MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 99 Hologram Tour (6)

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Subsequently, Shao Ci's clothes broke apart under an invisible force, sliding down most of them, and the air-conditioner was instantly exposed to make him snoring, while the other party's kiss fell on the position of Shao Ci's lips.

In the extremely quiet room, the sound of soft water rang.

Wait, this is just a game. Even if the hologram feels similar to the real one, it should not happen that kind of dissonance? !!

Prior to this, Shao Ci believed in the integrity of the game, but at this moment he felt panic.

In the case of immobility, even a kitchen knife cannot be taken out! Although Shao Ci is also unable to make up for the brain with a kitchen knife.

Obviously his mental strength is still very strong, but he can't play it without weapons, this setting is almost dead.

... wait, is it really out of play?

Shao Ci hesitated, trying to ignore what was going on, trying to use the mental power in his body, just as he seemed to grasp the sensation, the neck and collarbone sent another strange sensation.

Shao Ci: "... !!!"

Shao Ci tried to ignore this feeling completely, then felt the mental strength, and then controlled it.

Although in this game it is impossible to directly condense mental power into weapons or attack directly, it can still play a little role.

When the mental power slowly spread to the whole body, Shao Ci found that he could finally move.

After Shao's speech was free, the first thing was to push away the other side, and then ran towards the side.

The Duke of Stuart did not seem to realize that Shao Ci could still move, but it was Shao Ci's escape.

Even if it is dark like what is in the world now, this place probably still looks like that manor. If you go out, there may be ways to go back.

Although there may be other monsters outside, but now I'll run first.

Shao Ci fled to the door suddenly, a force suddenly fell from the rear.

It was an extremely cold force that invaded Shao Ci's body instantly. He felt a moment of weakness in his body. A cricket fell directly to the ground. Fortunately, there was a thick carpet on the ground, so he did n’t feel What pain.

The other party slowly came over, listening to the slight sound getting closer and closer to himself, Shao Ci had the urge to forcibly withdraw.

But he managed to persist until now how can he give up!

Then Duke Stuart grabbed Shao's ankle and tied something cold to it. Shao seemed to hear the sound of a chain collision.

After being **** by an iron chain made of unknown materials, Shao Ci felt that his mental power began to flow quickly, and there was no tendency to return for a period of time.

Shao Ci: "???" What kind of advanced equipment is lying in the sink!

"In this way, you can't run away." The Duke of Stuart smiled slightly, hugged Shao Ci, reached out and touched his cheek, "Always stay with me."

Shao Ci: "..." It's dry, he must hold on.

But when the opponent's hand touched Shao Ci's neck and could not be described, Shao Ci couldn't stand it.

It's not worth sacrificing so much for a copy. Hey, you must complain when he goes out ...!

Shao Ci finally remembered that this was a game thing and immediately chose the forced exit option.

When he came, he still read the instructions carefully. If he encounters something that is difficult to solve in the game, he can choose to quit. Although the points will be deducted, compared with the current situation, that point is nothing.

And this game has never said that there will be r18 discordant things inside!

Maybe you can get some benefit after complaining.

But after pressing it ... there was no response at all.

Shao Ci: "?!" Wait, hello? !!

Shao Ci quickly followed the system of calling the game in his memory, but couldn't reach it at all.

Did he encounter any bugs? !!

Shao Ci's eyes subconsciously moved to the chains on his feet ... it would not be the role of this chain.

Shao Ci has played so many games, and I have never seen such a wicked weapon! He would rather be a bug in this game.

Now it seems that he can only save himself. Shao gritted his teeth and prepared to use his last strength to take out the kitchen knife.

The next moment, the surrounding environment suddenly twisted, and Duke Stuart frowned suddenly, his eyes flashed with coldness, "I didn't expect that the little bug could last for so long ... The person actually came. "

Shao Ci was relieved immediately, Juyte thank you so much, you are an angel! As for the second half of Duke Stuart's words, he also cared a little, but it was useless to care now.

