MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2385 Quasi Invincible Giant!

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? Qin Yueyi has not been found, but there are no signs of fighting. It can be determined that Qin Yueyi is not in danger. At least as far as Xie Aoyu knows, in addition to invincible giants, even quasi-invincible giants face those who have heaven and earth. Qin Yueyi also had a hard time making her unable to resist the capture. ""

Since there was no danger, Xie Aoyu was at ease.

He also didn't want to waste the land of nine spirits.

The so-called spiritual veins are actually the nine special spaces formed by the nine mystic veins condensed by special secret methods, which can be suitable for the cultivation of a certain attribute. In terms of effect, it is far better than the Holy Land of Thunder. Therefore, Jiumang Lingmai is also a good place for the angel tribe to buy people's hearts.

Xie Aoyu directly selected the wood property land.

He flew forward and jumped in.

The land of wooden attributes is a pit that is ten meters deep. It is guarded by a mask on it. The wooden attributes released from the inside are not released. After a long time of collection, no one cultivates. The breath of life here is also Very heavy and pure.

The pit is surrounded by the core of some of the magical ancient trees of the Age of the Realm. It is inlaid around it by spell formation. This deep pit itself has some wooden property treasure fragments of the Age of the Realm integrated into it, so The breath of life produced is very much, and it is relatively pure.

Xie Aoyu entered this area and immediately cast a battle space.

The whole wooden property land was caged by him, and then he took out the heart of life, the heavenly sacred stone, placed it under his butt, and began to cultivate.

The sacred stone of the heart of life was shaped by Xie Aoyu, and he is naturally aware of its role. He immediately pulled the demigod thunder into it and joined it in the process of comprehensively tempering the breath of life. Then, with Dantian running at full speed, his realm is greatly improved than before. The quasi-super giant's practice speed is naturally fast, but only if he wants to break through it, he needs more.

With these two cooperations, there is almost no escape of the breath of life, and all are absorbed.

The more it is absorbed, the more it can be released.

All absorption, relatively speaking, even if the quenching speed provided by Demigod Thunder is many times faster than the invincible giant's quenching speed, it cannot match the speed of the inflow. It is too much of the heavenly holy stone. Now, this is probably why it can play a role in the celestial sacred stone, but it can also break through in the giant realm.

With the absorption of Xie Aoyu's body, it began to swell up again, just like the last stone of heaven and heaven.

In the blink of an eye, Xie Aoyu swelled twice.

This situation continues.

Xie Aoyu, who practiced with all his heart and soul, did n’t have the energy to pay attention to everything outside, but did n’t find it. After the ultimate sacred stone released the breath of life, it became more transparent, as if accompanied by Xie Aoyu ’s continuous absorption The heavenly holy stone is also constantly being refined.

The color of his soul is constantly changing.

Before it was half of the golden soul, which belonged to the quasi-super giant.

Four hours later, the soul was transformed into pure gold and turned into a real super titan. With his divine power, fighting skills, and weapons, the super titans were able to fight the quasi invincible giant without falling, at least Xie Aoyu had previously At the time of the demon battle, it was clear that the time was worse, but the gap was also very limited.

Practice madly ...

Ten hours later, Xie Aoyu's soul was still golden, and no white light spot appeared. At this time, he really realized how difficult it is for the golden soul super giant to step into the quasi-invincible giant. We must know him. Now, the curse of the soul has been completely lifted, and the speed of cultivation has been improved more than a few times. Before ten hours, the color of the soul had changed a long time ago, but it still has not changed.

Since then, Xie Aoyu realized why the invincible giant killed only the quasi-invincible giant with one hand and did not look at it because the gap was too big.

If the color of the giant soul is below the giant soul, a color change may be ** times apart, then the gap between the super soul of the golden soul and the invincible giant of the white soul must be more than thirty or forty times, and this level doubles. It will take years to achieve it, thirty to forty times, how to do it, I am afraid that even the so-called eternity, it will not be able to be ground up to the invincible giant, because to a certain extent, cultivation will become more and more difficult.

The heart of life, the heavenly holy stone, can improve this.

Constantly cultivate, cultivate.

Madly refining the breath of life, if it is not divine power, there may have been changes. After all, divine power is too demanding, which also requires a price.

About thirteen hours of practice, white light spots began to appear in Xie Aoyu's golden soul. A little white in pure gold was not very conspicuous.

This is still not a quasi-invincible giant.

According to the classification of quasi-invincible giants, only one-tenth of the white light spots in the golden soul can be considered quasi-invincible giants. Otherwise, there are many white light spots in the super giants, but most of them are More than a dozen, more than twenty, that kind of power seems to be stronger than the super giants.

After seventeen hours passed, the white light spot reached one tenth the amount.

Xie Aoyu can be regarded as a formal invincible giant.

