MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 34

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At the end of August, the weather is getting a little cooler.

Ning Qingwan's kissing lasted only three days, and then she went to S City as a special guest of the variety show that Zhang Chenxing and Yan Qing recorded together.

In the chat records of the two, Ning Qingwan initially only sent her the scenery of S city and some novel small objects, and then gradually became a complaint about eating dog food every day, making Meng Xia laugh and cry.

That variety show has been aired for two episodes, and Meng Xia also watched it specially. The title of the show is 'The Life of Two People'. The director boldly invited three couples, including men and women, men and women, to record cohabitation life and show it. On the first day, netizens were discussing how such a program passed the trial. As a result, when I saw the program introduction, I didn't mention "couples" at all, but everyone knew it.

Xia Nianzhi had just taken over the company, and she was overwhelmed by all kinds of affairs. During this time, Meng Xia was in charge of her three meals a day. During lunch, Meng Xia often made it and sent it to the company to Xia Nianzhi.

Meng Xia's prepared lunch was packed into lunch boxes. After everything was done, she took out her mobile phone and looked at it. Ning Qingwan sent her a photo and an emoji with an oversized lemon.

The background in the photo looks like a kitchen. Zhang Chenxing is cooking with a spatula in one hand. Under the stove, his other hand is hooked with Yan Qing's hand, who is standing beside him.

Meng Xia understood, replied "Touch your head.jpg" and asked Ning Qingwan, "When will you be back, sister."

Ning Qingwan quickly replied, "Miss me?"

The corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise. The more they got along, the more she felt that Ning Qing was like a big baby and a bit arrogant. Meng Xia replied with a smile, "I think."

After that, Ning Qingwan didn't reply.

Ning Qingwan at the other end was stunned for a while watching the news, across the screen, the feelings in the text needed to be understood by himself, and the sweet voice also needed to be imagined by himself.

She knew that Meng Xia would be shy and well-behaved when she said this, but Ning Qingwan suddenly found herself lacking in imagination when she saw these two words. She didn't want to construct Meng Xia's appearance in her mind, but wanted to see Meng Xia for real. Say these two words.

After lunch, the recording of the special guests ended. Zhang Chenxing and Yan Qing sent Ning Qingwan to the door, watched her get into the car, and returned to the villa holding hands.

Ning Qingwan looked at the teammates who were not covering up and showing off their affection under the camera, and suddenly felt jealous.

When Meng Xia finished her lunch with a lunch box and changed her shoes at the entrance to go out, the phone rang and Ning Qingwan called her.

Since Ning Qingwan recorded the show, they didn't even chat very much. Meng Xia was a little surprised, but she answered quickly, "Sister."

The sweet and greasy voice entered the ear, instantly soothing Ning Qingwan's manic-depressed heart, "What are you doing."

Meng Xia smiled softly, "I'm on the phone with you."

The soft and watery voice seemed to flow into the ear through the mobile phone and flowed into the heart, and the heart also softened into a puddle of water. Ning Qingwan's tone unconsciously became more tender and gentle, "Before the call."

"I'm cooking. I'll bring food to my mother later." Meng Xia paused and asked with concern, "Has my sister eaten."

"I ate dog food." Ning Qingwan said indifferently.

Meng Xia couldn't help laughing out loud. After several days, she could fully feel Ning Qingwan's suffocation.

Ning Qingwan snorted softly and said nothing.

The two ends were silent, and no one hung up the phone. In the end, Meng Xia felt that she was a little unkind, so she spoke softly and comforted, "I'll cook for you when my sister comes back."

Tomorrow I will record "Fortunate to meet you", and I don't know when I will cook next time, but Meng Xia said so, Ning Qingwan was happy to hear it, and her depression was swept away by her words.

"Okay." The curvature of Ning Qingwan's lips curved, her throat rolled up and down, she was addicted to smoking and wanted to smoke, but what she said was, "I want to hold your hand."

This is even more exciting than a simple "I miss you". The string in my heart seemed to be plucked. Meng Xia saw his face in the entrance mirror flushed red again.

She heard her soft and waxy voice, and said something that made her blush even more, "Then I'll wait for you to come back."

