MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 984 This is just the beginning

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"If you have time to tangle with other countries, it is better to manage your own country's economy. The central government has decided that the US dollar will no longer become the foreign exchange reserve currency of the Soviet Union, that is, it will not!" A few hours later, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union General Secretary Serov clearly affirmed Gromyko's statement, "The decision of the central government will not be withdrawn, and any so-called external pressure will not change the decision. The Soviet Union is not a country that allows others to loot at will."

   Needless to say, the economic circle of the Soviet Union has no intersection with the United States. What is the purpose of storing dollars? In the early days, it was to buy food when there was a problem in agriculture. Later, when this demand disappeared, the stockpile was continued to wait for this day.

"In this world, a country that can let the Soviet Union fail with a single word has not existed since the victory of the revolution!" The TASS news agency of the Soviet Union issued a strongly worded editorial, and the editorial was not without threats, "This foreign exchange reserve is absolutely It cannot be smashed into the hands of the Soviet Union, and as for the guarantees of those bankers in the United States, it is even less worth mentioning.”

  In this round of stock market crash, under the impact of massive shareholders, the foundations and bankers who stabilize the stock market have realized what the power of the people is and what the vast ocean of the people means. These people have realized it. The capitalists, who seem to be very united and powerful, are all beaten to their knees by this force.

   was bigger than Serov remembered, but it had nothing to do with the Soviet Union, it was Reagan's problem. Serov is just creating problems and exacerbating this panic, which seems to be very effective so far...

"After waiting for 30 years, I can finally confidently say today that the world's revolutionary situation is very good, and the capitalist countries are in dire straits!" In front of all the members of the Soviet Central Presidium, the general secretary exclaimed arrogantly, "This is just a An appetizer, Reagan's predicament is just beginning, and now is the best time to educate America."

  What kind of warmth and what kind of countermeasures are not needed. What is needed now is to fight for national strength. At this time, we must try to launch an attack to end the Cold War. Squeeze America to death, and the entire capitalist camp will collapse. Other countries will no longer be a hindrance. This has become the consensus of the Central Presidium of the Soviet Union...

   Unlike the Kremlin, which celebrates with a crown, the entire White House is gloomy and gloomy. The market value evaporated by this stock market crash has reached one-third of the total U.S. economy, which is an unquestionable avalanche. Is there a stock going up? Yes, the ratio is about 3%, and the decline of exchanges across the board has caused an unprecedented blow to the confidence of the American people.

   Recently, another job of the public service personnel is to clean up the corpses on the street. On Wall Street and even in the whole of New York, people jumped from the building one after another, and those who could not stand the blow took to the rooftops and chose to take a leap of faith to end their lives.

   The emergence of the suicide wave was also not ignored by the Soviet media, and even the embassies of many socialist countries have publicly declared that the United States should stop the emergence of the suicide wave. In the United States, public opinion believes that the attitudes of some countries at this time are malicious and will instead increase the scale of the suicide wave.

   Even so, so what? The staff of embassies and consulates across the United States, without changing their faces, declared on various occasions that the emergence of a wave of suicides indicated that even the most affluent groups were overwhelmed, and the pressure on ordinary Americans would be even greater. The mistake of the US government The policy, and the attitude of turning a blind eye to the people, is chilling.

Among the crowd who protested and demanded that the government take full responsibility, there were some diplomats from socialist countries. Of course, they came to guarantee democracy and defend the interests of the people. They definitely did not come to promote the red revolution. They don't see it that way. Full alert stops these enemies from inciting crowds against the federal government.

  In New York, Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles, the demonstrators came one after another, and the American voice suppressed by Reagan reappeared and challenged. The hats of arrogance, third-rate actors, and paranoia reappeared.

   The economy of the United States has been getting better and better in recent years, and this kind of attack was only a scratch for Reagan. But after the stock market crash, everything was different. Although there is nothing new about the old tune, it is equally effective.

   This kind of thing, of course, will not be tolerated. The diplomats directly stood in line to preside over the parade. It was no different from a subversive action. The counterattack was imminent. The White House spokesman announced that, in the name of engaging in hostile actions against the United States, diplomats from seven countries, including the Soviet Union and the GDR, were expelled. A total of one More than one hundred and forty people.

The expulsion is by far the largest of the Cold War era, surpassing the one in October last year when President Ronald Reagan expelled 55 Soviet diplomats from Washington and San Francisco, and had previously expelled 20 Five members of the Soviet mission to the United Nations.

