MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 100 Holographic Tour (7)

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Shao thought, in fact, there is no way, for example, to find a stronger person to bind something in three days.

After all, the plot has just begun shortly, and there are still many people with a higher military value than Jiang Qinghan.

But where is it so simple? Especially this exam is only for this grade. I can't do it if I want to meet some seniors.

After entering the hall, Shao Ci found a place to sit down according to his student ID. At this time, everyone around was also very nervous about the exam, and no one had the spare time to ridicule.

When the time was almost up, Shao Ci put the holographic helmet on his head.

According to the original owner's memory, the copy of the exam is still very simple, there is basically no element to solve the puzzle, as long as there are enough monsters to kill.

After all, this school tests the strength of people's mental strength. After the original owner's mental strength is damaged, he is afraid that if he can't kill a few, the mental strength will be exhausted. In that case, he will be eliminated.

After entering the copy, Shao Ci appeared in a place like a gladiator arena. The crowd of people in the stands was sitting in the audience, making a loud noise from time to time.

"Is it just a setting to kill a monster ..." But seeing so many people in Shao Ci was a bit relieved, he was really worried about what kind of ghost tide he was thrown by this exam to kill the ghost ...

As for the weapon automatically assigned by the system, it is a long knife, and it has unlimited durability. It is much better than Shao Ci's original kitchen knife.

Shao Ci squeezed the long knife, and then a monster was released.

What the **** is going on ... When Shao Ci was in a previous copy, because he was always frightened, he didn't pay attention to this kind of thing.

Shao Ci concentrated his mind and used his mental strength. He suddenly felt that the speed of the monster in front of him was much slower. If he was more careful, he could even see the weakness of the opponent's body.

"That's it." Shao Ci suddenly stepped forward, penetrating it.

Blood splattered, and the monster swallowed.

The audience in the stands immediately cheered.

"Huh ..." Shao Ci was relieved. It seems that his mental strength is still very useful when playing monsters.

It was only in the previous copy that the first time I went in was a bit irritated, and then I spoiled myself when I took the kitchen knife to face the ghost ... and the durability of that kitchen knife was garbage, which led to such a tragedy.

To say that Shao Ci now feels that he can rely on luck in the past.

With almost no respite, the next monster was immediately released, and Shao Ci held his mind and killed him by the previous method.

Later monsters were stronger than one, and gradually required several knives to kill them.

Shao Ci was originally intended to achieve a passable result, so as to avoid any troublesome things that attracted Jiang Qinghan's attention ... As for the Shao family's training, especially, how could he return after knowing the tragic ending of Shao's family? Run back to Shao family to train.

However, the problem is that Shao Ci has no idea how many of them are considered to be passing.

If there are too few accidental kills, it will be funny to be kicked out by the school.

"These blame are so weak ... it should be played by individuals." Shao Ci probably estimated.

After waiting for the kill, Shao Ci stopped and then quit.

Shao Ci took off the virtual helmet, and the results will not come out until a few days later. All of them were discovered too suddenly today, otherwise I can check them before, and I have the bottom of my heart.

At this time, the voices of several people next to him said, "Previously, the training was still useful. This time, I actually killed twenty, and I can pass everything."

"Wow, I just killed nineteen. It feels a bit harder this time than in previous years."

Hearing here, the cold sweat on Shao's head was about to come out. Wait, he accidentally killed a hundred tadpoles before, thinking that this should be a medium level, and the result seems to be too powerful.

Fortunately, there are only a few days before the results come out, during this period let him think about ways ...

Then Shao Ci left in a hurry, and Fan Tian and others taunted after seeing it, "I see that he is absolutely finished this time, his face is so ugly, and I think it must be unqualified if you think about it." It might be miserable to manage another waste. The original young master actually fell to such a point. "

Later, these people went after Jiang Qinghan again, praising him for being much stronger than Shao Ci, but Jiang Qinghan's expression did not change at all, but he was indifferent.

It made some people feel a little depressed. It wasn't too easy to please Shao in the past. Now Jiang Qinghan's attitude really can't figure out what he thinks.


