MTL - Be a Human Again From Conan-Chapter 6 I have a special way to cheer

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  Chapter 6 I have a special way to refuel

  Normal karate competitions are not very enjoyable to watch. If you don’t have a discerning eye, it looks like two people are fighting each other, with few tricks.

   Karate in the Ke Xue world is different.

  You come and go, there is a pick-up, and the action is like a master's move in a martial arts movie.

  The girls who can make it to the quarterfinals basically have the strength to smash electric poles. After the competition started, the eight of them started a fierce competition.

  High school students need to wear protective gear in the game, so there is no one (similar to KO) rules, all three rounds are best of two, each round is two minutes, whoever hits the most points wins.

  He Tian Yangnai was very competitive and played with absolute momentum. In two rounds, he directly eliminated his opponent in two rounds and successfully entered the final!

   And her opponent, who also entered the final like a sweep - Mao Lilan!

  After a period of intermission, there was a third and fourth place competition.

  Wada Yangnai and Mao Lilan got plenty of rest time, which also made the atmosphere in the venue more tense. Hetian Huimeiliu sweated for her daughter, and couldn't help talking to Ji Xing next to her: "Ji Xing, can Yang Nai win?"

  Ji Xing replied politely: "Yes, Auntie, Yang Nai's karate level is better than that of her opponent."

   This is not to comfort and encourage, but after looking at each game, Ji Xing made a judgment based on his own vision, but... strong is strong, whether Yang Nai can win, he can't be sure.

  The opponent is Mao Lilan.

  As he judged, at the beginning of the game, Wada Yangnai attacked first and firmly suppressed Mao Lilan, leaving Mao Lilan with only room to defend.

   After retreating and defending for more than a minute, Mao Lilan retreated to the edge of the ring, unable to retreat, and was finally kicked to the ground by Yang Nai.

   In the first game, Wada Yangna wins!

   Wada Natsumi and his wife looked happy, while Mori Kogoro and Fei Mili on the opposite side sat up straight worriedly, ignoring the bickering.

  Suzuki Sonoko couldn't accept it even more, stood up abruptly, and shouted: "Lan! What are you doing! Momentum! Momentum! Perseverance! Perseverance! Show your perseverance!"

  It's pretty good. A girl bared her teeth and claws in the stands, her loud voice spread all over the venue. After a short silence, bursts of laughter came from the venue.

  Mao Lilan showed a sense of helplessness on her face, she had nothing to do with her best friend, but it also helped her relieve some pressure.

   At this moment, she glanced out of the corner of her eye, and suddenly saw Kudo Shinichi, who was supposed to be cheering her on in the stands, ran near the exit of the stadium, clasped his hands and nodded towards her as if apologizing.

  She read Kudo Shinichi's mouth shape.

  'Is there...something? '

   Have an event? !

  I'm here for the final, you want to go? !

   "Events! Events! Events!"

   Mao Lilan watched Kudou Shinichi run away and disappeared, a purple flame seemed to be burning on his body: "Damn reasoning maniac!!"

   A loud roar.

  Super Saiyan mode, open!

   In the second round, Wada Yangnai was completely stunned. She only felt that Mao Lilan, who was not her opponent in the last round, hired Ji Xing to fight on her behalf. Her momentum and strength completely suppressed and even crushed her!

   One to one tie.

   "Pretty! Lan! That's it!"

  Sonoko Suzuki bared his teeth and paws happily, and Kogoro Mori laughed and squealed beside him.

  The pressure was put on the other side, and the hands of Wada Xiahai and his wife were clenched into fists. They could see that the loss of this small game affected their daughter's mentality.

   It's not good to go on like this.

  Both of them are teachers by profession, with a gentle personality. At this time, they stood up to cheer for Wada Yona, and their voices were drowned out by the cheering and cheering of members of the Teidan High School and Kabano High School Karate Club to which the two girls belong.

   Not as recognizable as Sonoko Suzuki.

   Ji Xing couldn't just watch, so he also stood up, placing his hands by his mouth in a loudspeaker posture.

   "Hana! Come on!"

  People who practice martial arts are full of energy.

  It seemed that he was holding an electric horn. In this not too big venue that could only accommodate a thousand people, his voice stood out from the crowd and was extremely eye-catching.

  The venue was quiet for a moment.

  The pressure on the ring was overwhelming, and Yang Nai Wada, who was preparing for the third game, looked back at the stands in astonishment, pursed his lips, and turned back again.

  Suzuki Sonoko also looked over.

   "Hey, handsome guy..."

  The boy on the opposite side doesn't talk about sword eyebrows and star eyes, but he has good facial features, excellent temperament, and an excellent figure. He looks like a sunny boy.

  ' is my type... No! '

  Handsome guys are not good either, compared with Lan, you have to step back a little bit! Feeling challenged, she also put her hand next to her mouth in the shape of amplifying the sound!

   "Lan! Come on! Come on! Momentum!"

  Ji Xing smiled slightly and shouted: "Yang Nai! Come on! Come on! Momentum!"

Um? ! Suzuki Sonoko stared.

   There was another burst of laughter in the stadium.

