MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 1023 Seventh Army

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The American fighter jet group in the sky like the shadow of the sky, the Apache gunship like a swarm in the air, the Pentium of the Abrams on the ground, the Americans have proved with practical actions that although we are not like the Soviet Union The power on the land can be seen by everyone, but once it is serious, it is like a thunderbolt, and it is aimed at destroying everything.

   A full-scale attack with the US military as the main force of 600,000 troops, launching such a mighty offensive on a front line of 500 kilometers, in fact, it is not difficult for an excellent commander to determine the main attack location. Admiral Schwarzkopf considers himself one of them, as does Admiral Bagramyan.

The U.S. military’s ground operations had just begun, and General Bagramyan quickly found a plan to maximize the interests of the attacker. On land, the Soviet commanders had rich experience. The purpose is to break the resistance of the Iraqi army with a left uppercut and besiege the Iraqi army of 500,000 in Kuwait from the rear. The right flank is a feint to inform the Kuwaiti group that the enemy is coming from the left. Loss, but half a million troops defending an area of ​​less than 20,000 square kilometers for a week is not an impossible task."

   "A very familiar battle pattern reminds me of a very familiar opponent." Mantou Huafa, commander of the Hongqi North Caucasus Military Region, said with a flat face.

"Don't think about it, the descendants of the Germans, the battle plan is of course the blitzkrieg, and Kuwait is small, so it is very suitable for this kind of battle!" General Bagramyan smiled lightly, the Soviet-German war was the most tragic in World War II In the main battlefield, Germany and the Soviet Union fought in a state of undying mentality at the beginning, and brought out all the combat modes that could be achieved at that time. Fifty years later, due to the development of science and technology, the battle modes have been different, but we can still find them. shadow.

"The U.S. military is moving faster than we imagined." The words of the commander of the Red Flag Transcaucasus Military Region aroused widespread agreement that the Soviet ground forces and the U.S. military's ground forces were completely different in configuration. The offensive uses the strongest strength of the army as the core, and the configuration is top-heavy. There are more tanks than armored vehicles. In contrast, military vehicles are the least. Because the US military is a defender in Europe, facing the overwhelming power of the Warsaw Pact, the first The foothold is running, and how to retreat quickly is the first thing the US bloc in Europe thinks about. Military truck density is five times that of the Soviet Union! Also note that every company in the US has a 10-ton tactical off-road truck with a trailer.

"In the boxing ring, even if the weight difference is only a few kilograms, it will not be divided into the same weight. The lion will not be the opponent of the tiger. We all know that the Iranian lion is extinct, but the Caspian tiger still exists." Bagramyan The general held his head high and said, "As long as you hit an American, it's enough to end the game."

  If Serov was here, he would definitely agree with Big Brother Cheap. The fight between ligers and tigers is a false proposition. The two have already decided the outcome. As a result, the Iranian lion has become extinct, and the Caspian tiger has lived until now.

At the beginning of the Desert Sabre, Lieutenant General   Kvashin quickly took a helicopter to the Guards 6th Tank Army station on the border of Iran. The army group including the tank division, motorized infantry division and artillery division has been assembled.

"According to the resolution of Comrade Serov, Chairman of the National Defense Committee, all members of the Central Presidium of the Soviet Union recognized that, in view of the traditional friendly relations between Iraq and Iran and the Soviet Union, in the spirit of internationalism and the Soviet Union's obligations to the allies." Lieutenant General Kvashin read aloud from Order of Moscow.

"The Soviet people have long stated that the affairs of all countries in the world should be managed by the people of all countries, and the affairs of Asia should be managed by the Asian people themselves, not by the United States. The US aggression in Asia can only cause widespread concern among the Asian people. and resolute resistance. At the same time, it tore up all the international agreements of the United States on non-interference in internal affairs. The United States has exposed its imperialism in this way. At this time, the Soviet Union should shoulder its own international obligations, stop the spread of hegemonism, and ensure Europe and Asia. And peace in the world!" At the same time, Serov announced loudly at an extraordinary meeting of the Central Committee, "Using military action to prevent military action is not the best way, but the Americans recognize this the most. Responsibility for all consequences of this resolution, seeking peace through war, and requesting the entry of part of the Soviet armed forces into Iraq and Iran, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet, Chairman of the National Defense Committee Shelov, on October 13th."

"Comrades, let's fulfill the accusations of the soldiers and join this thrilling moment." Lieutenant General Kvassnin shouted to all the commanders in front of him. At this moment, a squadron of MiG 29s in the sky The fighter jet flew low and headed south with a sonic boom.

   "Ulla, Ulla, Ulla..." A huge and tidy sound resounded along the coast of the Caspian Sea, causing bursts of birds to chirp non-stop.