On the other end of the phone, Ning Qingwan's laughter was more seductive than ever.

In order not to let herself get cooked on the spot, Meng Xia whispered, "Sister, I'm going out."

"be careful."

Meng Xia let out an "um", and after waiting for a while, Ning Qingwan didn't hang up, she pursed her lips and hung up.

Then he went out to the Meng family's company.

In fact, Meng Yuanxiu also brings meals made by his aunt at home every day, but Xia Nianzhi is still annoyed at him. When he can't see the meals brought by Meng Yuanxiu, he only eats what Meng Xia brought.

Xia Nianzhi sighs every time he eats these two days, "When the baby goes to record that program, mother will not be able to eat the love bento."

At first, Meng Yuanxiu, who was on the side, would flatter and say, "I'll do it for you."

After receiving Xia Nianzhi's eye knife and sneer a few times, he never spoke again. He wasn't stupid either, knowing that this was a run on him for making an unreasonable claim and agreeing to the program recording, and it had nothing to do with eating or not.

"Are you going to live in the villa of the show crew tomorrow? Have you packed everything?" Xia Nianzhi wiped his mouth with a tissue after eating, and gestured to Meng Yuanxiu to clean up the table with his eyes.

"It's all packed up." Meng Xia packed the lunch box on the table one step faster than Meng Yuanxiu, "I'll come."

"I'll check it out for you when I go back tonight. Let the driver Xiaolin take you there tomorrow."

"I'll take the subway myself. The program team said it's more in line with my student status."

"...How long does it take to get off the subway?" Xia Nianzhi frowned, knowing that she was a student, and invited Meng Xia to record this kind of show. She felt uncomfortable, so she glared at Meng Yuanxiu with cold eyes. Meng Yuanxiu's eyes fluttered beside him, knowing that he was deaf and blind.

"It won't be long." Meng Xia blinked, feeling a little guilty. In fact, she looked at the map and walked for about 20 minutes.

"You send me the villa address."

Sure enough, Jiang was still old and hot, Meng Xia slowly sent the address given to her by the program team to Xia Nianzhi.

After reading the address and checking the route, Xia Nianzhi frowned and said, "Let Xiaolin take you there."

"All right."

"Don't worry so much, the program team will cut whatever effect they want." Xia Nianzhi asked worriedly, "Pay attention to safety, protect yourself, and call your mother if you have anything."

"Okay." Meng Xia nodded wisely.

Meng Yuanxiu didn't take it seriously and said, "What's the matter? There are cameras installed in the villa, and they are serious about recording programs." He saw that Meng Xia had already started to collect the lunch box, so he simply sat on the sofa and tilted it up comfortably. Erlang legs.

"There's a camera installed in the company, isn't there something wrong?" Xia Nianzhi glanced at him and laughed, mocking his derailment in secret.

Meng Yuanxiu was so choked that he couldn't say a word, and he looked quite embarrassed. He immediately put away Erlang's legs, like sitting on pins and needles, and got up after a while and said, "I'm going out for a cigarette."

Xia Nianzhi snorted coldly with a nasal voice, but did not speak.

After Meng Yuanxiu left the office, Xia Nianzhi said again, "I met Ji Tong at the dinner two days ago. He looks gentle and elegant, as your father said, with good looks and family background."

Meng Xia's heart skipped a beat, her lips pursed into a straight line, and her face turned pale.

"However, I trust my daughter more than a stranger." Xia Nianzhi held her hand soothingly, "I really want to help the baby to reject this show directly, but your father was helped by him before, The benefits are subject to the system of others. So my mother promises that our company will not be involved with him in the future. I only wronged my baby this time."

"Mom..." Meng Xia was shocked. Did she save the Milky Way in her previous life, so she was given such a gentle mother after she was reborn through books.

"Don't cry, I've been busy with headaches for the past two days. What's the plan for the afternoon?" Xia Nianyi quickly changed the topic when he saw her blushing eyes.

Meng Xia sniffed, held back the moved tears, and squeezed her lips into a small smile, "In the afternoon, I'm going to accompany Coco to the library to review, Mosquito and Tiantian return to City C, we made an appointment to have dinner together, so in the evening I won't go back to eat."

