MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 610

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"Hey?" Suddenly, the fire ant king turned his head and looked into the pool inside a hole. This article is by . . Starting

A faint **** smell was introduced into the nostrils of several people, and the sharp eyes were sharp. I saw that the stalactites were hanging upside down on the top of the rock wall, but the ordinary stalactites were dripping with clear water or milky white liquid. The stalactites above the pool dropped. It is red and black blood.

"They are offering Vulcan and summoning me with a large summoning technique." The soul of the fire ant king was surprised.

"Why, they don't often summon you?" Yan Qiang reluctantly concentrated and asked.

"No, they will always ask me for help with sacrifices several times a year, but such a large-scale sacrifice and summoning..." Fire Ant King can't sit still, he has nothing to fire city people. There is no feeling of affection, but he once promised that person, even after he died, will look at Fire City until he enters the field.

"I went up to see you and your companions stay here for a while, and other things wait for me to come back and say." The fire ant king is about to leave, think about it, turn back, and carefully hand the gray ant eggs to Yan Silent, eyes nostalgic and slightly painful: "Please do your best, if you can make her rise, the fire ants will always be your friends."

"This is the egg of the queen?" Strictly watching him so cautious, guess.

"No, she is the queen... It should be." The fire ant king is also uncertain. "When she changed from human to queen, she first turned into an ant egg. Later, in order to protect the fire city, the energy collapsed. At the last moment, she asked to enter the Blood Lake, saying that she didn't want to waste her energy. Then she disappeared in the Blood Lake."

"Can people become queens?" Suddenly surprised.

"Yes, our fire ants are special, and the bone soldiers have told you, in fact, we are the purest fire energy, the living energy body with life, we can transform other energetic creatures through some secret method. For the fire ant family. She... was originally the fourth generation of the city of the city, to take the initiative to accept the secret law to the queen, at the cost of exchange for me and my fire ants to guard and protect the city of fire." Fire ant king said later it seems a bit Bitter?

Suddenly, the fourth generation of the city of Fire City was infinitely admired. It was nothing to be transformed into another race, but it turned into a queen who wanted to give birth to future generations. I believe that not many people have such courage and courage.

I want to come to the fire city at that time, I should have encountered certain difficulties. In order to win over the fire ants, the fire city is a story that belongs to that era. The fire ant king does not say it, and he does not intend to find the bottom. His heart is now mostly rushing. When I arrived at my own small animal, I couldn’t help but think in my mind: Why is the A-war so silent? Is he angry? I valued toot more than him?

The fire ant king fluttered away, and the huge cave space left only the two people who were strict and the original war.

Strictly touch the gray eggs, several times want to call out the small saplings to scan it, but always can not calm down, and then he simply put away the gray eggs.

In the end, he couldn't help but look up at the original battle, but found that the original war was also watching him.

Strictly open your mouth, I don’t know what to say to appease the other person. If it’s the past, don’t say that he will appease the person in front of him. He’s afraid that even this will not be born. Compared with Dudu, others are a fart?

But now he does not want this person to be disappointed with him, and he does not want it at all.

In the original battle, the fire ant king left, and finally he was able to do something he had been trying to do for a long time. He reached out and touched the abruptly raised abdomen and pressed it. Then, when he wanted to go down and see what changed his priests, his priests held his hand and opened his mouth.

"You...why haven’t you been talking?" It’s hard to make a question, and then ask yourself to be stupid.

The original battle, "Ah?" Because the fire ant king used the soul to talk to us for a while, and then talked to you alone, I couldn't insert my mouth, and then I had to check the energy in my body.

The original battle was about to explain, and the bulge under the hand touched him.

This is his youngest son? I don't want to use the same birth method as his brother. Do you have to go into his stomach and have the same feeling as a normal child?

The original battle was a bit weird, but it was a little bit unspeakable. This kind of feeling touches his wife's stomach and feels the things that ordinary men who are rolling in and out can enjoy. He thinks that he has no chance in his life. He really didn't think that their younger son would be so tossed. Although the process was a bit tortuous and a little painful, the end result was that his energy and his body energy increased greatly, and he was upgraded, and he also felt the ordinary happiness as an ordinary man and father. It seems a bit beautiful? Is it said that it will be killed by the "pregnant" priests?

The original war will be heart-to-heart, and I feel that I will be unhappy when I change my stomach. So he decided to take care to deal with any of the next questions.

Look at the little lovers so cold, and more and more sure of their own guess, "Are you angry?"

The original war thought, this must be a counter-talk, and it seems that he is asking him, but he is actually indicating his own mood, so he immediately said seriously: "No, I am not angry at all."

Finished! Severely shocked. No, this must be said, and it must not be made a jealousy between the two.

"A war, you listen to me..."

"You don't have to tell me anything, I understand."

The two opened almost simultaneously.

