MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 339 Spirit recovery? The war will start!

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  Chapter 339 Spiritual recovery? The war will start!


  After a cup of tea, the gate outside the clan elder hall was kicked away.

  A group of phantom knights who were fully armed and couldn't see clearly, with blood stains on their bodies, walked slowly into this gorgeous and unusual hall that only clan elders were allowed to enter.

   "What are you doing? How dare you break into the hall of the clan elders? Are you not afraid that the clan rules will fall? Cut off your strength and drive your relatives and friends into the slums?"

   "Come here, guards! Guards!"

  Looking at the knights with terrifying aura and blood stains, one of the clan elders felt something was wrong, so he got up and boldly shouted.

   "Gu Da?! Gu Da! I recognize you, why did you break in? Don't you recognize me? Not long ago I gave you a jar of Rabid-toothed Tiger's true blood, Wu Liang."

   Some of them noticed familiar people from this group of knights, and wanted to play the emotional card in a panic.

"Have you been bought by Wu Di? What kind of benefits did he give you? I will give you double! No, three times and four times, as long as you want, just say it! Whether it is wine, beauty, or rare treasures , or precious blood, I will satisfy you all!"

  A relatively calm and clever clan elder watched the many silent knights slowly stand up, trying to lure them.

   However, in the face of all this, no matter what kind of temptation, none of the phantom knights moved. They kept approaching like puppets and robots without saying a word.

  Because they don't know the horror of that adult at all!

   A knight with a young face under the armor said silently.

  At this moment, the gloomy and oppressive icy atmosphere slowly spread, making the whole body stiff and the blood froze.

   Among them, Gu Da might not be able to bear the group's old death, or maybe he could make up for the respect that the clan elder gave him. When he slowly stepped forward and raised the sharp knife in his hand, he said:

   "Sorry, all this is an order from an adult."

   "All clan elders, please go on the road with peace of mind!"

"grown ups?!"

   After the words fell, the snow-white sharp blade fell from top to bottom on the neck of the clan elder who showed horror and exclaimed in bewilderment!

   "I fight with you!"

  Seeing this, a clan elder angrily picked up the table knife and rushed towards the group of knights.

This is the clan elder who used to be a member of the Phantom Knights when he was young. Unfortunately, the hero is late, and the powerful physique that can dance with lions, tigers and wolves in the past has long been eroded by the years and the unrestrained indulgence of the old. The weak and powerless body, in just a moment, was kicked to the ground by a knight as soon as he rushed up.

  The dark red blood began to spread slowly, staining the luxurious floor made of natural and precious jade red. This day is destined to be an extremely **** day!

   After finishing the clan elders in twos and twos, this group of Bai Chuan's servants began to clean up the mess.

  However, at this moment, a dignified voice suddenly sounded:

   "Not good, the old man is not here!"

   "What?! Chase!"


  At this moment, what about the big clan elder who is being targeted by all the knights?

He was panicking and tugging on the overlong robes of the clan elders, staggering away with bare feet, looking behind him from time to time, lest the group of evil stars would catch up, the gorgeous clothes that symbolized status and dignity before, at this moment But because it was too long, it became an obstacle in the process of his escape.

   "Damn! Those big **** are crazy, crazy!"

   "What kind of ecstasy soup did that old guy feed them! Damn it! I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

  Recalling the horrifying scene before, the old man was both fearful and resentful, fearing that the old guy's ecstasy soup for the Phantom Knight would make a group of people work so hard for him.

  If he hadn’t gotten a hidden animal bone rune by chance when he was young, he would have died in that **** hall.

  He is not stupid, after seeing his henchmen were wiped out, he already knew that he had no power to recover.

  However, even if he fails, he will never let that old guy have a good time!

  At this moment, the distorted face was full of resentment, jealousy, and malice.

  At present, his only chance of revenge is to kill the old guy who is still imprisoned in the prison before all the phantom knights arrive, and then sacrifice his own flesh and blood to the spirit god!

  He wants to revive the spirit god, and he wants to use the power of the spirit **** to make all the reckless knights who betrayed him pay the price one by one!


  In the prison, I heard the noisy and huge movement outside, especially the horns of the clan were blown.

  The ancient shadow leaning against the wall also raised his head worriedly and kept looking outside, dragging the heavy chain to the prison fence from time to time to look around, or looking at the witch who sat and stood as if wandering in the sky.