"Okay, go home early."

Meng Xia thought for a while, and reported the arrangements for the afternoon to Ning Qingwan.

Ning Qingwan frowned slightly when she saw the word "mosquito".

Five p.m

Mosquito and Tiantian reported in the group that they had been tidied up. The four discussed choosing a compromise location to meet, and then had dinner together. After some discussion, they settled on a stone pot fish restaurant.

Meng Xia accompanied Luo Ke back to the dormitory and put down the book, and then the two went straight to the Stone Pot Fish Shop. They were the first to arrive, and then Tiantian also arrived. Although the four of them chatted in a small group every day, they hadn't seen each other in a summer vacation, and it was inevitable that they would meet each other for a while.

Luo Ke: "Sweet and thin~"

Tiantian: "Coco has lost weight too~ Xia Xia is even more beautiful!"

Meng Xia: "You are all more beautiful~"

Mosquito: "This rainbow fart that they hold each other is very good~"

The three were startled by the sudden noise of the mosquito, and they were dumbfounded after looking at the mosquito in unison. Mosquito actually had hair that had grown to shoulder length and was dyed green.

People around looked at them frequently. Originally, Tiantian was sitting in a row with Mosquito, but Mosquito's green head was so eye-catching that she couldn't bear it, so she sat silently next to Roco.

Meng Xia and Luo Ke moved their positions to Tiantian very intimately.

"..." Mosquito collapsed and complained, "How can you do this."

Sweet: "It's too eye-catching."

Luo Ke: "Classmate, have you been green? Make yourself a watermelon rind."

Meng Xia sympathized with her, and whispered to her, "It's actually quite pretty."

Mosquito's eyes lit up, and he automatically ignored the other two's words. Looking at Meng Xia, he asked uncertainly, "Really?" She ripped her hair, "As a true fan of Wan Wan's husband, I originally wanted to dye mint green. Yes, but Tony made me a watermelon rind. I'm helpless too."

Having said that, even Luo Ke and Tiantian began to sympathize with her. After all, everyone was hurt by Mr. Tony, so they comforted her together, "It's still pretty cool."

Meng Xia nodded in agreement, "You have fair skin and can hold up to this color."

Mosquito was happier this time, he licked his green hair, and said generously, "My grandfather treats you tonight~"

So Luo Ke and Tiantian immediately sat over, one on the left and the other on the right holding the mosquito's arm, the rainbow farts blew louder than the other, Meng Xia looked at the opposite and listened with a smile and rolled his eyes.

Mosquito clapped their hands away in disgust, got up and sat in Meng Xia's row, "You two are so fake, only Xia Xia really praises me, I sit with Xia Xia."

Luo Ke and Tiantian snorted, and then the waiter served the pot and got the fish.

The door of the box on the second floor opened, and Lai Xiaomeng came out to go to the toilet, her eyes were immediately attracted by the green mosquito, she fixed her eyes, and her eyes slowly fell on Meng Xia, her eyes widening.

She quietly took a photo and sent it to the band group and sighed, "Wan Wan, your little fan's friend has such a personality."

This photo of Lai Xiaomeng is amazing. The mosquitoes actually peeled the shrimp for all three of them, but she was putting the peeled shrimp into the Mengxia bowl when the photo was taken.

Seeing this photo, Ning Qingwan sank her face, she replied in the group, "Send the address here."

Lai Xiaomeng didn't think much about it, and sent the address.

After dinner, Mosquito said that he would drive the three back home. At the same time, Meng Xia received a message from Ning Qingwan, "Where is it?"

Meng Xia replied, "Just finished eating with my classmates~" She thought about it and sent the name of the stone pot fish shop, and added, "It tastes good~ I can eat it with my sister next time."

Good things always want to share with the people they like the most.

Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows when she saw what Meng Xia added, "I'm nearby, take you back?"

After waiting for a while without receiving a reply from Meng Xia, Ning Qingwan sent the direction of the parking, inexplicably and a little irritable.

In her direction, she could see the door of the stone pot fish shop.

