MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 1006 Seventh Fleet sorties

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  Tykhonov has no selfishness in this regard. He is much stronger than Serov in this regard. Serov can't guarantee that he does not have it, so he can only try his best to control the thoughts in his heart. Again, this kind of thing can be adjusted slowly, and the sausage-cutting tactics can be used to get back on the right track a little bit, and no violent demolition team method can be used.

   This year, it was stipulated that he could not concurrently serve as general secretary, chairman of the Supreme Soviet, and chairman of the Council of Ministers. Next year, the issue of leaders' children will be stipulated, and the term of office of local cadres in the same post will be determined the year after, and the matter will always be resolved.

   "The most important issue is the control of grass-roots cadres. This issue will be discussed later." Serov just mentioned it and kept his mouth shut. This also requires whether the KGB can break away from the Soviet cadre system.

   If we want to use the KGB as the representative of the Soviet Union's security system to maintain the current state, we must press the Soviet Union's cadre system to maintain a clean state. It may work in the short term, but only one result in the long term. Security cadres and agency cadres will eventually work. If the KGB wins, it is a purge, and if it loses, Beria reappears. Neither outcome was good for the Soviet Union.

   Then he talked about the domestic surveillance and whether the society is stable, and finally Serov announced the end of the meeting. The boring days began to come again. It seemed that he said a lot of questions at the meeting. In fact, during the several hours of the meeting, most of the time all the committee members spoke were useless words.

   It’s a pity that Serov never entered the cadre class in his last life, otherwise he would be able to compare them. Which country in China and the Soviet Union is more capable of killing time with official words. Maybe this is the inherent problem of the Soviet system. If this is the case, this kind of fault is not fatal, and the efficiency is still very powerful.

   Take the car home, as the children are growing up, the work of the work, the school of the school. The villa became empty. Only Yulia came back to see Serov drinking Valya.

"My dear eldest princess, when will you get married? I haven't learned that your mother always urges you, but don't go too far, it's almost enough. Look at your age!" Shelov touched the aspen in the yard , many years ago he had many bird cages under this tree, and it seemed that he failed in the end. The older you get, the more memories you have, it seems to be the case.

"Don't worry, I'm waiting for two years. What's the age, are women just tools for giving birth?" Yulia put her arms together and said with a smile, "Of course I understand that equality between men and women is impossible. But father, even if you think so in your heart, you definitely don't dare to say it publicly, right? This is discrimination against women, and you are the general secretary."

What Serov wanted to say was directly gagged in his mouth, he thought for a while, then nodded and said, "You are right, in a sense I really can't say publicly that men bear most of the responsibilities of society. This is indeed unfriendly to women. , but I can speak from a different angle, you can't refute it yet..."

"Oh?" Yulia raised her eyebrows, her condescending attitude was no less condescending, and she was even better than the general secretary. She raised her head slightly, like a Soviet soldier in the military parade on Red Square, with a proud expression on her face. , "What angle?"

Serov took a deep look at his daughter and suddenly said, "Are you my daughter, if so, as a father, do you want to listen to what I say? Even if you don't, I am the general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. As a Communist Party member, do you want to follow my instructions?"

   Yulia's red lips rose slightly, and she wanted to refute with a slightly surprised expression, but she finally let out a breath and replied, "Father is right..."

"Obviously, sometimes I also want to speak in the form of chicken soup for the soul. Why do I have to change the chicken soup to poisonous chicken soup!" Sheloff wanted to laugh, but he couldn't hold back in the end. Haha laughed. , "Go back to the house for dinner. You are visiting various states on behalf of the Supreme Procuratorate every month. I believe you will see a lot of things. You can chat with me."

   Yulia nodded, even if Serov didn't say it, she was ready to do it. How to solve some problems encountered, but also to obey her father's words, she needs a person with rich life experience to help herself.

"The level of alcoholism in our country is unbelievable, so should it be properly controlled?" Yulia said in front of her parents during dinner, "I think the situation in China is much better. The Far East is separated by a river. Not so many drunks."

   "The situation you see is not entirely the truth!" Isn't the place separated by a river in the Far East the Northeast? He didn't know about other places, people in the Northeast did not drink too much? This is pure bullshit. While thinking about it, he said, "First of all, alcoholism is not a big problem, and you don't want to promote any prohibition. The United States once promoted it, and the fact proved that this law has been very unsuccessful. Don't think that our Soviet system will succeed if we have different systems. Americans are people, and the Soviets are people. Humans too. Likewise, the Chinese have the same problem.”

