MTL - Best of Hollywood-Chapter 415 Ratings (OK)

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Ryan not only saw Charlize-Theron, but also Adwal-Aginui-Aigbaji, Christopher-Ecclestone and others.

"Hello, Mr. Gosling!"

Tony Raines stepped forward and said with a very serious face, "Congratulations to "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" for being a hit."

"Thank you." Ryan said thank you politely.

"But..." Tony Raines said very regretfully: "This film belongs to Hollywood, not a film that truly belongs to Britain. The commercial element is too heavy, so it won't do much in the awards."

"Hopefully, for the next series, Orion Pictures and Warner Bros. can consider artistic achievements, not just business."

Ryan gave him a strange look, then turned to Charlize-Theron and asked, "Who is he?"

"Mr. Tony Raines is a famous British film critic." Charlize Theron revealed a trace of helplessness.

A British film critic!

Ryan suddenly understood, "Sorry, Mr. Tony Raines."

"Orion Pictures and Warner Bros. have their own shooting plans, and will not consider your suggestion for the time being."

After finishing speaking, Ryan pulled Charlize Theron and turned away, leaving Tony Raines with an ugly face.

He's not in the mood to talk nonsense to a British film critic.

Besides, he already knew who Tony Raines was.

In his previous life, Tony Raines liked to talk about independent films in various countries, including the status and development of independent films on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Very ridiculous thing.

"You should have been a little more tactful just now, he is well-known in British film critic circles." Charlize-Theron knew it would be like this.

She knew that Ryan didn't like film critics, and even hated them.

"Do you want me to talk to him about art?"

Ryan smiled, "Film critics are a group that is about to be eliminated, and art films will never become mainstream Hollywood films."

"Audiences and studios want movies for the masses, not art for the minority."

Instead of awards and art, Hollywood relies on commercial films with ever-larger investments.

Even, Oscar's ratings have been declining year by year, and the academy had to make some compromises to commercial films.

Commercial films such as "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" and "Harry-Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" may not win major awards.

But definitely get nominated for some technical awards.

Only with the participation of these popular commercial films can the Oscars attract enough viewers to stop the downward trend in ratings.

To put it bluntly, this is also for commercial purposes.

"Charlie, don't care about the film critics." Ryan put his arms around Charlize-Theron's waist, enjoying the slippery feeling, "The group of film critics is worthless in front of commercial public relations."

Not surprisingly, "Gladiator" will become the biggest winner of this Oscar.

However, "Gladiator" does not rely on any art, but the powerful commercial public relations of DreamWorks and Universal Pictures.

At the end of the premiere, Ryan and Charlize Theron returned to the Bel-Air mansion and couldn't wait to turn on the TV.

"I thought Orion Films wouldn't get into the TV production business."

Charlize Theron was lying on the sofa, with a pair of slender legs exposed under the evening dress, "The Walking Dead?"

"This is a zombie drama!"

Charlize Theron was a little curious, "Similar to the plot of "Night of the Living Dead"!"

Zombie culture is very popular in Europe and the United States. "Night of the Living Dead" is the earliest zombie-themed film, which was shot in 1967.

However, Charlize Theron grew up in South Africa and doesn't know much about zombie culture.

"Somewhat similar, but not exactly the same."

Ryan sat down next to Charlize Theron, "Orion Films intends to make it into a series, and the whole storyline will be very long."

"It is mainly shot around the two themes of survival and exploration, and "Night of the Living Dead" is more like a thriller movie."

To put it bluntly, it is how to survive and find various supplies under the situation of zombie siege.

In the middle, there will be some zombie attacks, human nature and other plots interspersed.

Charlize Theron, who was listening, frowned, and couldn't help but rubbed her temples, "Compared to zombies, I prefer warmer family dramas."

Ryan smiled. The various zombies in "The Walking Dead" really don't please women very much.

"Charlie, you can take a bath first."

He looked at the time, and it was almost ten o'clock, "By the time you come out of the bathroom, it's probably over."

Comcast's cable network and Time Warner's Turner Television Network set a broadcast time slot at ten o'clock in the evening.

Like the original The Walking Dead, the first episode is only a pilot.

If the ratings live up to expectations, the next episode will be rescheduled to a Friday or Saturday prime-time slot.

The prime time for American television shows is seven to ten in the evening.

"Good advice."

Charlize Theron sat up and kissed Ryan, and said in a seductive tone, "I'll go upstairs to take a milk bath first."

After finishing speaking, Charlize Theron got up and walked towards the second floor, leaving Ryan with a beautiful back.

Ryan looked at Charlize-Theron's back and rolled his eyes helplessly. He had to teach her a lesson tonight.

In fact, Ryan was not the only one sitting in front of the TV and waiting. Many senior managers and staff of Orion Films, etc., almost all sat anxiously in front of the TV, waiting for the broadcast of "The Walking Dead".

Even more nervous than when a large-scale commercial film was released.

