MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 56

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Her consciousness was suddenly pulled back, and Meng Xia opened her eyes and bounced off the sofa. She moved too far, and half of the cashmere blanket covering her slipped to the ground.

With a dull pain in his head, Meng Xia sat on the sofa for a while. She kept thinking about the dream, but she didn't notice when Ning Qingwan walked in front of her.

"Stupid sleep?" Ning Qingwan sat beside her, straightened the fleece blanket, and handed her the glass of water she had just prepared.

"No..." Meng Xia returned to his senses, retorted in a low voice, and reached for the water cup.

The two touched their hands, and Ning Qingwan frowned. In the past, Meng Xia's hands were warm, but now they are colder than hers.

Ning Qingwan blamed herself, "Your hands are so cold, you shouldn't be allowed to sleep here."

Previously, Meng Xia didn't want to change clothes and go back to bed, but Ning Qingwan agreed that she could sleep on the sofa. Although she took a cashmere blanket to cover her, there was no blanket to cover her warm.

Meng Xia took the water glass to warm her hands. The dream just now made her think deeply, like falling into an ice cave. No matter where she slept, her hands would be ice.

This is not a good dream, too many unanswered questions make people confused, Meng Xia is afraid that Ning Qingwan is as worried as herself, and subconsciously does not want to tell her that she has dreamed of the heroine again.

When the perfunctory excuse was about to be exported, Meng Xia thought of the promise that Ning Qingwan would be frank with him in the future.

Fingers rubbed the hand-painted drawing on the cup unconsciously, Meng Xia closed her eyes, but chose to tell her frankly, "It's because of a nightmare, so I have ice hands." She paused and added, "I dreamed The heroine, and the original author."

"The last time I dreamed about her was the day when the relationship was confirmed, this time it was about having a relationship." Ning Qingwan frowned. She found that Meng Xia dreamed twice about the heroine that she had something to do with her.

Meng Xia's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't discovered this before. She suddenly understood why the heroine in the original text said that, "She said that the trajectory has finally changed. It should be the emotional development between my sister and I that prompted the original plot. The trajectory has changed.”

Ning Qingwan held her hand, not so cold anymore, and comforted her, "It's a good thing that the plot has changed."

It is a good thing to deviate from the development of the original text, but no one knows what will happen in the future.

Meng Xia looked at Ning Qingwan's calm eyes, she found that Ning Qingwan's ability to accept is really strong, no matter how strange things are, she can receive them at the fastest speed.

As written on that paper...

Seeing that she was still frowning, Ning Qingwan stroked her frown, "What are you thinking?"

Meng Xia bit her lip, her eyes dark and obscure, "In my dream, I picked up a piece of paper and wrote the characters of my sister and my mother on it. My sister and mother's strong ability to accept things makes me live in this world. Much easier."

"But these are all written by the author of the original text. I wonder if... Sister, is your feelings for me just because she is writing." She clenched the water glass tightly, her eyebrows trembled, her tone was pressing Incessantly anxious.

Meng Xia couldn't help trembling when she saw the piece of paper, and she saw Ning Qingwan's name on the piece of paper she didn't have time to look at.

But she deeply remembered this book, the author did not write a side story, because the author died...

The deceased also appeared in the dream, and she was still writing something related to this book, which had a certain impact on her life in this world.

What is she now? Is it just a paper man? What is between her and Ning Qingwan... is it just the result of the pen?

Noticing Ning Qingwan's stunned moment, Meng Xia closed her eyes, feeling sour and annoyed in her heart. She shouldn't have said that, she shouldn't have questioned Ning Qingwan's feelings for her.

That said, what would Ning Qingwan, who was originally a character in the book, think, Meng Xia felt so guilty that she couldn't help but burst into tears.

The fragility in the girl's eyes that didn't have time to converge came into view, Ning Qingwan's heart suddenly became a ball, and her mind was also in chaos, the matter was too complicated.

Ning Qingwan took a deep breath calmly, calmed down, and tried to make herself more rational. She took the water glass in Meng Xia's hand and put it on the coffee table, and pulled him into her arms.

Gently stroking Meng Xia's back again and again, she said seriously, "If she can really control everyone's feelings at will, why should she say 'the trajectory has finally changed', finally the word contains many unknown sacrifices. ."

"So, maybe she can only change the insignificant details to help you live easier, but she has no way to control the subjective feelings of all the characters. Baby don't think about it, don't doubt my love for you."

Meng Xia sniffed. She couldn't hold back the gushing tears and choked, "I'm sorry, I, I was wrong, I'm just very upset."

Ning Qingwan took her hand and pressed it on her chest, "Is there a heartbeat, right? I am real, right?"

The powerful heartbeat can be felt through the chest cavity and clothes, Meng Xia took a long breath, and made a nasal buzzing "um".

Ning Qingwan sighed, held her face, wiped the tears from her face with the pulp of her thumb, and coaxed softly, "Don't cry, my heart will break if you cry."

Meng Xia bit her lip, and it took a while to stop her tears.

"Little crying bag, go wash your face, and go back to recording the show later." Ning Qingwan hooked her lips into a light smile, and rubbed her head soothingly.

Meng Xia looked at Ning Qingwan's soft eyes with tears in her eyes, and her gloomy mood was like a cloud, she nodded, and obediently got up and went to the bathroom to wash her face.

Ning Qingwan watched her slender back and her eyes moved slightly, and unconsciously curled her fingers, barely pressing her fingertips to tremble.