"When you go to China, you only see the superficial phenomenon. First of all, when China is just getting rid of the tight supply, excessive drinking also requires capital, and Indians do not drink. Apart from religion, there is also a reason for the problem of eating. How to drink? Another point is that the culture is different." Shelov frowned, "Chinese people don't stay on the street after drinking, they will quickly find a place to rest, maybe not their own home, but definitely indoors. So you see There are no drunkards stumbling all over the streets, and the love of alcohol is irrespective of race."

   "Alcohol is an important income for the government. Don't take it for granted that you can change." Serov dismissed his daughter's idea, and drinking is not the fault of the Soviet Union. In fact, the amount of drinking in Western European countries is the same as that in Eastern Europe. At the same level, Japan's alcohol consumption is also at the same level as the Soviet Union.

   In fact, smoking is more harmful than drinking. Serov also regretted that he learned to smoke at the beginning, but this thing can also comfort himself, and the tobacco tax of more than one trillion yuan in China in later generations also has its own credit. The military's military expenditure is only so much, which means that he is contributing to the country every day and supporting the world's largest army. Thinking about it this way, he feels a lot of balance.

   This question was over after just a chat. As a comrade working in the procuratorate, Yulia still prefers to investigate cases. It tells about the cases that have been investigated from various places, and asks the father to make judgments.

   "Our recovery process still needs to be strengthened." Hearing this sentence, Serov raised his eyebrows, thinking that if the KGB had not been deployed in Switzerland long ago, it would not be as simple as needing to be strengthened now. The reason is that they cannot be recovered at all. The financial institution set up by the KGB in Switzerland dug a hole in the black money center, waiting for domestic cadres to jump in.

   At this time, the big spy had to admire himself, he was so prescient. As for someone moving money to the US, that's another question, given the current Cold War environment. This involves the issue of treason, that is to say, it is a crime of embezzlement not to transfer the stolen money, and it is a crime of treason to transfer the stolen money to the United States. The former is a fixed-term imprisonment, the latter must be shot.

   In general, there is no shocking means to evade the investigation of the procuratorate. The general secretary is very pleased that the Soviet cadres are lagging behind in this regard, which police do not want criminals to be stupid.

"We found a son of the first secretary of the municipal party committee who was messing around with men and women in local agencies and trading on the condition of promotion. This person has been found by me, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already arrested." Yulia said with great excitement, It's not normal to not notice his father's old face.

this person? It seems that I made the same mistake as myself. Let me recall that Valya was stalked by Serov using her power. Strictly speaking, what the eldest princess said was to beat her father in the face.

  The sullen look only lasted for a while, so what if he didn't want to hear it, and he couldn't beat his daughter. Then continue to listen, blocking now has no effect, Yulia is really excited.

   "You just dealt with this person? What about the female cadres who traded their bodies for promotions?" After listening for a while, Serov finally caught the point and asked, "Have those female cadres been dealt with?"

"Father, if all are dealt with, there will be a crisis in many families." Yulia was thinking that she was very reasonable, and was interrupted by Serov's livid face, "If you arrest someone, this matter will be exposed. Go out. You only arrested the son of the first secretary of the municipal party committee, and you don't deal with others. It can't achieve the effect of curbing crime at all, so let the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrest people tomorrow. "

   "Father, are those women also victims?" Yulia didn't expect to be reprimanded, and her momentum was weak.

   "The victim is yours?" Shelov snorted, "You just subconsciously think that women are weak."

   This case is either handled in secret, but since it has been handled publicly, the parties must seize it all. Dealing with just one person simply won't achieve the effect of deterrence. The argument between the father and daughter made Valya very impatient, and she opened her mouth to stop it from continuing, just at this moment the phone in the living room rang, interrupting the argument.

  Valia's face was really coming, Serov stood up, walked over, called and said, "I'm Serov."

"General Secretary, the U.S. Seventh Fleet has left Yokosuka and is heading south. We just got the news that the Ministry of Defense's judgment is to go south to Indonesian waters to support Australia and intimidate Indonesia to stop its advance." The caller was KGB First Vice Chairman Chebu General Rykov informed Serov of the latest information.

Quickly simulating the time in his mind, Serov said, "Thirty-six hours after Indonesia first asked for help, the Pacific Fleet left the port and headed south. It must not be too early. If the distance is too close, it may go off the rails. It may also lead the entire US Pacific Fleet. come over."

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