On the other side, after the game, Uyte sent a friend application to Shao Ci, but did not see the other party's response for a long time.

"Did you not notice it all at once?" Juit frowned, "I'm still offline."

If in the past, it was the first time someone tried to add someone as a friend while kneeling.

Later, Uit looked at his social account again, and wanted to see if he could find the account of Shao Ci, but found what they sent.

Uytte snorted suddenly, if it was someone else's business, he wouldn't care about it, but this time it was the only friend ... Yes, he had already regarded Shao Ci as a friend, at least the other party was willing at that time Block the attack for him.

But what does the other person think? Does he think his tone is too bad?

Juyt, who had never had friends, was in a mixed mood for a while.

In short, if you take this opportunity, you should be able to contact the other party. For a while Juyt was fortunate that the two had actually done this kind of thing, creating opportunities for him.


Shao Ci didn't know anything about Uite so tangled.

In fact, he searched the Internet after the exam. One hundred were absolutely the top ten in the entire grade. For a time, Shao Ci was in a complicated mood.

After opening the game, Shao Ci was too lazy to open the news to check, anyway, the original owner will only receive some junk ads.

Then Shao Ci was ready to buy something. Players below level 15 can only buy items provided by the system.

Of course, Shao Ci wanted to exchange some new weapons. He immediately opened the weapon list and found that the existing points were not enough to buy any weapons. He could barely upgrade the chopper to durability and power.

Shao Ci: "..." Does he seem to continue to struggle with this kitchen knife ...

After the kitchen knife upgrade, Shao Ci's points are running low. He chose to purchase the function of automatically mosaic when seeing horror pictures. This is very important to him!

... isn't there a special feature of automatic mosaic that should be available in the game settings? In this game, you still need to use points to redeem.

That is because this game is irreplaceable and there are no competitors in the empire.

Then Shao Ci continued to think about whether he should make another copy.

If you have to face the worst situation, it is that Jiang Qinghan found that his mental strength has been restored. In that case, Jiang Qinghan will never give up, and it will be very troublesome to face the protagonist.

Under the influence of the will of the world, he will be in a very troublesome situation.

If at that time, he must show his strength, then the Shao family must be unreliable, and if there is strength, you can find other backstage for yourself.

The points in the game can also be exchanged for credit points ... if the situation is too bad, he can run the road. If he runs the road, he needs credit points.

And if it is a well-known player, what live broadcast function can be opened for others to pay for watching. Of course, this is done by people who are quite confident in their own strength. Most people do sell video of their games, so they ca n’t Less credit.

Of course, Shao Ci should not think about it.

As for the task, Shao Ci thought again, if only Jiang Qinghan could be met in the game, then I will take the opportunity to do the task ...

Wait, he seems to remember that several copies of Jiang Qinghan's participation during the period in the original text were written in great detail.

Moreover, Shao Ci, who has read the original text, knows exactly what happened to those copies, and I do n’t know how many opportunities can be started.

In this way, not only can you do the task, you can also complete the copy and get good things ... yes, that's what it means to wear books!

But in this game-breaking setting, only the players who have reached the fifteenth level can pay a lot of points to choose which copy to enter.

Shao sighed. It seems that he can only advance to the fifteenth level, and he has to save enough points.

[Detected that your mental strength is extremely high, it will be automatically assigned to copies above level b. 】

[Start team formation, team formation success. 】

【enter the game. 】

Such a voice appeared again in Shao Ci's ears like a piece of text, and he began to pray that he should never randomly get a copy of a demon background.

If this game is really a game, this kind of design is random and impersonal every time, it will definitely let the players run out ...

Subsequently, Shao Ci suddenly appeared in the cinematic scene.

It was a dilapidated old castle under the blood moon. It looked very weird. Everything in this moon seemed to be glowing with blood.

It's actually an old castle, no doubt ... this must be of a demon background, and Shao Ci was a little irritated at once.

The system then introduces this copy.

This is an ancient castle. It is said that the descendants of the original castle owner lived there. There is a haunting legend, which made the surrounding residents dare not approach, and no one has ever seen the owner of the castle.

After the introduction, Shao Ci turned dark, and opened his eyes again to find himself lying on a bed.