Meng Xia shied away from needing the mosquito to send him something, and the mosquito immediately asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Meng Xia's long eyelashes trembled, and she only said something vague. She looked very guilty, and Tiantian immediately asked gossip, "Xia Xia, are you in love? Is your boyfriend coming to pick you up?"

Basically guessing right, Meng Xia's heart was even more empty, her face was red, Mosquito approached and looked at her, "Damn it, really?"

Meng Xia was helpless and pushed the mosquitoes away gently, "No. Send them back quickly."

Inside the car, Ning Qingwan looked away expressionlessly, her knuckled fingers lightly tapping the steering wheel.

Meng Xia watched Luo Ke and Tiantian get in the car and told them to pay attention to safety. After Mosquito's car drove away, she took out her mobile phone and saw the message from Ning Qingwan.

According to Ning Qingwanfa's direction, Meng Xia crossed the road and saw a familiar car. As soon as he got in the car, Meng Xia smiled sweetly at Ning Qingwan. "Sister~" sounded a bit softer.

Ning Qingwan's eyes glowed softly, she raised her hand and rubbed her head, "Are you full?"

"Huh!" Meng Xia asked while bowing his head and buckled his seat belt, "Where's my sister?"

Ning Qingwan said lightly, "I'm not full."

Meng Xia glanced at her watch. It wasn't too late. She raised her head and said with concern, "What would my sister want to eat? Let me accompany my sister to eat some more."

Ning Qingwan supported the seat with her hands, leaned her body, slender hands passed through her hair, moved down and stroked Meng Xia's delicate neck and led her forward, her lips pressed against hers, exhaling like a blue orchid, " eat you."

The hot air fell on the lips, and it penetrated from the tip of the nose into the blood and spread all over the body as if alive.

The soft lips pressed up immediately, the jaws were pushed open, and when the softness in the mouth touched the tip of Ning Qingwan's tongue, Meng Xia's head buzzed and he couldn't think, his heart skipped a beat, and then more quickly. beating.

Ning Qingwan had never come in before, no matter how hard the kiss was.

How should she respond, what should she do? Confused, unable to think. Meng Xia lowered her eyes and fanned her long eyelashes lightly. She subconsciously climbed onto Ning Qingwan's shoulder and raised her head to continue the kiss and intimacy.

It wasn't until the voice of someone talking was vaguely heard outside the car getting closer and closer that Meng Xia suddenly woke up and pushed Ning Qingwan away.

The people outside the car could not see the scene inside the car, and walked away talking and laughing.

Ning Qingwan was stunned for a moment after being pushed away, and licked her lips, "Mints?"

After the meal, they each took a mint. She had just finished eating it before getting in the car. Meng Xia was so embarrassed that she said "um", and she was surprised that the voice was so coquettish that she couldn't listen to it.

After that, she didn't answer what Ning Qingwan asked.

"Don't talk, kiss again?"

Meng Xia raised her eyes, her almond eyes were wet, she gave her a coquettish look, thinking that her voice should be normal, and replied, "Sister, you are playing a hooligan..."

The author has something to say: Meng Xia: My sister is acting like a hooligan, woo woo woo, and she actually came in woo woo woo

Ning Qingwan: ...this is called being a hooligan, what should I do after that?

Meng Xia: I'll be called the old hooligan from now on...

Comments do not need to reply to my following content, I prefer you to discuss the plot~~

About leave-

I'm really sorry for bringing the little angels a bad reading experience. I also want to keep changing daily, but my physical fitness is poor. The reason to hang up the leave note is to prevent the little cuties who have been supporting and waiting for the update from waiting too long, or after waiting for several days, they realize that the author is missing.

At least the leave of absence letter proves that I am still alive==I will definitely come back when I say it, right~

This number of words compensated for the interruption yesterday~I’m really really sorry~~~

There are so many sweet texts, they are written to make everyone happy, not unhappy~ So keep a good mood~ Thank you for 2020-09-1318:19:14~2020-09-1519: During 36:05, the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Mushroom, it is difficult to start anything, Wu Qi 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: crushed ice, stupid? 2 bottles;

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