MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 609

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Lamo listened to the group of people sitting on the ground. As soon as they saw the silence and the original battle, they immediately greeted them.



Wu Guo was held in black, watching the silence, and did not make any sound.

The fire ant king also descended from midair and his body narrowed to about two meters.

"You are so embarrassed that you can pass on my fire ants to the waters of the gods that have not been known for many thousand years." The soul of the fire ant king passed to everyone's mind.

Everyone is subconsciously looking at the lake. The fire ant king does not say that everyone has not found the change of the Shenxue Lake. When you look closely, you will find that the original thick lake has become clear and transparent, but the bottom of the lake still has red residue. The lake is still red.

Strictly speaking, there is no debate, only silence.

The fire ant king looked at two people, his eyes flashed through jealousy, and the tone remained: "You advanced? Have absorbed so much energy, and have not been blasted? Who are you?"

The fire ant king found that he could not see the details of the two men, especially the young man who was called the witchcraft. The original life energy was like disappearing, and he couldn’t feel it any more, but he Knowing that the other person's energy has not disappeared, but I don't know what method to hide.

If this silence is like the air, it is inconspicuous, but it is omnipresent. The soldier next to him was a mountain with a flaming flame and numerous swords. The majestic momentum and energy were unmasked.

"When the fire ant is under the sire, let's talk?" Smiled slowly.

"Okay, let's talk." The fire ant king touched the gray egg held by the hand and gestured to him and the original battle with him.

Others have to keep up and are blocked by the fire ant king.

They gestured to them and let them wait with peace of mind.

The fire ant king slammed into the boundary of the blood lake, a black hole appeared, and the fire ant king entered it.

The original battle and the sternness of the two jumped into the black hole.

Behind the cave is a huge cave space. The air inside is humid and hot, obviously underground. The cave is full of climbing plants. Many plants also produce bright flowers. The walls and land around the cave are slightly visible. The light, the entire cave space is like a illusion.

The fire ant king fell on the platform in the middle of the cave, and his eyes fell on the abdomen that was strictly and unnaturally raised.

There were no seats on the platform, and the original battle made two stones and sat down.

The fire ant king was silent, but he did not know how to open it. The changes in the strength of the two men completely disrupted his plan. He could have pressed the two people. Now he is not sure that he can leave any one of them.

"The blood lake is very important to my fire ants."

Look up sharply. "Whether you believe it or not, it is an accident."

The fire ant king thought a few turns, and finally decided, "Tell me, who are you? As far as I know, in addition to the real ancient god, no one can absorb the energy of the blood lake, but it is safe. You can only live in it, use it to exercise your body, and all creatures below the demigod will stay in the lake."

"That is called the Blood Lake? Is it related to the ancient god?" Yan is also curious about the lake.

Fire Ant King did not hide this. "It is no secret. Many people in the city who lived above know it, but now they have completely forgotten. You know that there are three cities in ancient times, namely fire, water and earth. Ayutthaya?"

"I heard that it used to be three cities, and now it is divided into nine cities."

"Ninetowns were separated after the last big battle. Before that, they were all three cities. Then you know that the three cities were not originally a human city, but the intelligent creatures with the same gods to resist the common. Is the enemy composed of the bones?"

Shaking his head in silence, "This is not clear."

The fire ant king seems to be sneering. "If human beings are strong, they will forget the past. Of course, because those intelligent creatures begin to hate the insatiable human beings, all of them are either migrating or hiding."

Slightly laughed, faintly said: "Any creature, as long as they live together, will inevitably create contradictions, not to mention the relationship between humans and those creatures, or the relationship between eating and being eaten. Maybe everyone can do it for the common The enemies are united, but when the enemy disappears, the internal contradictions will be obviously and intensified. It is strange to live together for a long time. It is human beings, different tribes, different regions, different abilities, and the family can fight. I think a lot of biological habits are like this. This is natural nature. It doesn't have much to do with human greed and not greed. It means that your ants are seemingly united, but when there are too many people and insufficient food, you will also be separated. ”

The fire ant king squatted and did not continue to attack the human beings. He said: "The reason why the three cities can last for a long time and is strong is very much related to the ancient gods. When the twelve ancient gods fell, some bodies became natural. The treasure of the earth, some of which is the most direct energy. For example, the fruit of witchcraft that occurs every few thousand years, there is a legend that it is the embodiment of the **** of life."

