MTL - Bancheng Fengyue-Chapter 5 Enemy should end

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Perhaps the princess of their family is not as weak as the emperor thought... Qin Nan thought to himself as he followed her.

When Emperor Zhongshan was young, he had a gentle and affectionate personality, his wife was even more elegant and introverted, but the princess was nothing like them. I really don't know how this attitude of going its own way and being defiant to no one comes from.

If she keeps like this, she might not be able to marry at the age of 500,000. Thinking of this, Qi Nan couldn't help but start hating to marry 500,000 years in advance.

How wonderful God Fu Cang is! Their identities match each other, and their ages are not much different. The most important thing is that he doesn't have those messy affair rumors, which is very rare among the young protoss.

The princess actually drove him away in anger—Qinan felt that one day he would be angered to death by her too.

The gods not far away suddenly made a low noise, and Qi Nan was full of thoughts, so he glanced casually, but saw a handsome white-clothed **** on the opposite side leading nine green lions across the crowd towards the Mingxing Temple, not the God of Helping Cang which one? Could it be that he also came to worship Emperor Bai Ze as a gentleman? There are such coincidences in the world!

He panicked for no reason, raised his hand to catch Xuan Yi, and warned her to be careful in her words and deeds, but he found nothing, and turned his head to see that his little princess was standing far away, not planning to say hello to God Fu Cang at all. .

Qi Nan was in a hurry, he had already met once, but he actually pretended not to know each other face to face, and the other protoss somehow laughed at Zhuyin's lack of etiquette!

Seeing God Fu Cang getting closer, Qi Nan had no choice but to step forward and bowed to salute: "God Fu Cang, our princess is being polite."

Fu Cang's cold gaze passed over him, and landed on Xuan Yi behind him. He looked away after only one glance, nodded slightly, and said calmly, "Princess Dragon is being polite."

…what does Dragon Princess mean? ! He can't even remember the name of the princess?

Fu Cang led the Nine-Headed Lion, obviously not intending to stay, he walked around her neatly and was about to go to the back, when he suddenly saw the whirling peony on Qi Nan's lapel, he stopped in his steps.

"...You still picked the Possing Peony?"

Fu Cang's charming voice became extremely low, implying some kind of dangerous storm. He turned around, his eyes sinking like deep water, fixedly looking at Xuan Yi.

Qi Nan subconsciously touched the snow peony on the front of his shirt, and without caring about the meaning of Fu Cang Shenjun's question, he hurriedly said: "Fu Cang Shenjun, this is just..."

A snow-white slender hand stood in front of him, and also blocked his words.

Xuan Yi calmly looked at Fu Cang Shenjun's indifferent eyes, and her slow and soft tone sounded like adding fuel to the fire instead of easing the atmosphere: "A flower, I like it, pick it up and pick it up, Why is the **** so angry?"

Fu Cang looked at her expressionlessly, unable to see any joy or anger, and slowly said word by word: "The mother-in-law peony is the spiritual root of heaven and earth, it blooms once every 30,000 years, and the Emperor of Flowers loves her extremely, watering and fertilizing it every day. Do it yourself."

Xuan Yi smiled slightly: "It is such a rare and precious peony that can be worthy of the Zhuyin family."

Fu Cang looked at her for a while, then suddenly let go of the nine-headed lion's rein, and walked towards her step by step.

Qi Nan was shocked, no matter what this divine ruler wanted to do, such a move was considered a provocation, if there was a conflict due to impulse, it would not be a good thing for Emperor Qing and Emperor Zhongshan.

He suddenly raised his hand, took off the whirling peony on the front of his clothes, and threw it on the ground involuntarily, but saw that the crystal clear peony was broken into several petals silently, with spots of white snow smudged, which was actually made of snow.

Qi Nan laughed and said, "God Fucang, this is just a joke made by the princess. The whirling peony is so precious, how can the princess pick it up so easily? She is young and can't speak, and I hope the **** will tolerate it, don't bother with her .”

Fu Cang Shenjun frowned, stared at the crushed snow peony on the ground for a long time, then raised her eyes to Xuan Yi, she slowly stroked the pattern on the cuff, and asked: "The Shenjun came over aggressively just now, because he wanted to do something to me Is it?"