   Actually learned from me! Suzuki Sonoko was very angry, but seeing the referee below announce the start of the third round, the decisive round, she didn't care about pursuing it, and shouted while leaning on the railing in front of her: "Lan! Perseverance! We must win!"

   "Hana! Perseverance! Victory!"

   "Lan! You can do it! Defeat her!"

   "Hana! You can do it! Defeat her!"

ah! hateful!

  Suzuki Sonoko was furious. I was really blind just now, and she was hoarse.

   "Lan! Lan! Lan!"

   "Hana! Hana! Hana!"

   "Blast her, blast her, blast her!"

   "Blast her, blast her, blast her!"



   "Hahahahaha..." Many spectators in the stands were about to burst into laughter.

  The game has no auditorium to look good.

   This interruption, the two girls in the game also found it a little funny, Mao Lilan forgot the anger of Kudo Shinichi leaving, and Yang Nai forgot to be nervous.

  The third game was played back and forth, and there was a tendency to develop towards the first game.

  Suzuki Sonoko was in a hurry, and he was quick to gain wisdom.

   "Lan! Honey! Win!"

   "Hahahahaha..." The laughter in the field suddenly became louder. Listen carefully, and there are waves of booing inside.

   Ji Xing was stunned for a moment, and noticed that He Tian Xiahai and his wife were staring at him closely.

  He spread his hands helplessly: "You won!"

   "Huh." Suzuki Sonoko smiled triumphantly.

   "Hahahahaha..." Someone in the field knew Ji Xing: "Senior Ji Xing, don't be afraid!"

   "Senior Ji Xing! Don't be afraid!" in unison.

  The game developed in a weird direction.

  In the arena, Wada Yangnai's cheeks went from slightly red to flushed, and when she heard the booing from the audience, she finally became angry from embarrassment: "Don't quarrel with me!"


  Maolilan screamed and fell to the ground.

   "Kick in the upper section, three points, the red side wins!"

  Suzuki Sonoko froze for a moment, and slumped back to the chair in a daze, how... could this happen?

  Lan and I lost...

  She looked across unwillingly, and saw Ji Xing sitting back, celebrating with Wada Yangnai's parents, and raised her arm to look at her wrist, but she didn't see Ji Xing wearing a watch, what is this **** looking at?

  ‘Starlight actually increased by 2%, not bad. '

  Ji Xingxin said, this wave is a win-win situation.


  The women's final of the high school karate competition in Tokyo ended in such a slightly dramatic way.

Hetian Yangnai won the championship and Mao Lilan won the second place. However, although the two girls won the game, they did not know each other without fighting. They recognized each other's strength. At the award ceremony after the game, they chatted. friend.

  The audience exited the stage one by one.

  Ji Xing and others also waited outside the venue.

   Just happened to meet Mao Lilan's group of relatives and friends, and Mao Li Kogoro looked like he was about to roll up his sleeves and come over to beat Ji Xing: "It was this brat just now..."

   "Don't be ashamed." Fei Mili reminded him coldly, and walked over to have a brief exchange with Hetian Xiahai and his wife, exchanging a few pleasantries with superficial courtesy.

  Looking at Ji Xing from the corner of his eye, he was also a bit unfriendly.

  Suzuki Sonoko was blatantly upset, wishing to give Ji Xing a blow.

  Ji Xing smiled at her: "Accept."

   Sonoko Suzuki gritted his teeth.

   After a while, the two girls who had just finished the competition came out talking and laughing, and made an appointment with each other to keep in touch and discuss frequently.

  They went back to their parents, and when they were about to leave, Kudo Shinichi, who slipped away halfway, finally ran back from a distance out of breath.

   "Knot, it's over? Who won?"

   Mao Lilan, Mori Kogoro, Fei Li, and Suzuki Sonoko glared at him.

  Shinichi Kudo froze, glanced at Ji Xing and the other four on the other side, laughed dryly, folded his hands together and apologized to Mao Lilan, saying something like 'it doesn't count as a temporary departure when you come back'.

   "Oh~" Mao Lilan sighed and got used to it: "Forget it, just don't forget it tomorrow."

   Kudo Shinichi was stunned: "Tomorrow?"

  Mao Lilan was furious: "The roller coaster! We agreed that the competition is over, we will go together!"

   "Oh oh oh! Didn't forget! Didn't forget!"

   A group of people went away noisyly, Moori Kogoro and Fei Mili parted ways as they walked, and disappeared in two directions.

   On the other side, Wada Yang Nai suddenly hesitated and said: "Hey, Ji Xing, you will definitely win next Tuesday, right? To celebrate, how about we go to the amusement park to ride a roller coaster next weekend?"

   Hetian Xiahai and his wife immediately stared at their daughter when they heard the words, and Hetian Yangna straightened his hair uncomfortably, and explained: "Lan just mentioned that I wanted to go a long time ago, and it's boring to be alone."

  Ji Xing glanced at her: "I'm not free, I won't go."

  Wada Yangnai: "...cut, then I will go by myself! Exercise madman, you can do your work!"


  The next day, early in the morning.

   Ji Xing came near the amusement park.

  I came here alone.

  (end of this chapter)

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