MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 983 What does the Soviet Union owe you?

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   In the local dialect, the sell order is as overwhelming as a downpour. The unity of capitalists in the fear of many retail investors is like a dam facing a monstrous flood, and the end of the dam will be destroyed at any time.

"Started? I believe these capitalists will find out what is going on with the power of the people." In the Kremlin, Serov, who was holding a rag, carefully wiped his seat. You don't need to look to know that the general secretary is cleaning. .

   The power of ordinary people is generally difficult to gather, and is usually vulnerable to capitalists. However, the Soviet textbooks never lied. The power of the people is indeed the most powerful. As long as it erupts at the right time, and the time has come, after yesterday's stock market crash, the American people's psychological endurance is not strong enough to believe Reagan's assurance, after all, in fifty years, the United States has never experienced such a large-scale stock market crash.

   The joint support of the major funds seems to be powerless among the general retail investors. After the sell-off has become large, the support of these major funds and companies has gradually felt heavy pressure. Can they stop the downtrend? Part of the program paralysis caused by the logic bomb is inconspicuous in this kind of sell-off order, and after the 11-nation joint announcement that it will no longer reserve US dollars as foreign exchange, all kinds of factors come together...

   The first fund house sell-off, which of course is the logic bomb that automatically took over the computer-generated sell-off. It's like a lead that detonated the entire New York Stock Exchange and played a demonstration effect.

   An American may have never experienced a stock market crash in his life. Just because of the confidence assured by President Reagan, it has evolved into a deceived disappointment, scolding, yelling, and losing souls, all carrying out a mechanical thinking, selling...

  The assurance of US President Ronald Reagan became a joke. Originally, because Serov kept smearing Reagan, or the mutual smearing between the two, Reagan's reputation was much more stinky than in history. It is believed that after the stock market crash, Reagan will basically not be trusted by other people except for the support of conservatives who were most hostile to the Soviet Union.

   The strength of the support plate has been completely washed away. The United States is not the Soviet Union. The major foundations and the government are cooperative relations, not the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Serov, who ordered the entire Soviet Union to stand up and take the blame. Reagan did not have such authority, and the guarantees of the foundations and major companies that promised to protect the market are worthless here, unless they are beggars.

   Throughout the New York Stock Exchange, there is no difference between financial tycoons and peddlers, selling, and constantly selling. The effect of the logic bomb has been maximized. The computer under control will default to sell as the first choice. In fact, this is the case. All instructions are to sell. The last instruction of the logic bomb is to scrap these computers. Of course the time has not yet come, the current NYSE network, with a quarter of the computer's lifespan already counting down...

"I can imagine how many Americans today are separated from their wives, their homes broken, and even made a leap of faith on the top of a building. But nothing can stop me, they owe us more than what America is paying now. Much more." Sheloff had already cleaned the office to the point where he was able to simulate the New York scene in his mind through a person reporting the latest situation every five minutes during the cleaning time.

   But as he said, it was just a stock market crash, nothing compared to the safety of the entire socialist camp. In the **** sites of Western Europe in later generations, how many girls were born in Eastern Europe. They should have enjoyed life in the flowering season. This is also the life they should have had, not using their bodies to make money.

Unlike when the Cold War lasted, the labor force in Eastern Europe belonged to its own country in the Cold War. In fact, the largest source of labor in Western Europe is not the refugees from the Peace Religion. What is the value created by the refugee labor force compared with the migrant workers from Eastern European countries? neither.

"Hey, the Americans were really hit this time." Tikhonov felt a little bit. Even if he added some of Shelov's plan, he belonged to the planner, but he didn't expect such a consequence in his heart. . The scale of the stock market crash was much larger than he imagined. The Soviet Union did not have a stock market, and Tikhonov could not find a reference for comparison. There has not even been a stock market crash of this scale in decades, and no samples could be found in a relative comparison.

"Comrade Tykhonov, why are you so sad? We all survived the Great Patriotic War. This path was chosen by the United States, and the Americans paid for it. It is very normal. If you don't work hard to create wealth, you have to think about it overnight. Get rich, everyone got rich overnight, why are you still working? Isn’t communism realized?” It was the first time Serov felt that the controller of the Soviet economy was sentimental.

   But he is not completely incomprehensible. Tykhonov's biggest enemy is loneliness. He has no children and his wife has died. Sometimes working is actually the best comfort for this old man.

