MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 1022 Desert Spear

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   It seems that this trip to Kinshasa will not be possible, so I still write a letter to congratulate the establishment of the People's Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and concentrate on dealing with the Middle East issue. I believe that those black uncles will not ask questions at this time.

  Moscow, the symbol of the highest power in the Soviet Union, in the Grand Kremlin, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Chairman of the Supreme Soviet, Serov, welcomed special envoys from Baghdad and Tehran. The looming threat of ground war is unavoidable.

   Iraq and Iran suffered a lot from the month-long air strikes. In this case, the United States used strong air superiority to cover the attack of ground troops, which has to be said to have caused heavy pressure on the two countries. The strength of the US Navy is relative. If the Soviet Union did not exist, the US Army would also be the strongest in the world.

   But since the Soviet Union exists, then Iran and Iraq, as allies of the Soviet Union, are not surprised at all when they think of themselves as the strongest big brother on the land. The recent fancy hang has finally made the two countries that feel better about themselves regain some IQ. Back from the idea of ​​replicating the Vietnam War.

   Serov, who maintained the contemplative movement for half an hour, finally moved, and his eyelids twitched. Since it was a small friend who came to ask for help, the big brother always had to show his posture. With a click, Serov, who was addicted to tobacco, opened his mouth with fireworks, "I believe that both Iraqi and Iranian comrades understand that if the Soviet Union takes action, It represents the first time in decades that the Soviet Union and the United States have met on the battlefield, and there is a risk of a world war, which is very risky."

  Shelov is still playing hard to get hold of, is he ready to send troops, and he can’t even keep the two Iraqis. The achievements of the Soviet Union over the past decades will be destroyed in one fell swoop, and he still wants to win the Cold War? Let's wash and sleep, the boss is a soft egg, and the younger brothers still have hope for victory?

However, determination means determination, and the Soviet Union cannot be polite when considering interests. The United States sends troops to share military expenses with dozens of countries. Of course, Serov cannot learn from imperialism. , the two countries must cooperate unconditionally.

"General Secretary Serov, the Soviet Union and our two countries have a treaty. To protect our security, from the perspective of international prestige or the spirit of the contract, the Soviet Union is not suitable for compromise at this time." The Iranian ambassador in Moscow was somewhat dissatisfied, but his tone was still Full of restraint, all hope now lies with the Soviet Union.

   "I know, that's why it's troublesome." Serov replied without changing his face. If Gorbachev was sitting here, the two of them would be doomed to return. In history, Saddam was one of the few friendly countries of the Soviet Union, and the attack on Kuwait brought oil prices up, which greatly eased the Soviet Union's financial situation. Under such circumstances, Gorbachev actually sold Iraq and directly collapsed the Soviet Union's Middle East system. Serov was not prepared to learn this.

Serov, who is not ready to learn from Gorbachev, must also let the two countries know the difficulty of this matter. Don't think that the Soviet Union will have no resistance in doing things, and risk the risk of nuclear war to rescue the two Iraqis without asking for anything in return. think.

The exchange fell into silence again, and it took a long time before Serov said, "If a ground attack is unavoidable, Iraq and Iran must do one thing, and this must be done without bargaining. That is to hand over all the military command of the two countries, All military operations will be under the responsibility of the commander of the Southern Theater Commander Bagramyan, and you all understand that the United States is not an ordinary opponent.

   "We need to communicate with China!" The Iraqi and Iranian ambassadors exchanged glances and said at the same time.

   Shelov waved his hand, the meaning could not be more simple, he can wait for the reply from the two countries, and the military power must be handed over. An evacuation order was then formally issued, and once the United States threatened the Soviet Union with nuclear weapons, the emergency evacuation mechanism would be activated. It is a pity that the construction of the second phase of the combat space station has encountered difficulties, and it will take at least two years to be fully deployed. Otherwise, there will be a killer this time, but things are not always smooth sailing, and he can't take all the benefits, just think about it...

"One week is enough for you to assemble the troops of the three military regions. According to our satellite photos, the US ground forces are basically ready." Serov returned home and asked General Bagramyan on the phone again, "Maybe we This news should be shared with Iraq so that they will be caught off-guard by attacking the United States first."

   "Can you?" On the other side of the phone, General Bagramyan, who was looking at the logistics information, was playful in his voice.

   "No, by the way, pay attention to safety." Shelov hesitated and finally hung up the phone, saying that it was a bit unlucky. If Serov goes out on his own and someone sings goodbye to a Slavic woman, he will definitely not be happy, and he will feel that the other party curses him.

