MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 57

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The weather on Thursday was very good, the autumn was high and the air was cool, and the temperature was suitable, which was very suitable for going out to play. Guests who choose the same punch-in location according to the arrangement of the program group will travel together today.

Originally, Meng Xia was looking forward to checking in with Ning Qingwan at the Internet celebrity resort, but there was another Ji Tong. The magical combination of Canary, Bai Yueguang, and the male protagonist is destined to be no ordinary day.

Knowing that she was going to go out, Ning Qingwan exercised great restraint the night before. After a simple good night kiss, she hugged Meng Xia to sleep, and pulled Meng Xia to get up at dawn. After a while, she got up to wash.

After breakfast, the two waited in the living room for an hour before Ji Tong went downstairs.

To be able to "date" with two people he had thought about, Ji Tong's heart throbbed, and he came out after a while in the room.

When he went downstairs to see Ning Qingwan and Meng Xia, Ji Tong couldn't hide his surprise and greed.

Both of them have obviously dressed up seriously, with different styles of clothes of the same color, and completely different styles.

A cold temperament, beautiful face, bright as a rose. One has a quiet temperament, gentle eyes and gentle eyes, and looks like a chili orchid.

Ji Tong's heart was full of charming thoughts, he suppressed his greed, and asked in a warm voice, "What time did you get up?"

Ning Qing Wan said concisely, "Seven o'clock."

It was past nine o'clock now, but Ji Tong thought they were getting up early to dress up for a date, and he felt better. He walked towards the kitchen and asked, "Do you want to have breakfast together?"

Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows and said indifferently, "After eating, Mr. Ji is not in a hurry, we can still wait."

After taking a step, Ji Tong pursed his lips into a straight line. Ning Qingwan's words clearly meant that they had been waiting for a long time. Let the two ladies wait for them early in the morning. The show is about to be broadcast, and the audience's impression of him must be greatly reduced.

Seeing the camera swept over, Ji Tong restrained the expression on his face and turned to explain to the two of them modestly, "Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time, I haven't slept well in the past few days, and I slept too deeply after taking the medicine last night. This morning It's too late."

The explanation linked to physical health makes it difficult to care too much. Ning Qingwan sneered in her heart, without showing any expression on her face, she only said, "It's okay."

No other words of concern. Ning Qingwan has a cool temperament and Bo Jitong didn't expect her to say anything more, but he glanced at Meng Xia, who had always been kind to others, and found that Meng Xia lowered his head and said nothing.

It must have been too long, Ji Tong sank his eyes, there was nothing left in his heart, it was all messed up into hemp ropes.

Ji Tong just drank a cup of coffee and finished his breakfast. After rinsing the cup, he strode towards the living room and suggested, "Take my car."

Ning Qingwan wondered, "I'm not used to taking other people's cars, so I won't bother President Ji."

Facing the camera, Ji Tong nodded, and he turned his attention to Meng Xia.

Meng Xia moved to Ning Qingwan's side unconsciously, a small gesture that was self-evident.

They waited so long for him, but couldn't walk with him? Ji Tong's pretentiously gentle expression could hardly hold back. He pulled the corner of his mouth, unable to hold back the trace of sarcasm, "Actually, you don't have to wait for me, you can go first."

Ning Qingwan glanced at him in surprise, "We think so too, but isn't the dating mission three people?"

Choked by this, Ji Tong was speechless, annoyed that he couldn't hold his breath, and was about to say something to ease the awkward atmosphere caused by the impulsive speech just now.

However, Ning Qingwan suddenly changed her temper and changed her words, "It's my fault, it's really not suitable for three people to go on a date separately. Then Mr. Ji will act as the driver today."

Saying so, it seems that he is deliberately attacking, forcing Ning Qingwan to compromise. Ji Tong's throat tightened. Ever since he "was late", Ning Qingwan had been in control of the rhythm, and every step she led him made his performance look very bad.

Listening to the conversation between Ji Tong and Ning Qingwan, Meng Xia was even more certain that Ning Qingwan was deliberately pulling her to get up early to wait for Ji Tong. She flickered her long eyelashes and chose to be a transparent person.

After that, they got out of the villa and got into Ji Tong's car, and none of the three said a word.

The Internet celebrity ice cream shop is located in the Dream Amusement Park, about an hour and a half drive from the villa.

Ji Tong drove, the co-pilot sat in the photo shoot arranged by the program team, and Meng Xia and Ning Qingwan sat in the back seat.

The atmosphere in the car dropped to freezing point. There were four people in the car, and it was not a cold winter or a twelfth lunar month, but it was inexplicably cold.

Ji Tong, who was driving, had a very tight face. When the cameraman took pictures of him, he always felt that he owed him millions, so he simply stopped taking pictures of him.

Meng Xia woke up very early in the morning and was very sleepy. After getting in the car, she started to fight with her eyelids. Because the camera brother in the car had been recording videos of her, there was a war between heaven and man in his mind, and he resisted the sleepiness.

Seeing Meng Xia closing her eyes and the cute chick pecking at the rice, Ning Qingwan unconsciously raised the corners of her lips, her eyes softened.