He didn't seem to hear it, he just cupped his hands towards Qi Nan, and said calmly: "The Zhuyin family is well-deserved."

Xuan Yi's soft and soft voice sounded again: "The Hua Xu family also opened my eyes."

At this moment, Qi Nan has the heart to dig into the ground, what other gods say is not a compliment, it is a naked sarcasm! The princess is always so headstrong, who is he busy for a long time? !

Fu Cang still didn't seem to hear, turned around and led the nine-headed lion, found another open space, and waited for the door of Mingxing Hall to open.

Xuan Yi retreated a few steps gracefully, and said leisurely: "It seems that Lord Fucang also came to worship Emperor Bai Ze as his husband. I don't want to be colleagues with such reckless and arrogant people. Qi Nan, let's go."

Qi Nan was dumbfounded immediately, he could never have imagined that the little princess would come up with this move! Go back without even seeing Emperor Bai Ze's face! On the way here, he kept his heart in his throat, afraid that she would come up with some tricks, and now she really had a trick, and the frightening thing was that he couldn't think of any way to redeem it!

The face of God Fu Cang on the opposite side was ashen, Qi Nan had never seen such a cold **** with such an ugly face since he knew him, his hair had already turned gray, and he wanted to apologize, but how could he say it?

Seeing that the princess was about to get her wish and board the car back to Zhongshan, Qi Nanji's hair turned gray again, and he couldn't help calling out: "Princess..."

The door of the Mingxing Palace, which had been closed all this time, was suddenly opened, and a soft but slender voice sounded with a smile: "Hehe, since you are here, why do you have to leave, I have been looking forward to seeing the dragon scales, and I ask the princess to fulfill this long-cherished wish." , don’t rush to leave.”

The gods standing around watching the excitement were shocked, it was the voice of Emperor Bai Ze! Did Dijun hide behind the door to watch the excitement? !

Xuan Yi had no choice but to go back, took the jade box from the smiling Qi Nan, and said calmly: "The younger generation should obey."

After a while, I saw Shi Shiran walking out of the Hall of Mingxing two little fairy boys with pink makeup and jade carvings, and said in unison: "Please enter the The emperor is waiting for you in the hall."

The gods who had been waiting for a long time stepped into the gate of the palace full of hope. After a long time, no one came out of it at all. Xuan Yi couldn't help but wondered: "Didn't you say that the test of Emperor Bai Ze is very strict? All the gods have passed?"

Qi Nan didn't know what to do, he just said: "Princess, don't worry too much, don't think too much."

Xuan Yi bowed his head and thought for a while, then simply stepped into the palace gate holding the jade box.

Qin Nan seemed to say something behind her, but she didn't have time to hear it clearly, the light and shadow in front of her eyes suddenly changed rapidly, but in the blink of an eye, she went directly into a not-so-big study room from the palace door.

There are countless bookshelves densely packed in the study room, and countless books are placed on them, but they are numerous but not messy, and spotless. In front of the bookshelves, there is an old man with white beard who is reading bamboo scrolls carefully. Sitting under the vase in the west corner is a young god, dressed in luxurious clothes, who is concentrating on reading a book.

Under the moon window, there is a desk made of agarwood from the West Sea, and another old man is sitting in front of the window, painting with a brush. Beside her was a beautiful goddess in a white shirt. She rolled up her silk sleeves and slowly grinded the ink. The ink stick made a soft and slight friction sound in the inkstone. Green smoke curled up from the copper incense burner by the table, and the cold fragrance overflowed. A little fairy boy with pink makeup and jade carvings was using a copper pick to disperse the snow-white incense ash.

Among the five gods, who is Emperor Bai Ze?

Xuan Yi scanned the study for a week, and suddenly understood, is this a test for her? As long as she randomly chooses the wrong one, it means that she will not pass the test, and it also means that she can return to Zhongshan happily.

Was she going to make the wrong choice on purpose? so annoying...

Holding the jade box, her eyes once again swept across the five gods in the study one by one, then slowly walked towards the little fairy boy who was pulling the incense ashes, bowed respectfully, and said: "Junior Zhu Yin Xuan Yi, pay homage to Emperor Bai Ze."

Read The Duke's Passion