

"Want to see Qin Shiwu, want to see Qin Shiwu, want to see Qin Shiwu, want to see Qin Shiwu save the child!"

"Why is the handsome guy so rich? Why can't he be a little poorer and come to the entertainment industry to benefit our sisters?"

"I didn't expect that I would chase after the president on Weibo [goodbye] and decided to buy all the financial magazines with President Qin."

Lu Tong smiled and said, "It's the same as back then."

Qin Chu: "What's the same?"

"It's the same as in high school. It's very popular."

Qin Chu looked at him inscrutablely: "Are you jealous?"

Lu Tong: "I'm jealous of you. It's not good if someone likes you. It's better than everyone scolding you on the Internet."

Qin Chu was still brooding over the fact that he didn't capture the scene of showing affection this afternoon: "Shall we shoot the farmhouse tomorrow?"

Lu Tong: "Are you going to follow?"

Qin Chu: "I've already asked for leave. Let me see what the script is."

The table book was placed on the bedside table, and Qin Chu casually flipped through it, and saw the games in the farmhouse.

"And catch fish?"

"What's wrong."

Qin Chu said, "It's dangerous. I planned to wear a suit. It seems that I have to change my style."

Lu Tong: ...

It's clear that it's a variety show for games, what are you doing in a suit?

After reading the script, Qin Chu asked, "Has the nanny finished packing her luggage?"

Lu Tong: "It's already been dressed. The clothes to wear tomorrow are also ready."

Qin Chu stopped talking.

Lu Tong knew what he was thinking just by looking at him, and he swore: "Tomorrow I will never look at Ren Yuanye."

Qin Chu snorted, as if he didn't quite believe him: "Then write a letter of guarantee."

Lu Tong: "Why are you doing this again? I guarantee that there will be eight hundred if not one thousand. Are you a little girl? Do you want this?"

Qin Chu took out a stack of guarantee letters from the cabinet in front of the bed, all written by Lu Tong.

Guaranteed not to talk to other men, guaranteed not to look at other men, etc., Qin Chu's request was all kinds of strange things.

Now I have to add one to it, to promise not to talk to Ren Yuanye.

Lu Tong complained: "How can you not talk in a program group."

Qin Chu began to make small calculations in his heart again.

Lu Tong coaxed him, so he had no choice but to write down in the letter of guarantee that he would never speak to Ren Yuanye again.

He was tired from tossing all day today, and he planned to go to bed after finishing writing. Since the program will be recorded tomorrow, Qin Chu is not allowed to mess around. Qin Chu was actually very good tonight, and didn't pester Lu Tong to keep him from sleeping.

If things go wrong, there must be a monster, but Lu Tong is too tired to worry about what kind of monster he wants to be.

Half an hour later, Lu Tong fell asleep.

Qin Chu sat up from the bed, poked Lu Tong's cheek tentatively, and after confirming that he was asleep, he climbed off the bed lightly.

Qin Shiwu pretended to be sleeping in the room, but in fact he was secretly playing with his mobile phone under the covers, and was flirting with Lu Tong's black fans on Weibo.

Suddenly, the quilt was lifted, Qin Shiwu frantically hid his phone, and turned his head to see that it was his father.

"You scared me to death!"

Qin Chu: "Why, do you think I'm your mother?"

Qin Shiwu: "He must have gone to bed long ago." He glanced at Qin Chu: "What are you doing in my room?"

Qin Chu: "Can't you come if you have nothing to do?"

He occupied a bed openly and aboveboard. Qin Shiwu couldn't beat him, so he could only cede the land to pay compensation and let himself sit in it.

Qin Chu picked up his mobile phone: "Tripping on the Internet?"

Qin Shiwu hurriedly said, "They scolded you first!"

Qin Chu clicked on a few Weibo IDs and saw that they were all fans of Chen Xiaojian.

Today's preview was dominated by Qin Chu and Lu Tong, and the trending searches bought by Chen Xiaojian's studio did not make it into the top ten, and were left behind.

Moreover, apart from a few stalks discussed by his fans, there is basically no out of the circle.

His fans were not convinced, so they naturally came to find trouble with Lu Tong. First, a big fan took the lead on Weibo Yinyang Lu Tong. Although he didn't have a name, anyone with eyes could tell.

The content of yin and yang is nothing, that is, Lu Tong married into a wealthy family to show off his wealth and show off his wealth. When Qin Shiwu saw it, he couldn't help but go up and say a few words.

Unexpectedly, this big fan would hang him out.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiaojian's fans rushed forward and scolded Qin Shiwu bloody.

Qin Chu uninstalled his Weibo: "Don't talk nonsense on it from now on."

Qin Shiwu said: "Don't worry, I'm very smart! I bought this number."

Qin Chu: "You can be found out just by checking your IP."