Both dreams were more than just dreams. Whether it was the heroine or the author, they seemed to coexist in the same space of consciousness, and Meng Xia would fall into that space in the form of a dream at some point.

If this is the case, it means that Meng Xia has two other spirits and souls in her body besides herself.

With Meng Xia's sensitive and delicate mind, he may have discovered this, but he kept his mouth shut.

This dark line, even if it is communication, will only make people more uneasy, Ning Qingwan slowly exhaled, and can only take one step at a time.

The trajectory changes, and no one knows what kind of road will follow.

A week is neither short nor long. The relationship between people in the villa has become very delicate, and Meng Xia has been absent these days and knows nothing about the changes in the relationship.

On the way back, Ning Qingwan probably told her about the current situation of the villa.

Racer Zhang Yang quit the show because he wanted to compete in the International Racing League. Susan's date with Ji Tong is very unpleasant, as long as Ji Tong speaks, Susan must be sarcastic, and the two appear in different frames. Xiao Sixuan suddenly became very close to Shen Lan, and Shen Lan and Su Jiabei became estranged.

When he just returned to the villa, Shen Lan hugged Meng Xia very warmly, and warmed him for a while. It wasn't until Ning Qingwan glanced coldly that Shen Lan let go.

Meng Xia found that Shen Lan had a neat short haircut, which made her look younger with her baby face.

Shen Lan sighed: "I did this because of Su Jiabei, he is too young."

Meng Xia wondered why the relationship between the two would become estranged as Ning Qingwan said that he could change himself for Su Jiabei. She knew that Shen Lan was a straightforward person, and she asked directly without beating around the bush.

Shen Lan's eyes were dim and her tone was lost, "Because I found out that the distance between me and Su Jiabei is not as simple as the age distance. He is an actor. I used to watch his play, and I didn't feel it at all, but now..."

Shen Lan stopped talking, turned her ball head, and said with a smile, "You little brat, you don't understand even if you tell me."

She understands, Meng Xia pursed her lips, and her heart began to feel depressed again. Ning Qingwan's ill girl is a beautiful type alone in the TV series.

What if Ning Qingwan took another TV series and acted in intimate scenes in the future? Whether with a man or a woman, she seems to be sour. But it can't delay the development of Ning Qingwan's career.

Meng Xia's self-consciousness didn't last long. After that, she was mentioned by Lin Youran to make up for the shot. She changed clothes and made up for the shot according to Lin Youran's request.

Before returning to the room to rest, the program team arranged a new appointment task. Choose the food you want to eat and the place you want to play the most, and guests who make the same choice travel together to check in the food and the place to play.

I don't know if this time the dating task is to do something, and the guests who make the same choice are not limited to only two people.

After experiencing the nightmare at noon and the troubles caused by Shen Lan's emotional problems, Meng Xia ushered in a new collapse. She chose the ice cream boat from the Internet celebrity dessert shop and the dream amusement park. Besides Ning Qingwan, she chose the same choice. Yuuki Tong......

Meng Xia buried her head in the pillow and sighed.

When Ning Qingwan came out of the shower after taking a bath, she saw Meng Xia hunched over and shrunk into a small ball, burying her head in the pillow and sighing.

She thought it was funny, walked over to the bed and rubbed the back of Meng Xia's head and asked, "What are you sighing for?"

"Hey, when I came back in the afternoon, I had a chat with Sister Lan. Sister, will you be filming in the future?" Meng Xia raised her face and slowly sat up straight. Her pajamas had a big neckline, and with her movements, she could see a good scene. .

And the traces Ning Qingwan left on her body. Meng Xia's skin was white and tender, and those marks had not faded much in a day.

Ning Qingwan's eyes were dim, and she looked away without showing any trace. She knew more about the situation of Shen Lan and Su Jiabei than Meng Xia, needless to say she knew everything.

"No. But there's an mv to shoot later."

There will also be ambiguous plots in the mv. The light in Meng Xia's eyes faded, and she unconsciously clenched her dress.

"Same-sex MV" Ning Qingwan hooked her lips when she saw Meng Xia's lost look, put her arms around her neck, pressed her forehead, and whispered, "You play with me."

Meng Xia was surprised, "Me?"

"Yes." Ning Qingwan kissed the corner of her lips, "If you don't want to, just change someone."

"But I, um..." Meng Xia blinked, wronged Baba.

Ning Qingwan bit her lower lip, full of threats.

"I am willing, sister, don't take pictures with others." Meng Xia said quickly, coquettishly, with a soft voice and a little aggrieved, "But I can't..."

Ning Qingwan listened softly, and her tone couldn't help being softer, "Sister will teach you."

The bite just now was not too hard, Meng Xia licked his lips unconsciously.

Seeing her movements, Ning Qingwan moved her body at will, opened her mouth to hold her lips, gently rubbed it slowly, rolled her tongue and teased it for a while before releasing it, her breath was unstable, "Just because of this sigh?"

Meng Xia was panting, her lips hurt from biting, and her tongue felt numb from being sucked in. She paused for a while before speaking, "There is President Ji on the date day after tomorrow..." She paused a little embarrassed, and lowered her head and unconsciously poked with her fingers Wearing a soft quilt, "I want to be alone with my sister."

It was rare to be so clingy, Ning Qingwan chuckled lightly, and held her waist and pressed her onto the bed.

"I want, too."

"I wish I could be alone every day..."

Read The Duke's Passion