Once "The Walking Dead" succeeds, it will mark Orion Pictures' formal entry into the television program production industry.

For an ambitious film company, this is far more important than the success of a film.

Besides, the production cost of "The Walking Dead" is not low at all. The production price of each episode is as high as $1.5 million, although it is not as good as the original version's $1.65 million per episode.

But don't forget, it's 2000 and the original The Walking Dead came out in 2010.

There is a ten-year gap between the two. Taking into account inflation and the depreciation of the dollar, the production cost of Orion Films is much higher than that of the original version.

There are only six episodes of "The Walking Dead", and Orion Pictures paid $9 million for it, enough to shoot a low-budget movie.


Looking at the disgusting zombies on the TV, Amanda Cadenet stared fiercely at the innocent Sofia Coppola, "Is this the TV program produced by Orion Films you said?"

"God, I really shouldn't come here, just like you tricked me into acting as a model last time."

"Amanda." Sofia Coppola put her arms around Amanda Cadenet with a smile, "They are not in Los Angeles anyway."

"I can only find you."

Amanda Cadenet is a friend of Sofia Coppola who has known her for many years. She also served as a model for Sofia Coppola's clothing company.

By the way, Amanda Cadenet is a model and TV host herself.

"It's literally a horror movie."

Amanda Cadenet was a little mad, "You know, I never watch horror movies."

"It's not a horror movie, it's a zombie." Sofia Coppola defended.

Amanda Cadenet rolled her eyes in anger. In her eyes, "The Walking Dead" is a horror movie.

"Okay, how about treating you to a big meal tomorrow?"

Sofia Coppola glanced at the TV from the corner of her eye and saw the **** scene of shooting zombies. Her stomach churns, and she quickly said, "For example, French food or Chinese food."

"At least three meals." Amanda Cadenet said through gritted teeth.

"Deal." Sofia Coppola immediately agreed.

The plot of the first episode of "The Walking Dead" was very long, lasting more than an hour. When the broadcast ended, it was already past eleven o'clock.

Amanda Cadenet finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Remember to tell me the ratings tomorrow."

"If possible, I will try to mention it in the program."

Comcast's cable TV network and Time Warner's Turner TV network will have to wait until tomorrow at the earliest to calculate the ratings. If it is slow, it will take one to two weeks.

On the afternoon of the second day, Orion Pictures got an approximate ratings.

"Based on data collected by two television networks via return telephone interviews."

John Denise said with some disbelief: "The number of online users is about 6.5 million, and many viewers expressed that they would continue to follow the show."

6.5 million!

Sofia Coppola's eyes widened, "It's definitely 6.5 million!"

John-Denise shrugged, "Based on the existing statistics of ratings, there are inevitably some errors."

"But the minimum number of online viewers for "The Walking Dead" will not be lower than 6 million."

Ryan was only slightly surprised, then calmed down, "There is no need to be so surprised, 6.5 million online viewers are nothing for a popular TV show."

The number of online viewers of some popular TV programs in the United States can often exceed 30 million.

As for how much moisture there is!

That's hard to say.

"It's nothing!"

Sofia Coppola took a deep breath. "Comcast doesn't have as many cable subscribers as you think, and Turner has even fewer subscribers."

"It's not even as good as the ABC TV network when put together."

"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," produced by the ABC network, averaged 29 million viewers a night.

Speaking of this, she showed a look of pity, "Even if we didn't cooperate with ABC TV network, we could choose CBS TV network."

The CBS television network is the Columbia Broadcasting Corporation.

However, it is not owned by Sony, but by Viacom, the parent company of Paramount.

"The terms of cooperation between Comcast and Turner TV Network are very good, and we only signed a one-season cooperation." The purpose of Ryan's choice of cooperation with Comcast and Turner TV Network is very simple.

Orion Pictures is also one of Comcast's shareholders, and Comcast is about to become the largest broadband provider in the United States, which will be of great help to Netflix's future development.

What's more, just like what he said just now, the conditions of cooperation between Comcast and Turner Television Network are very favorable.

If it were the ABC TV network or the CBS TV network, it would be almost impossible to give such superior cooperation conditions.

After all, Orion Pictures is only a newcomer in TV program production.

"Is there anything else besides ratings?" Ryan asked John Denise.

"Comcast and Turner Networks are hoping to add an episode or two to Christmas Eve and Christmas."

John-Denise put down the file in his hand and continued: "The remaining few episodes will be adjusted to Friday's prime time broadcast."

The broadcast mode of American TV series is different from that on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. There is no one broadcast every day, but weekly broadcasts. At most one episode will be broadcast every week, and one more episode will be broadcast unless it is an important holiday.

In the United States, if you want to follow a six-episode American TV series, you need at least a month or more, which is simply cheating.

If it was put on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, it would be scolded to death. A 40-episode TV series would take more than half a year.