She reached out and took Meng Xia's head and pressed it against her shoulder.

The familiar fragrance lingered in his nose, Meng Xia unconsciously took Ning Qingwan's arm and leaned his head against Ning Qingwan's neck.

The warm breath fell on her neck, Ning Qingwan's back stiffened, she lowered her eyelashes to hide the deep eyes.

Ning Qingwan quietly held Meng Xia's hand, slender fingers inserted between them, interlocking.

The camera brother saw it, lifted the device, and did not record the details.

During the rush hour, the car started and stopped, Meng Xia slept unsteadily, slipped off Ning Qingwan's shoulder several times, Ning Qingwan took her shoulder and let her sleep on his own leg.

Feeling the warmth and breath of Ning Qingwan, Meng Xia found a comfortable position and fell asleep again. The two men's clasped hands never let go.

Ning Qingwan looked down at her obediently sleeping on her lap, and a smile slipped through her eyes. She stretched out her other hand and stroked Meng Xia's cheek, her eyes full of tenderness.

When he raised his head again, the calm calm he used to be restored, Ning Qingwan glanced at the camera brother leisurely, the camera brother deeply remembered Lin Youran's instructions, and moved the equipment with interest.

Ji Tong glanced at the people in the back seat through the rearview mirror, Ning Qingwan looked out the car window sideways, Meng Xia fell asleep on her lap.

"Mr. Ji, concentrate on driving, please soften your expression." The cameraman suddenly reminded.

Ji Tong retracted his gaze and twitched the corners of his mouth.

When they arrived at the destination, it was already time for dinner. Ji Tong chose a restaurant near the amusement park. After entering the restaurant and having lunch, the group went to the amusement park.

Afraid of affecting the shooting effect, the program team specially selected the working day, there are still many tourists in the amusement park, and it is difficult to not attract attention with multiple cameras carrying equipment behind them.

After checking the ticket and entering the park, you have to wait for the staff of the program group to go through the security check one by one. Those who entered the park first waited on the side of the road. A group of tourists surrounded themselves not far and near, and took pictures with their mobile phones, their eyes glued to them all the time.

Ning Qingwan was used to it. She looked at Meng Xia, this time it was more exaggerated than the day she was recording the program at school. Meng Xia was very uncomfortable, a little cramped, and her cheeks and ears were flushed.

Ning Qingwan put a sweater and hat on her.

The hat is attached with rabbit ears. When wearing it, the ears will hang down on both sides of the hat. Meng Xia's small and delicate face is hidden in the hat, just like a little rabbit.

"Will it make you less afraid of being watched?" Ning Qingwan rubbed the bunny ears with her fingers, hey, I really want to buy more of this style for someone to wear.

Meng Xia lowered her eyes, her face turned even redder, and said softly "um".

There were fans of Ning Qingwan in the crowd, and a few little girls had stars in their eyes, and their voices were excited, "So sweet, my husband is too flirtatious."

"Is it recording "Fortunate to Meet You"? This girl is so happy!"

"Ah, I can't bear it here, just like if you put a hat on me, I'll show her a big mosquito-repellent incense on the spot."

The voices of the girls were not loud, but Meng Xia heard them, and she responded in her heart that she had turned into a mosquito coil.

There are many games in the amusement park, suitable for all ages, as well as thrilling.

The program team also thought that Ning Qingwan could be photographed in a messy image in the wind, but Ning Qingwan would not touch other exciting projects such as roller coasters except for the go-kart project that beat Ji Tong.

However, Ning Qingwan got off the go-kart with long legs, took off the helmet, flung her long hair, and stroked her hair with her slender, slender, beautiful hands.

The onlookers screamed throughout the whole process, and the sound was stronger than the speed of the car.

It can be regarded as the highlight of this program, and the pd is satisfied.

Ji Tong proposed the race car, but Ning Qingwan took the lead for most of the lap. Ji Tong glanced sideways at the high-spirited Ning Qingwan, and his heart swayed. The more he did, the more he wanted to conquer.

"It's amazing, if you lose, I'm convinced, I'll go buy you ice cream."

Ning Qingwan glanced at him sideways, with a cold tone, "It's a waste."

He didn't refuse, Ji Tong smiled, returned the helmet to the staff, turned around and walked away. After walking a few steps, he looked back. He wanted to ask them what flavor of ice cream they would like to eat, but saw Meng Xia jumping to Ning with a bright smile. Qingwan handed water in front of him.

Whether it was the splendid smile on Meng Xia's face or the soft light in Ning Qingwan's eyes that was warmer than the sun, all of them were inexplicably dazzling for a moment.

The voices of the little fans of Ning Qingwan around came into my ears.

"My husband is so handsome!"

"Mom save me, I'm going to bend."

"I also want to give my husband water to drink. My husband's eyes are too sweet, I am so sour about this girl."

"How can there be a sense of sight between the boss and her little wife."

"Wow, that man is too courageous. He actually took the initiative to lift the car. Seeing how confident he was, I thought he was very powerful, but he was hanged and beaten by his husband."

