MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 338 Beast tide attack! The secret of the wild beast?

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  Chapter 338 Beast horde attack! The secret of the wild beast?

   At the same time, a corner of the starry sky outside the world.

Among the chaotic meteorites in the starry sky, in a starship full of sci-fi feeling, a humanoid creature with brown scales all over its body and a red one-horn stood up abruptly, opened its green eyes, full of It was shocking.

   "How is it possible?! Earth-immortal-power?!"

   "...Where is the **** who can put his own power of the earth fairy into this real realm? This is really what the realm of the earth fairy can do? Could it be under the crown of a real fairy?"

   "No, it's not right either! In this real domain, it's too late for ordinary real immortals to avoid it, so how could it be possible to come here..."

   "That's weird..."

   "No! You can't stay here any longer!"

   While thinking about it, the brown-scaled one-horned creature also suddenly called out the artificial intelligence inside the starship, and activated the starship with the help of the elementary artificial intelligence, and fled in another direction.

You can't leave, no matter which powerful masterpiece that creature is, as long as you can put the power of the earth fairy into it, even if it is not a true fairy in the legend, it is also a super strong among the earth immortals, it is definitely not him This little guy who has just been promoted to Earth Immortal for less than 10,000 years can be provoked.

  Furthermore, the split body that he put in with great difficulty is already dead, and it is useless to stay here any longer.

  If you don’t run now, when will you wait? !

  At the last moment, the brown creature who left in the starship was also full of bitterness.

  Thinking that when Hushla was in the lower realms in the past, he was also an invincible master who looked at all directions and pushed across the world. Sitting high in the sky, surrounded by the most beautiful woman in the world, laughing at the rise and fall of dynasties and heroes in the world, and in the end, he used his own power to drive the power realm of the mother star to achieve a huge leap forward.

  How to achieve the final detachment, after breaking away from the barrier of the mother star and stepping into the starry sky, everyone can tell him how humble he is, and he has to bow his knees.

   It is said that detachment is good. If he had known that detachment would be so dangerous, he would have to bow his knees. He might as well not be detachment!

  The opportunity to visit the Realm, which he finally got, was ruined by a certain mysterious power, and he didn't even dare to resent him, so he could only leave in desperation, fearing that he would come to his door.


  The more Hushla thought about it, the sadder she became, and at the last moment, there was only a faint sigh, which lasted for a long time in this group of meteorites with chaotic magnetic field.


  The outskirts of the Forbidden Forest.

   After a long time, Bai Chuan opened his eyes again.

   Fortunately, he made a decisive decision at the last moment and finally captured some important information.

   This world is indeed similar to what he once guessed, it is a thing with an owner!

   But it is not the testing ground he guessed, but a super civilization that is so powerful that it is unimaginable, and one of the most precious resources and cultivation worlds under its control - the real domain!

  True Realm means a powerful and vast world that has a certain relationship with the real immortals.

  As for what kind of relationship it has with the real immortal, there is nothing in the sporadic memories he obtained. Perhaps this is not information that an ordinary earth immortal can know.

  Thinking about it now, Bai Chuan still has a little understanding of the terrifying potential and powerful effects of the heterogeneous metal that forms the body of the wild beast in this world. As the person who owns it.

   It is definitely one of the most valuable resources on the technology side!

  In addition to this, another big piece of information is related to the Calamity Beast and the group of desolate kings behind him.

  The group of desolate kings are all creatures that do not belong to this world, but for some special reason, they are all able to devote part of their consciousness to this world to find opportunities.

  Because this world is too powerful, and there is still strong repulsion, the group of descended creatures had no choice but to huddle together to keep warm and help each other. The reason for coming to this forbidden forest this time seems to be looking for some important treasure.

  Thinking of this, Bai Chuan suddenly remembered that when he just came here, he saw creatures exuding terrifying aura appearing here several times, stepping into the deeper mountains.

  Thinking about it now, those should all be outsiders attracted by that special treasure.

  His previous strengthening and transformation, the undisguised powerful aura that he exuded, it seems that the group of desolate kings should have misunderstood him, thinking that he was another foreign desolate king no different from them.

  Unfortunately, they guessed wrong.

  However, it’s okay to misunderstand, the treasure that can be desired by a group of earth immortals, intuitively tells Bai Chuan that it is definitely not an ordinary treasure.