This bed was a bit shabby but very clean. Shao Ci looked around. It seemed to be a dungeon. There was only a bed and a desk in the entire small space, and the oil lamp on the table exuded a faint light.

[Main Quest: Escape from the castle. 】

[Sub mission: Investigate the truth of everything. 】

The task is quite routine.

Shao Ci stood up and rummaged on his own according to the previous experience, but found nothing useful.

Then Shao began to turn over the desk, opened the drawer and saw a worn notebook with a key on the side.

Shao Ci: "..." He didn't even have to find the key?

Shao Ci opened his notebook. The handwriting on it was very neat and beautiful. It seemed to be something from a different world. Shao Ci could also see the meaning in a systematic translation.

This notebook records the method of resurrecting the deceased by prohibition. It seems that the owner copied it from somewhere.

To sacrifice six living people under certain conditions, you can bring the people back to earth. But this method has a high chance of failure. If it fails, the resurrected dead will become an irrational monster.

Naturally, in this case, the owner of the note did not directly resurrect the person who wanted to be resurrected, but began to find dead people to practice from other places.

Later, I wrote a lot of dense practical experience, the thickness is amazing, apparently it has failed and I do n’t know how many times ... However, in this case, the other party still recorded the results of the experiment with cold tone, and it seemed that he did not care about how many times he failed.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be crazy to fail so many times, but think about it, how can an ordinary person be able to do such a cruel thing.

Of course, Shao Ci did n’t have time to read everything. He just glanced at it a bit, and noticed that the monsters generated after failure are more troublesome to handle, so they are all locked up and processed once in a while. .

Shao Ci: "..." Wow, if the owner of this note is the villain Boss of this copy, it feels a terrible enemy.

In other words, shouldn't such a notebook with such an important record be the core items of the story that were only discovered later? Is it really okay to throw it here casually at the beginning? !!

Shao Ci put his notebook away. Now it seems that this copy is facing those monsters.

Although I don't know why he was held in this place, it is obviously not a good thing. Shao Ci guessed that he was mostly going to be sacrificed or something.

And according to Shao Ci's years of experience in reading texts, reading comics, etc., this time is definitely an extremely important one. Maybe it is the key time for the villain boss to revive the person who wants to be revived most.

I don't know how many teammates there are in this copy ... According to the number of offerings, is it five?

After opening the door of the room with a key, Shao Ci walked outside. This is a long corridor. The road is completely dark, and the air is filled with a dull atmosphere.

Shao Ci raised the oil lamp, and when he said that, the psychological pressure was really great.

Before walking far, he saw the door of another cell.

Looking from the gap, Shao Ci was startled.

The cell in the prison was actually a monster with a horrible face, and now fell asleep.

"... Fortunately, it was in the cell." Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief, and after a closer look, the cell door was unlocked.

Shao Ci: "...?!" Hey, wait, I don't know how many cells there are in this place. If these monsters come out at that time, even he can't deal with it all at once.

The cold sweat on Shao Ci's forehead was about to come down, and he hurried toward the outside, fearing to wake up these monsters, and his footsteps were much lighter.

Finally reached the stairs leading to the upper floor, Shao Ci walked to the door, and immediately heard something moving outside, it seemed to be the sound of a monster screaming.

"It seems that the situation outside is not so good." When Shao hesitated, he suddenly heard a slight collision sound from behind.

... Yes, that's the sound of the door being pushed open.

For a moment, Shao's heart was jumping out of his chest.

He immediately opened the door and went out, then closed the door tightly.

The outside seemed to be a corridor, and the torches on the walls illuminated most of the corridor.

What appeared in front of Shao Ci was a monster. With red eyes, the drool in his mouth kept dripping on the ground, and the carpets on the ground were melted to emit smoke.

Shao speech: "!"

After seeing Shao's speech, the monster rushed at him, but the speed of this monster was very slow, and it could completely let people escape.

Shao Ci: "..." No, how can he run away now, and this is different from before.

Shao Ci also wanted to exercise his own meaning, received the lantern in the system package, then concentrated his energy and carefully observed the monster's body.