Stuart hugged Shao Ci to the bed, then bowed his head and kissed, "You stay here, I have something to do."

He didn't worry about Shao Ci's escape at all, after all, Shao Ci, who was restrained by his strength, had no way to break the chain.

After the other party left, Shao Ci felt a strong feeling of heat coming from the position of the back of his hand. When he looked down, he saw what was shining on the back of the hand.

Ah ... yes! This was the mark that Uit left on him before.

Now I have to admire Jutte's foresight.

After the texture was hot as if it was about to burn, Shao Ci emerged from the air with a hand beside him, and pulled Shao to hold it. Shao Ci only felt a powerful force coming, and his body was directed towards that. Pulling away, he was just pulled out of the picture.

Juyt pulled Shao Ci into his arms, and then cut off the chain that was pulled out. He looked a little bit embarrassed at this time, apparently having just experienced a hard battle with those monsters.

After being cut off, the chain that didn't know what material was turned into a blue light and dissipated.

The paintings on the portraits have disappeared, leaving only the darkness and weirdness.

Later, Yuite seemed to realize that he was holding Shao Ci, quickly released, and then poured the holy water in his hand onto the portrait.

After being splashed with holy water, the portrait seemed to be splashed with oil that was on fire, and it instantly started to burn from the place where the water was contaminated.

Shao Ci: "... Is this OK?"

"It should be okay," Uit said quietly. "Without the portrait as a medium, the other party should not be able to come to this place ... unless he has a new medium."

Shao Ci was a bit surprised, but Uite didn't say a few words like "I didn't expect you to be really fat" this time, and it made him a little uncomfortable.

Then the entire image was burned, but the flames did not disappear, but began to burn along other places.

There were many monsters around, all solved by Juyt. There was only a crackling sound of fire burning in the room for a while.

If it's a normal person, you must run away now, but the two are just players, just wait for the end of the copy.

The light of the fire reflected the faces of the two, and Uit suddenly said, "You are ..."

Shao was startled by him, thinking he suspected that he was possessed by a ghost, and quickly said: "I am definitely still personal."

"No ..." Juyt seemed a little difficult to tell, and then said, "Nothing."

Obviously, the precipice like the Little Prince of Hot Strips would not be anyone's real name.

But if he asks the other party ’s real name now, maybe it's too abrupt, and surely he should add a friend, get along for a while ...

Shao Ci had no idea about the entangled thoughts in Juyt's heart, and was very tense, always wondering whether the Duke Stuart would appear again.

However, everything was so calm. Under the fire, he didn't notice that the necklace on his neck flashed a light.

Then the sound of the system rang.

[The main mission is completed, the plot exploration degree is 80%, and the player will be teleported after the countdown. 】

After the countdown, their bodies disappeared.



When Shao Ci's sight became clearer, he found himself in a dark space, with an altar-like thing in front of him.

"Is the plot exploration 80% ..." Shao thought.

Also ... this necklace that appeared out of nowhere did not know where it came from, and in the end they didn't seem to face the boss ... although Shao Ci felt hard, they would definitely not kill the boss.

[Complete a copy of level a, gain experience 2879, the player's level rises to level 13. 】

Then there was a glowing box on the altar, probably the reward of the plot.

Although it is said that it takes 100% to get the best reward, it should be okay now, but if it is an item that appears in this copy, Shao Ci really can't think of a weapon that looks very powerful ...

Shao Ci opened the box, disappeared in white light, and a familiar necklace appeared in his hands.

[Name: [Devil's Necklace]

Bound cannot be sold.

Attributes: Can increase the wearer's full attributes by 10%, with a 50% chance to summon a shield to resist an attack, one copy is limited to one. There is a 25% chance to trigger a curse in a demonic background copy. 】

Shao Ci: "?!" The sink is actually this necklace.

The curse or something must have something to do with Duke Stuart ... but the other attributes are so good that he was shocked, especially the shield, which is another life at a critical time.

Necklaces like this should be able to sell a lot of points when auctioned ... But they are bound.