The Fire Ant King said some legends about the ancient gods. These are myths that have never been heard before and in the original battle. They all hear God.

The fire ant king finally said that the blood of the lake, "the twelve ancient gods in order to leave their inheritance in the fall, but also to retain the power to deal with the demon gods, they left the blood stone and the blood of God. The blood stone is the inheritance The stone, not the creatures recognized by the ancient gods can not be passed down. The blood lake is the energy of the ancient gods, only their immediate descendants can use their advanced upgrade to exercise the body, but then the souls in order to **** the blood of the lake There were many wars, and finally the living spirits sat together under the reconciliation of the Changsheng people and decided to share the Shenxue Lake. Later, there will be three cities of earth and water."

“Do you have a blood lake in the three cities of earth and water?”


"The other ancient gods did not leave a lake of blood?"

"In the legend, they all have their own inheritance, but they are scattered in every corner of the world. I am talking about the East China. I only know the legends of the East China."

Strictly and the original battle, the two men already occupied the territory city, but did not find the blood lake. Suddenly thought about it, said the true identity of the two people, and asked the doubts about Tucheng.

"You said that you inherited the memory of the ancient gods?" The fire ant king suddenly became serious.


"And you are looking for traces left by the demon gods?"


"The non-living little monster outside is what you are obeying?"


"Which of you are the blood of the good-natured people?" Although the fire ant king asked this question, his eyes looked harsh.

I knew that it was meaningless to lie in front of this ancient life, which I didn’t know how long I lived, and I confessed, "It’s me."

The fire ant king made a weird laughter, and it took a while to open the door: "The legend of the twelve ancient gods has left a prophecy, saying that the souls that inherit the blood of the good-speaking people will lead the world creatures to jointly resist the demon gods, and the creatures will not Is that you?"

Raising his eyebrows, "I don't seem to hear the prophecy?"

"Oh, what did you hear?"

"What I have heard is that those who inherit the blood of the good-speaking people will become a demon and set off the flames of the world."

"Ha ha ha!" The fire ant king laughed. "The time is too long. The old and the dead are too few. Even the predictions of the ancient gods have changed. But think about the prophecy you said, it is true. The demon **** in the sky is the **** of the bone refining. You lead everyone to kill them, but is it the god? In the eyes of the refining bones and the demon gods, are you not the devil? As long as there is a life against the invasion of the demon god, then the world will rise. War is also natural."

"Do you mean that the prophecy will change, and it is related to the bone refining?" The reaction was very quick.

"If you are a bone-cultivator, would you want to kill the existence of your own god?"

Strictly understand, "The refining bones change the prophecy, so that all the creatures in the world are jealous of the blood of the good-speaking people, and the greater the slaying of the good-speaking people is to prevent the creatures in that prophecy from appearing. In the East China, the good-spoken people are really going to be killed by them. Is this the case?"

"Since you know this, you will be careful to refine the bones in the future. Don't want any living creatures to earn Jiuyuan." The fire ant king couldn't help but say a word.

He knew that he was referring to Sumen, and he knew that this matter could not be explained for a while. He only nodded and wrote down.

"As for the territorial city you have occupied, you have not found the blood lake that belongs to Tucheng. I think there is only one reason to explain it." After the fire ant king knew that the sternness was the blood of the good-speaking family, it became very friendly. He did not doubt the identity of the other people's blood, and the bloodline could not be faked. He tried to communicate without using the soul force, but adopted the communication method of the fire ants. He did not notice it, and naturally understood it. His "words."

"The **** of Tucheng has left. He should, like you, absorb all the energy in the lake of blood." The soul of the fire ant king is a bit awkward. "The old guy lived longer than me. He once told me. If I say that my exercise method is wrong, I may not be able to enter the broken field for the rest of my life."

"The skybreaking field?" is completely puzzled.

The fire ant king sighs, "The sky-breaking field is the saying of our old guys. It must be above the level of the gods. It is divided by the level you are talking about now. It is about fifteen or more. Breaking the sky, breaking the sky, is breaking through the sky and entering more. In the mysterious upper world, it is said that the ancient gods can survive in the more mysterious sky outside the sky. In the sky-breaking field, the level is divided according to the time that can be supported by the heavens and the sky. The longer the support time, the higher the level. If I didn't guess wrong..."

