MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2386 Romantic murder

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The magic mask of Jiumang Lingmai is a special power to protect the nine attributes of the mask. For fear of Xie Aoyu's escape, he will be forcibly smashed. The result is like thousands of petals falling, and those petals look like Incomparably magnificent, fluttering, and very contented, Xie Aoyu embraced Liu Yanxi in the rain of petals and kissed her red lips, completely intoxicated and unable to extricate herself. This picture looks indescribable romantic. ""

Seeing this scene with Maria's coldness was also a moment of loss of mind.

It's really romantic.

It is naturally difficult to hide Xie Aoyu's eyes from the outside, but he doesn't care. These people, he doesn't have any fear, and can't let them interrupt the opportunity to taste the sweet tongue of beautiful women.

Liu Yanxi was truly intoxicated.

Her heart was completely released, without any reservations, and opened to Xie Aoyu. She had determined that she would die without doubt. She would use her death to fight for the first-line vitality for Xie Aoyu, so she released the fiery passion without any reservation, and tightly He hugged together and offered his own kiss.

The hot kiss, the moving petal rain, and the eight attribute masks around it are like strange and huge flowers in eight colors, making this scene dreamy.

"Xie Aoyu, you are really romantic!" Ole Pang's voice was chilling, and the romance he said could not be concealed. If he was not in a state of mind, he would be violent if he changed to another person.

It was so difficult for Maria and others not to take the shot and ask him to search.

It turned out to be fruitless for a day.

The next day, Maria had to take a shot before she could find it. This was a slap, or he sent his face over and let someone beat him.

What is more hateful is that now the battle on Tang Zihao's side has ended. After interrogation, I know that this tragic battle for the angels was caused by Xie Aoyu.

Another thing is to see Xie Aoyu in Jiumang Lingmai, he was worried about the angel bathing place and the aurora aurora, but found that the angel bathing place was thought to destroy some pattern spells, and even changed many patterns, or The most important thing is that the angel bathing place is almost completely scrapped. Obviously, it is done by people with extraordinary abilities in spells.

Then Aurora was completely scrapped.

Aurora Aurora disappeared.

Fools know that Xie Aoyu must have done it.

Looking at the Jiumang Lingmai, a wooden property training ground has been destroyed. Once the war begins, it will be completely scrapped.

As soon as the three gods land, they will be completely destroyed. Can he not be crazy? He wants to scold the street regardless of his image like a shrew.

But what about the killer?

Fuck is holding the beauty romance, anyone must be crazy.

"Huh, huh ..." Liu Yanxi heard the voice and wanted to push Xie Aoyu apart, but Xie Aoyu held her tighter. Liu Yanxi was ashamed, happy, and nervous.

But she saw the tenderness in Xie Aoyu's eyes, and the whole person softened.

Both lips were released.

Xie Aoyu hugged her tightly, "Relax, your man hasn't put these people in his eyes yet."

"Your cultivation?" Liu Yanxi heard the words "your man", and Fang Xin was a bit confused, but fortunately, the outside killing kept her awake.

Xie Aoyu sighed in her ears, watching Liu Yanxi's sensitive tremor, her ears turned red, and her blushing and touching appearance, which made Xie Aoyu be shocked, "I am already a quasi invincible giant."

"Really?" Liu Yanxi was surprised.

She is very clear that Xie Aoyu's combat power is doubled in the same realm, not an ordinary multiple. For his power to easily kill the supergiant in the quasi-superpower realm, I am afraid that there is no quasi-invincible giant that can compete with it. .

Xie Aoyu chuckled: "Without pushing down my Liu Meiren, how can I let myself take risks?"

"You pervert were heard." Liu Yanxi reached out and gave Xie Aoyu a hand.

"I'm the truth." Xie Aoyu said for granted.

Liu Yanxi bowed her head and leaned on Xie Aoyu's arms, the whole person was a little hot.

Looking at the two of you, you, me and me, Ole Pen was crazy.

I haven't seen anything like this.

"The patriarch is better to calm down." Maria saw that Ole Panna was violently cruelly hiding in her heart, and said quietly, "I have met Xie Aoyu many times, I know his actions, and dare to be so powerful in us Under the siege, he must have escaped this place with such certainty. "

"Escape? How did he escape? We have seven quasi-invincible giants here!" Said Ole Pang.

As far as he knows Xie Aoyu, he really doesn't think Xie Aoyu can escape. So far, he has only determined that Xie Aoyu's performance before the resident of the Lei family in the realm of God can fight the super giant. Even in the past few days, The promotion may be able to kill the super giant, is it still an opponent of the invincible giant?

Therefore, in the subconsciousness of Ole Pen, it is undoubtedly determined that Xie Aoyu will die.

"It is the top ten invincible giants, and he is likely to run away." Maria said solemnly, "patriarch, I did not exaggerate with you, there is no need to do so, my purpose is simple, to kill Xie Aoyu, to avenge my father "You want to come and know my purpose."

"Then what do you mean," Ollerpon said deeply.