He soon discovered that the monster's weakness was in the abdomen.

Shao Ci was relieved, rushed up quickly with a kitchen knife, and then drew away when the opponent attacked, stabbed directly into the abdomen with his kitchen knife from his back.

In fact, such a smooth battle is also thanks to the college's exam ... The experience of killing a hundred monsters in it made Shao Ci far more powerful than before.

Of course, this can only be achieved with the help of strong mental power. If in reality Shao Ci does not have this strength.

The monster seemed to be severely hit, and immediately fell to the ground, making a hoarse roar in his mouth, his body twitched, and black liquid continued to flow out of the wound.

"Huh ..." Shao Ci was relieved.

It seems only a little scary in appearance. In fact, if you want to deal with it, it is fine. As long as it is not besieged by a dozen or so, it should not be too much trouble.

Then he looked around and suddenly saw something like a map hanging on the wall.

Shao Ci immediately walked over there and looked at the map.

The map here is a map on the first floor. It can be seen that this castle is quite large and has many entrances to the basement.

When trying to write down the map, Shao Ci's feet were suddenly caught. His body suddenly stiffened, looking down, and it was the monster that fell to the ground and caught him ...

Under the force of that hand, Shao Ci suddenly fell to the ground, and the kitchen knives all slipped out of his hand.

At this moment in Shao's speech, two words appeared in his mind, "Look ?!" Such a **** plot actually happened to him.

And it's clear that they have already targeted the weakness of this monster just now ... or ...

Shao Ci suddenly remembered what was written on the notebook, and trying to kill these monsters was a bit troublesome. Wouldn't it not mean that these monsters are stronger, but that they could not be killed by conventional methods? Do you want to be so daddy?

He tried to reach out and grab the kitchen knife, but he couldn't live or die.

At this moment, Shao Ci felt for the first time that he needed this kitchen knife so much ...

And the monster was struggling to pull Shao's speech away. At the moment of the blast, an arrow suddenly hit the position of the monster's abdomen, and suddenly a white light burst out, and the monster's body turned into a light spot under this impact. Here it is.

Then a young man came over from the side of the corridor. He had slightly curly blonde hair and blue eyes. He had a very good-looking face and a kind and gentle smile on his face.

"Are you all right?" He reached out to Shao Ci and stretched out his hand.

This time, when Shao Ci wanted to watch, he still indicated that his authority was not enough. It seems that the other party's level is much higher than him ... This is simply nonsense. In the a-level copy, Shao Ci basically cannot meet the second level less than ten Level five people.

"Thank you for helping me." Shao Ci took the other's hand and stood up, only to find that there was still some pain in the position of the ankle, and he was obviously scratched.

Although Shao Ci can be directly repaired with healing abilities, he was worried that such an approach would be judged as open by the system, and he could not explain it at that time.

"It doesn't matter ..." The other person smiled slightly. "Everyone is the same, of course, they need help suddenly."

After exchanging names, Shao Ci learned that the other party was called Kevin. The name Shao Ci had no impression and should not have appeared in the original text.

Kevin is a very easy-going person. After seeing Shao Ci's injury, he gave him a bottle of healing potion, which was applied to the wound and the wound was soon recovered.

When meeting such a kind person, Shao Ci's heart was relieved. He was really worried that when he met such a companion last time, he looked at the carpet that had been corroded by monsters before. Shao Ci could not help asking about Monster things.

Kevin said: "In this copy of the settings, these monsters need to smear holy water on their weapons to kill."

Shao Ci: "... that's the case." What kind of holy water is it? Didn't Uite say that this thing is rare, how is it like a bad street now.

However, such a setting really caused Shao Ci a headache ... originally, I wanted to kill more monsters to get points. Now it seems that I don't think about it.

"I found a bottle of holy water in the cell where I was staying before to deal with these monsters." Kevin was very indifferent at any time, and it was easy for people to calm down when he was beside him. He said softly: "But there is only one bottle, only for weapons like bows and arrows."

Then the wooden door on the side heard the sound of a strong collision, obviously the monsters in the dungeon were awake.

Even with this thick wooden door, under such an impact, an overwhelming sound was heard.