Severe smile.

The original battle once again said: "Really, you don't have to say anything."

Do not! I must tell you clearly. Strictly, I feel that the original war is talking about the opposite, and I will compare my heart. If my lover pays more attention to the offspring than himself, even if she can understand it, she will definitely feel embarrassed, not to mention that he seems to have given up the original. The war even required the original battle to use his own life in exchange for the birth of Dudu.

Such a passionate, selfish, and only a future generation of partners, can not bear to change anyone?

"War, do you remember that I told you that I have lived a lifetime in my dream of the gods?"


"Actually, I still have something to hide you." Strictly grasping the hand of the original war, decided to tell the original story in the scope of the guide, which highlights his embarrassment to Dudu. And why.

After listening to the original battle, I have not spoken for a long time. He has also mentioned his past life with him, but he has never explained it so clearly and completely. This reminds him of Hu Lian’s memory and reminds him of the strange and beautiful world.

"This is exactly the case. I was very indifferent at the time, and I wanted to make a study that shocked the world, because human trials require my own consent and must be adult. But some of my research projects must be observed from the cell, and also It only works on the young body. I used my own sperm/child to experiment without the test materials. I thought that I used my own sperm/child, and the new life was created by me, then he It belongs to me, it is my scientific research result, not my...child." The strict hand touched my stomach.

Dudu gave him a very lively look and called him.

I smiled nervously. "But such a test can't be successful from the beginning. I have failed countless times. Later, it was hard to cultivate a doodle. Maybe it was too difficult to come. Maybe it was too long to get along with him. He From the beginning of development of a cell to the process of his entire formation and birth, I have seen it in my eyes. Gradually, I can’t just use him as a research material, but after he was born, he was the first to be The little things are fascinated. I thought at the time, this is my child, unique, my baby."

The original hand touched his face and shook his hand sharply.

"But after all, toot is not a natural person. He was unstable when he was born. From birth to death, he has been living in pain. The pain is that adults can't stand it, but because he was born, he has to endure that pain. Later, he could even laugh with such pain."

I recalled a lot of things, and finally he said to the man around him: "Forgive me, I don't care about you, but toot... I owe him too much. I should have let his soul rest in peace, but because of me. Selfishness, let him follow me to this world to suffer. The child is completely innocent, I hope he can be born healthily, grow up happily, and live happily to the old and happy. If you have behavior for me Comments, tell me, I will compensate you, but I hope you don't hate toot." Do not hate me.

The original war heard this and finally understood the meaning of the silence. His priest adults were worried that he hated him because of his previous actions. How is it possible!

In fact, he really understands that although he is also very angry that the other party pays too much attention to the younger son and even ignores his own life, it is normal to protect the offspring from giving up the other party. Just like some people in the tribe will give up their descendants and keep themselves. Like a partner. For example, his father, his father has had several women, he and the women also have several children, but the only one who survived is only one of him?

Then he said that he was convinced that he was strict, and he finally saved him. He did not really let him die. Let me say... cough, if Dudu really intends to capture all his vitality, he will not really let him in this way, and he will definitely either run away or solve the little scorpion at the last minute.

Of course, the latter will not be said with a stern death.

Originally, I wanted to explain my true thoughts with rigorous explanations. I wanted him not to be so upset. But when I look at this pride, the surface is even more disguised. The man who is as strong as the granite is the first to show that he cares so much. The look, his eyes are even more rare, apologetic, apologetic, and a little pleading, he, he suddenly hardened!

"How do you compensate me?" The original war moved his legs and asked quietly.

Strictly, I really thought about it for a while, and slowly asked: "How do you want me to compensate you?"

"My priest, you explain so much, just want to tell me, you value me, not even weaker than our little son, right?"

Slightly and deeply inhale, "Yes."

"But as you said, I don't feel that you value me. I have dedicated my soul and body to you, but you... but cruelly let me believe in you and watch me die. ”


"Yes, you finally came to save me, and even let me get more powerful energy than in the past, but you can't deny it. It's just an accidental miracle. Once again, you are not sure how the final result will be. In order to prevent his expression from exposing his true emotions, the original war had to tighten his face, which made him look particularly cold. He also took all his hands back and never let himself touch it.

I thought about it infinitely: I really hurt the heart of this young man. I didn’t want to touch it when I touched the war.

"Dad, father..." Dudu was also upset. "I am not good. I can just beat the bad guy."

Strictly comforted him: Baby, we can beat it, you sleep for a while.

Willing to wrap the little son, Dudu swears in his heart and slowly falls into a deep sleep.

"Forget it. Let's go see the Wuhuan, they waited for such a long time, certainly..." The original battle got up and made a move out of the cave.

Stand up closely and pull him subconsciously. Things haven't been solved yet, can't let him go!