"Since Xie Aoyu did this, then give him time, but also give us time, try not to give him a chance to survive." Maria said.

Ollerpon said: "You say."

Maria said: "Don't Tang Zihao want to control the Lei Lian Holy Land, he can agree with his requirements, but he needs to work hard to attack with the lightning power of the Lei Lian Holy Land. Without reservation, it is completely comparable to the quasi-invincible giant. At that time, we can test what Xie Aoyu has to deal with, and we will make it easier. "

"The witch is truly ingenious," Ollerpon said.

"The patriarch praises," Maria said lightly.

The two of them naturally gave each other new evaluations and opinions, and they would not say it.

Ole Penn let people go to negotiate with Tang Zihao.

Here, continue to stare at Xie Aoyu and Liu Yanxi.

"Witch." The King Shura was a little eager to think of his encounter with Xie Aoyu.

Maria sneered: "No one can do anything without my orders!"

Shura Wang had no choice but to take a step back and stare fiercely at Xie Aoyu, who wanted to tear Xie Aoyu into pieces.

With a heart of 200,000 meters, Maria and Olepang's dialogue was clear to him. To be honest, if Tang Zihao had unreservedly used the thunder power of the Holy Land of Refining, it was indeed dangerous and problematic. Yes, he has a demigod thunder. Can thunder and lightning threaten him?

Xie Aoyu is also thinking about how to shoot.

Of the seven quasi-invincible giants, five of them have only one-fifth the white soul, which is equivalent to Xie Aoyu. Only the mutant thunder angel and the demon **** have a deeper cultivation, and the white soul is almost two-fifths. .

But in terms of combat effectiveness, Xie Aoyu was very confident.

"Seven major quasi-invincible giants. If they join forces, I should be able to cope."

"Just with Liu Yanxi, he must guarantee his safety and must be affected to some extent. If he uses combat space, there are obvious fluctuations in space power around him now, which is clearly targeted."

"Then you can only solve one or two first."

"Who should take the shot first, it is better to finally kill Maria. In this case, we must first solve the four quasi-invincible giants around Maria."

Xie Aoyu wanted to understand this, and also found that the lightning power quantity fluctuated from the Holy Land of Lei Lian.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The amount of lightning power is indeed very strong, comparable to the quasi-invincible giant, and even stronger. Under normal circumstances, no one is afraid of it, but these people do not know the mystery of the demigod thunder, that is to have a demigod thunder, basically Ignore any lightning strikes.

This is an opportunity that can be used.

Xie Aoyu slowly flew up with Liu Yanxi waiting for the power of thunder.

Time passed quietly as the two sides confronted each other.

"Booming ..."

The sound of thunder exploded, and the wind and clouds between the heavens and the earth were turbulent. There were endless dark clouds flowing over the whole mountain city, rolling and making thunderous sounds.

This momentum is much stronger than the previous Tang Zihao launched the thunder power. Obviously, Tang Zihao still had reservations. He can dare to confront the angels and always ensure that the Holy Land of Lei Lian is owned by him for a reason. It is his real dependence, obviously this time no longer reserved, but also a deterrent to the angel clan, want them to know not to continue to force them to surrender the Holy Land of Thunder.

The dark clouds rolled, and the mighty power was pressed down, as if within reach.

Countless thunders came, but no lightning appeared.

Xie Aoyu was also quite surprised to look at the sky. With such a mighty power, obviously the amount of lightning power was very unusual.

He did not stimulate the Thunder of the Demigod. As the power of the lightning became more powerful and more and more condensed, the Thunder of the Demigod was still very calm.

It seems that the amount of lightning power is not worthy of attention at all.

Want to come, the deities of the deities can send the power of the gods of the doomsday to reach the peak of the strongest heaven and earth gods. Not to mention the amount of lightning power, even the Dacheng thunder is fully stimulated to exert its full power. In the face of the demigod thunder, I am afraid it is difficult to have any power at all.

Since the demigod's thunder ignores it, Xie Aoyu no longer needs to worry about it.

Xie Aoyu now began to judge how to shoot.

Not long after, there were nearly 30,000 thunderbolts above Jiumang Lingmai, each with the thickness of an arm, continually hovering above, and gradually began to condense.

The figure of Tang Zihao also emerged from the distant Lei Lian Holy Land.

"Xie Aoyu, it is rumored that you killed my father outside, but it is true!" Tang Zihao growled loudly.

"Ask me knowingly," Xie Aoyu said.

Tang Zihao's complexion turned blue, and he said, "You really did it!"

Xie Aoyu looked up, "I killed it!"

"I want you to kill my father's hatred!" Tang Zihao furiously said, his hands changed in a series of gestures, and a spell was in his mouth, and he saw countless thunder and lightning tumbling above the void.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of thunderbolts quickly condensed, forming nine giant thunder dragons with a thickness of ten meters and a length of one hundred meters, rolling inside the dark cloud, constantly agitating the body, making the space violently shake.

Tang Zihao Yao Xie Aoyu, "You die for me!"

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