   "What are you doing here?!"

  At this time, Gu Ying said some rude words.

The words fell, and soon an old man in Chinese clothes walked out slowly, with a smile on his face, without looking at the young and innocent young man, he calmly and gracefully opened the door of this cell, and touched the chain mechanism that imprisoned the young man , making it drag the weak young man back and forth until he leaned against the wall, and then gently closed the cell door.

  Even if it was the last moment, the big clan elder didn't want to lose his only demeanor in front of this rival who had been fighting for a lifetime. Although he had already lost everything, he still wanted to tear this old guy to pieces.

  He kept approaching step by step, not in a hurry, and squatted in front of the old man after a few breaths.

   "Old guy, you are very capable."

   Slightly sarcastic words sounded.


  Wu, who was meditating with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes, looking at this old friend who seemed to be handsome, but was actually red-eyed from the past, his slightly cloudy eyes flashed a trace of confusion.

   "Still pretending to be with me?"

   "It's okay, don't worry, you won this time."

   "But you missed a little after all."

   While speaking, the big clan elder who seemed to be smiling but not smiling stretched out his withered hands, and slowly held Wu's neck.

   "Old witch, what are you talking about?"

   "Immortal, let go of my grandpa! Let go! Or I will kill you! Let go—"

  Two voices sounded at the same time, the former was puzzled, while the latter was anxious with a hint of fear, and his intuition told Gu Ying that this immortal old man was about to cheat on his grandfather!

   Anxiously, he struggled crazily, and the chains that imprisoned him rattled, but he could only watch in despair as this scene gradually happened.

   "Yes! Yes! That's right!"

Seeing the flustered old and young, the elder finally laughed out loud, his voice was full of complacency, his wrinkled face looked like a chrysanthemum stretching under the complacent laugh, but his hands grew more and more Forced.

   "No matter how popular you are, what if you win me countless times? Aren't you going to die in my hands in the end?!"

   "Old guy, you shouldn't have thought of it? How dare I overthrow your confidence? Why did the spirit go missing?"


His face became paler and paler. Even though he was tightly strangled by the neck, Wu could not help but widen his eyes. First, he was shocked and puzzled, and then he gradually understood. After a while, he spit out: "You~ unexpectedly~ran~ vote~ rely on..."

   "Yes!" With a smirk, the elder Dazu shook it hard.


   "No—! Ahhh!!"

   "Old~wu~tou~, I, Gu Ying, swear not to kill you, I am a son of man!!"

  The shrill sound like cuckoo crying blood sounded, which lasted for a long time in this small cell.

  Gu Ying is in despair. There is nothing in the world that is more tragic than watching his grandfather being strangled to death by others while he can only watch helplessly.

  He was about to burst into tears, and kept struggling, but only traces of blood dripped down.


  The metal prison gate slammed open, and the phantom knights who turned into Bai Chuan's servants arrived late.

At the last moment, the knights could only see the dark, damp, shadowy prison. The old man had a grim smile on his face, and looked up as if he had drunk something. When he looked back because of the movement, his fine clothes spontaneously ignited, and there seemed to be thousands of figures on him. emerge—

   "Boom boom boom..."

  The terrifying news like an earthquake appeared!

  Outside, the panicked and evacuated crowd sat on the spot suddenly and terrified, watching the horrible scene in shock!

   "Spirit, Spirit God revived?!"

   "God, God has come to save us!"

   "We are saved, we are saved!"

   "God! God! God!"

  Amidst the exclamations,

The earth dragon turned over, and the earth suddenly split into huge black and deep cracks. Figures like swimming dragons swam out from under the earth. After a closer look, it was discovered that they were old and tangled tree roots !

  Surrounded by the tide of beasts, the tall ancient tree that wanted to go straight into the sky, that is, the body of the spirit god, finally moved!

  An old and familiar face appeared on the trunk of the ancient tree. It was not the face of a spirit god, but an old man of a great clan!

  At this moment, the big clan elder who has completely integrated into the body of the spirit **** is also completely crazy, his old face is full of intoxication, and he keeps spitting out ravings.

   "Ah~ Powerful power! Power enough to sweep everything! Is this the power of my god! It's so wonderful! I feel that I can destroy everything now! If I had known, I should have agreed to the deal with those people..."

   "Hahaha, come on, let's destroy as much as we want!"