   For most of the land in the world, yellow is used to describe Mother Earth. Above the yellow, the Soviet Sixth Tank Army was preparing to go south. They were like a steel jungle lined up, neatly armed, and ready to go out with a serious look. The officers and soldiers were all ready to go, silently staring at the south. There is a vast desert area, except for the rolling sand dunes, there may be only the enemy's overwhelming artillery fire. The most powerful enemy in the world may appear in front of them. But whether it is the roaring American fighter jets, or the roaring tanks and artillery, nothing can stop these Red Army's belief in victory at this moment.

The rumbling sound of    was loud, and the blue smoke of the diesel engine turned into a cloud of air, almost obscuring the whole world. Immediately, the earth seemed to be throbbing, and it began to drive south. The sound of countless tanks launching at the same time, like a continuous thunder, made the ground tremble. The T80 tank started appearing on the border between the Soviet Union and Iran, and it rolled over without hesitation.

   In mid-air, a swarm of deer gunships shrouded the heads of the Red Army soldiers like a swarm. The hovering propellers and the anti-tank rockets carried on their abdomens reflected the cold light in the sun.

The 6th Guards Tank Army: Under the jurisdiction of the 17th Guards Tank Division, the 22nd Guards Tank Division, the 42nd Guards Tank Division, the 75th Guards Tank Division, the 41st Guards Tank Division Division, the 9th Motorized Infantry Division, the 14th Tank Division, and the 110th Guards Artillery Division, although the numbers are far smaller than the Iranian and Iraqi People's Army, the heavy weapons are already equal to the current 1.7 million of the two countries. Half of the army, the Soviet Union did not have infantry divisions in the general sense.

"We have been waiting for this day. The party and the country are watching us. Every soldier understands that the country will not pin its hopes on us in vain. We can die and the war must be won." Lieutenant General Kvassnin put down his binoculars and ordered, "Inform Commander Comrade Bagramyan that the 6th Tank Army has set off, and the tanks of the Red Army are advancing in machine repairs to protect our own homeland."

   On the way to the journey, Lieutenant General Kvashning hummed to himself the grassland, the grassland, a familiar military song of the Soviet Red Army, looking for the heroic galloping horses of the martyrs.

   When the Soviet tank army crossed the border, the sharp blade of the desert saber had been raised high. The US Seventh Army was the heavy armored division of the United States in the Federal Republic of Germany, and the Fifth Army faced the western group in the GDR with the highest level of combat readiness in the Soviet Union. Because Kuwait's oil reserves account for more than one-tenth of the world's oil reserves, it is very important. In addition, the Iraqi People's Army followed the Soviet Union's idea of ​​​​building an army and supported the entire system with ground forces, so it was transferred to the Middle East to fight.

The Seventh Army is very powerful, but because it faced the Soviet Union's western cluster, the most important unit of the United States was affected by the Soviet Union. This influence is the mobilization level and combat method of the Seventh Army, which is completely against the attack of the Soviet tank army. As prepared, the Desert Sabre has just started, compared to the light troops of the 82nd Airborne Division. The quick response of the 3rd Infantry Division and the very slow movement of the 7th Army made Schwarzkopf, commander of the US Middle East Forces, very embarrassed.

It felt like the American army had infiltrated a Soviet army. Not only did it fail to cooperate with the friendly forces, but instead created obstacles. "Can you hurry up, this is not the Great Plains of Europe." Admiral Schwarzkopf suppressed his anger. The commander of the Seventh Army ordered that the entire front, the various U.S. troops were in tatters, and the places they passed were ruined, destroyed Soviet tanks, abandoned artillery, scattered Iraqi soldiers, and huge prisoners.

   But at this time, the 7th Army of the U.S. Army's mighty heavy armored force had not yet engaged, which made her commander very annoyed. If the Soviet Union attacked in a group in the west, it was estimated that it would be a disaster.

"Let's take a look at the pictures taken by the war correspondents. Compared with the burning Iraqi tanks, our Amrams is the best in the world. This reflects the powerful force of the United States." The American female reporter in the Middle East wears a headscarf His face showed joy, and he was obviously very satisfied with the result of his country's rapid breakthrough of the Iraqi defense line. In the footage are abandoned military facilities and the remains of many Iraqi soldiers.

  The Iraqi flank had been broken down, and on the orders of a Soviet commander, Iraqi forces began to shrink their defenses around Kuwait to ensure Kuwait's connection with Basra and prevent itself from being isolated.

  The night in space is the eternal theme. Facing the spy satellite in the direction of the Middle East, it circled the earth in 45 minutes, took a large number of photos while passing over the Caucasus, and then quickly sent it back to the Pentagon.

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