MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 985 second goal

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  The purpose of visiting the Gulf countries is to continue to use oil to support the issuance of US dollars, and to visit China to save costs. The most unfortunate are Japan, South Korea and the Federal Republic of Germany, which have been washed by the United States to stabilize the domestic economy of the United States.

   However, the effect of this blood-sucking and the last square agreement is completely different from the effect of the past two months. The effect of the Plaza Accord was immediate, and this time it only played a role in stabilizing the position of the United States. It is uncertain whether the hole in the US stock market can be plugged! In fact, Serov can think from Reagan's point of view. It is not impossible to return to the economic growth after the Plaza Accord. For example, the blood of the United Kingdom is also drawn...

  It is a pity that it is not easy to draw British blood. Britain is not a defeated country like Japan and Germany. Another factor is that people often yearn for fairness when the economy is not good. If Reagan was desperate to give Britain a blow, the most direct consequence would be that Mrs Thatcher would step down and the British Labour Party, who had a certain favorable opinion of the Soviet Union, would govern.

"The market value of the United States has evaporated by more than 800 billion. Of course, I believe it will slowly recover. In the end, it is the retail investors composed of ordinary people who will pay the bill. This is the case in any country. The biology class has been handed over to our biological chain. Small fish eat shrimp. Those big foundations will be hit hard, and those who survive will be stronger." Serov, who was walking with Tikhonov, suddenly stopped and said, "But this time is still a great time for us. Victory. This stock market crash has severely damaged the confidence of Americans, which can be seen from the feedback from the First General Administration!"

   For two months, the First General Directorate of the KGB has been staring at the United States, and there is no malicious intent. It’s just simply collecting information. You must know that the Soviet Union and the United States have just expelled diplomats from each other. It’s really too much action. The FBI, which is on alert, is not easy to mess with Hoover’s disciples and grandchildren.

  The market value has evaporated by more than 800 billion, which is the data after the slow recovery in the past two months. It is not the loss of the United States in the two-day stock market crash. If this is the loss of two days, it can only prove that the United States has suffered a sap. It does not prove that the United States will be stagnant, but the market value of the United States has been expanded to more than two months, and the market value of the United States is 800 billion less than before the stock market crash. This is a major event.

  Two months is not too long or too short, enough for the Soviet Union to judge where the United States was affected. Just like cutting a legend, the opponent's blood recovery speed can tell how many medicine bottles are on him.

  The slow recovery of the United States proves that in this stock market crash, the Soviet Union was absolutely right to sell the dollar. As for the inflation rate and the happiness index, Serov did not look at the data, which is what Tikhonov used as a reference.

   "From the perspective of time, it is indeed the case!" Tikhonov stayed by Serov's side for a while, and seemed a little tired, but his energy was still good, "What should we do next?"

"The next step is not the economy. We have already gained a lot. The hearts of Americans have changed. At least within a year or two, they will not dare to involve the stock market. But the most professional financial industry is on Wall Street, and sooner or later they can make the people recover. Confidence." Sheloff shook his head slightly, "I won't give them this chance!"

   Now the United States is equivalent to being in a period of paralysis, and cannot fight back and cut down the Soviet Union at will. It would be a waste of such precious time to give the United States two more knives. The stock market crash has just passed, and even the recovery period has not passed. Serov believes that, in fact, the Soviet Union has not made any major moves from now on, and Reagan may lose his spirit.

   But isn't it? Why? The United States and the Soviet Union in peace and harmony may be the best, if anyone does not want to see this situation. Then there are only one and a half people, half Reagan, who is still unwilling, and Serov, who is ready to kill the United States.

"Now in this world, there is no one who can oppose me." Serov stopped and looked forward, but he said to Tikhonov, who was one step behind, "Are we waiting for the next Reagan to appear. Is it? There are too many variables in the future, to solve the fundamental problems, let's take advantage of now!"

  Tykhonov froze slightly, and there seemed to be a glimmer of hope on his old face. Snowflakes are slowly falling in the sky, and after a short time, the silver equipment has been generally on the ground. The general secretary of the Soviet Union and the chairman of the Council of Ministers are stepping forward again.

  This winter is not kind to Americans, the cold in the weather can resist. The icy cold in my heart could not be contained, and even the New York Stock Exchange, which was very lively a few months ago, had a hint of depression. It is not the high-rise buildings outside that are desolate, but the people's hearts, people who are in a hurry on the street, do not even glance at the exchange, and the idea of ​​losing confidence in the financial industry begins to take root in the mind, which is the most terrifying.