Of course, the number of episodes of American TV dramas will not be many, and they will generally be controlled within twelve episodes.

"Yes." Ryan thought for a while and said, "An extra episode can be added on Christmas Day."

"Okay, let them know." John-Denise agreed and turned to leave the office.

"If Shonda Rhimes comes over later, she can come up directly." Ryan mentioned a very unfamiliar name, Shonda Rhimes, to Sofia Coppola.

Sanda-Rhames is a black woman who was admitted to the University of Southern California School of Film for a master's degree, and is considered half of Ryan's alumni.

This time Sanda-Rhames came over because a tutor from the University of Southern California Film School personally called Ryan to introduce him.

Hearing Sanda-Rhames' name, Ryan immediately agreed.

She is not only an editor, but also a director and producer herself, and has served as a screenwriter in the crews of "Flying Across the Galaxy Dream" and "Crossing the Country Road".

Among them, "Across the Country Road" is the debut novel of Britney Spears.

In the end, this popular singer did not choose to stay in Orion Films, a small record company, but chose to sign with a large record company.

In this regard, Ryan didn't hold back too much. Orion Pictures' focus is not on music records, and it can't meet Britney Spears' request.

Back to the topic, Shonda Rhimes is here this time to promote a script, a script related to medical themes.

"How's the theater attendance!"

Just after participating in a publicity event, Charlize Theron returned to the hotel, looking a little nervous.

On December 22, "Beauty Undercover" was released on a large scale in North America, with 2,668 movie theaters opening on the first day.

A film with an investment of only 45 million U.S. dollars got the opening scale of 2,665 movie theaters during the Christmas period.

It is enough to show that Warner Bros. and theater companies are optimistic about the commercial prospects of the film.

"It's not bad." Helen said optimistically, "The box office on the first day should reach 3 million US dollars."

Only $3 million!

Charlize-Theron shook her head, slightly disappointed, compared to the first-day box office of several films she starred in, it was less than one-third.

Perhaps "Beauty Undercover" will be the film she starred in with the lowest box office on the first day.

"Charlie, take it easy."

Looking at Charlize-Theron's somewhat disappointed look, Helen explained: "Although this film has added a lot of action plots, it is still an action comedy film on the whole, and the lower box office at the premiere does not have much impact , the key is the long-term box office trend."

"Besides, you still have "Special Forces: Rise of Cobra."

G.I. Ops: Rise of Cobra is set to release in March.

This is a very thorough action film, with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, supported by the Pentagon and the military.

Even if the box office of "Beauty Undercover" is not satisfactory, as long as "Special Forces: Rise of Cobra" can sell well, Charlize Theron can still maintain her status as a first-line actress.

"I'm at most an important supporting role in this film." Charlize Theron has seen the internal test screening of "Special Forces: The Rise of Cobra". The scene is very hot, and it is definitely a classic commercial film.

It's a pity that there are not many shots of her in the film.

"Even if you don't have many roles, you are still the heroine."

"This is very important to you, and..."

Helen pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, "Orion Pictures already has plans to shoot "Resident Evil" and "Charlie's Angels."

"Currently, Milla Jovovich is the only candidate for the heroine of "Resident Evil". If there is no accident, it will be difficult for you to get this role."

"The other "Charlie's Angels" is positioned as a large-scale commercial film I will mention it to Ryan at that time."

"And Deadly Violet."

Ryan does not plan to shoot the film anytime soon.

The box office of the original version of "Deadly Violet" is not very good, whether it is the box office in North America or overseas, it can only be described as dismal.

Therefore, Ryan plans to wait for the box office market on the other side of the Pacific to mature, to co-produce under the name of Golden Harvest, add a few Chinese and Japanese actors, and focus on the box office market on the other side of the Pacific and Japan.

It's best to wait until around 2009-2010, when Kuzeki's box office across the Pacific surges in capacity.

In the previous life, many hit films in North America relied on the box office market across the Pacific Ocean to sell well, even exceeding US$100 million at the box office.

There are many such examples.

If it weren't for the various restrictions on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Hollywood film companies would inevitably usher in a new peak period.

Right now, Hollywood studios can only get 13% of the box office share from the other side of the Pacific Ocean, and it will increase to 25% in a few years.

Remember it is twenty-five percent after tax.

That is, for 100 yuan box office, 5% to 5 yuan will be allocated to the special fund for film industry development; 3.3% to 3.3 yuan for related taxes and fees, and 25% of the remaining 91.7 yuan is Hollywood The film company's commission is about 22 yuan.

Of course, there are workarounds, such as investing in theaters on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, and co-produced films.

In contrast, the box office share of North American theater companies is a step-by-step,

In the first week of release, the film distribution company can get more than 80% of the box office, and the theater company's income mainly comes from the profit from selling popcorn and drinks.

In the next few weeks, the theater company's share ratio will gradually increase.

In fact, the split of the box office has always been one of the focuses of trade disputes.

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