Qin Shiwu asked him: "Then let's not talk about this, what are you doing in my room? Are you coming to show me the love between father and son at night?"

Qin Chu pressed his dog's head: "What's in your mind?"

Qin Shiwu: "It's not inherited from you!"

Qin Chu pondered for a while, then suddenly hooked his fingers and said, "I want to discuss with you about tomorrow's matter."

Qin Shiwu raised his eyebrows.

Qin Chu: "In order to prevent your mother's infidelity in marriage and the breakdown of your happy family in the future, I think it is necessary for us to reach an agreement on a short-term cessation of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, understand?"

Qin Shiwu cheered up: "Are you talking about Ren Yuanye?"

Qin Chu nodded solemnly.

Qin Shiwu couldn't help being infected by the tense atmosphere: "Then what should I do?"

Qin Chu: "You don't have to do anything, just cling to your mother and stay close to each other."

Qin Shiwu:?

Qin Chu conspired with him all night, and the next morning, the father and son woke up with dark circles under their eyes.

Lu Tong looked at the two of them hesitantly: "Why did you go last night?"

Qin Shiwu yawned: "The War of Resistance is over!"

Lu Tong wiped the milk from the corner of his mouth, and then helped Qin Chu zip up his clothes.

Today, Qin Chu and Qin Shiwu are wearing the same color of clothes, one big and one small are like matryoshka dolls, they dress alike and look alike.

Lu Tong asked one more question: "Are you pretending to be a parent?"

Qin Chu: "No. Your son copied my dressing style."

Qin Shiwu wanted to run away after eating the last egg, but was caught by Qin Chu: "Drink the milk too."

Qin Shiwu reluctantly drank the milk, and the program team also waited for a long time at the door.

Shaoya changed into a set of casual clothes today, and when she saw Qin Shiwu, she quickly greeted her: "Come out, come out~" The camera looked at the three of Lu Tong with discerning eyes, and Shaoya said: "Hey, today Xiao Shiwu and Is Mr. Qin wearing a parent-child suit?"

Lu Tong: "No."

Shaoya said with emotion: "Father and son really look alike. I see that you are all wearing casual clothes, so you must know the content of today's game."

Qin Shiwu: "Fishing and boating, right?"

Shaoya: "It seems that you have done your homework beforehand."

The host sat in the co-pilot, Qin Chu and the others sat in the back row, the camera was in front of the car, and the recording started as soon as they got in the car.

Qin Shiwu sat in the middle restlessly, stretching his neck to look to the left, and stretching his neck to look to the right.

Qin Chu fixed his head: "Tumbler, can you calm down a bit."

The car drove for an hour and a half, in order to pass the time, Shaoya proposed to play a few games in the car.

Of course, as a game black hole Lutong, when he got out of the car, his forehead was already covered with white paper. Qin Chu helped him remove the paper from his face, Qin Shiwu had already jumped out of the car and stretched himself.

"I'm smothered!"

He opened his eyes and looked at the farmhouse in front of him.

The main entrance is an ancient gate, which I passed by when I was driving just now. The car came in from the grapevine road, and the grapes on the side could be picked by opening the car window and reaching out.

This farmhouse covers a large area, half on the mountain and half on the ground.

When driving in, I passed a huge pond with boats and entertainment facilities on it, and the cameras had been arranged in advance. Qin Chu speculated that this was probably the recording location for a while.

Moreover, this farmhouse is in a semi-open form. When their car arrived, so did the fans. In addition to the fans, there were also the staff of the farmhouse, who were separated from the outside by a temporary cordon.

When the car arrived, countless mobile phones took pictures of their car.

Lu Tong and Qin Chu came down afterward, and felt a gust of cold wind as soon as they landed.

"Is it okay to play in the water in such a cold day?" Lu Tong took out a coat from his bag and put it on for Qin Shiwu.

He glanced at the dark crowd and fans not far away, as well as the screams that came from the moment he got out of the car, and put Qin Shiwu's hat on helplessly.

It's not that fans are not allowed to take pictures, but to match the effect of the show, it's best not to show Qin Shiwu's face.

However, even so, the sisters at the Lutong station who came to watch the scene with binoculars have gone crazy.

"Fuck! I saw my son! I saw my son!"

There are two girls hugging her in the lower part, very excited: "Did you shoot it! You did it! Xiaosu and I can't hold on, okay?"

"I'll take another shot! Wait for me to download it! Fuck! My son looks like Qin Chu! I thought he would be more like Lulu!"

"It's okay to look like Qin Chu and be handsome. A son should be like his father."

"That's right, I was already their CP fan last night, and I really got it this time!"

Shaoya followed Lu Tong's words and said: "No, it's not considered playing with water, just be careful and you won't fall into the water."

She blinked: "Let's go, I don't know if we are the first to come."