Although there is a curse, it is impossible to not have such a good armor. And it's not necessarily going to be a copy of that demon background next time.



In the abandoned manor house, the fire was getting more and more intense, and it spread to the whole manor house.

The flame was so special that it couldn't be extinguished even by pouring rain.

The manor was empty, and almost no ghosts existed.

Only in the storeroom was an unrecognizable body lying.

If Shao Ci is here, it must be seen that the body was the body of the ghost who had caught him and dropped the necklace after his death.

Then a tall figure emerged, and if you looked closely, there were even a pair of black wings behind him.

He reached out and gently touched the corpse in front of him, and the corpse turned into ashes and dissipated in the air.

As if he found something extremely interesting, he smiled and said to himself, "That necklace was finally taken out."


After receiving the reward, Shao Ci remembered what happened after he was caught.

Speaking of which, he really cares about the scales in the previous game. Hey, what about r18 is not even mosaic? This is definitely against any empire law!

But before that he should watch a video of the game.

Shao Ci turned on the retrospective function and clicked on the copy of "The Devil's Manor". The face of the person in the video was completely mosaic, and the id was marked on the head to make it recognizable.

Of course, those things in front of Shao Ci are too lazy to read, dragged directly to the back, but fortunately this video is completely described from his perspective.

However, the moment he was pulled in, the picture shown in the video was completely different from what he experienced.

In the video, he was immediately thrown into the dark hall of the manor after being pulled in, and surrounded by zombies-like servants. These servants continued to attack him, and he could only deal with them with a kitchen knife.

This is the case even if Shao Ci has seen it several times. He dragged forward, and the original strong kiss by the Duke of Stuart also turned into the bed and the medicine was pressed by the other party.

Shao Ci suddenly felt cold in his heart, and then went to check on the virtual Internet. No one had happened at all.

If the previous memories were still very clear, Shao Ci simply suspected that he was dreaming.

Now think about the background of this horror. Suddenly, it ’s really unscientific to encounter a guy boss.

… However, this is just an online game article. Even if the actual plot is infinite, he is also wearing an online game skin. It is absolutely impossible for a really strange thing to happen!

Shao thought for a long time, and finally thought that the villain boss in this world is the intelligence of the central computer that controls the game. Maybe this is its maliciousness to humans ...

After thinking this way, Shao Ci was relieved, quit the game, and went to some other websites to browse.

I also turned over the original owner ’s social account, which is similar to the actual Weibo. The original owner only has a few bleak hundreds of powders. It seems that there are still a lot of powders, but these powders are all lost after the original owner's mental strength is damaged almost.

In this world, everything requires mental energy. People with weak mentality are almost like disabled people, and they can't even do daily life.

Strong people are the most sought after, and some people's fans are even more crazy than star fans.

After researching various materials, Shao Ci found that there are still many other games in this world, but this game is the only one that can promote mental development.

The empire is also a strong world. In order to become stronger, even many people who do n’t play the game grit their teeth to play, so this game has the status it has today. Game over.

However, no matter how the experts study it, they can't figure out why, so until now, no other game can replace its role.

And some people find that if they play other games and then come back, the growth of mental power will be much slower.

In this case, naturally no one plays other games, slowly disappearing and disappearing.

Shao Ci: "..." The world is a **** to him.


The next day, Shao Ci got up and found out that today is the time for the exam.

He stumbled to the bathroom and was still a little confident in himself.

The tests in the college are said to be fair, so the same props are distributed. In such a situation, the spirited Shao Ci is still very advantageous. There should be no problem ... as long as it is not too scary.

Before going out, Shao looked at it. The original owner's personal terminal had only a few hundred credit points.

The Shao family only gives credit points that can maintain the basic life every month, which is undoubtedly very painful to the original owner who spent a lot of money in the past.

And if expelled from the college, it is estimated that this credit point is gone, and I can only go out to find work to support myself.

Not to mention the original male lead, Shao Ci himself felt that this family should be ruined. Hey, there is almost no emotion between people, which is also amazing.