  The Soviet Union retaliated successively, expelling American diplomats and declaring that American missions in Moscow and Leningrad would not employ Soviet employees. The GDR followed, Berlin announced the expulsion of 17 US diplomats, Bulgaria announced the expulsion of US diplomats, and Afghanistan announced the expulsion of 12 US diplomats.

   "No matter how much pressure it faces, the dollar must disappear from the foreign exchange reserves of the Soviet Union. This matter will not change!" The Kremlin officially responded to the hostility of the United States, "The amount involved must be swallowed by the United States."

  At the UN General Assembly, the US and the Soviet ambassadors to the UN fought each other, accusing each other.

   "The Soviet Union was America's greatest enemy, trying to impose its own authoritarian system on us Americans..."

   "A group of financial oligarchs disguised themselves as a country. This country exudes the stench of money from the inside out. The unfair distribution system is packaged brightly, and the means of inverting black and white. I only serve the United States."

  In the White House of the United States, a woman with outstanding temperament is sitting opposite Reagan, explaining the dejected US president. This person is the American legend, a generation of actress Audrey Hepburn. Audrey Hepburn, who retired from the film industry, has achieved great commercial success and can be called a legend for American women in this era.

"Ronald, no one can predict this." Audrey Hepburn persuaded her close friend with a smile, "If we want to maintain our strong dollar, we can also increase investment in China. I just came back from China, The workers there are very professional, the labor force is very cheap, and although the Soviet Union’s hand is vicious, it may not necessarily kill us.”

"If we transfer industries to China at this speed, will we add another powerful opponent to ourselves when the Soviet Union is still strong?" Reagan rubbed his head, the stock market could collapse, and the strength of the dollar Keep it up, or you won't be able to make up for this blood loss. For the latter, Reagan could even sacrifice the U.S. stock market and let all Americans pay the bill. The big deal was to put the blame on the downfall of the Soviet Union, which he did in the first place.

   "Maybe we can find another way. If we don't turn around, we won't be able to get over this big trouble!" Audrey Hepburn's attitude was still so elegant, as if she was analyzing the pros and cons for Reagan very seriously. As for whether the job opportunities in the United States will be hollowed out, it has nothing to do with her. It is Reagan who made this decision. Her suggestion at this time is only to speed up the process. Who said that capitalists have a motherland?

   For Audrey Hepburn, from a businessman’s point of view, only interests are pursued. In terms of relationship, her sons belong to the Kremlin. Which side still needs to be considered?

Investing US dollars from the Soviet Union as an investment in China can only maintain the current state of the United States, but the benefits to China seem to be very obvious. The first industrial transfer was in the 1950s. The United States transferred industries such as steel and textiles, which had no comparative advantage, to Germany and Japan. The second transfer was in the 1960s and 1970s. Japan and Germany transferred labor-intensive industries such as textiles, toys, and clothing to Asian countries and regions, and the Four Asian Tigers were born. The third time, which Serov was familiar with, transferred industries such as toys, textiles, and clothing to the coast of China. These three transfers are from countries and regions with high production costs to countries and regions with low production costs, which are normal economic phenomena.

  The third industrial transfer will not appear in front of Serov’s eyes again, because since the 1970s, the Soviet Union has already included most of Southeast Asia, so this transfer will not be initiated by Southeast Asian countries, but by the United States. It was also initiated by the United States.

   It took more than two months, until the end of the year, because the gloom and fog of this stock market crash just passed. The United States, which was almost beaten on its back, finally came up with the legs of the Federal Republic of Germany and Japan.

   Since the beginning of the US stock market crash, the US Secretary of State has visited the Federal Republic of Germany and Japan, then visited China, and finally to the Gulf countries. Use diplomatic means to persuade to defuse this huge return of dollars.

"The diplomacy is so friendly, why does the economy of South America, Japan, and the Federal Republic of Germany seem to be even worse, especially Japan, the stock market is rising faster, and from now on, if we withdraw our funds, Japan has stopped It's safe." Sheloff is also watching how Reagan resolves this crisis, don't forget that he still has a concubine working undercover in the White House.

   "Let Reagan escape, but the growth rate of the United States this year should be ugly!" Tikhonov, chairman of the Council of Ministers, said slowly, "The United States is lucky..."

"Where is this, it's just the beginning!" Shelov said indifferently, "Victory is destined to be on our side, it just depends on whether I choose to board the 20th year and share the victory with China, or try to win the victory myself. Choose yourself to win."

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