Qin Shiwu held Lu Tong's hand, and Lu Tong lowered his head: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just want to pull you." Qin Shiwu stared at the door.

Xiang Yun and Liang Xinwei have arrived, and both of their families have only one child. The daughter of Xiang Yun's family is Xiaoyuanzi, who is eleven years old this year. The daughter of Liang Xinwei's family, Tim, is of mixed race and does not speak Chinese very well. She is about twelve years old. She also has an elder son who is seventeen years old and did not come to the scene today.

As soon as Lu Tong arrived on the front foot, Lu Ling arrived on the back foot. He brought his son and daughter, Lin Yihan and Lin Nuonuo.

When Lin Yihan saw Lu Tong, his eyes lit up: "Cousin!"

He rushed over quickly, but was grabbed by Lin Ci: "Xiaohan, you can't be rude."

Lu Ling is very familiar with Lu Tong's family, so he skipped the polite part: "You're all here, so that means you're all here?"

Lu Tong: "Brother Lin is here with you."

The corner of Lu Ling's mouth twitched: "It's not that he followed me so shamelessly, I said I was fine by myself. Didn't Qin Chu follow here? Are you here to laugh at me?"

Lu Tong said calmly, "My situation is different."

Thinking of Ren Yuanye, Lu Ling sighed, "I see. In fact, it's not Qin Chu's fault. If it was me, I would have come too. But Chen Xiaojian is such a thief, he was late on purpose?"

Lu Tong: "Isn't this a normal operation?"

Whether it’s a reality show variety show or a red carpet walk, artists and studios basically hope that they will be the finale.

Everyone in the hotel procrastinated not to come, just for the most amazing final appearance.

It's just that the situation in reality shows is relatively rare, and in general, if a senior with a particularly high profile appears in a reality show, everyone will have a tacit understanding and take the initiative to let the senior come to the finale.

Chen Xiaojian's studio doesn't think so. Now that Chen Xiaojian's popularity has not passed, the traffic is already top-notch, but unfortunately there are no masterpieces yet. But in order to create a kind of Chen Xiaojian's relatively high status in the circle, the studio naturally wanted him to be the finale.

Everyone waited patiently for ten minutes, and Chen Xiaojian's car finally arrived late.

He was the one who got out of the car first, holding his amateur daughter Xiaoman, they got along well, Xiaoman giggled in his arms.

The one who got out of the car last was Ren Yuanye, who was holding a small Internet celebrity by the hand—Zhang Putao, who played the son in the trainee family.

The family happily walked into the hall.

Qin Shiwu looked at Ren Yuanye, feeling as if he had passed away.

Ren Yuanye is more mature and older than he was sixteen years ago. He is in good shape and looks like he is only in his early thirties.

When he entered the door and saw Lu Tong, his eyes flickered.

Seeing Qin Chu again, the eyes of the two met, and the smell of gunpowder in the room instantly became stronger.

Shaoya stood between the two, this position is not good, she shuddered, not knowing why: Damn? what happened? The atmosphere of this Shura field?

The author has something to say: I feel uncomfortable when I have a cold, and I feel dizzy and feel a little out of shape. Sorry, I originally wanted to continue writing this chapter, but I am afraid that I will not be able to finish it so I will post it first!


I promised to add updates to everyone yesterday, so the second update at five o'clock in the afternoon! I will update more!

I'm going to take the medicine first, I feel dizzy, Hangzhou was too windy last night, the temperature dropped really fast...I shouldn't be wearing a dress and standing on the balcony orz·

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me overlord votes or irrigation nutrient solution during 2019-11-17 12:00:26~2019-11-18 12:08:11~ Thanks to the little angels who cast grenades: 231839081; thanks for voting The little angels who came out of the landmines: 18 Amaimai; 3 Hansu, Pengpengxiang; Xiaokui, Rao, Airrs, Weikouer, I said, Shisanzha, Miao Tingzi Jiang, Boopa 1; thanks for irrigation nutrition The little angel of liquid: 40 bottles of two hundred; 22 bottles of sugar if you feel bitter; 20 bottles of Momomoli, Huanhuan Xiaowang paper; 91% electricity, I am Xiaomei’s Agui, Zheng Ge Niu B, Zixu Kingdom Little Prince, T Climb O Climb T, Su Chen, Hua Hua, Ying Cub 10 bottles; When will Three Thousand Winds and Snows add more 8 bottles; Haoyan Godmother 7 bottles; Qingqing Banjuan, Mo 5 bottles of You, Comfortable with Water and Rain; 4 bottles of Chongya; Nanmumu (*^ω^*), Chen Chen, the cutest Liu Aipi, 3 bottles of modal particles; Ten Huang, I want to go to heaven! 2 bottles; Sucking sucking sucking, cool summer, I said, wolf, Wanjia lights do not close, Yan?, Dede, 280844691 bottles; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!