Washington, U.S. President Bush, Secretary of Defense Cheney, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Powell to discuss whether the final ground battle should be started, "Admiral Schwarzkopf repeatedly urged us to start a ground war, in fact we also Know that the Iraqis will not leave without a ground war. Air strikes cannot replace everything. Kuwait is in the hands of the Iraqis and this war is meaningless. Bahrain is in the hands of the Iranians, and our naval power cannot penetrate the Persian Gulf. "

"The problem is that the attitude of the Soviet Union is getting tougher. Our spy satellites have seen that the entire southern Soviet army is gathering. The thousands of kilometers of border are dusty, and the tanks and armored vehicles can't be seen at a glance. I heard that the big spy, dispatched I have no way to judge whether this is a deliberate attitude or a real threat." President Bush said hesitantly. , "The armament we see from the photos is far more than the weapons of the two Iraqis combined. The ground power of the Soviet Union itself is really terrifying."

"Shelov should know that the Soviet Union and the United States cannot meet in a war." Secretary of Defense Cheney gave his own judgment, "But we can't use common sense to figure out the person of Shelov, as long as we quickly end the battle. "

   "Then give the order to start Operation Desert Sabre." President Bush was silent for a moment, then showed his decisiveness.

  Moscow's Serov was delighted because Iraq and Iran had tentatively agreed that if a U.S. ground offensive began, they would hand over their own troops to Soviet command in exchange for a great and internationalist friendship from the Soviet Union.

"Brother, the commander of the U.S. Middle East Forces is of German descent. Given our current hostile relationship with the U.S., don't embarrass Uncle Bagramyan." Serov, who felt that the time was getting closer, had a conversation with Bagramyan. After the last call, after he really started to march, he might not be able to contact this big brother.

   "Oh, the descendants of the Germans?" General Bagramyan pulled a long voice, and then said decisively, "It was the Germans who fought, let's see how much he has learned about blitzkrieg."

Putting down the phone, General Bagramyan looked at the deployment of the Iraqi army and assumed the role of the other party. He then called in Lieutenant General Kvashnin and said, "Lieutenant General Kvashnin, although the United States does not have much publicity, But I know that there is our old adversary on the opposite side, the U.S. Seventh Army, they have come from the Federal Republic of Germany, and we have to entertain them well."

"The enemy of the Soviets will be buried by steel and fire." Lieutenant General Kvassnin, commander of the Sixth Tank Army, assured him, "Comrade Deputy Chief of the General Staff, I am also waiting for this day." Baghlamy General Yang used to be the deputy chief of staff of the Western Cluster, and he was very familiar with the US heavy-duty group stationed in Germany.

"Now I think it's just a little bit of fate." General Bagramyan patted his subordinates on the shoulders. The enemy's commander is a German, and the important force on his knees is the US Seventh Army, which is facing the western group. Very good, It couldn't be better.

President Bush announced at the White House: "In view of the fact that the Iraqi government has not yet agreed to withdraw its troops from Kuwait, I have ordered U.S. Gulf Forces Commander Schwarzkopf to use U.S. ground forces to join other warring nations in expelling Iraqi troops from Kuwait."

In Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, General Schwarzkopf, commander of the U.S. Middle East Forces, picked up the phone and officially ordered, "Operation Desert Sabre begins, annihilates the Iraqi heavy troops stationed in Kuwait. We want to be everywhere, on their heads, soles, left and right, front and rear, Below, inside, anywhere!"

With the order of Admiral Schwarzkopf, the coalition forces led by the United States launched a full-scale attack on the 500-kilometer front. The Apache helicopter gunships of the Seventh Army Aviation Brigade took off like a swarm to attack Iraqi tanks that were visible on the ground.

The 101st Airborne Division, the 82nd Airborne Division, the 24th Mechanized Infantry Division, the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, the 1st Armored Division, the 3rd Armored Division, the 1st Cavalry Division, the 1st Mechanized Infantry Division, The 3rd Brigade of the 3rd Mechanized Infantry Division and the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment launched an all-out attack on both flanks.

"Inform the Iraqi army that Kuwait must not retreat, and we will rescue them. Tell Tehran that Bahrain is an isolated island, the US military's main attack site is Iraq, and Iran must quickly rescue Iraq. This is an order. Once Iraq fails, Bahrain will be destroyed. The U.S. military recaptured it easily.” After sending people to Baghdad and Tehran, General Bagramyan looked at Lieutenant General Kvashnin and said, “Red Flag Sixth Tank Army, cross the border first, and I will be there in 24 hours. , lead other troops south. Americans like to give environmental code names, so our operation is called Desert Spear."

   "Comrade Commander, then I'll go first, see you later." Lieutenant General Kvassnin saluted and then strode out of the Le Headquarters.

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