An old man like    made Serov, who had long been feuding with the Dnipro gang, have the heart to replace it, because for Tykhonov, the concept of family has long since disappeared, and working for this country is the meaning of life. Abilities aside, at least the attitude should be the least problematic among the Soviet Central Presidium.

   The dollar weakened, the stock market crashed, and this is the dilemma that Reagan will face today. The major foundations failed to support the market, Reagan's guarantee would become a joke, and the eleven-nation alliance announced that it would abandon the dollar. Today was destined to be a sleepless night for Reagan, Serov slept soundly, and there was a jet lag between Moscow and Washington.

   For the major foundations and many retail investors in the United States, the two days will undoubtedly be a purgatory on earth. But Reagan was more concerned about another thing than the stock market crash, and that was the status of the dollar.

   Has the United States accepted the shock of more than 200 billion US dollars released by eleven countries? Which one is more important, the US dollar or the stock market? The Warsaw Pact countries have already sold the US dollar, and the other allies of the Soviet Union will not follow suit. Can the US dollar survive this blow? Are the US allies watching from the sidelines, or will they help the US? These are questions.

   "Why did they do this?" For the first time, Reagan raised a sense of powerlessness, saying that he was no one else. It was Serov, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the biggest enemy of the United States in his heart, who now shows that he is indeed...

   Selling the US dollar at the time of the US stock market crash is a lose-lose and very hateful play. A man with economic knowledge would not do this, and if it were Reagan himself, he would not do it.

   Shelov is a person with every economic knowledge. This time, he used this kind of reckless fight with no technical content and a lose-lose situation. There is only one reason, the success rate of doing so is very high. A businessman who knows the occurrence of the stock market crash in the United States may plan ahead to make a profit from it, and he will become one of the world's richest people and become a member of the upper class.

   It’s just that Serov is not a businessman. This method cannot exacerbate the stock market crash in the United States, but only uses the stock market crash to gain benefits. He is the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, he does not need interests, he needs the United States to kneel. As long as the purpose of kneeling is achieved, it is okay not to make money, and it is also acceptable to accompany the United States to suffer losses.

  Reagan, who is in the upper class, cannot understand Serov, who receives half his salary pension once he retires. But the greed doesn't care about the pension, the world's biggest financial predator is himself.

  In Zurich, Switzerland, the financial team of the KGB is checking and checking the results. At the same time, when the market opens tomorrow, they will continue the next round of sweeping. Domestic news has come. If the enemy loses more money, it is allowed to not make a profit. This is the first time that these people have received such an order in more than 20 years.

"The actions of the Soviet Union and other 11 countries are very obvious hostility to the United States, especially when they expressed their views at such a time, and they took an impolite attitude when the Americans were hurt. I believe that the Americans will come out of this situation with one heart. The stock market crash." But whatever he thought in his heart, Reagan had to stand up and show his attitude. The rescue of the city has failed, and it is necessary to find a target to divert attention. This target is no more suitable than the Soviet Union, which released bad news during the stock market crash.

  Reagan vehemently accused the Soviet Union of expressing its position at an inappropriate time. It was deliberately affecting the operation of the U.S. stock market. It was not justified in terms of international responsibility and morality.

   "The unprecedented economic attack came at a time when the country was in trouble. Moscow's malice has never been so obvious. This incident awakened some people who thought the Soviet Union could coexist peacefully."

   "The enemy finally found this opportunity and came out and kicked us hard when we were vulnerable..."

   "If it wasn't for the Soviet Union and other 11 countries to abandon the dollar, the scale of this stock market crash would never have been this big. We were hit by a sap by the Soviet Union!" Major American media began to criticize the Soviet Union's actions and endorsed Reagan's statement.

   When the world stock market crash was still going on, the media of the two camps once again set off a public opinion war. The media of the socialist camp has never been so confident. The tragedy brought about by the stock market crash in the United States has become the most eye-catching page of newspapers in various countries.

Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko responded to Reagan in a very incomprehensible tone, "The U.S. economy has a problem, so the stock market crash. Because of the U.S.'s own problems, the Soviet Union believes that the decline in the value of the dollar is not the only value. , what's the problem? Why do we have to use dollars as foreign exchange reserves, does the Soviet Union owe you something?"

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