MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 1007 Pacific Fleet Departure

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   The Soviet Pacific Fleet was stronger than the US 7th Fleet, but the US 7th Fleet was only a part of the US Pacific Fleet. The strength of the US Pacific Fleet, the two Soviet Pacific Fleet can not beat, that is nearly half of the strength of the US Navy.

  As a person with a normal IQ, Serov would not think that Hawaii's Pacific Third Fleet, the main force in the Pacific Ocean, would really wait for the Soviet Union to beat the Seventh Fleet before it came out, so the distance of this threat could neither be far nor near. Moreover, the route chosen should be close to China's territorial waters, indicating that it is just a pretense, and it will be said that it will reach the Indonesian waters first.

   "I will pass it on to the Ministry of Defense, so that's all the instructions in the next paragraph?" Chebrikov continued to ask.

"As for how to escalate the situation in the next stage, then the Mediterranean Fleet will need to be dispatched." Shelov closed his eyes and said while deducing, "The Mediterranean Fleet enters the Indian Ocean through the Suez Canal and rushes to Indonesia, and the Fifth Persian Gulf Fleet will definitely move. Among them One thing that must be done is that the Suez Canal must be closed to the United States. I will leave this to Comrade Gromyko, the Fifth Fleet leaves, and the rest will take its course.”

   "Got it, General Secretary!" Chebrikov hung up the phone and drove directly to the Ministry of Defense to communicate with Marshal Ahromeyev. Only the Ministry of Defense could issue the order to dispatch the Red Navy.

   On the other side, when Serov put down the phone, the comparison of the power of the United States and the Soviet Union in the world appeared in his mind. I have to say that the Soviet Red Navy is still a little short. It must rely on Egypt to prevent the US Sixth Fleet from joining in. Otherwise, this kind of piling up the navy will not succeed.

   Or because the US Navy surface fleet is stronger than the Soviet Red Navy, but it is not impossible to confront. The United States will not draw forces in the Atlantic, but the Soviet Union cannot draw the Baltic Fleet. In this way, Egypt's position is crucial.

  Vladivostok, the capital of the Soviet Far East Primorsky Krai, also known as Vladivostok. As the most important base for Russia and the Soviet Union in the Pacific Ocean, Vladivostok is the strongest coastal fortress in the world. The Soviet Special Far Eastern Army established a new coastal defense system in and around Vladivostok, all these fortifications cost the efforts of generations of Russian and Soviet engineers, although now it has lost its military value, times have changed, and these pure fortifications have become no longer matter.

The commander of the Pacific Fleet, Admiral Sbilidonov, touched the anti-landing fortress. His eyes were a bit complicated. The world is changing so fast. The Red Navy has changed from a purely defensive navy to the second largest navy in the world, which is more than 20. time of year.

After the previous naval meeting, the generals who received the mission quickly returned to their respective headquarters for planning and arrangement. The new instructions were encrypted by the cipher machine and sent to each combat unit. The commanders will follow this Orders to quickly make adjustments to ensure that emergencies are handled after departure.

   "Comrade Spiledonov, what are you thinking?" asked Admiral Pavlov, Commander of Fleet Aviation.

"I have some excitement in my heart, but I don't know where it came from. I don't know what our general secretary is going to do." Admiral Spilidonov pointed in the direction of Moscow, "We have received an order to leave the port. , but there is no follow-up to this order, what is our purpose, to follow the US Seventh Fleet, but is this alert level too high?"

"Our general secretary, it is best not to predict." Admiral Pavlov said lazily leaning on the bunker, "In fact, we have dedicated our lives to the Red Navy, and we have seen the strength of this navy from weak to strong. Finally, the most powerful force today is no longer our well-trained naval soldiers."

This kind of self-deprecation also made the Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral Spiledonov laugh. Because the Red Navy did not undergo the major expansion before the Great Patriotic War, its basic strength was not expanded, and the consequence of not expanding the army was that the organizational structure of the Red Navy was not. There was chaos, and the quality of soldiers did not decrease. When the Great Patriotic War began, the Red Navy landed on the ground to fight the land war, but it was more powerful than the Army, and the Red Navy went ashore became a thing that the Germans could not understand.

   After laughing, Admiral Spilidonov restrained his smile and said, "We will leave the port at this time tomorrow, get ready!" The blue water is so beautiful, in the eyes of the old navy, this is everything.

   "Hmm!" Admiral Pavlov also looked into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking, maybe not thinking about anything.

In the navy club in the evening, there was a cocktail party going on, but the hall was already very lively: hundreds of VIPs from the navy chatted happily in twos and threes, and the waiters in formal dresses shuttled among the crowd for the well-dressed ladies and the elegant men. We serve wine and fruit points. Looking around, the ladies wearing dazzling jewels, snow-white plump **** and elegant long skirts are becoming more attractive, while the men are wearing military uniforms to show their heroic spirit.

