MTL - Bancheng Fengyue-Chapter 6 Emperor Bai Ze

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Little Fairy Tong stopped moving the incense ash, let out a surprised laugh, and looked up at her. His eyes are very clear and soft, as if there is an entire endless ocean inside.

"How do you know that I am Emperor Bai Ze?" He couldn't believe it.

Xuan Yi thought for a while: "I guess."

Guess...Emperor Bai Ze couldn't help laughing, what a strange child, he didn't know whether she was smart or stupid.

"I seldom show up, even your father has never seen me, let alone you? Can you guess right, don't you have great luck?"

As he spoke, he tapped lightly on the incense burner with a copper pick, and the other four gods in the study instantly turned into four streams of green smoke, which curled up and scattered.

Xuan Yi respectfully handed over the jade box: "Congratulations to the emperor's long-cherished wish."

Emperor Bai Ze laughed again, he was not polite, he took the jade box generously and opened it, the dragon scales inside the box touched his divine power, and there was a faint sound of dragon chant.

He couldn't help admiring, his face was filled with the joy of receiving the treasure, and he looked far from the highly respected appearance in the impression of the gods.

"Good, good, good!" He said three good words in a row, looked up at Xuan Yi with burning eyes, and said with a smile: "You are very good, and the dragon scale is also very good, and it is very good that my long-cherished wish is fulfilled! What's wrong with you being a disciple?"

It sounds like he is quite reluctant to do this as a gentleman. It just so happens that she is not particularly willing as a disciple. I believe that the master and apprentice will be able to get along easily and happily in the future.

"Disciple Xuan Yi pays homage to Master." She borrowed the **** to get off the donkey, and this salutation was quick and beautiful.

Emperor Bai Ze let out a "hmm", closed the jade box reluctantly, raised his eyes to look at the sky, and said, "It's almost the end of the day, let's call it a day."

He clapped his hands lightly, and the whole study room suddenly collapsed like snow, the light and shadow in front of his eyes turned sharply, and in the blink of an eye, Xuan Yi realized that he was already in the Mingxing Palace, the immature Bai Zedijun who was as immature as a fairy boy. Zhi Yi smiled and sat on the emperor's chair, and beside him stood respectfully two young protoss, a man and a woman, smiling and looking at... well, not at her, but at the person next to her. God: God of Helping Cang.

Hey, he actually passed the test. Xuan Yi twitched the corner of his mouth in displeasure.

Emperor Bai Ze said with a smile: "In the past thousands of years, you may not receive one disciple. Unexpectedly, you have received two disciples today. No wonder the blue bird blew three times on the branch this morning, but it was good luck. Tai Yao, Zhixi, take a look, how about a younger brother and a younger sister?"

The steady Taiyao God on his left said softly: "I have seen the words and deeds of Junior Brother Fucang and Junior Sister Xuanyi just now. Junior Brother Fucang is alert and calm, and Junior Sister Xuanyi... is not bad. I think the two of them were accepted by Mr. Your seat is very suitable."

He called him Junior Brother and Junior Sister, obviously he had accepted two new disciples.

Unexpectedly, Fu Cang suddenly took a step sideways, cupped his hands in salute, and said in a low voice: "Thanks to the emperor's favor, this junior is ashamed. But I'm afraid that this junior won't be able to worship under the emperor's seat, so I hope you will forgive me."

His tone was respectful and indifferent, after another salute, he turned around and was about to leave.

Emperor Bai Ze wondered: "You have passed the test but you have to leave? I heard that you and Gu Ting have had a very good relationship since childhood. As a disciple of this seat, do you know that he always recommends you in front of this seat? Are you here today? , I'm afraid it's also for the sake of his love, so I leave as soon as I say so, but what should I do?"

Fu Cang remained silent, the goddess standing on the right side of Emperor Bai Ze suddenly stepped forward, bowed and said: "Sir, this disciple also has some opinions."

"Zhixi, tell me."

Goddess Zhixi turned around in response, her movements were light and airy, her appearance was bright, her temperament was elegant, and she was forgetful of the commonplace.

Her eyes as clear as water glanced at Xuan Yi before she said: "Sir, this disciple thinks that your test of Princess Xuan Yi is too childish. This disciple is stupid and can't believe it. What's more, this disciple pays homage to Princess Xuan Yi as a gentleman." There are also differences in the next matter."

She was very courteous, turned around and bowed to Xuan Yi first, and then said: "I have something to say, so I ask the princess not to take offense. I also saw the conflict between the princess and Junior Brother Fucang in front of the palace gate earlier. However, there was a reason for the incident. A few days ago, in the Garden of the Empress Hua, the princess first suppressed the **** of Fu Cang with her momentum, and then slandered him with words, causing the **** to leave. This was the beginning of the dispute. Did the princess forget it? Sir, choosing disciples is more important With her talent, bearing and character, the princess speaks sharply, never letting others down, I don't think the princess is suitable to be worshiped under the seat of Mr. "

Xuan Yi's black and white eyes stared at her face for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Excuse me, who are you?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across the bright face of Goddess Zhixi, and she quickly replied: "I am from the Xiong family in Xuanyuan, Zhongtian. My name is Zhixi. I worshiped Mr. Xiong as a disciple nine thousand years ago."