   "If you don't break, you can't stand. If you break, you can stand. From now on, I will build a stronger group!"

Dragon-like tentacles protruded out of the room, tangled together motionlessly, and turned into a pair of giant-shaped soles. Immediately, the huge tree trunk suddenly rose up and stepped down, and a large number of Mori houses were directly trampled down, even occasionally. Those who escaped slowly were directly stepped into the mud and turned into a puddle of flesh.

  The footsteps are constantly moving, and the elder of the big clan even controls the huge tree trunk, giving birth to a pair of hands made of branches and trunks. A large number of vine-like things continue to grow rapidly, whipping the tiny "mosquitoes" in midair!

   Those are the knights riding the Phantom Beast!

"no no!"

   "Ling, Lingshen is crazy!"

   "Cthulhu! Cthulhu!"

  The people who had just cheered for the revival of the spirit gods had no idea that the gods in their clan had gone crazy. Not only did they not protect them, but they even treated them like ants and trampled on them wantonly.

   "Run, run away—!"

   "God, God is crazy! Quick, get out!"

   "Xiaohu, Xiaohu, where are you?"

   "My girl, girl! Where did you go? Mom is here..."


All of a sudden, the entire Mori tribe became completely flustered. The sanctuary, which was considered safe before, was even more dangerous than the outside world under the madness of the spirit god. Everyone was overwhelmed. They just entered the sanctuary. Once again, he fled in a panic to the outside.

  The chaotic crowd was like ants on a hot pot, and they directly dispersed the orderly team before, running around in a panic, wishing to have a few more legs so that they could run faster.

   "Boy Zhou, girl, this way! This way!"

  In the chaotic crowd, the tall Shan stood like an unshakable rock in the crowd, constantly scanning the people coming and going, and finally found the lost Zhou Yun brothers and sisters after a while, and shouted hastily.


   "It seems that the beast tide is about to collapse..."

At the back of the beast tide, looking at the tall tree man in the distant sky that almost went straight into the clouds, it was constantly destroying like a little monster inside a bumpy man, so that the whole beast tide was terrified, even the beasts in the front were constantly being trampled to death , and never dared to go forward again, and even faintly fled to the surroundings, Bai Chuan muttered regretfully to himself.

   The animal horde is not to be expected, and even after a while, it is estimated that they will all disperse due to fear.

  Since this is the case, let them completely squeeze out the last trace of value!

  A stern look flashed in his eyes, and Bai Chuan directly directed the little squirrel to drive away most of the animal hordes and flee in the direction where he had eroded!

  The power of the treant in front of him should not be underestimated. Bai Chuan's rich experience told him that he might not be able to handle it with the strongest calamity puppet in his hand.

Of course, this is not to say that the power of the tree man exceeds that of the Calamity Beast, but that the Calamity Beast turned into a puppet cannot exert its full power at all. Little squirrel control.

Under such circumstances, if you bully some ordinary creatures that are weaker than disaster beasts, it is okay to say that it is completely easy, but once faced with the existence of the same level, this rough and crude console that cannot fully exert its power, And when his orders still need to be passed on repeatedly, it is easy to be defeated and beaten.

   Not to mention, the little squirrel on Calamity Beast is very conspicuous at close range, but it is easy to be spotted by others. Once it is discovered and targeted, the body of Calamity Beast may be fine, but the controller may not be.

  If that's the case, the final situation of what happened to him today will be a bit unsightly.

For now, the only way is to drive most of these scattered beast hordes back to the area under his control, devour them all as prey, and use this huge energy to extend the eroded domain in a straight line. Only by doing it yourself can you crush and take down the opponent.

  Besides, it is time for him to completely appear in the eyes of the world, with an unrivaled posture!

  Reading this, Bai Chuan directly relied on the special connection with the little squirrel to pass on his instructions.

  In an instant, the huge beast tide moved again, and the speed was even faster than before.

  Because it was only a small-sized disaster beast and a slightly stronger carnivore mixed in the beast tide to drive away the beast tide, but now a huge treant with a height of three to four hundred meters appeared in front of them!

   With such an exaggerated figure standing on the ground, the impact of that scene is extremely exaggerated!

  Even if there is no special power, just stepping on it, not all creatures can bear it, let alone this tree man is not an ordinary thing.

  The natural instinct of seeking good fortune and avoiding harm is constantly warning them—don’t get close! don't come near!


  (end of this chapter)

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