MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 994 Soviet secrets

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   "No matter what your purpose is, you must now stop your actions according to our instructions." The commander of the US military was very anxious. The joint investigation team was an investigation team composed of soldiers from the eleven countries of the Soviet Union. Really forcibly detaining these soldiers is almost equivalent to starting a war. He, an ordinary commander, really can't bear this responsibility. Maybe the US military command in Germany can afford it, or it needs the top decision makers of NATO to afford it.

  Boris stood still, neither expanding the situation regardless of the occasion nor taking a step back and ordering to stop the excavation. Compared with the dust explosion behind him, the whole person looks very quiet, like a tree growing in front of the US military.

   He is also well aware of the dilemma of the U.S. military. He grew up in the highest power circle of the Soviet Union since he was a child, which allows Boris to look at the problem from a higher level and know how carefully the consequences of a matter involve the relationship between the state and the state. And a person who has climbed from the grassroots to a high position, it takes time to understand this, he has understood it since he was a child.

"According to my father's words, this is an invisible class gap. At present, the Soviet Union can only smooth out the visible class, so that ordinary people can't notice it." With a calm expression, Boris is very natural He glanced back at the soldiers who were still excavating, and then turned around and said plainly, "In front of you are soldiers from the eleven countries of the Soviet Union. Even if we don't have weapons on our bodies, you can't do anything to us. You understand your actions. Will there be any consequences for the meaning? The Warsaw Pact has 3.4 times as many tanks as NATO, and 1.8 times as many soldiers as NATO. The quantity and quality are all on our side.”

"As for making us stop our actions, this is impossible. If you have a bit of history, you should know that Soviet soldiers must never surrender, and our country does not accept surrender under any conditions. It has already started since the time of General Secretary Stalin. "Boris turned a blind eye to the US military with live ammunition in front of him, and said without giving in, "If you don't want the iron fist of the Western group to hit your head, you'd better be a spectator."

   Humiliation! This feeling of humiliation is something that American soldiers have not felt for a long time. However, these American soldiers could not act without authorization, and they all set their sights on their commanders. But the colonel also has no decision-making power, and the idea of ​​provoking me to kill your whole family is just a talk. Even the United States cannot hit anyone it wants at any time, especially against the Soviet Union. Otherwise, the United States should not intervene in military operations 80 times, and 800 times are not enough.

   Bonn, the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany, Cole, who has become a political zombie, used his last remaining heat to find the Soviet ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany at the Chancellery, and asked the Soviet Union to stop the violation of the sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany.

   It turns out that U.S. Germany still has sovereignty? The Soviet ambassador, Fedorovich, looked at the Federal German Chancellor who had become a political zombie. He felt that the decoration of the Chancellor's Office was not interesting yet. He said, "Mr. Cole, you will definitely step down. Why bother with this kind of thing? And it is pointless to block the news now. I have seen before I came, and the protesters were dispersed by the police with batons."

Fyodorovich stood up, looked at the furnishings of the Prime Minister's Office, and said in proficient German, "You thought you could hold it back, but the news has already spread. If you still try to block the news, you may be a traitor and an American lackey after you step down. It's not going to run away from the reputation, it's better to confess all this to the German people."

   "This was planned by your Soviet Union? Or maybe the explosion of the chemical weapons arsenal was also planned by your KGB general secretary!" Cole clenched his fists tightly, suppressing his anger.

"As the prime minister of a country, don't talk nonsense about things without evidence." Fyodorovich paused and replied, "I don't know about this, but there is one thing I can tell from a personal point of view as a German friend. You, I happen to know about this. I hope you will prevent the unfriendly actions of the US military or NATO armed forces to the joint investigation team. Because one of the members is the son of General Secretary Serov, if he dies in Germany. Well, you too Knowing that our general secretary is a counter-revolutionary worker, assassination has been done too much."

Cole continued to take deep breaths, otherwise he was afraid that he would not be able to hold back his anger and punch the opponent, but he had to calm down because of the last sentence. He also had a certain understanding of Fyodorovich. The other party was not a person full of nonsense. If this news is leaked, it must be true.

   Instead of this, it is better to communicate directly with Moscow to see which Kremlin owner has what purpose. Everything has a purpose, and Serov certainly has it.

   "My son doesn't make you worry!" Serov sighed after listening to Chebrikov's report. It must also be admitted that sometimes there is such a thing as a blueprint. When the Berlin Wall was not built, he also used the tank regiment as a backing to issue a war threat.

