MTL - Be a Human Again From Conan-Chapter 7 Steal medicine!

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  Chapter 7 Steal medicine!

  The "Detective Conan", which is older than Ji Xing, has more than a thousand episodes. Ji Xing has watched most of it before traveling, but he must not remember the whole plot.

   There are only a few paragraphs that are impressive.

   Which naturally includes the first episode of Detective Conan - the roller coaster murder case!

   Mao Lilan mentioned it, and he remembered it.

  Ji Xing can still remember the general experience.

On the roller coaster that Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan were sitting on, a girl who practiced gymnastics was scumbag by a scumbag, so when the roller coaster passed through a tunnel, she used her good skills from gymnastics to use herself and The scumbag's love necklace connects the track to the scumbag's neck, and uses the speed of the speeding car to decapitate the scumbag!

   Pretty bullshit.

   No, it's pretty cool.

  Is there a specialization in the art industry?

  Ji Xing, who practices karate, probably can't do it himself, but it's normal for girls who practice gymnastics to be a little bit better than him in flexibility and strength.

  Because of the incident, the police rushed over, and the black-clothed organization Gin and Vodka, who were also riding on a roller coaster, were also trapped and could not leave for the time being. After complaining a few words, Shinichi Kudo noticed that the momentum was unusual.

  After solving the case, he followed them, was knocked out, was fed APTX4869, and turned into Conan.

  This is the follow-up story.

  Foresight gave Ji Xing a lot of room for manipulation, so after thinking of these things, he quickly judged: The opportunity is here!

   Of course it’s not to save Kudo Shinichi, not to mention that preventing him from becoming Conan is of no benefit, and there is a higher probability that he will send gin and wine to double kills, harming others and himself.

   I thought about preventing the case from happening. After all, it is not worthwhile for a girl in her prime to ruin her future for a scumbag. But after thinking about it, this girl dared to kill people by beheading her, and she hid herself in the crowd without changing her face afterwards. Without Kudo Shinichi, she was not guilty...

   Well, many prisoners and victims in the world of Ke Xue can’t afford it, so forget it, not to mention that this conflicts with Ji Xing’s goals.

  He is going to be the sixth child today.

   Waited for a while near the entrance of the amusement park, and seeing Kudo Shinichi and Mo Lilan coming together, Ji Xing's figure disappeared into the crowd.

   Didn't go in, let alone say hello.

  He walked towards the parking lot near the amusement park, observing every possible parking place.

   Soon, he found what he was looking for.

  Black Porsche 356A!

   It's Gin's car!

  In the anime, this classic car of Gin has appeared many times, which is also known information.

  Gin and vodka are not here, so they should have gone to the amusement park. Although Ji Xing doesn't know why the two of them went to ride the roller coaster, it's a good thing, which means they won't be back in a short time.

  He didn't approach rashly either, and waited for a long time at a distance, until a burst of alarm bells sounded and the police arrived at the amusement park before starting to act.

  The murders had happened, and the gin and vodka were in sight of the police.


  Ji Xing approached the black Porsche 356A very naturally, pulling the passenger door as if the owner came to pick up something.

  The arm suddenly exerted force, and the power that could break the electric pole exploded. With a crisp click, the co-pilot's door was directly broken by him and fell off!

  Given a force to lift up, Ji Xing alternately controlled the fallen car door with both hands, and sat in as if opening the car door normally from a distance.

   Parking for gin and vodka is relatively remote.

   The world of Conan has very little monitoring.

  The classic car has no alarm system, or the gin has been removed for getting in the way.

   This is all for Ji Xing's convenience.

   Bugs don't matter, he doesn't make a sound.

   Sitting in the co-pilot, Ji Xing controlled the door with one hand, and quickly flipped through the storage compartments on the car with the other hand, looking for it.

  Pistol, unknown powder, small black box...

  Ji Xing's eyes lit up, he held the small black box in his hand, looked at it for two seconds, and opened it.

   There are 12 capsules in the box!

  ‘That’s it, here it is! '

   A total of 12 APTX4869!