Ji Tong clenched his back molars as if nothing had happened, turned his head and strode away, clenching his hands tightly beside him.

Ning Qingwan took the water from Meng Xia, and there were many fans around her who praised her for being handsome and cool, but she didn't care, she only saw the undisguised admiration in the girl's eyes, like the twinkling of stars.

Previously, playing racing cars and playing music was highly sought after and won many awards, but Ning Qingwan never thought it was great, she just did more things in her boring life, and she just wanted to do it well.

But being stared at by Meng Xia like this, she felt a sense of joy and satisfaction in her heart, filling her entire chest, but it was far from enough, "Are you handsome?"

Not only do I want her to look at me like this, but I also want to hear her praise.

"Extraordinarily handsome." Meng Xia praised without hesitation.

The corners of Ning Qingwan's lips rose even higher. She heard the little fan say it was heart-wrenching, and teased, "Did it make you heart-wrenching?"

Meng Xia looked at her, her voice soft and serious, "Sister, you have always moved my heart."

Ning Qingwan's heart skipped a beat, don't drink water without looking at her.

"elder sister?"

"Shh, don't talk, I can't help but want to kiss you."

The voice was very low, and it was blown away by the wind. Meng Xia could hear it clearly, and her face to neck was blushing.


Ji Tong didn't come back, so Meng Xia and his party went to the Internet celebrity ice cream shop and met halfway. Ji Tong handed them the ice cream.

Both of them were polite, reached out to take it, and politely thanked them.

The net red ice cream has a very high appearance. The kitten-shaped cone and the top of the pink and white ice cream are embedded with cat ears made of cotton candy. The design is very girlish.

Meng Xia held her phone and wanted to take a picture. She turned on the camera mode and just pressed the button on the screen with her fingertips, Ning Qingwan leaned over and bit the cat's ear on her ice cream.

The picture is frozen on the mobile phone, the facial features are exquisite and picturesque, the eyes are half-drooped, the eyelashes are thick and slender, the bridge of the nose is high, and the red lips contain cat ears made of marshmallows, which is particularly sultry...

"It tastes the same." Ning Qingwan straightened up without changing her face, and handed the ice cream in her hand to Meng Xia, with only one ear left on it, "I'll give you one."

Meng Xia's breath was stagnant, her eyelashes were lightly fanned twice, she rolled her throat subconsciously, opened her mouth to bite the cat ear, and it melted in her mouth, sweet to her heart.

A few girls murmured in my ears again—

"I'm gone... My husband is too good!"

"This girl looks familiar, ah! It's the one hugged at the concert."

"Is she possessed by a koi?? I'm going to turn it into a lemon essence!"

Meng Xia licked the ice cream, remembered the papers written by the authors in the dream, and corrected in her heart that it was not the koi possessed, but the blessing of the golden finger.

Ning Qingwan watched Meng Xia stick out her bright red tongue to lick the ice cream, her eyes flashed with a dark color, "Is it delicious?"

"Yeah." Meng Xia returned to her senses and looked at the ice cream in Ning Qingwan's hand, but she didn't take a bite except for the cat ears, "Sister don't want to eat it?"

"Looks like yours looks better."

Meng Xia blinked, are these two ice creams different?

This kind of communication seemed to Ning Qingwan less of a sense of alienation and more of a girl's cuteness, Ji Tong listened, gloomy over half of it, ripples in the heart lake, and explained softly, "The taste is the same. "

Ning Qingwan glanced at Ji Tong casually.

One second Ji Tong still thought was cute, the next second made him feel chills on the back of his neck.

Meng Xia, who just wanted to make Ning Qingwan happy, turned a deaf ear to Ji Tong's explanation. She handed the ice cream in her hand to Ning Qingwan and said softly, "Sister thinks mine is delicious, so let's change it?"

Ning Qingwan took the ice cream, the corners of her lips curved, and her dark eyes smiled, "Okay."

Ning Qingwan licked the smooth spot Meng Xia had licked.

Meng Xia watched, her ears were hot, and the corners of her lips could not be restrained. She lowered her head and bit the tip of the ice cream to hide her panic and joy.

Taking a cold sip, Meng Xia sighed, "It's so sweet."

With a smile in Ning Qingwan's eyes, she followed her tone, "Yes."

The author has something to say: the hard work has reduced the description of Ji as much as possible, and I didn't expect that such a situation would be isolated to readers.

Sorry for the unpleasant reading experience caused to readers.

Only the original male protagonist can be explained here. He is a male protagonist, not cannon fodder.

If there is no plot, I will write that the two are together, do it, and get married and you can end the flower, right...

Do you need spoilers to understand me? The three-person trip was deliberately arranged by Wan Wan, for the broadcast effect of the show and for Wan Wan to come out publicly.

Sorry for the glass heart.

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-1300:56:47~2020-10-1414:36:45~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 3 mochi; 1 Qingjiu Xiyue;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Kagura students; 19 bottles of huanx; 6 bottles of Qingjiu Xiyue and soul. 6 bottles; 975 bottles; 468413841 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!