It just so happened that he was misunderstood by those creatures again now, so why don't he mix in the tricks first, whether it's side-talking, clichés, or killing a few memory extractions with excuses, or the fisherman is behind and grabs that unusual piece of clothing. Treasures are a good choice.

  Of course, the premise of all this is that he first truly transforms into a real desolate beast, not half desolate beast, half flesh and blood.

  Hua had just died, so the direction of time should be enough, and the group of desolate kings probably didn't get the news so quickly.

  After reading this, Bai Chuan withdrew his thoughts, and looked at the corpse of the disaster beast on the ground.

  With the corpse of the fourth-rank Calamity Desolate King, his beast horde plan can finally start.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the power division of the world that he just obtained. The power division of the desolate beasts in this world has six stages, and the remaining humans all imitate the power system of the desolate beasts: rank one red The bright species, the second erosion species, the third supernatural speed species, the fourth calamity species, the fifth gray domain species, the sixth...

  He Bai Chuan, because the eroded land is too small, he should barely be regarded as the weakest gray-domain species. In other words, he is the overlord of the planet, and he is only equal to the gray-domain species. So it is already obvious what rank six is.



   "Bang bang bang..."

  Three days later, in the dense forbidden forest, extremely exaggerated movements suddenly sounded.

  Flocks of birds flapped their wings and left the forest, the ground kept trembling, smoke and dust billowed, and it seemed that thousands of beasts appeared in the forbidden forest!

  That was because countless creatures were forced to flee from their habitat because of fear, and the bits and pieces continued to gather into a huge tide.

  At this moment, no matter how powerful the barren species is, facing such an exaggerated beast horde, they dare not face it head-on. They can only avoid it, and those who are slow will die!

At this moment, looking from above, the lush forest was a vast expanse of blackness. If you look carefully, you can even see that there are occasionally some unusually obvious wild species mixed with the animal horde. It must have been a fluke before. A few wild species that escaped Bai Chuan's murderous hands.

  But now, these powerful overlords of the past can only follow the beast tide and flee in desperation.

   And at the end of the beast tide, there is a majestic and powerful desolate king who keeps cracking the ground wherever he passes—disaster!

That bull-shaped beast with green body and red horns was constantly hanging behind the beast tide, driving the creatures that fell out of the beast tide from time to time, and controlling the direction of the beast tide from time to time. The target was the settlement of elves. !

Of course, if someone can get close to this disaster beast at this moment, they may be able to see a huge gap above the head and near the back of the beast, and a squirrel the size of a puppy is hiding in it. The actions of the desolate beast made corresponding movements, as if controlling the desolate beast like a technological creation.

   In fact, the same is true. The corpse of the disaster beast in front of him had already been transformed into a real mechanical creation by Bai Chuan two days ago.

Speaking of this, I have to mention that two days ago, Bai Chuan, who wanted to use his strength to erode the corpse of this calamity beast and turn it into an unconscious puppet, unexpectedly discovered an amazing secret in the process of eroding, the body structure of the desolate beast It turned out to be a natural and extremely precise mechanical structure.

Even if this desolate beast is dead and without conscious control, as long as there is a main console to connect the electronic nerve circuits inside its body in series, with sufficient energy supply, it can control its huge body like a mechanical creation. Generally drive it up!

what does that mean? !

   This means Desolate Beast, a biological mech that can be cultivated by itself without manual labor!

  They will reproduce, grow, and become stronger by themselves, just like real creatures... No, this is a specially bred biological killing machine!

As long as these desolate beasts are mature, they will be the best fruits. When the master of the world needs to pick them, at that time, as long as the consciousness of the desolate beasts is wiped out, and then implanted into the console, a powerful fruit will be obtained. Incomparable super biological mecha!

  At this moment, Bai Chuan finally has a little more understanding of the most important resource star in the mouths of those super civilizations! It is appalling!

After discovering this, Bai Chuan reluctantly implanted a rough consciousness console in the body of this disaster beast based on the Fugitive Fleet technology he had obtained before and his own knowledge. The consciousness of the little squirrel inside it, and he will continue to direct the ignorant little squirrel to complete his goal.