But that time the Soviet Union had the upper hand, but this time was different. The joint investigation team had no weapons. Once there was a conflict, it would be wiped out in half an hour. Boris dared to stand up against the US troops stationed in Germany. Life is gone.

   "The Federal Republic of Germany just wanted us to order the joint investigation team to temporarily stop the excavation, and our two countries will discuss it and have a look." Shelov also just met the Federal German ambassador to the Soviet Union, and the news has only spread for a day. Although it is very explosive, it also ensures that the whole country in Germany has known about this, but it will take time to precipitate.

   The Federal Republic of Germany means how the Soviet Union can stop, and the Federal Republic of Germany can provide support to the Soviet Union from the economic level as a condition. But this time Cole miscalculated, everything has a purpose, this time Serov really has no purpose for the Federal Republic of Germany, the purpose is to go to the United States, so he will never let go.

"The experience of a labor camp has almost written a thousand books to scold us. Germany has caused us such a huge loss, and the dead prisoners of war have scolded us for 40 years. Now we just want to be fair." Serov aimlessly Said, "This matter is about to come out, and no one can stop it. If you don't accept it, let my son die. I still lack an excuse to declare war."

"General Secretary, things haven't been so serious yet, the Germans dare not." Chebrikov felt that his general secretary was too cruel, and pushed his son to the top of the thunder at a critical moment. If there is still a prototype, Stalin did the same back then. did.

"I'm just expressing an attitude, and I don't have only one son." Shelov is still talking, who knows who his son is distressed, but this time the top thunder must let Boris go, or he will really be disarmed, shameful the Soviet armed forces. Disarming really happened, did the western group really march westward? The Soviet Union was not ready.

   Let the Federal Republic of Germany be in chaos for a while, so that when the Western Front is stable, the Soviet Union in the Middle East can fully respond. In fact, it has now been brought under control. The excavation of the Rhine Camp by the eleven-nation joint investigation team has been published on the media of various countries, including the media of the Federal Republic of Germany itself. This dusty history has been opened.

   Nobody cares about the purpose of the Soviet Union lifting the lid, people care about whether it is true or not. The latest news has also continued to spread. The US military blocked the vicinity of the Rhine camp and surrounded the joint investigation team. One thing after another hit people's attention. The American media's refutation of this incident did not help the incident to calm down. On the contrary, it made this incident louder and louder, and finally formed a monstrous tornado that shook the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States. Relationship.

   Serov, who was holding on to this matter, temporarily did not consider whether his son was safe or not. Anyway, the bigger the matter, the safer it would be. There is always no shortage of challengers in a country with a multi-party system. The Socialist Party of the Federal Republic of Germany once again asked the United States to explain the Rhine camp. If it continues to cover up, it may affect the relationship between the two countries.

The accusation by the German Socialist Party is the first time that the German party level has expressed dissatisfaction with the United States. It's not that the United States doesn't want to explain, the problem is that Reagan hasn't figured out how to explain it yet? Are you saying it was the Soviet Union? This reason can only deal with Africans who can't find anything.

  The United States is a powerful country in science and technology, and the technology of the Soviet Union is not weak. As long as you want to test it, you can find it completely. And the Rhine camp has just been dug out of a corner, as long as the Soviet Union insists on continuing to dig, the truth will be revealed.

   If he didn't confirm that he was not dreaming, Reagan even thought that the five or six years after he came to power was an illusion. Domestic economic reforms were successful, and American influence was re-established externally. Is that person who is in the limelight in the world really you? How did the situation take a turn for the worse since the stock market crash, and the Soviet Union was slapped in the face one after another?

   In the end, Reagan still had to face the issue of the Rhine camp. This is a historical issue, and the responsibility has nothing to do with him. It will only affect the international reputation of the United States, but even so, it is still a heavy blow to Reagan's beliefs. The United States appears to be increasingly struggling to cope with the Soviet attack.

With a haggard look and a hint of embarrassment, Reagan appeared in the White House, and said in a heavy tone to the constantly sounding flashing lights, "Because of some wrong decisions during the war and the poor conditions before, the Rhine Camp does exist. We also hope that the Germans can understand and do not affect the traditional alliance between Germany and the United States."

Reagan's remarks caused an uproar and quickly made headlines in newspapers all over the world. All kinds of rumors about the Rhine camp have been confirmed, and the international prestige and image of the United States have suddenly become false. The United States has concealed this matter for 40 years. for many years.

   "I will fight back!" Reagan suppressed his anger and decided to publish an unknown black information about the Soviet Union.

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