MTL - Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me-Chapter 879 I have a gift for you

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After warming up and pouring the drink, I felt a little tired. I reached out and wiped the sweat on my forehead. I was about to order someone to get some paint for myself and poured this car into a bright spring, colorful. "Miss, there is a young man outside looking for you, saying he is the owner of this car!"

Yev is here? well!

Warmly turned his head, "Let him wait while going and tell him to go to him when I finish painting, oh yes, and get some paint for me!"

The butler glanced at the unrecognizable car, and he was a little nervous.

When I warmed the car back yesterday, he thought that the lady was finally willing to drive the car, and bought a new car. He went to the Internet to check this car. It is a global limited edition out of print. It's someone else's!

However, the lady painted this to others!

Although the Shao family has money, but this car can't be bought with money now, how to pay?

The butler was secretly worried, but looking at the warm and calm look, it was not easy to say much. He just nodded and asked for paint again.

Warmly point the camera at the luxury car, "How is my graffiti craft? You watch it for a while, I'm tired, take a break!"

"Little fairy, please take my knees!"

"Little fairy, wait for you to play enough, can you reward me with this car? I don't even dislike Tu's flowers!"


It ’s also a gift full of screens, many of them brush yachts and planes. Although these things are virtual, they are worth a lot to be exchanged for money. Online, there is no shortage of people who have money and have fun. Obviously, the behavior of warm luxury car graffiti is very appetizing for them.

He slumped warmly on the grass, glanced at the gift full of screens, and shook his head silently.

If it weren't for cleaning up Yeff, she wouldn't do such a boring and wasteful thing!

After a while, the housekeeper brought the paint over.

"Miss, the gentleman is very anxious at the door, he begs to call you!"

Warm raised an eyebrow, "Come on!"

The butler answered the phone of the bodyguard at the door, and immediately Yeff's voice came: "Little sweetheart! Little pepper! Please, please stop! What do you need us to discuss!"

Warm glance at the car that has long been unrecognizable, stop it? Sorry, it's too late.

She smiled: "Let them let you in, just I have a gift for you!"

Hang up the phone and warmly command the housekeeper: "Go to the door to pick it up and bring him here!"

"Yes, miss!"

The butler nodded and hurried to the gate.

Warmly walked into the mobile phone stand, not "exposing" his face, but just reached out and shook it in the camera, "Okay everyone, today's graffiti is over, I'm going to wash my hands!"

Turning off the live broadcast, she glanced at her gift list. There are hundreds of thousands of them in total, no wonder they say that they are making money as anchors!

However, Warmth is not here, and hundreds of thousands are nothing to their family. Warmly and decisively left the live broadcast platform and put the phone back in his pocket.

Yev followed the housekeeper all the way. This group of medieval castles full of medieval culture was quite famous in country y. Before that, he also came here admiringly and wanted to see the charm of the castle, but this time he really came in, But there is no mood to watch at all, and he only misses his car and car!

I hope not to make me too bad! Yves kept praying in his heart.

When he reached the lawn, he saw his unrecognizable limited-edition luxury car from afar. The entire body could only be described with thick ink and heavy colors, and the original color of the body could not be seen at all!

Yev wailed and rushed over!

Drinking coffee on a rocking chair sitting on the side warmly, under the light of the sun, her fair skin like jade, revealing the moisturizing powder, looks like people want to take a bite!

Yev looked at her with a complicated feeling that she couldn't wait to love it.

This little ruthless man!


Gev glanced at his car, only to feel distressed and unable to speak.

Take a warm sip of coffee, slowly raise your head, smile at Yev Yan, and pout in the direction of the car: "Can I still be satisfied with the gift I gave you?"

She didn't say it was okay. As soon as she said, Jeff only felt that the cusp of her heart was blossomed, and blood bubbles gurgled out.

"You're too cruel, right?" Yeff spread his hand. "You robbed my car and hurt it like this!"

Putting down the coffee cup warmly, slowly stood up and walked step by step in front of Yeff. Her face, without a smile, was replaced by a sense of indifference and dignity.

Yves was frightened by her powerful aura, and was a little dazed, and took a step back subconsciously, "You ... wouldn't you also want to splash paint on me?"

Warm suddenly hooked his lips: "Splash paint? Too light!"

Yeff regretted that he had rushed in. He felt a little strange looking at his eyes warmly, like ... what hatred?

Yev licked the corners of his lips a little bit hard: "Sweetheart, did you misunderstand me?"

Looking at his eyes warmly and straight, "My husband was attacked and injured on the night I stayed on the Unnamed Island, and few people could hurt him, but that day, he smelled a rich floral fragrance, Feeling dizzy! "

"Do you have a husband?"

Ye Fu frowned, only to feel the bitter water in his stomach bursting out, waiting for a few seconds before he reacted, surprised: "You are doubting me? I was with you that day, even if you sleep I was watching next to me. How could I hurt your husband? Besides, I do n’t even know him! "

There was an embarrassment on Warm's face, and she looked away awkwardly. Therefore, she didn't notice that when Yeff said the last sentence, there was a slight guilty conscience in his eyes.

"If you don't do it yourself, it doesn't mean that this matter has nothing to do with you. At least, the drunk dream was cultivated by you!" Said warmly and coldly.

Yeff shrugged, spread his hands, and looked helpless.

"Okay, it sounds like it has something to do with me, but I'm really innocent!"

"I can only tell you that in the past, I also lived in a very large and luxurious manor. They wanted to train me to become an elite in a business kingdom, but unfortunately, I only like the garden full of plants."

"When I was in college, I secretly changed my major to botany. I planted a lot of strange plants in the garden. I also built a laboratory next to it. The drunk dream was actually cultivated there, and I It also used it to extract a bottle of high-concentration plant essence. "


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