People's hearts have changed, and it will not be so easy to restore them. However, the bigwigs of Wall Street have not lost their confidence after the people's war. As long as that time passes, Wall Street believes that they can rebuild little by little. The general public's confidence in the stock market, the question is when. Unbeknownst to them, Serov wasn't going to give them time to recover.

   After this appetizer came out, the Soviet Union still needed two months to see the effect, and now it’s almost the same. It’s not easy to recover immediately, and the social atmosphere in the United States has been hurt…

   "It seems that this transfer is about to start. Is our news reliable?" Serov was paralyzed in his chair in his own office in the Kremlin. KGB security cadres were already used to his Hawking posture. Sometimes other members of the Central Presidium would remind him, but they did not include Chebrikov, the spokesman for the general secretary who usually handles KGB affairs.

  These thoughts just passed through his mind, and Chebrikov responded quickly, "We confirmed through our own channels and Marcus Wolf's news that there should be no problem."

"That's it! With the Stasi's intelligence as evidence, it seems to be very credible. Can you transfer the storage location? Not bad..." Serov said a word and stopped talking. General Chebrikov has seen this many times. scene, knowing that his boss is considering the conditions for the implementation of the plan.

  The chemical weapons of the Federal Republic of Germany will be transferred every once in a while, the time is not fixed, it will be transferred once every two to three years. This is of course to prevent being targeted by the enemy. It's normal, everyone thinks that way. The army is not the same as the army, and the Bundeswehr is not the army of an Arab country. Although it may not necessarily have the fanaticism of the Third Reich, the discipline and regulations are well observed.

  The Federal Republic of Germany always transfers chemical weapons. Of course, it is afraid that the Soviet Union will disclose it after knowing it. You must know that Germany is a defeated country, and the defeated country also develops chemical weapons. Even with the tacit approval of the United States, it is easy to be criticized. This is not the most important thing. Before the 1970s, I was afraid that the Soviet Union would attack the Federal Republic of Germany first and abolish the entire chemical weapons arsenal.

   The destruction of chemical weapons did not begin until the de-escalation policy had taken effect, and the danger seemed farther and farther away. That is, now, Serov, who has long been staring at the Federal Republic of Germany, is ready to start.

   "October Revolution Festival is over, the Central Plenary Session is held..." Serov muttered with a frown, completely confusing General Chebrikov who was waiting for a decision. What does this have to do with a series of conferences?

   Seeing Chebrikov's incomprehensible gaze, Serov said patiently, "I'm looking for a major event to divert my attention recently, so as to make us very busy, so as not to be suspected at that time."

  Criminals all want to know that they need to find evidence of alibi when committing crimes. How could a cadre in Serov not think of such a thing? But after thinking about it for a long time, it seems that the Soviet Union really has no major events involving energy. He did plan one, but it can't be used until now. It was used to lure the US Fifth Fleet away, and it couldn't be used on Germany.

But? Not really! Serov really couldn't think of any major events that could be fired recently, and Chebrikov didn't think of it after racking his brains, and finally said, "How about we wait for an opportunity?"

"Can't wait any longer, the situation in the Federal Republic of Germany is not as flawless as before!" Shelov refused flatly, "Don't think about it, do it, we don't need to create a tragedy, as long as an ordinary chemical weapons arsenal in the Federal Republic of Germany leaks , with the current speed of detection and transmission, the Federal Republic of Germany is absolutely unstoppable."

   Not even for a day, the Federal Republic of Germany has no ability to hold back. The Soviet Union was able to cover up even the nuclear accident, because the Soviet Union's organizational strength is still there, and this organizational strength is unique to socialist countries. But the Federal Republic of Germany does not have such conditions. From a national point of view, any country wants to cover up a major accident, but some countries can do it, and some countries can't.

  The Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidents, it can be seen that the only difference is the way of washing the ground. If the Fukushima nuclear accident happened in the Soviet Union, no one would know. The Soviet Union will cover it for the first time, and at the same time mobilize the army to quell future troubles.

   "Do an experiment within three days to evaluate how many are enough to be discovered by the world!" Shelov ordered directly, "The spread data after the explosion will be handed over to the First General Bureau, and you can choose where to start."

   has just been transferred to a new storage location. It is very normal for some operational mistakes or accidents to occur, so choosing this time to do it can eliminate suspicion.

The next day, in an abandoned city in Siberia, the data after the explosion test was quickly transmitted to Moscow and sent to the First General Administration, where the evaluation results came out immediately. With the population density of the Federal Republic of Germany, only ten tons of chemical bombs exploded, enough to block any news. action fails.

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