As for friends, the original owner did have a lot of friends when he was the young master, but when the original owner fell into disappointment, these friends all pretended not to know the original owner.

In fact, it is quite easy, otherwise it is troublesome for Shao to quit and deal with others.

Shao Ci relied on the original owner's own memory to call a floating car, came to the test site where he said he was good, and after getting out of the car, people around him looked at Shao Ci with some strange eyes.

"This is not the young master of the Shao family. Why is he so embarrassed that he can only take the cheapest suspension car?"

"Don't you know? His mental strength was damaged in the previous copy, and now he's not even as good as a waste." Another said with some gloat, "It was so arrogant in the past, and now how he is crazy.

"It is said that the Shao family has left him now, and it is estimated that he will be kicked out of school after this exam."

"It's too bad."

Then the voice of the discussion suddenly quieted down, everyone looked at Shao Ci behind in shock, and then one after another trembled.

Shao Ci had a bad idea in his heart. Turning his head, he saw a group of people.

The man headed was a sixteen-seven-year-old boy with extremely exquisite looks. He walked forward without expression, without even looking at Shao Ci.

[嘀嘀 嘀 ... The character with the highest force value was detected ... According to the rules of the system, the replacement of the Raiders was started ... The replacement was completed. The current Raiders is Jiang Qinghan. 】

Shao Ci: "!!!" Oh yeah ... I was so silly playing games before, I forgot to set the target to see people.

Now he is bound to the original man who hates him ... Is there anything more sad in the world than this?

There were quite a few people behind Jiang Qinghan, and there was even a little brother who was a little familiar with Shao Ci.

After all, Jiang Qinghan is now the heir to be cultivated by the Shao family. Of course, it is sought after by a bunch of people, which is completely different from Shao Ci. Others are also afraid of offenses for offending him.

Even the people who had ridiculed themselves in the past, Jiang Qinghan never blame, generously accepted these people as younger brothers. But in fact, he didn't take these people seriously at all, but just lost the value of these people.

After seeing Shao ’s remarks, several people behind Jiang Qinghan suddenly showed an aversion, especially Fan Tian, ​​who was the original younger brother. In order to show his loyalty to Jiang Qinghan, he was the first one to sneer and scorn. Master, you still have a face to play. If I die ten times in a C-level copy, I will definitely quit school now. "

"What else can we do for others who are thick-skinned?" The other person also sarcastically said, "I just hope that when Master Shao loses the exam, he won't cry and go home to find his mother."

The man patted his forehead again, "Oh yes, I forgot, Mrs. Shao was long gone back to her mother's house with this angry son."

Shao Ci glanced at them a few times, and he was too lazy to say that in the future, he would become a cannon fodder. Arguing with them now is a waste of time.

Only Jiang Qinghan was troublesome. Although Jiang Qinghan didn't taunt him, it showed the opponent's dismissive attitude towards him.

How do you feel good about doing tasks in such a situation ...!

And for such a person who has miscalculated the original owner, Shao Ci's mood is also a bit subtle.

It's too much trouble to bind someone who hates you from the beginning.



When Shao Ci didn't know it, it was already on the Internet.

Anna and Damons will naturally not be so good after being sent out a copy, and the two of them as people who can enter the A-level copy, their strength is still OK, there are hundreds of thousands of fans on social accounts .

So Shao Ci was directly hung out, discredited by the two into a villain who used no means to clear customs and harm others, and the screenshots were made like a decent figure, and it really looked like that at a glance.

The two of them saw Shao Ci as a newcomer, and their strength was not good. It doesn't matter if they bully.

As for Youit, that's the great cold god, how could he care about such a salty fish newcomer.

Although Shao Ci's face has been tessellated, the id of the hot little prince is clear. The friends of the two retweeted one after another, saying that in the future, they would see this person once and kill once.

The onlookers were also very angry, ridiculing the name of the hot little prince, declaring that it is worthy and the name is so disgusting. If Shao used the real name, I am afraid that it will be human flesh.

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