   This is also the troublesome reason that Calamity Beast is unwilling to submit to him. If he surrenders to him, then he only needs to control the other party, and there is no need to consider so many cumbersome steps.

   But now the other party has rejected him, and only the body is left to die. Since he cannot do without the scope of eroding the earth, then he can only use his minions to indirectly accomplish his goal.

   While thinking, in Bai Chuan's field of vision attached to the little squirrel, an unusually tall ancient tree gradually appeared.

  In this extremely tall ancient tree, it is even more unusually tall and huge as a foil, like a lush and verdant peak standing proudly in this ancient forest, reaching into the sky.

  Near its huge and tangled tree roots, an unusually large building complex was built in disorder one by one, and outside it was an unusually tall and hard city wall.

   That is the place where the elves who have controlled this area in the past lived together. Among them, only the most powerful phantom knights and elves with very high status can live in the canopy of the ancient tree. This is a symbol of status!

At this moment, the elves finally discovered the sudden attack of the beast tide, and a shocking turmoil broke out in the tribe around the root of the tree. Under the command of the manager below, the heavy and loud horn full of ancient atmosphere The sound began to sound, sounds of panic, anxiety, and calling came in an endless stream, mixed with the comfort and evacuation sounds of some elf soldiers.

   This kind of animal attack would never have been encountered by the elves who had the protection of spirits and gods in the past.

  Because, in the past, all the surrounding areas, even in normal times, were patrolled by phantom knights. Once there were signs of abnormality, elves soldiers would be dispatched to wipe them out instantly.

In addition, some intelligent wild species, as long as they are stronger, let alone want to cause a beast tide, they are just foreign ones. The moment they step in, they will be driven away or even destroyed by the power of the angry spirit god. The internal, spiritual gods with wisdom will also continue to maintain the ecological balance in it.

  Now, however, the beast horde has actually appeared among the elves who have never been attacked by a beast horde!

  At this moment, Zhou Yun brothers and sisters are among them.

  Since that day, the elves have let go of the restrictions, and under the care of the phantom knight captain of the elves, the entire sandcastle directly stole the limelight in the Black Rock Mountains.

No one thought that the sandcastle, which was only a second-rate force in the past, was actually related to the elves, the regional overlord. All of a sudden, various forces came to visit the door in an endless stream. .

  Because everyone wants to make this deal with the elves. You must know that there are so many forces in the Blackstone Mountains, and the group of arrogant elves will not be able to deal with any force.

   As a result, Sandcastle's power continued to rise. As the most outstanding brother and sister Zhou Yun, they were specially brought out by their valued castle owner, preparing to train this pair of brothers and sisters who have no roots in this world.

  However, I don’t want to, I just brought a large amount of goods to the giant city of the elves, and I didn’t even meet my old friend, Gu Ying. At this moment, I encountered something that had never happened in a century——

   Beast tide attack!

  ‘Hopefully it’s just a near miss. '

  With such a glimmer of hope silently flashing in his mind, Zhou Yun also dragged his younger sister to follow Uncle Shan, and quickly retreated to the place of refuge under the guidance of the elf soldiers.

   At the same time, as the ancient tree of the sky appeared in Bai Chuan's eyes, he also silently passed an order to the minions under his control!

In an instant, the group of phantom knight servants who were dispersed to another team, as the beast tide attacked and caused some knights to fall under the ancient tree in the sky, the eyes hidden under the tight helmet also lit up. The chest under the armor was hot, and a dragon-shaped mark slowly emerged, and the next moment—


   "Ah, you, Cush, what are you doing?"

   "No, why? Aren't we comrades in arms—"

   "Gu Fei, what are you doing?"

   "If you bully your colleagues, you won't be afraid of the punishment of the clan rules? Is it the anger of the spirit god?"

   "Stop it, stop it! Come on!"

   "Damn, crazy! Crazy! Crazy!!"

  Suddenly, voices of surprise, anger, questioning, scolding or cursing continued to come from the mouths of these phantom knights.

  However, in the face of their former colleagues, these phantom knights who attacked did not say a word, like a piece of wood, but the weapons in their hands were clean and neat, and their knives went towards the vital point.

  The light of the knife flickered, blood splashed, and huge heads flew up one after another, with an expression of disbelief, bewilderment, and anger.


  (end of this chapter)

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