MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 35

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The next morning was sunny and sunny.

Because of Ning Qingwan's kiss last night and the nervousness about recording the show, Meng Xia was half awake all night, and she was woken up by Xia Nianzhi early in the morning to wash and put on makeup. She was too sleepy.

The company was busy, so Xia Nianzhi woke her up and asked her to leave.

After Meng Xia finished packing herself, she slowly dragged her suitcase downstairs, and yawned several times in just a few short steps.

Xiao Lin was waiting downstairs. When he saw her, he immediately stepped forward to take the suitcase from Meng Xia's hand, but just as he walked to the trunk of the car, a handsome hand pressed on the suitcase.

"This..." Xiao Lin was stunned as soon as he raised his head, she petrified beside the car and watched Ning Qingwan put Meng Xia's suitcase into the trunk of a black Bentley.

Meng Xia was also stunned. Her eyes were sour from yawning, and she was stunned with tears. She stared wetly at the person in front of her. Ning Qingwan wore a black v-neck sleeveless dress today, showing her exquisiteness. A good-looking collarbone, the waist is also perfectly tucked, and the long curly hair is very **** and aggressive.

"Why are you here?" Meng Xia was a little puzzled. She thought that celebrities would at least do a styling in advance. "Is the process for celebrities and amateurs the same?"

"Well, I'll pick you up." Ning Qingwan replied naturally, but only looked at her bloodshot eyes a little more.

Only then did Xiao Lin regain his senses. He scratched his head and asked uncertainly, "Are you Ning Qingwan?"

Ning Qingwan nodded.

Xiao Lin was very excited to ask for his autograph, and then said very intimately that he would report to Xia Nianzhi, so he let Meng Xia get into Ning Qingwan's car.

"Didn't sleep well?"

Meng Xia said "um" and said lightly, "I was thinking about the script sent by the program team. I didn't sleep well." Another reason she chose not to say.

The first issue of 'Fortunate to meet you' became two couples, and it also accounted for two days of hot searches. But it didn't take long for one of the two couples to reveal that the man had an object, and the other pair broke up quickly after the show's popularity passed. It was speculated on the Internet that the show was for the guests to perform a variety show with the script.

At first, Meng Xia didn't believe there was a script, but after confirming that the show would be recorded, she received the document from the show team, and everything was clearly arranged.

"You don't have to follow what they say." Ning Qingwan said lightly, driving the car intently. After a while, he added, "You can look at Weibo."

Meng Xia was stunned for a moment. She took out her mobile phone and looked at Weibo. The official blog of "Fortunate to Meet You" clarified that there was no script this morning, and posted several screenshots of communication with guests. Of course, these guests in the screenshots have prominent family backgrounds. I'm afraid that even if there are scripted guests, they will not act according to it. The director's mind is turning fast, so he simply uses this to clarify that there is no script, so as to whet the appetite of netizens and look forward to the show.

"Pinch the persimmons softly." Meng Xia whispered, but she didn't receive the notification from the program team.

Ning Qingwan hooked her lips, "With me here, they wouldn't dare to pinch you."

So I specially picked her up to remind the show team. Meng Xia felt warm in her heart, she curved her brows and eyes, and said softly, "It's good to have a cool back against a big tree~"

Ning Qingwan chuckled, "Do you want to sleep for a while? It's expected to take more than an hour to arrive."

Meng Xia was really sleepy, so she closed her eyes and rested for a while.

The villa arranged by the program team was relatively remote. When Meng Xia woke up, the scenery outside the car window was no longer a noisy city, but a pleasant scenery.

"woke up?"

Meng Xia raised her hand to rub her eyes, but suddenly remembered that she had put on her makeup and put it down. She blinked her eyes, and said "um" in a daze, "Where are you going?"

"It's almost there." Ning Qingwan held the steering wheel in one hand and handed it to Meng Xia with the mobile phone in the other, "Mo Li sent the latest confirmed list from the program team, do you want to take a look."

The program team called Meng Xia, and only asked her to record the time to start filming, the location of the villa where she was staying, and when she needed to be there. The rules and arrangements after moving in were said to be written on the villa's bulletin wall. As for the identities of other guests The professional program group said it should be kept secret.

But Ning Qingwan knew the list in advance, Meng Xia sighed silently in her heart, the gap between people is really not that big.

Meng Xia took Ning Qingwan's mobile phone and looked at it. The picture on the screen contained Ning Qingwan's entry time and the corresponding photos of the remaining guest list, but she did not elaborate on her professional identity.

However, Meng Xia paid more attention to this content, because it felt too strange.

In the original text, the program team only invited six guests, three men and three women. Every guest is excellent in both occupation and family background, except for the female lead of college students. Under the crushing strength, the heroine developed a feeling of inferiority.

However, Ji Tong, who is almost perfect in every aspect among the guests, is very fond of the heroine and chats with the heroine every day. The philosophies of life are mixed with sweet words and cannonballs to capture the heroine.

It seems that it is really just to help the heroine regain her self-confidence, but when Meng Xia was reading, she felt that Ji Tong was too scheming. In fact, this would only make the heroine feel that he was excellent and kind, and enlighten the heroine every day to make the heroine feel dependent on him. She even had the wrong idea that he could see her as her luck.

Because of the addition of Ning Qingwan, the plot has undergone great changes. The show has invited a total of eight guests, four men and four women. The male guest has one more actor, Su Jiabei, than the original.