The fire ant king first refers to the original battle. "You, maybe still a little bit." Refers to the sternness. "But you should have entered the field of breaking the sky."

The original battle is silently calculated. If the third level is below the lower level fighter, the fourth level to the sixth level is the intermediate level, the seventh level to the ninth level is the advanced level, the tenth level to the fourth level is the semi-god, and the fifteenth level or above is the broken field. Should it be around 13 to 14 now? In other words, he is two levels worse than the strict one?

"What about you?" asked urgently.

"I?" Fire Ant King smiled. "I took the wrong way to exercise. The lake of blood used to cultivate is sucked up by you. I hope that it will take a long time and opportunity to enter the field."

"Sorry." Yan Mo finally said, "Although we did not intend to, but the result has been caused, if there is a need for us ..."

"Yes!" Fire Ant King is like waiting for him. He said quickly: "Two. First, help me resurrect this egg. You have life energy, if there is anyone in this world who can make one The egg that has died is resurrected. I can't think of the second person except you. The person who lives in the face of Peng Peng, I also paid a lot of money to help him, but he has no way. It was not a resurrection at that time. The dead egg. Second, tell me, how did you absorb the energy of the blood lake? You can't die if you can meet these two requirements, and you will **** up the blood of the lake, I will never again Investigate."

Strictly silent for a while, "I can promise you both of these requirements, but I don't guarantee the results. In addition, I still have a few questions to ask."

"You ask." Fire Ant King sees it with sternness and is willing to say that he is in a good mood and does not feel bad. The lake of blood is sucked up. Compared with a lake of blood that cannot be used to the maximum, it is of course the right to enter the field of cultivation. The method is more important! As for whether he can resurrect the dead eggs in his hands, he would not even dare to hold his hopes, and he was afraid that he could not bear the blow again.

Strictly and very quietly asked: "What is the **** of Tucheng? Is he still on the Eastern Continent? Do you know how we can find him?"

"The old guy in Tucheng is called Tulong, the most snake-like creature in the soil."

Strictly silent, what is the original **** of Tucheng?

"Tulong should now be no longer in the East China. After entering the broken field, I want to go further and must get more energy. As far as I know, all the creatures who entered the broken field have gone to the North Continent."

“Oh? Is the energy of the North Continent more intense than the East?”

"I don't know, after all, I haven't been there. But the creatures who enter the broken field seem to be able to feel the difference in the distribution of energy between the heavens and the earth. You still can't feel it now. It's probably related to the fact that you just broke through and haven't had enough absorption. Your body. The energy in it is too much to cover your perception.” The fire ant king said that he suddenly became happy. So, this little doll is now even higher than him, and he can’t beat him?

I don’t know what the fire ant king is thinking. He is thinking about the northern continent, but he only thinks about it for a while, and he will definitely think about it in other continents, but not now. It is more important to convene a man to deal with extraterrestrial visitors, but it is more important to let Dudu be born smoothly and to develop and strengthen Jiuyuan. He will not leave the East Continent for a long time before Jiuyuan has not fully stabilized.

Suddenly thought of throwing away the Northland here, continue to ask the question: "Your Majesty, are you the Vulcan that is now worshipped in the Fire City?"

The fire ant king returned to God and replied with a little sly look: "Yes, I am the Vulcan in their mouth. But I don't bother to pay attention to them. Only when they offer sacrifices, that is, when they provide a lot of food, I will go. See what happened to them."

Sure enough! "Isn't the power of the blood of their high priests to help him recover?"


"I want to know the method. In exchange, I will tell you all the methods of absorbing energy and compressing. I swear by the soul of the war, absolutely no concealment!"


Strictly asked some questions, mainly the relationship between the Fire Ant King and the Fire City, and how he would become the **** of the Fire City, and why the relationship with the Fire City became so indifferent.

Asked and asked, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, turned to look at the man next to him, he seems to have never heard the other party's voice?

What happened to the war? Why did it become so silent after coming out?

The heart of silence is chaotic.

The author has something to say: I finally landed on it~

This chapter is a puzzle chapter, in order to explain some foreshadowing~

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