MTL - Best of Hollywood-Chapter 416 chinese

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"Hello, Ms. Shonda."

Seeing a not very tall, slightly fat black woman walking in, Ryan very politely invited her to sit down.

"If possible, I'd like to read the script first." Ryan didn't go straight to the point.

"Okay." Sanda Rhimes sat down very quietly, and took out a script from her briefcase.

Ryan reached out to take the script and flipped through it and asked, "Ms. Shanda, why did you think of creating a medical-themed script!"

In his previous life, Ryan had studied many Hollywood movies, and he could silently write out the outline of the main line of the movie with his memory.

American dramas are different.

Not to mention, it is impossible for him to watch so many American dramas, the length of the plot alone is enough to make him blind.

What's more, many American dramas involve a lot of professional knowledge.

For example, the script that Shonda-Rhames just handed over, even if he casually flipped through two pages, Ryan saw a lot of professional knowledge about medicine.

Especially technical jargon, which can make most editors dumbfounded.

"When I was in high school, I have been volunteering in the hospital, so I know the hospital very well."

Sanda-Rhames showed a look of reminiscence, as if recalling the scene in high school, "Many plots of the characters in the script were the ideas I got at that time."

"A legendary inspiration." Ryan praised sincerely.

Don't look at Sanda Rhimes now, she doesn't have much fame.

But in her previous life, she was well-known in the industry, and was called the queen of American drama screenwriters by many media. She has created popular American dramas such as "Grey's Anatomy", "Scandal", and "How to Get Away with Law".

In addition, she is also a female academic bully. She studied at Dartmouth College and received her bachelor's degree there.

Dartmouth College is one of the eight prestigious Ivy League schools in the United States.

After graduating from university, she was admitted to the Film School of the University of Southern California, and she and Ryan are half alumni.

Ryan probably flipped through the script, looked up at Shonda-Rhames and asked, "Ms. Shonda, Orion Pictures has just been involved in TV program production for a short time, and there is no independent TV network to support it."

"So I can only give you two options. One is that Orion Films will buy out all the copyrights of the script at a reasonable price. The other is to co-produce and shoot with Orion Films as a producer."

The first cooperation method is very simple, and the only advantage is that you can get a script buyout fee immediately.

Another way of cooperation is to cooperate with Orion Films as a producer and share the income of the entire project.

The downside is that once it becomes a hit drama.

Then Shonda-Rhames will need to be tied to the chariot of Orion Films for a long time in the future.

Hearing the two cooperation methods mentioned by Ryan, Shonda Rhimes did not hesitate for long before making a choice, "I need to be the producer of this show."

"No problem." Ryan put down the script in his hand, agreed and said: "In addition, you can start preparing the crew at any time, and Orion Pictures will be responsible for the rest."

Shonda-Rhames nodded, and the two began to discuss the details of their cooperation and filming plans.

List such as treatment, funds, crew preparation, audition, shooting location and character personality in the script, etc.

The level of cumbersomeness is not as simple as preparing a Hollywood film crew.

In particular, the selection of main actors must not only conform to the character settings in the script, but also ensure that they can play for a long time in the future.

Hollywood films are, at best, trilogies.

But there are more than a dozen seasons of American dramas.

The original version of "Grey's Anatomy" was produced from 2004, broadcasted in early 2005, and broadcast in the eleventh season in 2014. It took ten years.

It's simply impossible in Hollywood.

"Choose an Asian as an important female supporting role!" Ryan rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

There are a large number of Asian, African, and Latino actors in American dramas, most of whom are supporting roles.

The actor Sandra Oh who played Christina Yang in the original "Grey's Anatomy" is an Asian actor.

It's just that she is not a Chinese actor, but a Korean actor.

"Adding an Asian supporting role can increase the number of Asian audiences." Shonda Rhimes is not only planning to add an Asian actor.

It is also planned to cast African-American and Latino actors to attract minority audiences.


"Let Golden Harvest select some Chinese actors from the audition list." Ryan did not consider Hollywood Asian actors.

Choose to pick directly from Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Bay of Bay, across the Pacific.

Sanda-Rhames opened her mouth, looking a bit hesitant.

Compared with Chinese actors, she would prefer a Korean or Japanese actor to play the role.

After all, South Korea and Japan are one of the important markets for American dramas.

In contrast, Singapore and Malaysia are sparsely populated and their markets are small. The markets for American dramas in Xiangjiang and Wanwan are not very large, and it is rare to buy popular American dramas on the other side of the However, Shonda-Rhames I didn't say much, and it's not impossible to choose a Chinese actor.

The two talked until after five o'clock before Shonda-Rhames left.

After Christmas, she will officially sign a cooperation agreement with Orion Films, and start preparing for the filming around March.

After looking at the time, Ryan asked someone to notify Jiahe, and then he got up and left the office.

The audition list of actors that Golden Harvest needs to select is not only the American drama "Grey's Anatomy", but also the second season of "The Walking Dead" and "Charlie's Angels" that are about to be filmed.

"Grey's Anatomy" and "The Walking Dead" are only supporting roles, and the conditions can be relaxed.

"Charlie's Angels" is one of the three protagonists in the film, and the investment of the entire project is as high as more than 100 million US dollars.

The requirements for audition actors are very high.

Once the news reaches Xiangjiang, it will inevitably cause quite a stir.

However, Ryan did not plan to choose a big-name Chinese female star, but wanted to choose a newcomer with solid skills.

In this way, not only can the salary be saved, but also excessive demands can be avoided.

Orion Pictures will never allow such a disturbance caused by Liu Yuling, the star of the original "Charlie's Angels", to happen.

How much an actor is paid is determined by the actor's own commercial value, not his race.

Actors who have never appeared in large-scale commercial films are naturally impossible to get high pay.

Jackie Chan, who is also a Chinese actor, has a basic salary of more than 15 million US dollars.

This is not comparable at all.

However, the English requirement alone keeps most of the newcomers from the other side of the Pacific at the door. Unless it is necessary, there are very few actors on the other side of the Pacific who specialize in learning English, and they must also reach the level of normal conversation.

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