Xuan Yi smiled kindly, and said softly: "Thank you, Senior Sister Zhixi, for your teaching, Xuan Yi will definitely keep it in mind."

Goddess Zhixi frowned when she called "Senior Sister": "I haven't admitted that you are a junior sister. I said that your words are sharp and you don't let others, but am I wrong?"

Xuan Yi said: "Senior Sister's witty words are endless, and what she said makes sense, but I am speechless."

Goddess Zhixi's face darkened, and she turned to look at Emperor Bai Ze: "Mr. Cai's test of the princess just now, my disciple really disagrees. When I asked about it, I couldn't tell why. I just said it was a guess. Comparing with Junior Brother Fu Cang's sword cutting the world, it's like child's play. Being with her, the disciple feels uneasy, how can you convince the crowd by accepting her like this?"

Emperor Bai Ze always had a smile on his immature face, looking at her for a while, and Xuan Yi for a while, most likely he was just watching the excitement. The Lord Taiyao next to him couldn't bear to watch, and couldn't help coughing lightly: "Sir, what Junior Sister Zhixi said may also make sense, sir, should you think about this matter carefully?"

Emperor Bai Ze pays attention to "benevolence", "elegance" and "degree", and most of his disciples are benevolent, magnanimous and gentle. This princess who does not know the depth is indeed a bit out of place, not to mention that if Fu Cang is lost for her, I am afraid that Gu Ting will also die. will be very unhappy.

Emperor Bai Ze frowned: "But I have accepted the great gift from Emperor Zhongshan, and I am absolutely reluctant to return it. What should I do? Xuan Yi, tell your brothers and sisters how you guessed this seat." , so that I can keep this dragon scale."

here we go again! This is almost a rambunctious style! After all, he just couldn't bear to bear the dragon scales of the Zhuyin clan!

Goddess Zhixi has always been upright, she folded her arms and said in a low voice, "Sir, I have always taught us that there is something to do and not to do. Doesn't the Master disregard the rules because of a treasure, wouldn't it chill the hearts of the disciples?"

This is too serious, Tai Yao tugged her sleeve quietly, Zhixi just ignored it.

Xuan Yi laughed suddenly, and said with dignity: "When I entered the study, only the master didn't look at me, the other four gods were transformed by the master's supernatural powers, and naturally reflected the master's heart, which is beyond the control of the master. Yes. I hold the jade box in my hand, which is the treasure that my husband is looking forward to. Even if he doesn't look at me, he can't help but want to take a look, so I saw through it."

Unexpectedly, she can really say that she is ugly and clever, even Emperor Bai Ze himself was surprised for a moment: "Really?"

"Another reason, sir, would you like to hear it?"

"Continue to Xuan Yi said lightly: "I see that Mr. moved those incense ashes back and forth, but the decent incense did not change. I guess Mr. will not change it, so I can only use copper for nothing. The dial dialed the incense ash. "

Emperor Bai Ze laughed loudly, but after laughing, he looked at her for a long time, and he remembered someone, and said with emotion: "This kind of cleverness and arrogance that makes people love to hate, is very similar."

He got up, shook his sleeves, and called out: "Tai Yao, record the names of the two newly promoted juniors and juniors, and send them to Wenhua Palace tomorrow."

He didn't wait for Fu Cang to object at all, and forcibly settled the matter. Tai Yao who was at the side immediately obediently agreed, and quietly smiled at Fu Cang comfortingly.

"Fu Cang, Xuan Yi, come back to the Mingxing Palace in Chenshi three days later, and then as colleagues, we must coexist honestly and kindly. Let's all go."

The disciples saluted and retreated one after another, and Emperor Bai Ze suddenly called Xuan Yi to stop: "Wait a minute."

Xuan Yi looked at him innocently, was he going to give her another warning?

Emperor Bai Ze waited for the Hall of Mingxing to be completely empty, Fang whispered: "You... with this temper..."

Having said this, he stopped, and thought of something, his face was full of emotion: "Your temperament looks more like... Forget it, Xuan Yi, I have a few words for you."

Xuan Yi bowed and saluted: "Disciple, listen attentively."

"You are thoughtful, intelligent, arrogant, and arbitrary. The first two are advantages, but the latter two are disadvantages. There is one omission at the end of a hundred secrets, so that someone with a heart can catch a trace of your negligence, and it will be for you. Fatal blow."

Xuan Yi rolled his eyes: "Mr.'s words are very mysterious, and this disciple doesn't quite understand."

Emperor Bai Ze sighed while smiling: "He is also a little guy who is used to pretending to be stupid. Just remember it, go."

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