MTL - Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me-Chapter 878 Limited Edition Luxury Car Graffiti Live

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After feeding a bowl of porridge, the warmth also seemed to complete a big thing. Take a paper towel and wipe the corner of the emperor's lips. "Okay, you can go busy."

The Emperor Hao reached out and held the warm little hand, "Work hard, wife!"

He secretly told himself not to get up so early in the morning, lest he sleep well with the warmth. If he knew that it was warm in the middle of the night, he was making porridge ...

Warmly pursed his lips: "Go!"

The emperor lowered his head and pecked gently at the warm lips. "You sleep a little longer, I will fight back sooner!"

Warm watched the emperor walk out the door on the balcony. As soon as he left, the warmth turned back, thinking about what happened to Yeff.

Today, I did n’t even go to sk. I had to give a good lesson to that guy!

Warmly return to the room, open the mailbox, and first arrange the company's affairs. John is managing the big aspect. She mainly looks at the "color" piece. After the last dyeing shop problem was solved, she sent it to herself. People have communicated. Now, the person in charge of the dye shop can basically call up the color she wants. Although it is a bit unsatisfactory, she can't care much now.

The maid knocked on the door outside: "Miss, it's meal time. Do you want to eat now?"

The Emperor Hao has finished eating, and if he does n’t want to go to the restaurant, he turns around and says, "A cup of cow" milk ", a piece of toast, bring me to the room, thank you!"

The servant quickly brought breakfast, biting a slice of bread in her warm mouth and tapping her finger on the keyboard. She searched the Internet for the tricky and wicked way, but after browsing around, she found that both were unsatisfactory. On the balcony, thinking about Erlang's legs, she suddenly glanced at the place where the luxury car was parked at the corner of the castle, and suddenly came to an idea—

Warm soon registered an account with the largest live broadcast platform on the Internet. With her beautiful and beautiful appearance, she quickly passed. Then she published a lasting title: "Limited Edition Luxury Car Graffiti, so stay tuned! 》

In the end, she used the big V to push out the news from this live broadcast room.

Soon, the live broadcast room immediately received many responses. Whether it was out of curiosity or disbelief, many people kept coming over and chatting there:

"Really? Dare to use the limited edition luxury car graffiti, you bull!"

"I want to ask what is the limited edition luxury car, is it convenient to reveal it?"

"The present anchor is really hard! Don't tell me that your limited edition luxury car is a toy car!"


Work hard, wait for about the same time, go downstairs warmly, and tell the housekeeper: "Go help me find some graffiti paint, the more" color "color, the better!"

"Good lady!"

The butler quickly prepared, and warmly walked out of the castle, took out the limited edition luxury car of Yev, placed it in the middle of the lawn, opened the live room, and brought a 360-degree close-up of the luxury car to this luxury car. .

"Wow! Really a limited edition luxury car! No, it should be called out of print! Because this is the only one in the world!"

"This car is so cool, so cool, sister, please beg ..."

"Do you really dare to graffiti on this limited-edition luxury car? Certainly not the kind of washed paint?"

Warm is just aiming the camera at the luxury car, let those people in the live broadcast chatter, she knows that in this era of network information explosion, the news is gone in the wind, and there must be a lot of people at this time. When the wind rushed, it was estimated that when the housekeeper brought the paint, the live broadcast room would be full.

If Yves can also enter this live broadcast room, it is really fun!

It ’s okay for him not to come, it does n’t matter if he does n’t see it, as long as he has live broadcasted the luxury car graffiti, it wo n’t be long before this video will fly all over the Internet, and sooner or later he will see it.

He warmed his lips and smiled.

She didn't know Yev's contact information. At first, she just wanted to use this method to bring Yev out. Now she suddenly realized that this game may be quite interesting! Even if Yeff is from the Ai Landi family, he is not bad money, but for a young man who loves his car, a limited edition luxury car is graffiti ...

He warmly reached for his cheeks and tilted his head. Um, let me think about it, what should I do with him?

The housekeeper ran to his breathless trot, carrying several buckets of paint in his hand, in various forms. When he looked at the warm smile, he was startled, and quickly frowned.

How does it feel like the young lady's smile looks like a little devil, which looks scary?

"Miss, the paint you want is found!"

Warm glanced back, there were many paint buckets, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, and everything was ready.

"Well, yes!" Nodded warmly and satisfied.

When the housekeeper stepped back, warmth began her live broadcast. She turned the camera to those paints, "Is it washed?"

A cry came immediately from the live broadcast room: "What about the special graffiti paint on the wall? And it's the famous brand of Hill, you cow!"

"The graffiti materials are all made of top-quality products. It seems that the little fairy's home is rich against the country!"

"Sister, if you can't run out of luxury cars, I used to be a pet for you. You can give me that car, don't paint it!"

"Little fairy, hurry up and get ready to paint a beautiful face? I'm waiting!"

"Yes, yes, hurry up, don't dare!"


Below, a lot of coaxing people quickly swiped the screen, urging warmth to graffiti on the luxury car.

Warm smile, these gangs are not too big to watch!

She deliberately glanced at the screen of the live broadcast room, and did not find Yeff's figure. Or, she could not recognize who was who.

One called "Walking" was the most motivated in the live broadcast room and encouraged: "Hurry up! Come and come, like and walk away! Gifts are brushed up, let's encourage the little fairy!"

Having finished speaking, he took the lead in brushing a row of yachts!

Immediately afterwards, many netizens began to give gifts to the warmth, and shouted while swiping the gifts: "Hurry up!"

Looking at the full screen of gifts flying around, the warmth could not help but cry. She put on a small apron, put on gloves, took a bucket of yellow "color" paint, opened it, and poured it on the roof of the car, "Wow--"


"Little fairy domineering! Come again!"


Looking at the luxury cars ticking and ticking with paint, the netizens burst into blood, and the gifts are more joyous.

Warmly open a bucket of red "color", splashed on the car: "Wow-"

Then the green "color", the blue "color", the black "color", the gray "color" ... In short, no matter what color "color", get started on the car.

The graffiti is almost lifted up. Her car-washing method is simple and rough!

However, the netizens watched the game with great joy, flew up the gifts, and warmed up the newcomer who was on the live broadcast for the first time, soaring to the list directly.

But unaware of these warmths, she simply felt that the paint was sullen. Isn't Yefu's family Ai Landi? Is the emperor's injury related to him? It's just a splash of paint, it should be splashed with paint!