The quantity provided by the Heavenly Sacred Stone is still there, but the time is coming.

He is doomed to rely on a heavenly sacred stone to play a role, and he has entered the realm of invincible giants, and can only cultivate as soon as possible without wasting a little opportunity.

On that day, the sacred stone no longer released the breath of life, Xie Aoyu began to refine the breath of life in his body, and his body swelling slowly melted away. It didn't take long for him to return to normal.

At this time, the breath of life in Muzhi's cultivation ground began to be absorbed by him.

Xie Aoyu didn't do anything kind.

Jiumang Lingmai is condensed and compressed. If it is used without consideration, the effect is far better than slowly absorbing and releasing the breath of life.

So he is an unreserved cultivation.

When used in this way, the cultivation ground of the tree immediately collapsed, and all the essence of life was released, which was absorbed by Xie Aoyu.

In this way, the cultivation is completed, and he really completes the cultivation.

Looking at the color of the soul, there are already one fifth of the white light spots, more than double the tenth.

Xie Aoyu dismissed the fighting space. He was going to the soil and Lei was practicing in two places. As a result, Liu Yanxi was waiting anxiously outside.

Due to the full practice, there was no time to disperse his energy to do anything else. Therefore, Xie Aoyu did not open his eyes during the practice, and did not know the outside situation. At first glance, Liu Yanxi was here.

"How did you get here? Angel bathing place ..." Xie Aoyu spoke, opened his eyes, and found out that the masters of Jiumang were already full of masters, including the patriarch of the angel tribe, Ole Pen, and the other two Invincible giants, there are four major invincible giants led by Maria.

They have actually surrounded the nine-man veins.

"You have seen it. The situation outside is complicated. This time we may be in danger." Liu Yanxi's face was so dignified. "Maria and others arrived yesterday. Perhaps because of some circumstances, there was no large-scale search, and It was Ole Pen who led us to search for us, but he never found us. After I found it, he came to join the King of the Guardian to ensure safety. As a result, Ole Pen did not find us today, and Maria took her own hands. I do n’t know what method was used to lock you in the vein of Jiumang, and there are also powerful men in the **** demons who have imprisoned the ground in the mountain city. They ca n’t use earth moth, and they do n’t know whether the battle space is also imprisoned Now. "

"It's really time to come." Xie Aoyu sneered at the corner of his mouth.

If it had been before, he was indeed not an opponent.

But now he is also a quasi-invincible giant, not an invincible giant, who can be his opponent.

"I'm afraid we're in danger this time, the Guardian King is not available, and can't play the role of heaven and earth." Liu Yanxi is very dignified and very worried.

"Relax, there will be nothing with me," Xie Aoyu said.

Liu Yanxi thought Xie Aoyu was comforting her, and smiled bitterly: "You don't comfort me anymore, I know the situation, what kind of person Maria is, and I know very well that since she chose to show up publicly, she must have a complete plan. The last mistake will never be repeated. "

Xie Aoyu agreed with this point. It is absolutely impossible for Maria to commit a second time. "This time, Maria brought four quasi-invincible giants, plus three from the realm of God, and a total of seven quasi-invincible giants. Even if you and the little demon join forces to procure the magic of the heavens and the earth, they can use the three quasi-invincible giants to block them. "


With a sigh, Liu Yanxi looked up at Xie Aoyu, "In fact, I can die with you, I have no regrets."

"Dead? Why should we die?" Xie Aoyu said.

"You do n’t have to hold on. The situation is already like this, there is no chance at all." Liu Yanxi came to Xie Aoyu less than one meter in front of him, and fixedly looked at him. "I know you treat me Mind."


Xie Aoyu heard for a moment, how did it feel that Liu Yanxi no longer held her back, what was she doing?

I heard Liu Yanxi said, "Why am I not at all interested in you? When I was in East Sea God Island, I was already in a state of mind, you know, more than ten days after you left East Sea God Island and went to the Sea Emperor Temple, I ca n’t practice with peace of mind, and I ’m full of you. ”She suddenly moved forward, reached Xie Aoyu's place within a few centimeters, raised her toes, and quickly kissed Xie Aoyu ’s mouth,“ I think I really love You, after my death, you ... "

At this point, Xie Aoyu understood.

Liu Yanxi wanted to explode to gain vitality for herself, so she told her mind before she died.

Xie Aoyu couldn't help crying, moving, and feeling, he pulled Liu Yanxi into his arms, and kissed her red lips with a bowed head.

Liu Yanxi, who probably thought that he was dying, had no worries, enthusiastically responded, and squeezed into Xie Aoyu's arms, wishing to fit into his body.

In the fiery kiss between the two, the space guarding the spirit veins of Jiumang suddenly disappeared.

Maria, Ole Pen, and others rushed in and surrounded them.

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