Looking at the list in the picture, Meng Xia recalled the original text and said, "I remember that in the original text, the male guest Zhang Yang is a racing driver, the amateur Xiao Sixuan is a surgeon, and the female guest Shen Lan is a clothing designer."

The voice suddenly stopped. Meng Xia looked at the list on the picture and asked uncertainly, "Is Susan in the female guests Sister Su?"

Ning Qingwan gave a light "um".

"It's not the same as the original story." With a familiar person, Meng Xia felt more at ease, and his tone was much more relaxed unconsciously.

Ning Qingwan drove without squinting, her face was calm, her peach blossom eyes were as indifferent as usual, but her hand holding the steering wheel tightened slightly.

After reading it, Meng Xia returned the phone to Ning Qingwan, "Sister..."

"Don't call your sister when recording the show." Ning Qingwan took the phone and interrupted her suddenly.

Meng Xia keenly noticed that Ning Qingwan's tone was a little cold, and she felt a little stunned. She didn't know why Ning Qingwan was suddenly unhappy.

"Then... what's it called?"

Ning Qingwan raised her eyes and saw Ji Tong walking down from the Maybach car parked by the road ahead, her eyes were heavy, and she asked her, "What did you call me when you first saw me?"

"Husband Wan Wan." Meng Xia swallowed subconsciously, a little uncertain, "Call, is this called?"

I didn't think it was anything to call it that before, but now it's a shame to call it this way!

Ning Qingwan smiled lightly, "You can also remove the prefix." She stopped the car, hooked Meng Xia's neck with her hand, and brought the person in front of her, lips pressed to her lips, and said in a hoarse voice, "Call husband."

Their lips touched, and they kissed slowly and slowly, as if they had just tasted it, and nibbled and grinded patiently, waiting for Meng Xia to relax a little before taking the opportunity to enter.

Wet. Soft swept across every place slowly and possessively, as if to completely fuse his own breath with her, wantonly plundering and teasing around.

Meng Xia passively endured the kiss, her whole body was soft and soft, as if she could feel her breath and strength being grabbed and pulled out of her body.

Not far from the car, Ji Tong stopped the car and was making a phone call. His eyes inadvertently fell on the black Bentley car, which was very close. The villa he was about to live in was recommended to the show team. Those who can park in this area are most likely also guests.

He hung up the phone and stared at the Bentley for a while, and vaguely saw that the people inside seemed to be kissing, but he couldn't see clearly. Wan left.

"The lipstick is on." Ning Qingwan's voice was full of smiles. She was quite satisfied with Meng Xia's last coquettish "husband", so she took a tissue and wiped the lipstick on the corner of Meng Xia's lips.

Meng Xia's face was flushed, and she gave her an irritated look, her eyes were rippling, and her eyes were clearly accusing "whose masterpiece is this". Her eyes fell on Ning Qingwan's lips, Meng Xia's face turned even redder, she silently pulled out a tissue to help Ning Qingwan wipe the corners of her mouth.

Ning Qingwan's eyes darkened a bit, and she smiled lowly, "Do you want to make up for it?"

"I'm not going to make it up." Meng Xia thought about it for a while. It might not be bad if she put on light makeup or not, but Ning Qingwan's makeup is stronger, and her flaming red lips look better. "Sister, please make it up."

"Sister? Didn't you kiss enough?" Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows. She took out her lipstick from the glove box and stuffed it into Meng Xia's hands, "Help me."

Meng Xia didn't speak, and silently took the lipstick. Her face was so hot that she felt like it was about to burn. She opened the lid of the lipstick and unscrewed the paste. Ning Qingwan's lips were thin, but the lip shape was beautiful. Meng Xia was afraid that she would ruin Ning Qingwan's makeup if she couldn't apply it properly.

Outside the car, Ji Tong looked at the two people in the car for a moment, and Ning Qingwan saw him raise his eyebrows and lowered the car window with a hint of provocation.

"Okay~" Meng Xia put away her lipstick and realized that someone was outside the car. She was startled when she turned to look, and her blushing face instantly turned white.

"Is something wrong?" Ning Qingwan held Meng Xia's hand calmly and kneaded it twice soothingly.

Ji Tong looked at the two of them for a while, especially Ning Qingwan's eyes made him forget what he wanted to ask. After the last time, he even sent someone to check it. All the information showed that Ning Qingwan and Meng Xia were distinct. Two people who are irrelevant.

How come the relationship is so good all of a sudden, and they all come together to record the show? His mind was full of mixed feelings, and his mind was even more chaotic. He vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't come up with a clue.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ning Qingwan didn't have the patience to wait any longer, and drove the car away in front of him.

Ji Tong stared at the back of the car for a long time, his eyes darkened, and he remembered the scene he saw at the beginning, whether they were kissing or simply applying lipstick to each other. And the moment when Meng Xia turned around, that beautiful face.

It should be because he thought too much, Ji Tong let out a breath slowly, turned around and returned to his car with a blank face, but his hand hanging by his side was clenched into a fist and clenched tightly.

In order to take pictures of the guests getting off the bus, several cameramen were arranged outside the villa, and Meng Xia couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

What's more nervous than her is that she and Ning Qingwan's follow have something to watch~ Let's see how popular the 'two people's life' next door is, cp doesn't have to be limited to men and women, right? I can predict that this show will definitely be burst fire. "

Two followpd: "..."

The author has something to say: I'm sorry for being late~ I broke my mobile phone tragically, ,, I'm so angry, I have to abuse the male protagonist to vent. woo woo woo

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