"Original war, I only told you once, believe it or not, you don't expect me to say the second time in the future." He is wrong, but he apologizes to the little lover, he Still can't do it, at most to compensate him in other places, such as satisfying some of the other party... that's it.

The original battle stopped and the ears stood tall. Say, what do you want to say quickly!

Strictly and very solemnly confided: "Dudu and Wuguo are our children, I hope they can grow up healthy and happy. But when they grow up, life belongs to them, I can't care for them all my life. But You... When I decided to let you be my life partner, I had the preparation to go with you for a lifetime. I told myself that when you have no feelings for me, I will allow you to leave, but I know that I Nine out of ten can't do it. If you really want to leave me, I won't give you any blessings. I will only put you into a specimen and put it in my space. Before I let you believe me, if I really can't save it. You, I will raise the toot, pay off the debt to him, I may not accompany you to die, but I can swear, except for you, my life will not have a second person. ”

The original battle slowly turned back, and the voice was inexplicably hoarse. "You really think so."

Strictly grab his palm and put it on his left chest. "I swear by my soul."

"The oath will not be fulfilled until later, I want to see more real, you said to give me compensation." The flame burned in the man's eyes, as for what fire... Does it still use it?

Strictly seems to understand the meaning of the original war, and the voice has become dull and low. "How do you want me to compensate you, huh?"

The original battle with a nose, sure that there is no nosebleed, immediately said: "First take off the clothes, all!"

"...good." I knew you would want such compensation, animals! Strictly despising his little lover, he began to slowly undress.

The original battle stared at his priest's movements, causing painful embarrassment. too slow!

Open it directly and tear it!

"You lightly!"

Can't be light, can't tear it!

Hey -! I saw it and saw it.

The original war was abnormal, the original battle was to be blown up, but he resisted hard!

However, his priest adults asked him very helplessly at this time: "Is this all right?"

"Of course, this is not the case!" The original battle is not a primitive person who does not understand anything. He actually visited the original leader who came back after the rich nightlife of the horned man. In an instant, he came up with one hundred and eight. Usually it will not be put out in a pose of death.

"Do you see the stone over there? You used to go over like this, then tilt your left leg to the stone and bend the upper body..."

Strictly remember, "Original war, don't be too much!"

"Since it is compensation, it is always a little different. Why, you can't do it? But if it is me, I can do anything for you. Do you think these poses are shameful? I can show it to you first, you see, It’s very simple, just like this, again.”

Strictly: "... can you be more shameless?" This is the lover he decided to spend his life in his life? Can he regret it?

The original war deliberately retired two steps in order to observe the panoramic view of the whole picture. The mouth replied casually: "Yes, you can see it right away. The fire ant king doesn't know when to come back. We walk on the side, it's good, there is a pool. There is also a small stone forest. Silence, can I tie you up and hang it up? Rest assured, I won't tie your stomach, I have seen horned people playing like this, I always thought..."

"Shut up! One hour. The compensation is only one hour!" Severe toothache.

“Is an hour a day?”


"You really still value the future generations over me. You must have deceived me. Only my fool will believe in you so much, forget it, since you don't want to..."

Strictly ridiculous, resentment: "The original big animal! Don't give me an inch! Come over, you have to go out with that crowbar!"

Outside the cave, Xiaohe and others did not have a ban on the fire ant king. They all tried to reach into the blood lake and tried it again.

"It turned out to be clear water."

"The huge energy has disappeared."

"It’s a master, but the master and the leader do this. Will the fire ant king let us go?"

"What are you afraid of? If the fire ant king wants to deal with us, we are dead early. Right, when will the master and the leader come out? What does this fire ant king bring us here?"

"Do we want to go over and see?"

Jiuyuan and his party all looked at the rock wall opposite the black hole.

The author has something to say: Yesterday, the chapter will be replenished tomorrow, and tomorrow will be updated at 12 o'clock and 8 o'clock in the evening.


The elbow joint hurt for half a month. Yesterday, I may get up when I got up. It hurts a lot. I can't lift my elbow and rush to the hospital. The emergency doctor said that it is elbow arthritis, and opened anti-inflammatory drugs and externally applied drugs. It was closed with a lot of effect.

Today, I still have a lot of pain. I can't put it on a hard object. I can't force it. I go to the hospital to close it. The doctor who sees the doctor said that it is probably a tennis elbow. It is not recommended to close it now, so that it can be treated with drugs for a while. .

Now I have a thick layer of mat on the computer desk...


I thought it was a relatively easy job to write a novel, laughing~

Since the full-time, cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, tenosynovitis have been obtained, and now the two elbow joints are also inflamed, which does not mention the decreased visual acuity, increased weight, etc., so I used my own facts to prove: the meaning of life Still in motion!


I sincerely wish everyone all the best, if you want to be a full-time author or a friend who works at the computer desk for a long time, please remember to arrange the time reasonably.

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