   Serov has always believed that if there is one military branch that is relatively isolated from the masses, it must be the navy. These people who are always emitting hormones to the sea can do anything. And this tradition was handed down from the Russian Empire, and the navy was not affected too deeply by the big purge.

   If Serov was told that the Pacific Fleet was preparing to relax the day before going to sea, he might not understand this group of soldiers too much, and on the contrary, he might be more likely to be dismissed.

  Vladivostok this month is not too cold, at least not too cold for those who live here all year round. On the streets of the entire city, sailors are intertwined with pedestrians. As a military city, such scenes in Vladivostok are not uncommon. Not far from the port, the Soviet Pacific Fleet with gray paint and red deck is neatly arranged in the port.

   At this time, the Soviet Red Navy has reached the strongest state in history, with two Kyiv-class aircraft carriers, one Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier, two Kirov-class battlecruisers, and four Glory-class cruisers. Its strength far exceeds that of the Seventh Fleet of the United States in Japan. On the deck of the Marshal Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier, the silhouette of the MiG-29 carrier-based aircraft can also be seen.

At seven o'clock in the evening the next day, the Naval Command in Vladivostok, the capital of the Far East Primorsky Territory, received a telegram from Moscow, with two signatures on it, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Serov and Defense Minister Ahromeyev marshal.

"The Red Flag Pacific Fleet is divided into two parts. The submarine division goes out of the South Kuril Islands and enters the Pacific Ocean. The surface fleet, including aircraft carriers and battlecruisers, and some submarine divisions head south to cross the Tsushima Strait. Pass through the East China Sea and the South China Sea to Indonesia. ."

  Gorosov, Chief of Staff of the Pacific Fleet, silently watched the telegram report, "Tsuma Strait?"

"What's wrong? Don't be superstitious? It doesn't matter if the Japanese navy is attacking us for one night, the general secretary will turn it into a nuclear pollution zone!" Admiral Spilidonov smiled. Is the anti-submarine team still looking for pictures? The Seventh Fleet is no match for the Soviet Pacific Fleet, let alone the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force?

"All warships are already on standby, right?" Admiral Spilidonov nodded when he saw the chief of staff, "Then let's board the ship too! The target is the South China Sea." Go, in the early morning of the next day, the heavily guarded military port was empty.

   This time, the Soviet Pacific Fleet was dispatched in full force, and the fleet spread out over half the Sea of ​​Japan just after leaving the port. Three aircraft carriers were in the center, with two Kirov-class battlecruisers on the flanks. All kinds of air defense and anti-ship missiles are lined up like javelins, making people have no doubts about the threat.

The next day, the Japanese local radar station discovered the mighty fleet heading south. The reconnaissance plane of the air base immediately scrambled into the sky, and the photos that were sent back soon surprised everyone. This is the entire possession of the Soviet Pacific Fleet. . And it is heading south at a very fast speed towards the Tsushima Strait.

   Faced with this situation, the Japanese did not dare to neglect, because the Seventh Fleet had already left the port and could only report the situation to the Americans immediately. A few minutes later, the Pentagon got the news.

   "The Soviet Red Navy left Vladivostok? What are they going to do? They think they can beat the US Navy?" Reagan seemed to feel that he had encountered a joke, someone challenged the US on the ocean?

   "Mr. President, the Soviets should go to support the Indonesians." Defense Minister Frank Karlucci sighed. In addition to being stubborn, his own president is really not good in some areas.

"Then we have to warn the Soviet Union, and I asked the Secretary of State to send a note to the Soviet Union to explain the unusual movement of the Soviet Pacific Fleet, and at the same time to mobilize an aircraft carrier battle group from the Third Fleet to Japan." Reagan also immediately made targeted deployments after being reminded. , Japanese emotions still have to be taken care of.

   The Pentagon immediately ordered the U.S. Pacific Fleet Command in Hawaii to immediately send an aircraft carrier battle group to the Sea of ​​Japan, but to be honest, if the Soviet Red Navy was preparing to attack Japan, it was already too late.

  The actions of the Soviet Pacific Fleet could not be concealed from the Americans, and the actions of the US Pacific Fleet could not be concealed from the Soviet Union, especially Hawaii. It was not a place that could be kept secret. Sheloff quickly knew Reagan's response.

   "I will reply to the Americans. This is a normal redeployment of our Red Navy, and it is definitely not aimed at any third party." Gromyko has extensive experience in this area, and he has come up with a solution before Serov can speak.

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