   Ji Xing didn't take other things, even if it was a pistol, it would bring unnecessary trouble.

   There is no need to disguise the scene as theft, it is not beautiful to do too much. He only takes medicine, which may make the other party more confused.

  Put the medicine box in his arms, and still control the car door as before, Ji Xing got out of the car, hung the door, and looked around. No one was paying attention to him, so Ji Xing walked away.

   Make an information difference, and APTX4869 is so easy to get.

  The guaranteed harvest of Conan World is here!

  Next, find a way to make some money.

  Equipment for testing drugs, liquid chromatograph and so on are not cheap, even if you can wait for a wave of ash, you can't do nothing yourself, it is best to build your own biological laboratory, so that it is convenient for you to study.

  As for stealing the drug information of the Black Organization directly and completely, the difficulty is a bit exaggerated.

  For the time being... don't think about it.


  On the other side, Gin was impatiently watching Kudo Shinichi's deduction show.

  As a model worker in the organization, he accepted an assassination commission to raise funds, and took the roller coaster just to observe the surrounding terrain and look for sniper spots.

   I didn't expect to be involved in such trouble.

  Patience until the end of reasoning, the murderer girl wept bitterly, was taken away by the police, he snorted coldly: "We can go."

   Got the consent, took the vodka and left, and walked towards the exit of the amusement park. Not far away, his eyes became colder by two points, and he found that Kudo Shinichi didn't have much technical content to follow.

  Find a corner, stun and feed medicine.

  Gin Jiu sneered at Kudo Shinichi, whose face was turning green: "The detective game is over."

  The mood improved, and before Kudo Shinichi died, he and Vodka returned to the parking position, approached his car, Gin was taken aback, and his eyes instantly became extremely cold.

  Vodka didn’t notice it, and opened the door for the eldest brother sensiblely, and finally opened the car door...

   There was a bang.

  The detached car door hit the ground.

   Cracks spread on the car glass.

  The chubby vodka expression gradually froze.

  The deadly atmosphere spread, Vodka was at a loss, and looked in horror at Gin, who couldn't hide his killing intent: "This, this, this, big, big brother! I didn't do it, it, it fell by itself!"

   "Fuck off."

  Gin snorted angrily, let the vodka back off, observed outside the car for a while, and then leaned over and sat in.

   Vodka finally realized that the door was broken by someone else? Who is so bold? ! I thought my hand was heavy, it scared me to death!

   After searching for a while, Gin knew something was missing in the car. After thinking for a few seconds, he suppressed his anger and said, "Get in the car and go to the research institute."

   Vodka paused, hesitated for a while, and looked at the car door on the ground: "Brother, this..."

  Of course they can't find a tow truck and repair the car.

   But if you go on the road like this, let alone the wind, you will definitely be detained by the traffic police.

   Gin was silent for a while.

"give it to me."

   Soon, the black Porsche 356A was driving on the road as before.

   It was just inside the car, the co-pilot got on, and Gin sat on his side, holding the door tightly with both hands to prevent the co-pilot's door from falling off.

  The wind constantly pouring in through the gap blows Gin Jiu's flowing pale golden hair into a mess.

   Vodka took a few glances, and couldn't help but suggest: " about you drive?"

   "Shut up." Gin said indifferently.

  The murderous intent in the words made Vodka dare not speak anymore. The journey was very tormented. Whenever the car bumped, he was worried that Gin, who had messier hair, would pull out a gun and point it at his forehead.

   Half an hour later, the institute finally arrived.

   With a bang, Gin smashed the door of the car that he had supported all the way to the ground, and the glass of the car crackled and shattered.

  Vodka followed the gin upstairs with his head down, not daring to say a word.

  Even the door of the car I loved fell, my brother was really angry this time, even his hands were shaking...

  Uh, maybe sour?

   No, don't think about it, don't think about it.

  Someone must be unlucky this time.

  It can't be me!

   The status of the contract has been changed, there is no inner ghost, and a few monthly tickets are here.

  Book friends who have the conditions can come to the 100 starting point currency station to make a list.


  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion